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A subreddit for sharing, discussing, hoarding and wow'ing about Dogecoins. The much wow innovative crypto-currency.
ELI5 - Dumping your wallet from DogeCoin Core
ELI5 - How to send coins using Coinb.in
JAN 2021 - Dogecoin bootstrap.dat
DNF - Dogecoin Node Fund
How to speed up Multidoge Syncing
An Index of all Wallet ELI5s
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Share, discuss, create & wow about dogecoin!
A place to discuss dogecoin, come up with new ideas with the community.
Superfast transactions, no network congestion & transaction fees of 1 dogecoin
Designed to be actually used day to day. You could buy a cup of coffee without waiting till the shop closes for a confirmation, and also without paying anything close to the cost of the coffee in fees.
Widely accepted on exchanges; a great tool to move between other crypto-currencies and fiat FAST while keeping fees low. (Try doing that with ANY other coin, they either don’t have the stability, reputation, volume or their fees are CONSIDERABLY higher)
One of the oldest, well established, tried and true crypto-currencies, There have been considerable ups and downs in the value of the coin in comparison to fiat and other coins however it has stood the test of time and is still widely accepted and has remained a useful tool regardless of its exchange rate. (Which is why you will see 1 Doge = 1 Doge used frequently)
Strong positive community. Projects that show humanity, kindness, generosity. Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and dumps, this is the only coin which has a community centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do
Dogecoin price ticker: Đ1 = Đ1
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We simply head to 1$ ladies and gentlemen
Congratulations DOGE family, we are leading an incredible charge 👏
I wanted to make this post to get some ideas flowing of how YOU would use doge in a day-to-day setting?
I have an old Doge wallet that is locked and so far have been unable to figure out the password. Is it possible to recreate the wallet from older backups from before it was locked? I don't have a good understanding of how it works, have done some searching but hoping someone smarter than me can explain it to me.
Bought in big on the dip but it kept dipping! So I held for a few years and it's beginning to pay off!
I am so glad we are back to waking up and the first thing we do is check our stock to see major gains and come to reddit to talk to the fam about it <3 Keep Hodl
Click click, boom!
Because I bought in before halving and if I would have bought in just a month ago I’d be up 50% more than what I am currently
let’s goooo 🚀🚀
Congrats 0.24
We had highs and lows and many plateau’s. But you are all here now. And we deserve this. I’m proud of you. Let’s get to that dollar! $$$$$$$$$$$$
We are not in Alt coin season yet. We will move up with Bitcoin for sure. But once bitcoin stops that’s when altcoin season will begin and it will be quick. Enjoy the ride everyone. :)
As some of you know I been hodling ~120,000 DOGE before the election time and riding this rise. Currently at 48% unrealized profit. My target is ATH - $1 - $3+.
I am wondering if I should add more doge
Time to get rid of that $1 mentality. 1 Doge is the new 1 Doge.
Only 4/10 left