
Photograph via snooOG

Everything about Don't Starve, a survival game by Klei Entertainment,

creators of Mark of the Ninja, Shank and N+, among many others.

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I need help,my mods aren't working

I have been trying to use mods on DST and they haven't been working, I have checked some mods work like Smarter Crock Pot but others like geometrical placement and snapping tills don't work can anybody help please?


11:19 UTC


How do i use my mic on xbox?

I googled but it’s not clear. Ive ga beautiful new head set, was talking last night to people who joined my world then realised they couldn’t heat me so they left. 🤣 I’m also looking for people to play with. I’m twistytomato74 😃

08:57 UTC


Poorly Drawn Wilson Insert

1 Comment
07:56 UTC


Help with posting


I just posted for the first time and something went wrong. My post included two pics, but they didn't show up. Since the post made no sense without the pics, I deleted it.

Anyone know what I did wrong? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

I hope it's ok to ask this here.

07:13 UTC


Quick Question Megathread February

If you have a quick question you can post it there. The post is stickied all month outside of announcement so don't worry someone will see it.

Although old some of these links should help newcomers in the game:

07:00 UTC


Mod to let two people ride Woby?

Was wondering if there was a mod out their that lets two people ride Woby at the same time. Me and my sister are playing we both think it would be super fun to be able to ride around on Woby at the same time.

06:13 UTC


Bro my Beefalo in training just had a baby. I feel bad now, I literally took him to the caves for exploration and learned that he was a she and pregnant, I feel bad now...

05:49 UTC


My tree guard

I am making a tower defense survival game and thought of adding a plant monster. My pixel art could get better but I am very happy with it rn

04:16 UTC


Don't starve

Is don't starve: console edition fun/ is it worth it?

02:21 UTC


Looking for Game DST - February 01, 2025 - Find some friends to play DST.

Hello, post a comment if you are looking for people to play DST with, don't forget to mention your platform. If you missed Meme days you can head to https://www.reddit.com/r/DSTmemes/.

1 Comment
01:01 UTC


Refined ideas for Wilson Skill Tree concept 2025

Today, I want to share with you some refined ideas for Wilson Skill Tree Concept. I believe his skill tree can be enhanced and re-conceptualized according to the other characters skill trees. I must say, I'm not agree with the idea of Wilson being de basic/started/normal/etc character.


  1. Torch Longevity. Increases Torch durability by a total of 50%.
  2. Torch Range. Torch provides maximum range of Light (5 units) and Temperature. As fuel is depleted the light radius and temperature gradually becomes smaller in four discrete steps.
  3. Torch Toss. Throw on the ground (can use for cook food) or onto Mob for attack (disappears at hit, deals 17 of damage a set Mob on fire).
  4. Endothermic Torch (New item). Cools gradually by fuel from -40° to -10°. Setting a tree on Cold fire will create an ice (instead of charcoal). Recipe: Grass x1, Twigs x2 and Nitre x1.

Locked skills (Prerequisites: Unlock at least 3 torch skills)

  • Ultimate Torch. (New item). A portable fire pit. Increases movement speed by 25% while equipped. Recipe: Scales x1, Gold Nugget x4, Red Gem x1.


  1. Beard Growth. Accelerates beard growth to 2/5/10 days.
  2. Beard Insulation. Can use Beefalo wool to coat the beard (max 3) for improved insulation. 1 increase 20% more insulation; 2 for 40% and; 3 for 70%. Shaving only return Beard Hair. Losing all beard will lost the effect.
  3. Beard storage. Allows food and non-stackable items to be stored in the beard 1/2/3 slots per stage.
  4. Tough Beard. Beard provides damage protection of 2%, 5%, 10% per stage. Can use a Steel Wool to coat the beard (max 3) to add 10% extra protection.

Locked skills (Prerequisites: Unlock at least 3 beard skills)

  • Frizzy Beard (New item). Craft a Luxury Comb that reset to 0 beard insulation for 6 min (20 uses). Beard Hair now has a static charge able to fuel Miner Hat or Lantern for 45 sec (9.5%). Recipe: Walrus Tusk x1, Blue Gem x1, Flint x1.


  • Transmutation. Transform Twigs-Log.

Nature (Ore+Plant) Branch

  1. Transmute Nature I. Transform Rocks-Flint, Nitre-Gold Nugget. Add Grass-Petals transform (3 Petals into a Grass - 1 Grass into 2 Petals).
  2. Transmute Nature II. Transform Cut Stone-Marble, Marble-Cut Stone, Marble-Moon Rock. Add Boards-Cut Reeds transform (2 Boards into Cut Reeds – 1 Cut Reeds into 1 Boards).

Gems Branch

  1. Transmute Gems I. Transform Red Gems-Blue Gems and Purple Gems.
  2. Transmute Gems II. Transform Orange Gems, Yellow Gems, Green Gems and Iridescent Gems.

Icky Branch

  1. Transmute Icky I. Transform Meat-Morsel, Beard Hair-Beefalo Wool.
  2. Transmute Icky II. Rot-Manure, Hound’s Teeth-Bone Shards. New recipe: 1 Glow Berry into 2 Lesser Glow Berry. / 3 Lesser Glow Berry into 1 Glow Berry.


  • Blueprint. Can craft Blueprints of known recipies using a Cartographer’s desk. Every first time crafting blueprint restores sanity (15). Recipe: Papyrus, Feather pencil.

Chemistry Branch

  1. Super batery. Items that requires electrical doodad reduce to half. Enhance the discharge rate for Morning Star from 0.97 to 1.25.
  2. Red Sun (New item). A chemiluminescence experiment into a flask. When equipped, reacts and provides a powerful light (5 units) and a small amount of warmth for 2 min. After use, the residual (into the flask) can use to instantly drying a meat. Otherwise, can add Ice to create a throwable acid bomb causing acid damage or throw into cave ponds to create Nitre formation. Recipe: Bone shards x3, Blue Gem x1, Flint x3.
  3. Nitroglycerin (New item). Craft a throwable highly explosive substance into a flask (340 damage). Can explodes into the Backpack (or Beard) while walking. Recipe: Red Gem x1, Nitre x3, Flint x3.

Medical Branch

  1. Anatomy. Healing items that cost health will cost half. Telltale heart giving it to a Ghost by Wilson will not cause health penalty. Can craft Meat Effigy with out a prestihatitator.
  2. Plague doctor hat. (New item). While worn, crafting healing items will be duplicate. Immune to acid rain. Only lasts for 2 minutes (6 game hours) and degrading while equipped (Sanity -2/minute). Recipe: Batilisk Wing x2, Straw Hat x1, Purple Gem x1.
  3. Dissection. Use a razor to dissect living or deceased things into pieces. Duplicate Naughtiness for living creatures. Monster meat extract nightmare fuel. Meat return a Bone Shard and Rot.         Caught Spider to Spider Gland. Caught Birds to Morsel and Feather. Caught Rabbits to Morsel and Beard Hair. Caught Moleworms to Morsel and random Mineral. Caught Bee to Stinger and Honey. Caught Butterfly to Butterfly Wings and 50% chance of Butter. Bones to 50% Fossil. Skeleton to random Blueprint.

 Locked skill (prerequisites: Unlock at least 3 Science skils).

  • Adrenaline shot. (New item). Craft an injection that increase damage (50%), defense (25%), speed movement (25%) and speed actions (150%) while reduce sanity (-20/min) and hunger (20/min) by 2 minutes. Stop frezzing / overheating. Recipe: Stinger x1, Bone Shards x4, Spider Gland x1.
00:10 UTC


Are there any Game Modders for DST here?

Hi people. I wonder any mod makers here? I would like to discuss new ideas and suggestions for it. About new items, gameplays and more.

20:37 UTC


One of my short term base in cave. Staying nearby bunnyman is the best when worm come 😍

17:14 UTC


I lost everything, I was killed by albino spiders, I lost my krampus sack, I lost my cool crowns, I lost my food. The only thing I can do is wait for my suffering to end.


16:20 UTC


Can wortox heal tamed beefalos? Is so is there any modifier on it or is the flat 20

Read title

12:56 UTC


Do we have an idea of when 2025's roadmap is coming?

As far as I'm aware, today marks 1 year since the release of 2024's roadmap, I'm not freaking out by their silence, of anything like that, but I can't deny I'd love to hear something about they have planned for the months to come.

12:18 UTC


fluffy shadow-fire hair... countless hours of fun, here in the void!

08:57 UTC


Adventure Mode- Best 4 Items?

I started adventure mode & would like to beat it.

What do you think of my four items between worlds?

  1. Walking Stick
  2. Stack of Spider Eggs
  3. Stack of Pig Skin
  4. Puffy Vest / Winter Vest (until King of Winter- then maybe a stack of honeycomb or salves)

for “Darkness” I was planning on swapping out the vest for a stack of fireflies.

The ability to make multiple pig houses & spiders can create super a super sustainable base just about anywhere. Is there any possible better combo of items to take?

In my latest attempt, after twenty deaths on the first world, I made it to the very end of World 4 (King of Winter for me) and my food was running low & there was no grass around.

But my stats were decently high so I really wanted to jump ahead to the next world because I doubted I could get them any higher & I already had just about every building prefabbed.

I got cocky and thought I’d take a pot shot at a bishop with a boomerang… didnt have armor on. Just forgot how important it is, I guess.

06:37 UTC


Last time I played this game the best weapons were glass cutters and dark swords

Dropped playing after the Wilson update and my GOD there are so many new things (time to read the whole wiki again :D). What's even planar damage? Why there are currently more shadowy and moony monster with each of their respective gears? Also most importantly: WHY DID WİLLOW TURN INTO A SUPERHERO?

02:46 UTC


Mobile Controls??

Did the pocket edition undergo some kind of overhaul in the last year or two? I haven't played in a while but booted it up on my tablet today and was so confused. What are these square buttons on the right hand side? Why is there a joystick? Why is everything so huge and zoomed in?? It feels unplayable and I swear it didn't used to be like this.

17:03 UTC


How to get RoG like map in DST?

I have played and explored map on both the games. I personally prefer the RoG for one reason. In DST, you spawn in middle of the map. You can then move in any direction to find other biomes. In RoG it's different. The map is more spread out and you can't actually predict which biome is where.

What settings do I need to tweak?

1 Comment
12:11 UTC


feels bad man

11:32 UTC


Urgent help, please

So, I was playing in my almost 600 day world, it was very important to me, and a short power outage occured that turned off the computer. I waited for the game to open again, and suddenly my world is gone, vanished Is there anything I can do?

06:45 UTC


Winona should be able to teleport allies

I'm playing her for the first time and I've been enjoying her so much. I love the utility she provides to the team.

However, teletransport stations and portasol have been a huge let down. I thought my friends would be able to use them aswell, since Wanda does a similar thing. But no, and I get it, she's the only one that knows how it works.

So I think at least she should be able to teleport all allies around her, just like she does with items or small mobs like spiders or rabbits.

I doubt they'll change her at all at this point, but is there any mod for it? Or if any of the talented modders could figure out how to make it possible?

04:31 UTC

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