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Is there a good tutorial for making new mods for DF? Specifically adding new objects and their sprites to the game?
I've found the sprite sheets for existing assets, not sure if I'd be able to add my sprites to them, or if I make a new sprite sheet altogether. I imagine I can just follow the scheme of the txt files for the vanilla to make my own custom stuff with unique items names.
Specifically, I'd like to add various other kinds of furniture to the game, like beds with 4posts, cupboards, etc, and half-walls.
I'll be using GIMP to make the sprites themselves. I know the game has a limited color palette. Do I need to ensure these colors are the ones I use in GIMP, or will the game replace with closer colors or something.
Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to make a creature that automatically has a chance of having a syndrome when it spawns in. Ideally It would just automatically occur when it spawns, rather than needing a trigger after the fact. It also needs to just do it once. Is there a way of doing that, and if so how?
I want to make a building that runs a DFHack command every x ticks. For example, it could run "createitem WOOD PLANT_MAT:TOWER_CAP:WOOD 1" centered on the middle of the building. Probably a bad example since it requires a cursor, but still.
I suspect that this may send me on the path of creating my own DFHack plugin specific to my purposes instead of there being a way to do this already.
I am working on mods to make different sorts of immortals since I do not like just having necromancers running about. While a fear of death would still prompt the seeking of that secret, they would be associated with other spheres of influence.
The one that I am currently tackling is one associated with FIRE, SUN, and VOLCANOS.
I managed to get the interaction to work and even created a new dragon-taur creature for them to transform into; however, it seems the effect retriggers each time the save is loaded, constantly changing the creature's appearance and gender.
Any recommendations to make it a permanent transformation that doesn't reset?
Looking for a mod that will allow me to send a group of dwarf out to start there own settlement
Is there any way to get a remotely graphics-like experience on Classic DF v50.0+? What I mean is where each creature has a sprite, even the ones which are represented by the same ASCII character. I would be willing to achieve this goal by any means possible, modding or otherwise.
Is it possible to make it use the color palette of material item is made from?
In my case it's to use bit different graphical design for "Carved Rails". But I could see it be useful to, for example, make structure with wooden bits use color for these.
Hello, as in title.
I don't really have steam version yet and would love to try making some textures. But after downloading the "invisible" template from forums I realized that many of the texture files are connected to others (rather than simply many 32x32 files), and I can't quite figure it out on my own ^^
So basically, if someone could do something like, swap tiles to color blocks, add text file describing what which color is; for animated/randomly selected textures (I'm assuming both exist, one for fluids, other for avoiding infinite repeat of same texture) extra number to mark start and end?
Right, emphasis on just terrain files. Nothing more for now. I should tackle one challenge at time...
I want to work on my tileset idea while I still have entire concept heavily in my head <3
I want to start making a mod for the steam version, because no one seems to have created what I am looking for, and was wondering how to get Started? I can't seem to find any videos/resources for how to mod the game
Hello again! Today's question is about summoning. Would there be a way to get a summon interaction to summon a creature of the same race as the caster (without preprogramming the interaction to specify for each creature). Or, maybe more difficult but closer to what I need: being able to summon a specific (type of) demon you made a deal with (they interacted with you to grant you the summon interaction)
How would using multiple bp_required tags work in a cdi definition?
Furthermore, is there a way to specify which target the bp_required belongs? For example, I have a monster that has a probiscis, and a poor victim dwarf with a brain the monster wants to suck out using an interaction, how can I ensure that the monster still has its probiscis and the dwarf actually has a brain, and not just that the monster has a brain and a probiscis?
Hello, I am a newly starting modder and I am trying to make a physical upgrade system. Now, some of the upgrades are just like "increases strength" or "allows you to swim" but some I had imagined more complex.
I initially thought you could modify someone's body parts through a syndrome/interaction (like setting someone's skin to steel or adding wings) but after looking into it, I am not so sure. Is there a way to do it that I am missing?
A way I thought I might circumvent it was through transformations, but that seems to have the problem of not being able to select the base creature to quickly apply modifications to (If that even worked).
Now, the only way out I currently see is... to hardcode all possible body part upgrade combinations and make some kind of syndrome/interaction tag combination system, but I, hopefully understandably, would rather not have to do that.
So, I just started playing DF and absolutely love it so far. I guess this could be for me like Skyrim is for others (a game they never stop playing and sink thousands of hours into it).
I love the flavor texts and things happening. So I ask myself if there is a way to add tons of more flavor texts and World events happening? They don't have to be big. Can be descriptions of weather, detailed descriptions of stories in the dwarves daily lifes like love stories, ambitions, adventures, random things happening, etc.
Are there mods that already add this or can you create mods (relatively easy) that add tons and tons of new texts of things happening?
This would be sooo rad. Thanks so much in advance for your opiniond and suggestions.
So, title. I was able to upload initial version of my mod, but when i try to update it 'Publish' button just doesn't react and neither does 'Done' button after i pressed 'Publish' once. Have anyone encountered such behavior in the past and if so, then what was the fix? Googling didn't help.
using DFHack with the steam version, when I place a new 'dig' blueprint, the mining priority level is set to 4 (even though my mining tool itself is set to 1). Is there a way to set the mining priority higher/lower for placed 'dig' blueprints?
DW Android
looking to set up multiplayer with a group of players, all of whom have the steam version
does anyone know if dfplex works with the steam version?
when a mod says that it must be placed before another one, does it mean above it or below it in the load order?
Want to sprite something christmas themed.
Hello, idk if i should be posting it here, but here we go. I was using Advfort with adventure mode ( Advfort ) and i lost my iron longsword somehow and i wanted to craft a new one, but i can only craft weapons made for dwarves and i am playing as a monitor lizard man, after some research i found Armed Dwarfs mod on steam workshop, and i was wondering can i use this mod on df 47.50 or theres some mod thats does exactly this?, and when i craft a piece of armor (using advfort in adventure mode) it make a small one or makes a piece thats suitable for my size?
Hello all,
I need help reviewing the code I wrote with the HUGE help of u/schmee001 to add to the mod Precious Metal Arms and Armor.
Here's the code I wrote and posted to github.
Something is not working correctly. I plan on generating a new world/embark to do a final test, but by following schmee001's advice and replacing/adding the files, the sprites are not displaying in old save and not in the test arena. I'm concerned that I'm missing one or two more details that are preventing the mod from working.
Schmee001's approach/advice TL:DR centered around recoloring old bronze sprites, renaming the file, and then splitting the text file code for bronze that had bronze and black bronze together to bronze and black bronze as separate entries.
Once I playtest a new embark/new world, I'll post the results here, but it sounded like Schmee001's advice should have worked from the beginning.
Long term, I plan on posting the finished code to the original author so he/she can add it. Otherwise, I can just post the files for anyone to use or upload a branched version of the mod.
Thanks for your help/advice.
What's the state of modding for DF? The Steam workshop doesn't appear very active, and we could only really access the raws, anyway. Would it be better to learn how to make a lua for DFHack instead, or is everyone waiting for an official accessible API? Is that something that might happen?
It’s a large race and systems overhaul with a lot of promise, definitely worth a download.
My old eyes don't see as well as they used to and my old brain doesn't count as well either. Any mods out there for the Steam version which will do the counting for me when I am building? I know most people hate symmetry in DF, but I gotta have it and have scrapped entire bases for sides not matching up by a single tile. Yeah, I'm weird, but so is everyone playing this game.
Thanks in advance for any assistance and have a great day.
second video not on YouTube idk if i can yet im trying.
*nonsteam* (if you test on steam leave a tutorial in a comment I’ll pin it and credit any copy made) maybe we will make a mod for it
first you must be able to rename file extensions
music is in a file that looks like this
DwarfFortress\data\sound\tracks move ec-full.ogg for original song in a new folder in \expansive_cavern
download this vid as mp3
move to \expansive_cavern rename to EC_full.ogg it will say "are you sure you want to change file type it might blah blah..."
its fine hit yes. (if you dont see file type when renaming a file go to settings for explore and look for "rename file extension' all pc's are a bit different as to where the setting will be.)
so far it works in vanilla, lets me know if you have issues in game this is what triggers music for EC_full: