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    ☼Fortress Friday☼

    Our weekly thread for posting interesting events without cluttering up /r/dwarffortress. Screenshots, stories, details, achievements, or other posts are all welcome here! (That includes adventure and legends mode, even if there's no fortress involved.)

    05:01 UTC


    Hellbound Pervert Seeking Hot Singles in Your Area!

    !!clown college spoilers!!

    A new mayor being elected means more than just the inheritance of the positions responsibilities but also of the royal cloth. She now wears a legendarily well tailored outfit from her hood to her skivvies, and heavily adorns herself in expensive jewelry.

    Her restful night's sleep is disturbed by cold wet hands fumbling her braies. The saboteur vanishes before being spotted, leaving behind a panty raided cabinet in their wake.

    The entire population is interrogated and the culprit is discovered to be an orphaned 11 year old boy who has been living on his own for the last few years. Authorities raid his room. They uncover undergarments of more than 30 unwed young, dwarven women squirreled away in his bedside drawer.

    Even murder has its place, but this? For crimes against dwarvenkind, the child deserves more than just prison. The newly titled Dastot "Local Predator" is released from his cell after 30 days. He is directed to an isolated burrow under the earth - deeper than any cave system, beneath even the magma ocean.

    The Local Predator drops into a vacuous scape. A dark void consumes the distance and no signs of life can be seen, yet.

    The magma safe passage seals behind him as the burrow restrictions are lifted. All that is left for him is what remains inside his backpack. A full waterskin, a few dwarven stews, and a single pair of braies that he somehow managed to knick in the brief time before his burrow assignment.

    Two weeks spent with the lack of finely crafted furnishings and certain choice articles of clothing within his exile is starting to weigh heavily on Dastot's conscious, alongside the unbearable heat. War had taken all familial connection he had and now isolation stole any direction left in life. He decides to abandon his fortress and venture deeper into the hellscape with what little resources he carries on his back.

    The Local Predator becomes "The Hellbound Pervert" before vanishing into the abyss, likely seeking hot singles in your area!

    03:42 UTC


    sprite swapping out a bunch of stuff from terraria to df

    im just mashing my 2 special interests together ive recently ran into a lot of free time would anyone be interested in the altered sprite sheets once i'm done, just going through all of them and changing/swapping it all to be its terraria counterpart or having some terraria themes, might even get weird with some pixel art if I get confient, Should i post the stuff once i've changed it? if so would a google docs thing be best or just the pngs i'm not sure if reddit compresses weird.

    23:44 UTC


    My fort is over flowing with necromancers now

    And they're not migrants. My attention was drawn to my corpse and refuse pile where many an innocent dwarf was dying for some reason, and I saw a lot of zombie troglodytes and some other creatures walking around. "ok" I say, and send one of my squads out to deal with them. Whilst they were cleaning up, I looked at my citizen page to see who was still around and I suddenly have like 20 necromancers in my fort.

    Currently, the squad is out there fighting these creatures and killing them again and again because there is some necromancer(s) out there who keep bringing them back to life.

    How did I get so many necromancers? Do these necromancers want total war? Is my fort about to be made of undead dwarves? So many questions.

    EDIT: There is this one cyclops outside that is being brought back to life and immediately (and I assume mercilessly) killed over and over and I think it is really messing with my FPS, even if it is the most metal thing ive seen in a while.

    21:03 UTC


    Ladies and Gentlemen I give you; Dia-beast-es.

    20:04 UTC


    Let's Talk Armor

    The wiki is cluttered with ancient information and has a strong focus on now-outdated "optimal" gameplay, something which can change entirely between updates and which isn't really relevant to the new generation of players. So with an interest in pooling more up-to-date information, this week's question is:

    How do you guys choose to set up your armor, and why?

    An example problem:
    One of the biggest challenges I find is keeping my dwarfs happy. I often find myself drafting dwarfs into the army, assigning them a uniform that replaces clothing, not having enough greaves for them all, and then having nude dwarfs run around getting rather upset.

    10:14 UTC


    ☼Dwarf Fortress Questions Thread☼

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, DFHack, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous question threads here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (ex wiki page) is fine.

    10:01 UTC


    Manager of Managers he sure is and that planter is getting a write up for poor performance

    04:32 UTC

    00:49 UTC


    Meanwhile in England, in 1975...

    00:08 UTC


    Wildlife as defense

    I chose untamed wilds as my embark location and theres a ton of angry birds of various species that pissed off my dwarves but then i built a ballista room around my fortress entrance that keeps them from entering while giant sparrows pick them off.

    21:15 UTC


    I hope nobody tells this obvious infiltrator that she could just take whatever it is she wants by force as there are very few things that could stop her

    20:31 UTC


    My dwarfs keep vomiting in this hallway, and this hallway only.

    20:20 UTC


    PSA: Put your Werebeasts in the atom smasher

    I recently started a new fort under a struggling civilization. I had a Werepig show up before my military was ready so I sent my under equipped squad to kill it. It died but five dwarves got bitten. After locking them in their hospital rooms I decided that I wanted to use my hospital, so I exiled the five of them. A year or so later, one of them returned, declared herself the Baroness, and transformed into a werepig. She’s dead now, but now I got four more to kill. Let my mistake be a lesson to you all: atom smash Werebeasts. Drown Werebeasts in magma. Seal Werebeasts in obsidian. Send Werebeasts on suicide missions that line up with the full moon. There’s only one cure

    19:22 UTC


    Me too, goat.

    17:22 UTC


    Goblins seeking parley over a frozen ocean in early spring make excellent mist generators

    As the title states, you too can create economical mist generators!

    A group of 9 goblins show up to my first early spring seeking a parley. Most likely they wanted my artifacts, which my dwarves were industrious enough to make 3 or 4 at this point in time. I noticed they were standing on the frozen ocean which I built my fort next to, in some spots 15 spaces wide.

    It was the 8th day of early spring. My dwarves were debating on whether to give in to their parley or to ignore their idle threats and fight them off. During this heated discussion between my dwarves, the first season's thaw struck. 4 of the goblins were sent plummeting in their metal armor some 4 z-levels to the bottom of the ocean, generating mist where they plummeted through the ice.

    There were still 5 left. As they were in shock and awe at the sudden loss of their comrades, they knew they had to make a decision: go onto land where a squad of 10 ironclad dwarves waiting their landing, or carefully cross back on the ice from whence they came. As they were making their decision, they too were swallowed up by the sea, heating up just enough to thaw the rest of the season's ice.

    Small plumes of mist were generated, but soon dispersed as the menaces became nothing but mass of bones and scrap metal upon the ocean floor. Thus ended the threat of a parley, but what continues to lie in store for Gategaze and her industrious folk is yet to come.

    13:41 UTC


    *adventure mode* Can you use undead to flush out a Vampire? Nope! But its a lot of fun to watch anyway!

    20:07 UTC


    Lack of realism

    What disappoints me most about this game is how visitors, most animals, and enemies don't starve or dehydrate. A big part of Rimworld's sandbox is that all creatures are on the same playing field as the player's pawns, but in Dwarf Fortress, other creatures are just static.

    It's doubly a missed opportunity because creatures acting differently in lack of resources would be another layer of complexity to its AI. A giant trapped in a pit might panic and try to climb out if it's starving, and other things like a forgotten beast leaving the map when hungry might also happen.

    05:28 UTC


    Help! I caught a Giant in a cage trap and don't know what to do with him!

    05:15 UTC


    the slugs really did a number on this guy, he's the only angry face

    02:22 UTC


    Goblins seeking parley over a frozen ocean in early spring make excellent mist generators

    As the title states, you too can create economical mist generators!

    I had a group of 9 goblins show up to my first early spring seeking a parley. Most likely they wanted my artifacts, which my dwarves were industrious enough to make 3 or 4 at this point in time. I noticed they were standing on the frozen ocean which I built my fort next to, in some spots 15 spaces wide.

    It was the 8th day of early spring. My dwarves were debating on whether to give in to their parley or to ignore their idle threats and fight them off. During this heated discussion between my dwarves, the first season's thaw struck. 4 of the goblins were sent plummeting in their metal armor some 4 z-levels to the bottom of the ocean, generating mist where they plummeted through the ice.

    There were still 5 left. As they were in shock and awe at the sudden loss of their comrades, they knew they had to make a decision: go onto land where a squad of 10 ironclad dwarves waiting their landing, or carefully cross back on the ice from whence they came. As they were making their decision, they too were swallowed up by the sea, heating up just enough to thaw the rest of the season's ice.

    Small plumes of mist were generated, but soon dispersed as the menaces became nothing but mass of bones and scrap metal upon the ocean floor. Thus ended the threat of a parley, but what continues to lie in store for Gategaze and her industrious folk?

    1 Comment
    02:13 UTC


    After acquiring an excess of cage-trapped giraffes, I dropped 2 into the local volcano using DFHack. This one is not in my units list anymore, nor on the dead list. I guess this fort has a ghost giraffe haunting the volcano now, discovering caverns/magma seas along the way.

    00:54 UTC


    I have 544 hours invested and have made 0 bars of soap.

    No not even one. I've conquered nations, built mist generators, reclaimed stolen artifacts, braved terrifying biomes, and of course on occasion dug a little too deep. Yet somehow never made any soap, let alone built the workshop for it. I just got hit with this realization while comparing my df hours with rimworld and bust out laughing.

    I can't tell if I want it to be more necessary to have forced me to try it or remain as is, as a sort of optional but very helpful thing. At least from where im standing that's what it seems like.

    00:13 UTC


    Oh I’d be upset if this was me, but he’s “fine!”

    lol child who is fine.. but hey, missing your head isn’t a big deal lol

    23:26 UTC


    Dwarfs protecting their sheep herd from dire wolves. Done for me by my buddy Bimj

    18:50 UTC


    50 Shades of Slavery: The Power of the Whip

    A caravan drops off the following in exchange for rocks studded with more rocks: 10 exceptional whips and a nameless goblin.

    Why? I've grown fond of a skilled lasher disabling foes with overwhelming pain. The only downside is a whip's benign nature, never truly slaying the incapacitated individual.

    I've taken to giving this skilled lasher a captain's position, training my dwarves up in the art of the whip. Due to the lack of conflict at Fortress Coloredboards at this time, a substitution had to be made. The nameless slave is dragged through darkness to a featureless smoothstone room and chained to the floor. 10 dwarves enter, whips in hand, waiting, watching.

    The goblin is named "Lashing Toy" and the chamber is designated "The Whipping Room". All 10 dwarves get to work and start training. The Lashing Toy darts around the room evading hits successfully until a single effective groinshot lands true and he doubles over in pain. There was no returning from this point. All 10 envelop the Lashing Toy in a sea of strikes covering every exposed instance of his body as he tries dragging himself across the floor to safety. The slave falls unconscious.

    For 10 years his life continued this way, stuck somewhere between waking and unconscious, smearing his insides in a circle as he loops around the chain post. I had accrued a satisfactory number of legendary lashers in my ranks. The history was evidenced in the scars covering the length of his body. The Lashing Toy is sold to the same caravan he was bought from the decade prior.

    2 years pass and bad relations have left Fortress Coloredboards handling different invasions every season. Entire militias have been lost. The surface is war torn and the dwarves beneath are beginning to suffer. Wooden structures had been razed to dragonfire and resources were dwindling. Almost every trap was sprung and could not be reset due to the piling number of higher priority tasks.

    A goblin hoard arrives and the population evacuates back down into the earth. Militia gather to defend Coloredboards. At the same time, an elven caravan comes in directly behind the hoard. They start attacking an elephant at the fore and are immediately trampled to death. The invasion is quashed in a few brief moments.

    Opposite of this failed invasion a distant cage trap had been left from a structure that had been deconstructed years ago. It now lie atop a 1x1 space on a hill for all to see. A few weeks go by and dwarves find a goblin lodged inside from the last invasion. The only thing was, all of his armor and weaponry had been dropped back at the very start of the invasion. It appears as though he stripped naked and ran crazed to the first trap he could find upon seeing the fortress. Upon closer inspection, the captured soldier is discovered to be the Lashing Toy.

    10 years have passed and Fortress Coloredboards has improved greatly. The surface has been beautified and cleaned. Eight seasons have passed without invasion and the mood of my dwarves is elevated.

    Over the past decade, the dwarves with the worst moods always felt a keen desire for excitement, merrymaking, and martial training. To help elevate these dwarves I gave them a therapeutic middleground that fulfilled these needs and more.

    Together, with the help of the excellent food, the finest ales, the sleekest goblets, and magnificent bar furnishings; the Whipping Room became one of the finest therapy social centers my dwarves ever had. Guzzle buffalo roast with your mead, and then get those greased hands to work whipping the Lashing Toy until you feel your mental health has fully recovered.

    The Whipping Room has evolved into a rehabilitational resort deep inside the earth. A burrow for the troubled until they have healed internally. Some only need a month, some a few years, some will stay their whole life if they could. Whole families move in sometimes just to ensure patient recovery.

    The conflict has come to an end and the need for therapy has finally faded. The Lashing Toy's civ has been wiped off the face of the planet. Seeing as he has no reason to fight he is once again released, this time with the name Uxbol. His last emotion before being released was feeling pleasure during a "fight".

    Six years later Uxbol returns and petitions for citizenship. My first suspicion was that he was a poorly devised spy. Interrogation discovered he had no ulterior motive. He just missed the fortress and a surprisingly huge list of friends and even lovers??? he made while chained to the floor of my fortress.

    TLDR; dwarf fortress more like freaky fortress

    18:42 UTC


    I think it's friend shaped.

    14:45 UTC

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