
Photograph via snooOG

This sub is for creepy, human-to-human encounters where you weren't actually in any immediate, life-threatening danger, but that sufficiently creeped you out enough to share.

Welcome to CreepyEncounters!

This sub is for MILDLY creepy in-person HUMAN encounters. Encounters where you didn't necessarily feel your life was in immediate danger, but maybe on the inside you were going, "yeah, this is kinda creepy as hell" and wanted to nope out of the situation.

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This is the sister sub to LNM. If your submission belongs there, then it doesn't belong here, and vice versa.

If your encounter was truly terrifying + your life was in jeopardy, or there was immediate danger of physical harm to your person, or it involved any other kind of trauma/drama above and beyond merely creeping you out, post it in /r/letsnotmeet.

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  • Again, this sub is ONLY for your own personal stories, or those told second-hand to you by family or friends, or what you know happened with the creep next door, or someone on your block.

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If your encounter was ONLY through the written word via computer, text, snail mail, or it was only over the phone with NO in-person encounter, do NOT post it here.

For instance, if a creep is stalking you on FB, it doesn't go here. If you've met the creep in-person before, and NOW they're stalking you on FB, that is acceptable.

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...LNM, or on Uranus, or on a garbage can behind the 7/11. :c

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Two creeps (or one) watching

Me and my boyfriend like spending some alone time (not sex just like kissing nd stuff) after our dates in the evening in one of our cars. We usually go to a secluded spot around 10/11 pm, somewhere where people dont hang around, especially that late.

There is a parking lot in front of some kind of factory (closed when we go there), sometimes some car would pass by, its literally really close to the main road but the paths around the factory lead to really specific places/streets in the uphill neighbourhood so people dont pass by often. We have been there many times but tonight something weird happened.

While getting snuggly, in the field next to our parking spot my bf spotted a man standing strangely. There were also a couple of dogs that were barking before, but the man was just standing there, not trying to escape the dogs nor being afraid/ asking for help (when im sure he knew we were in the car and we werent doing anything that would make him uncomfortable to ask us for help). My bf got scared since he kept standing there so we left.

We found another parking lot which wasnt secluded (it was by the main road) but it wasnt really crowded, looks more like an abandoned lot. So we get snuggly again and want to go to the back seat. So my bf steps out of the car first so it isnt awkward but he QUICKLY sits back and says there is a weird man CROUCHING 20m away and doing nothing. He isnt an owner of a car there, we didnt see him when we were entering the lot. He was just crouching on this 90% empty parking lot. As soon as we started getting away he stood up and just stood there.

The two lots we have been to are close but not that close, idk if its the same man (my boyfriend says it is, but I didnt get that good of a look). You can say the rest of the night we spent driving and calming ourselves. We made jokes (since our families are really conservative) that these are demons following us around as a warning.

Our country doesnt have any cases (well, known) of pervs peeking or recording nd such, so it was really really creppy.

Id like to hear similar experiences and your thoughts.

22:21 UTC


Creepy Guy

This is a story about a creepy 60-year-old man. At the time, I (20f at the time) was working at Domio's. One day, I casually mentioned to a coworker about my YouTube channel and asked for suggestions on what type of original character (OC) cosplay I should do next. Suddenly, this creepy guy interjected, saying, "Oh, you like to dress up." Being innocent and not fully understanding his implications, I replied, "Yeah, I do OC cosplay. I have a YouTube channel for it. I do it for fun."

A guy asked me if I had a boyfriend, and I replied that I didn't because I was focusing on myself. Honestly, I didn't have room for a real relationship at that time. Then he proceeded to ask me out, but I declined, reiterating that I wanted to be single for the time being. He continued to persist, insisting he could treat me well and offering various reasons to change my mind.

At this point, I was starting to feel uneasy. My co-worker noticed and called for one of the male drivers to come and "help us make pizza." As soon as the guy saw my co-worker, he walked away. However, he soon became a regular. I would refuse his service and ask someone else to deal with him, but he kept trying to talk to me, even though I ignored him.

The creepy thing is that I don't know how he found out, but he started attending my church. I served on the van, which means I helped give people rides. to church that couldn't on their own. I was the navigator due to not having a full license yet. This guy would always ride the van when I was serving.

When I wasn't serving on van, he would coincidentally get a lift from a friend. It felt creepy. After awhile, I started to notice the that wasn't bothering as much. Probably 2-3 months later. I started to wonder if someone else had intervened because he stopped this behavior. He continued to go to church, but he no longer bothered me.

14:22 UTC


sydney park "photographer"

so im pretty sure im overreacting when i think about it but just incase.

background info:

im a 15yo girl and the man in this situation was from my view a middle aged middle-eastern man

exactly one week ago i was in sydney for the holidays and it was my first time in the city. it was around 11am, i was walking by myself around hyde park and i was tearing up (i got in a fight earlier with my mom so i ran off trying to find a secluded area) and kind of doing that thing where you walk fast and you try not to cry.

i was walking on a street where the bus stations are and this man stopped me and asked if he could take my picture. at first i was skeptical of course, i thought it was a scam where he would ask for money for the pics or he was gonna do something.

i was caught off guard in the moment cause i was in distress so i just stood there and said nothing with an unsure face. then he whipped out his ipad and showed his profile on the site called flickr, ive now searched it up and its a photography website so i feel kinda bad now.

and i saw pictures of girls smiling, the background in the pics were the park i think (there were trees) so i felt less cautious and i asked him "in this park, right?" and he responded that it will just take 10-15 and that we would go a find 'somewhere' to take the picture.

i thought about it for like 5 seconds and ended up saying no cause i wasnt in the right state of mind (even if i was i wouldve said no) then he kept trying to say that it'll take 10-15 min and that we should go. but i just said no and walked away.

i still feel kinda bad about the whole thing cause his reaction after was a kind but disappointed smile, but now that i think about it i dont think he even had a camera,

maybe he did, i dont remember, i was overwhelmed and immdediately after i went into the park and found a empty space on the grass an started bawling.

i told my family and of course they all agreed that he had bad intentions. but im still really unsure and i feel about the whole thing, what if that was his actual job? i dont think he picked me because he thought

i was a tourist or a minor because ive gotten hit on by older guys and some people think im older than i actually am which i can see.

the fact that i was visibly vulnerable from being on the verge of breaking down and the guy still tried to convince and talk to me gives me the doubts but who knows.

stuff like this has been happening to me a lot recently, i constantly get stares from people, most are men who just act so weird around me, they either go quiet when im near them or some of them try something like trying to start a convo with me or say stuff at me

this is making me really paranoid of everyone around me, just after all the weird encounters thatve happened to me im scared to go out by myself. even when i go out with my mom sometimes weird stuff happens, idk what to do.

07:51 UTC


Weird guitar instructor

For context I stopped going here awhile ago for my lessons, so basically I (M14, at the time now 15) was taking guitar lessons and this place was like an guitar shop but also had lessons available so I did those.

My instructor (M25-30) always made weird comments to me, I was given an binder with music sheets and stuff and i put ollie on it. My name is oliver but I made a cool cover and ollie was shorter so i put on that instead, he asked if he should call me ollie and i told him no its okay oliver is fine. But, when I left he said bye ollie, listen i know its not that strange but there more than that.

From weird things were when i couldnt get a cord correctly instead of pointing to strings, he would grab my hand and force it in the position its supposed to be in.

He also made sexual remarks towards me, explaining to move my fingers faster on the guitar word for word he said i have to "finger it good" it obviously it could refer to like going quick but he like laugh afterwards and make a quick glance at the camera in the corner of the room and overall made me super uncomfy. I could've been exaggerating by completely leaving without a word but i just felt unsafe

07:34 UTC


Some random man approached me at walmart

This just recently happened to me (F19) at my local walmart. So i was by myself getting a few things at walmart late in the afternoon. I grabbed a cart and headed to the home and pharmacy section to find something.

I stop in the aisle with the protein bars to look for something specific as i set my cart to the side. It wasn't crowded at walmart and no one was in the aisle at the moment but then a man approaches me from the side and asks me something. I did not see him ever before and did not see him come in. He did not have a cart or anything in his hands and he was much taller than me so i kept my distance always on my guard especially since i was alone. He asked me something but I couldn't hear him so i said "huh". He repeats himself and says are you from (he lists a township that is 45 min from where i am ). My flight or fight instincts kick in, I say no and try to walk away when he then says

"You are very pretty" I awkwardly smile and try to walk away again clearly not wanting to talk and extremely uncomfortable with this encounter. when he then asks "are you single" i say not interested very abruptly and walk away as fast as I can. I knew something was suspicious and I was worried if i run into him again he might try to continue talking to me. He didn't pose a threat however the context of me being alone and him saying i look familiar even tho he approached me from the side was suspicious. After that I went to checkout checking to see if he was near but i saw him walking I opposite direction which was a sign of relief. and quickly got in my car making sure i didnt see anyone. He could of been harmless but my instincts and his body language hit a red flag for me.

23:09 UTC


Please tell it to me straight. I think I may have been a target.

I apologize for being vague I just want to remove as many signifiers as possible to keep my anonymity. Do note the events took place roughly at night so it was quite dark. I was walking out to get my partner some soup and apples. She is pregnant and having trouble keeping food and liquids down. Before she asked about the apples I had taken 5 of the 2 mg thc gummies (it’s perfectly legal). Since it was dark and getting to be time for our child to go to bed, I decided to take some since I hadn’t planned on leaving our home for the evening. So the request caught me off guard.

I couldn’t drive so I told her I would walk to grab the stuff. On my way to the store about halfway through my initial walk I saw a vehicle drive by me really slowly and stop at the stop sign at the end of the road I was on before you get to grocery store. The vehicle was possibly an older (roughly older 2000s make) blue silver SUV. I couldn’t get a good look at the emblem on the car so I couldn’t get the make or model. It, however, could have possibly been a Toyota Rav. They then turned really slowly and stopped for a moment.

Then, they turned onto a smaller highway that should have been heading away from my location if they continued on that path. Probably going roughly 25-35 kmh for about a minute and then drives off. I get to the store and grab my items. I was only 10-15 minutes in the store and I start walking back to my house. I’m on my way back down the connecting road. I get to the end and turn left towards a small connecting road going into the neighborhood I generally walk through. I step to the left side of the road on this small connector and a similar looking car from earlier pulls by me and starts to turn. It stops after it passes the stop sign at the main road into the neighborhood and I stopped walking at this point.

It stayed there and I took another step once I had taken that step the vehicle moved forward very slightly then stops again. It then starts to back up and then that’s when I quickly go across the street. Over the small hill to the side to put some distance between me and the vehicle. Also, it would be more difficult to get up the incline. I see he rolled down his window. While I didn’t get the best look. He looked like an older white man. Maybe 40s or 50s.

It was difficult to get the best view in the dark. Also, it looked like he had greyish facial hair. Not too long more so like a fuller scruff. I couldn’t see but it looks like he had a hat as well, but what really through me off were the glasses that looked almost like sunglasses. I stop for a second and he doesn’t say anything. I don’t either. I wait for another couple of seconds then I started running. I guess they drove off I didn’t really hear the vehicle. I ran about halfway down the street. I trip and fell over the ice that had accumulated on the ground. I look around to see if I can see the car again. I couldn’t see it so he may have turned around completely at this point.

I contemplate if I should ask someone for help. I rang the doorbell on one of the individuals homes in this neighborhood. I start talking to the boy (roughly 13 ish) and ask if his parents are home. I didn’t want to say it to him, and I didn’t want to scare the poor kid. I was pretty scared though. I explain to the mother that I believe someone is following me. While she’s listening she’s calling for her husband. The husband comes and a car drives by. While being extremely nervous and emotional I say that’s the car but upon further inspection I see it was not. I quickly correct myself. I was asking them for help, but my mistake had broken their trust and the husband tells me to go away.

I did because I was extremely sorry for bothering them. I just wanted to get home to my family. Plus, I could get how now they were suspicious of me. I nervously ran through the neighbours yards until I come up to where I can see car lights in front of the apartment complex in this neighborhood. I suspect if someone is following me that would be a great place to camp out. Lots of cars come and go there at all times of day and night. I wait out of line of sight of the road and I start moving while still being out of sight.

I hear it start moving. I quickly lay down by a tree in a neighbours front lawn and the vehicle comes and it looks exactly like the vehicle that had stopped. It was also driving just as slow as last time. It also looks like the window is still rolled down. It goes by and presses the break for a second while it slows and then starts to drives off again. I wait to see it’s completely out of sight and I dash towards my home. I fell and my phone flew out of my pocket. I grab my stuff and continue to my house. I made it all the way home before the vehicle could come back around. Thankfully if they are a creep they don’t know where I live. Once inside I called out to my wife and told her what happened.

Something about the very first time seeing the car put me on edge. Other vehicles had passed by me on my walk here and there, but something was strange about that one. I’m never really put on edge like this. I grew up in a rougher place and have dealt with tons of “interesting” people. This just set every alarm bell off all at once saying I was in danger. I contemplated calling the police, but I thought since I’d taken the gummies no one would believe a word I said, and they absolutely would not be at fault for being suspicious. Plus, because I was so on edge I hadn’t even thought about calling them when I first got suspicious. I don’t think they would have believed me. So instead I called my father in law for advice.

He advised me to do what I’m doing right now. Writing everything that I can remember. If I should encounter the vehicle or the man again. I will call the police with this record. If you think I completely misunderstood then please tell me. I want to be wrong. I’m so angry and frustrated right now.

I could absolutely be wrong, but I don’t believe I gave any indication of needing help. Plus if the individual was trying to help…why the silence with the window down? Why come back around by after I booked it out of there? Especially waiting there like you were expecting to run this way?

TLDR - I may have been followed by someone who I believe had really bad intentions.

06:59 UTC


Creepy man in my train

So I always take the same train to work. It’s an 30-45 minute ride and I started to notice this one man that is always there in the morning.

I don’t know if it is just in my head or this man is a real creep! I noticed him around two to three months ago. At first I didn’t think much of it, I always thought he is just annoyed that I always put my bag next to me and put my feet on this little thing next to the seat. But pretty soon I knew it was something else. He is always staring at me when I enter the train and he follows me with his eyes when I sit down. Then he just continues to stare at me the whole time, I always look away from him because it’s just weird. He gets off at the same station as I do and stands directly behind me when I stand in front of the door. It is really starting to freak me out.

He never drives home with me and I’m glad but last week my colleagues and I went out to eat so I took a very late train and guess who was at the main train station. Yes him. He stood a few feet away from me but he didn’t look away from me for like 20 minutes. We were alone in that time but after those 20 minutes more people came and he went away from me and didn’t look at me. (I always think about what would have happened if the people didn’t show up) As the train arrived and we got in he walked in the same direction as me and sat down a few seats in front of me to face me. You have to know that he is maybe in his 60s and I’m not even 20. So that makes it even more disgusting.

I don’t know what to do about it. He continues to stare at me and stands directly behind me in the morning and it really creeps me out and makes me uncomfortable. I’m scared that I’m eventually alone with him in the train and if he would do something.

(and sorry for my English it isn’t my first language)

-Update- It turned out this man was in prison for sexual assault and the police were called a few times after he got out. I talked to the police and showed them a picture of the man and after that I haven’t seen him in my train anymore so I guess I got lucky that I was never alone with him

21:46 UTC


creepy man encounter

so yesterday i was out in osaka, japan when this man approached me. he asked if i could take a photo of him and i said yes because you know, that’s a normal thing to do

well turns out it wasn’t a normal interaction

i took a couple of photos for him and when i handed it back he thanked me and then asked if he could hug me

i completely froze when he asked me this lmao like my fight flight or freeze response was freeze and my brain decided to just stand there awkwardly and was like “um okay?” because i had no idea what else to do and was scared if i say no he’d like get mad idk?? creepy men can be unpredictable lol. it was just my instinct response to agree i know i shouldn’t have

so yeah this man hugs me. it was so gross and uncomfortable. but it didn’t stop there! after that he asks if we can take a selfie together??! i just wanted to get out of there so i said “no thank you!” and then he tries to hug me again! at this point i snapped out it and brushed him off and walked away as fast as i could.

the worst part is, after i walked away from him he did the exact same thing to another young girl a couple meters away from me??! gross!! anyways stay safe girls

14:50 UTC


Weird guy at work

So I work in a small, family owned shop in Australia.

We get the odd people here and there but this guy was next level, he was all around creepy and off putting.

It started fine, he asked me some questions about what we had, where it was from, what the best things are. You know, normal things for where I work.

He then went off and did his own thing for about 5 minutes. And then came back to me, this is where it gets weird.

He said smth along the lines of "do you have social media?" I say "yes" he replied with "I feel like I've seen you on a website before"

I take a second to reply and say "I don't post myself on social media, i don't think I'll be on a website" he goes "you don't have to lie to me (winked) I won't tell"

And again. I don't know what to say. He goes to walk off and said "I'll see you later" and winked again

My co worker was there while this was happening and she looked just as shocked as I probably would have, I had no idea what this man meant.

I'm definitely not on ANY websites, I don't often post myself, face or anything.

I've never seen this man before.

11:46 UTC


Anyone else in SW Michigan?

[Updated]: This is the first post I have put on Reddit. I appreciate everyone’s concerns, ideas, and just amount of strangers who care for my safety! I did info the local police, and there was a PSA put out by the MSP a few weeks ago regarding a similar topic. I was not able to recorded the man, but I have taken the time to educate all of my friends who work in that area! Thank you everyone! [End of update]

I am trying to find other people around the same area as me. I live in Southwest Michigan, about an hour away from Grand Mere State Park. This park has had 2 semi-recent attacks only six months apart. One incident included a female who was knocked unconscious and woke up hours later- she discovered she was injured. The other incident also included a female, she was attacked while walking her dog. Both women gave a description to the local police department, the descriptions from both victims had many similarities. These attacked happened in April and September in the same year 2024.

I enjoying hiking and Geocaching in my free time. With the increase of attacks in the area, I tried to avoid Grand Mere. I found a neat little park with many geocaches hidden around the park. It was far enough away from Grand Mere where I felt comfortable to go off on my own. (with my pocket knife)About an hour into my adventure, I found myself a bit off the main trail. I was looking for a geocache, it was a very calm and quiet day. Usually you can hear other people walking around, birds, animals, the waves from Lake Michigan. But I was met with an eerie silence, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was being watched.

I stood up, and started to look around. My eyes locked with a man watching me from the main trail. Once our eyes met, he started walking towards me. I got this strange feeling that I needed to get out of there. Being a women in her 20’s, alone in the woods with a strange man watching me was not ideal. I started walking back towards the main trail, my goal was to get some distance between the two of us. He blocked the path, and tried to talk to me. I tried to keep walking, but he blocked the trail making it hard to go around him. The path was surrounded by prickers, mud, etc. The man began to talk to me, he asked me if I was searching for mushrooms, or if I lost something. I explained to him I was geo caching, but needed to get back to my car. The man gave me a creepy smile and continued to block me from continuing to walk to my car.

Finally I was able to end our strange conversation, choosing to take another path since he would not let me pass him. As I started walking away, I looked over my shoulder to see him still staring at me. Just watching me walk farther away. When I finally got back to the main trail, I stopped for a moment to look around to see if I could spot the man anywhere. I did not see him, I continued to walk back to my car. At this point I can see the parking lot ahead of me, I only had a 1/4 mile or so to the parking lot. The man appeared from a small side trail, and starting walking behind me. As I walked faster his footsteps started sounding faster. I look over my shoulder agin, he is about 200 feet away from me. I walk faster, check on the man again. Now he is 100 feet from me, it is apparent he is trying to catch up to me.

In that moment my phone started ringing. My best friend was FaceTiming me. As I answered I held up my phone as if I was trying to show my friend the park I found. Once the man realized I was on the phone, his pace slowed. I made it back to the parking lot and get into my car. I noticed the man was lingering in the parking lot until I was fully in my car. He slinked away towards a different set of trails, until he vanished from my sight.

The man seemed to be in his late 20s -30s. Average build, darker hair, with green eyes. Has anyone else encountered a strange man around the area? And if you’re reading this now and you were the strange man that followed me that day- following people in the woods is a horrible hobby, adopt a normal lifestyle please.

05:47 UTC


A Man Tried to Get With Me

Im a guy which is why this is more funny to me that this happened rather than I'm scared for my life but still creepy.

I was at the flea market by the end of Walmart when a guy was around like 50 kind of overweight and had dark grey hair. He first encountered me when we were towards the front of the store. Im not a social person so whenever he greeted himself to me randomly I thought it was quite weird, I also though the way he was looking at me was weird.

Around 10-15 minutes later in the store the man came up to me again, and said “im new here do you know where the bathroom is” I thought this was SUPER weird considering he walked past many people to say this to, and I said something like “i haven’t been here before idk i think its over there” and he walked away. Im very judgmental to people and even told myself maybe i was looking into it too much, but i knew to keep my distance from this guy. At this point i was almost done in the store and I didn’t see him again until I got into my car.

He must have been watching because where he was at in the store for him to walk out was the complete side and he walked out like 20 seconds after me. He’s staring at me the entire time he walked out, and he waved, and at this point I thought he was an undercover cop trying to keep an eye on me the way he was looking at me the entire time.

So as Im pulling off he still staring at me in the middle of the parking lot, and I look in my side mirror. But he’s standing there, staring sucking on his index finger, and waving me to come back. I wish I would have recorded him or gone back to see who he was but i was just too in shock. I just drove off. Should I report this to the store or what should happen? Honeslty I feel like people need to be aware of this guy.

18:16 UTC


Eating alone is not an invitation for whatever this kind of creepy behavior is.

Twice I’ve eaten alone at a fast food restaurant and had some creep sit at the table with me when I’m halfway through my meal. Both times I told them I was just leaving and packed up my food. The second time, the guy asked if he could walk me to my car. I said “no thanks” and noped out of there, making sure he didn’t follow me. I later thought it was kind of silly, but at the moment, it was weird, and I regretted not telling the restaurant what happened in case he was going to pull that on someone else. I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

03:48 UTC


Creepy encounter with stranger

Tonight, my girlfriend and I had a brief but deeply unsettling experience in the lobby of a historic hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. It was bitterly cold and windy outside, and we had just returned from an OKC Thunder game, heading to the hotel where my mother was staying. The time was around 8:30 PM when we stepped into the lobby.

To set the scene: this hotel occupies the old First National Bank building and has been painstakingly restored to reflect its original opulence. The floors are polished marble, the decor lavish, evoking a sense of grandeur from a bygone era. In the middle of the lobby stands a staircase leading to an upper level bustling with activity—a check-in desk, a restaurant, warm lighting, and the hum of conversation. But in the lobby by the valet, the atmosphere was starkly different. It was cold. Still. Eerily quiet.

That’s when I noticed him.

Leaning against a pillar by the staircase was a man. He appeared to be looking down at his phone, holding it in both hands as though texting. My glance was brief at first—until the phone slipped from his grip and hit the marble floor with a sharp crack.

But he didn’t move.

His hands remained suspended in the same position, as though he were still holding the phone. Confused, I thought maybe he’d fallen asleep standing up or something. My eyes darted to the ground where the phone lay, then back up toward his face.

That’s when I saw it.

He was staring directly at me.

And the look on his face—it was pure disgust. Not the kind of anger you see when someone’s been wronged, but something far darker, hollow, and malevolent. His eyes burned with a rage so intense it sent a shiver down my spine. It was the kind of look that makes your stomach churn, the kind that makes you instinctively want to look away.

I did.

Trying to shake off the unease, we waited for the elevator. When it finally arrived, curiosity got the better of me, and I stole a glance back toward the pillar.

He was still there.

Still staring.

His gaze bore into me like a physical weight, and I hurriedly stepped into the elevator, the doors closing on that unnerving scene.

When we reached my mother’s room, I asked if she’d noticed the man. She hadn’t, and when I explained what had happened, she brushed it off—said he was probably on drugs. My girlfriend, though, had seen him too. She didn’t see the phone drop, but she’d caught that look, the same expression of pure disgust, directed at us.

After a few minutes, we left to head back to our car.

As the elevator doors slid open, my heart raced. I didn’t want to look, but I couldn’t help it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him. He was still there. Still staring. My girlfriend confirmed it later—she’d locked eyes with him, too. That same expression of disdain.

As we walked out of the lobby and down the sidewalk, I couldn’t resist one last glance back through the glass doors.

He had turned.

He was fully facing us now, his eyes locked onto mine as if following us out into the night.

His face—it was chilling. Psychopathic. It wasn’t just uncomfortable; it was wrong. Something about it felt deeply, instinctively threatening.

The moment we turned the corner, we broke into a sprint, running to our car and locking the doors as soon as we got inside.

He didn’t follow us.

But even now, hours later, the memory of that face lingers.

What do you think was going on? Drugs? Mental illness? Or something else entirely?

14:21 UTC


Today at work

I (19f) work in a small shop in the UK.

The shop has no cameras or security measures.

Today, a man comes in and starts pressing me for personal information. He asks my age, exact birthday, parents names, surname, the town I'm from and the school I went to.

I don't feel good about him even though everyone says he's "harmless."

He apparently did this to another young girl working there.

He came in three times today and he also claimed that I didn't give him enough cash back. Other customers stuck up for me and said that he was being aggressive.

I don't want to work on my own anymore so I've asked my manager if I can work with someone else but she said she'll ask her manager.

I'm only a temp so if they say no then I'm handing in my notice.

What do you think his intentions are? Would love to hear your thoughts.. :)

Also would love to hear what you think regarding people who brush off this behaviour or unsupportive managers

19:50 UTC


Old women in white gown

I 25(m) on vacation in Kauai with mom and sister. We rented a townhome and had two bedrooms and mine was up stairs.

One of the nights I was woken up by a what I thought sounded like a doorbell. As I had opened my eyes from a deep sleep wondering if I was hearing things, the doorbell rang and I sat up fast to look over at the time. It said 3am.

I slowly got out of bed and started walking to leave my bedroom when I heard the doorbell again. The silence after almost made me feel like I was dreaming because no one else was waking up from this. And since Kauai is pretty rural it was eerily silent.

As I got to the stairs that leads straight down to the front door, I stopped and listened to see if I could hear anything. A couple seconds go by and I finally said “hello” from the top of the stairs. And in return a shaky old lady voice said “can you help me” & “can I come in”.

At that moment I thought I was in a horror movie dream or something. My body was frozen and I was actually terrified. I went back to my room where I had a balcony that can see who was at the door if they walked away.

It was a literal old lady in a white gown walking away bare foot. I ended up calling the police and asking the lady if she needed help while I was on the balcony. She was saying that her husband got in a car accident down the street. I said the cops are on their way to help and she just started slowly walking away.

She didn’t get far when the cops showed up and I can see and hear him call her by her first name. So I realized she had dementia and was wondering the neighborhood. So it was sad to see but I had never been more scared lol. It must have been all the paranormal horror movies my parents made us watch when we were kids.

The next night I was walking back from the jacuzzi at 10 or 11 and as I turned the corner to walk down the street, there she was again near the front of our house but under the a street light.

I know she was harmless but just seeing a very old lady in that white gown and barefoot again just standing there under the light was a terrifying thing to see. And as i was walking towards her she turns around and starts waddling towards me just adding to the horror. It’s more of a funny story at this point but i think about it all the time

08:19 UTC


Why was he there?

When I (24F) was about 8, I was watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (I distinctly remember because it was at the scene where he's talking to Tom Riddle in the chamber and ummm yeah anyways....)

At some point I heard the doorbell ring downstairs so I went down and looked at the window facing the door as I was taught to do.

A man who I'd never seen before was there and he gave me a smile and wave. Something inside me did Not Feel Right so I went over to my grandmother who lived with us at the time.

I told her there was a man at the door and I had no idea who it was. She immediately got up and asked him through the door (she'd been robbed at gunpoint in the past, she didn't play games) what he was there for.

He said he was there to tour the house since he saw that it was for sale. He said he saw the sign.

There was no For Sale sign in front of our house.

The only time our house had been for sale was when we bought it and 2 years prior to this when we had it on the market for maybe 3 months.

He was insistent that he saw it was for sale and wanted to see inside. He didn't sound angry or confused, he sounded confident in his intention. If anything, you would think my grandmother was the one who didn't know what she was talking about.

They went back and forth for a minute or so. My grandmother stood her ground and, at one point, said, still through the door, that she had no idea what he was talking about and if he didn't leave she was going to call the police.

He immediately left quickly, got in his truck, and left.

She let my parents know what had happened when they got back from work and they were fairly alarmed as they did not recognize his description and, again, the house was NOT for sale.

I was very young at the time but the whole encounter just did not sit right with me. Something about how he smiled and waved like he knew me just rubbed me like sandpaper.

To this day, I really hate to say it but I don't think that man had innocent intentions. I don't want to know what would have happened if we opened that door.

21:08 UTC


A Journey I'll Never Forget

My cat recently passed away, and I was devastated. For days, I couldn't stop crying or thinking about her. One day, my sister, who lives in a nearby city, called me about a 10-day-old stray kitten she found next to its dead mother near a pile of garbage. She suggested we adopt the kitten, thinking it might help ease my grief while giving the tiny creature a chance at a better life.

At first, I was uncomfortable with the idea. The pain of losing my cat was still fresh, and I had decided never to keep another cat again. My sister understood but proposed a temporary solution: we could keep the kitten for a few days until she found it a new home. I reluctantly agreed, knowing I couldn't let the poor thing starve to death.

The only problem was that my sister lived 45 kilometers away in a hostel, and getting there wasn't easy. Driving my scooter on the highway was too dangerous, so I decided to take a local train. The journey would involve five stops, with my destination being Bhilai Nagar, a small area within the city of Bhilai.

Local trains in my state are unreserved and often crowded, especially during morning and evening hours. To avoid the rush, I chose a noon train that departed at 12:30 PM. I arrived at the station early, hoping to find a comfortable seat, and was relieved to see that the train was moderately crowded. I settled into a seat next to a man traveling with his wife.

As the train prepared to depart, a slim, bearded man with a large bag boarded and took the seat beside me. I silently hoped he was a normal passenger, but unfortunately, my prayers went unanswered. I wasn’t used to traveling alone, so I was already feeling uneasy.

At first, everything seemed fine. To pass the time, I opened my phone and began playing chess against a bot. Then, I overheard the bearded man’s phone conversation. He said, "Yes, I got caught, but I’m out on bail now. I’ll finish the job this time." My hands froze. Was I sitting next to a criminal?

The man sitting across from me had also overheard the conversation and exchanged a nervous glance with me. His expression mirrored my own fear. I tried to ignore it, reasoning that the man was unlikely to harm me in a crowded train. But he kept making suspicious calls, casually discussing things that sounded straight out of a crime novel. At one point, he mentioned heading to Durg, the station after Bhilai Nagar, for a court appearance.

My unease grew when I noticed him openly staring at my phone screen, not even trying to be discreet. I was too scared to confront him or move to another seat, fearing he might react badly. After what felt like forever, he finally stopped taking calls and struck up a conversation. “This game takes a lot of brain, doesn’t it?” he said, referring to the chess app. I smiled awkwardly and looked away, praying he wouldn’t continue talking. Thankfully, he didn’t.

The rest of the journey was tense. He kept brushing his leg against mine and glancing at me with a piercing gaze. I tried my best to focus on my game and ignore him. The entire time, I couldn’t stop thinking about the worst possibilities: what if he followed me, what if he attacked me—or worse, what if he raped me? These thoughts consumed me until the train finally reached Bhilai Nagar.

After I got off the train, I noticed him getting off as well. I was confused but decided not to dwell on it. Bhilai Nagar is only about 5 kilometers from Durg, so I assumed he might have business nearby. I stood on the platform, waiting for my sister to arrive. I called her, but she didn’t pick up. I figured she was driving and decided to wait. Then, I saw the man again, standing at a distance and staring directly at me. When he noticed I’d seen him, he walked away toward the front side of the station.

Relieved, I called my sister again, and this time, she answered. She told me she was waiting at the back exit of the station. I hurried there and was relieved to find her. She handed me the kitten, which was so tiny it fit in the palm of my hand. I placed it in a small basket I’d brought along.

We decided to stay at the station until my return train at 2:20 PM. I told my sister about the creepy man, but she laughed it off, saying he was probably just trying to scare me. Her reaction irritated me, but I let it go. Then, I saw him again—this time on the walking bridge, heading toward the back exit. I pointed him out to my sister, who dismissed it as a coincidence. I tried to do the same, thinking he might have gotten off at the wrong station and was waiting for the next train to Durg.

When my train arrived, I said goodbye to my sister and boarded with the kitten. The train was crowded, so I stood by the door. About 45 minutes later, just two stops away from my destination, I spotted the man again. He walked through the crowd and stood directly in front of me, staring. I ignored him, but my anxiety skyrocketed.

As the train approached my station, he leaned closer and asked about the basket. “What’s inside?” he inquired. I replied, “A kitten,” and explained that my sister had rescued it. He smiled and said, “It’s rare to meet good people like you.” The train stopped, and I quickly got off without responding.

Instead of exiting through the main station gates, I headed to the local train parking area, about 1.5 kilometers away, where I’d left my scooter. No one usually walks through that section unless they have a vehicle parked there. As I walked, I realized the man was following me. My heart raced as I quickened my pace. So did he.

By the time I reached my scooter, I was trembling with fear. He even followed me to the parking lot. I started my scooter and sped away, taking a longer route through secluded valleys to avoid traffic. Thankfully, I never saw him again.

His face still haunts me. I haven’t traveled alone since, and I’m terrified of the idea. That three-hour ordeal was the scariest experience of my life.

Let me know if you guys think that I was just overthinking stuff, or share your thoughts with me about what you guys think of my experience.

23:26 UTC


2 Creeps in a gas station

So some background info. I was 24 at the time and so was my husband. Our daughter was 2 at the time. We were on a road trip to go see family and about 20ish minutes outside of the town we lived was this big gas station with a wide variety of snacks. Whenever we go on a trip, we would always stop there for gas, drinks and snacks. It was the middle of the day in the middle of summer.

So we pull in and hubby finds a pump to fill up at. We'd all gone to the bathroom before leaving the house, so I left our daughter in the car while he filled up and went inside to fill our water bottles, and grab some snacks.

Like I said this gas station was fairly large for the area but not like huge or anything. The bathrooms and water fountain (with like the water bottle filler thing) were down a fairly secluded hallway. There was only 1 cashier and the line was kinda long so I decided to buy the snacks first then go into the hallway to fill the water bottles on the way out in case the line got longer.

Meanwhile my husband had finished pumping gas and pulled into a parking spot in front of the building to wait for me. But all of the windows were covered with posters and stuff so I didn't notice.

Anyway while I was in line, holding our snacks and water bottles in my arms, a couple of guys immediately get in line behind me. They were tall (and I'm like 5'10 which us tall for a woman) I'd estimate they were 6' at least. They wore very nondescript clothes, khaki shorts and blank gray t-shirts. I didn't hear them speak any English and I can't 100% confirm what language they spoke but it sounded middle eastern. (Edited to add: they were Caucasian not that their skin tone or mine matter, but I decided to add this since I'm now being accused of being racist.) Not super unusual for the area because there was a big college town nearby.

Especially after having my daughter, I don't like anyone being directly behind me (even family) so I turned so those guys were in my peripheral vision and looked at a display of kids toys while I waited. I do this move a lot when I'm waiting in a line and basically every time, nobody notices or cares that I turn so I can see people. And they certainly don't move around while waiting in line nearly as much as these guys did.

But one of them was fully staring at me and his expression was just plain unsettling to me. But he hadn't done anything so I just smiled, gave a half nod and looked away while still keeping them in my field of view.

They were whispering among themselves, even though nobody could understand their language and it wasn't exactly quiet in there. But I just had this gut feeling they were talking about me because they both kept openly staring at me and nobody else even though it was fairly busy.

Then they started moving so they were directly behind me. And for 4 minutes straight (I looked at my phone) every time I moved because I was uncomfortable with them directly behind me, they'd move to be directly behind me again. Every time they would look at something on display, but it just seemed so forced like they weren't actually interested in the unicorn toys and were just looking at them to be behind me. About every 15 seconds for 4 minutes while we were in this line it kept happening over and over. They'd even go back and look at something they'd already looked at. They went back to the same unicorn toy 4 times.

I felt like I was crazy, cuz like maybe one of them has a daughter or a niece who would like it. But every time I looked close enough, they were staring at me, watching me. I was seriously freaked out but I kept telling myself that they weren't after me or anything. But just to be safe, I decided to not go fill the water bottles and just go straight to the car. It wasn't worth risking it.

I was still 3 people away from the front of the line. There was some sort of issue with a membership card that held the line up. And more people had lined up behind the men.

One was a middle aged woman and her teenager(13-14ish). The woman saw my discomfort and saw how they kept getting behind me over and over. So she sent her teenager to see if the self checkouts were open. (At this gas station it was a 50/50 chance they were. They went down a lot.)

Meanwhile those men were getting closer and closer. I'd already gotten as close to the person in front of me as socially allowed, but they were breathing down my neck, and even brushing against me while they looked at the displays of candy and unicorn toys. I was contemplating leaving the snacks on the counter and walking out.

The teenager came back and must have whispered to the woman that the self checkout was open. Then the woman walked up to me, took me by the arm and led me to the self checkout. We watched each other's backs while we checked out. I looked up and saw them still staring at me and this time they looked fully angry at me! They were about to come talk to me when she grabbed my bag and receipt for me and walked me out to my car.

Somehow, she was so smooth with everything, I don't even think her teenager noticed what was going on. Once we were outside and I saw my car right there with hubby and my kid inside, I gave her a hug and thanked her for her help getting me out of there. Then we parted ways.

I told my hubby about everything, trying not to get too emotional about it. Just stating facts about what they did and how they behaved. He seemed equally freaked out by my description of the events and wished he'd had the chance to properly thank that woman. I filled our water bottles at the next gas station and we moved out of that area about 6 months later.

Anyway if that woman sees this. You're my hero! Thank you! I don't think I can fully describe how deeply uncomfortable I was in that situation. I was genuinely scared they'd follow me to my car or something!

03:17 UTC


The Flasher

I was out skateboarding one afternoon and it was starting to get dark. So dark that I could only see what was in front of me with a flashlight. The only way to get back home was through a boardwalk which winded through a large swamp. I skated that way earlier in the day already, it was so scenic, but now it had taken on a different atmosphere and I felt rather uncomfortable at the thought of having to go through it. There was no one around for a ways and it was uncomfortably quiet. It was a much longer way if I wanted to go around though and I wasn't familiar with any other routes.

So I'm like, screw it, I'll try to make this quick. I shine my light ahead and into the bushes and start skating as fast as possible. I noticed a man on the side of the trail ahead of me standing there, just staring at me. I instantly felt the heebie-jeebies but was going pretty fast already and (probably stupidly) just kept going, while simultaneously keeping my light on him. Just as I'm about to approach him, he suddenly whips out his private parts and starts peeing onto a tree. While he was doing this he kept apologizing in the creepiest, most patronizingly fake sounding voice saying, "Oh no I couldn't hold it in... Oh no!" All while making direct eye contact with me with a twisted grin on his face. Thankfully, I skated past him. He didn't try anything else and I got the hell out of that swamp. It was so unexpected and weird that it took me over a minute to realize wtf just happened.

Anywho, I'm definitely not going to try that again. Things could have gone a lot worse, please don't be as silly as I was. Stay safe everyone!

01:37 UTC


Strange woman pleading to get in the Uber with me and my girlfriend

Four years back, I had to move from a major east coast city in the US to London for work. I had spent over 7 years in this city and was emotionally jolted by this move as I was in a 3 year relationship and lived happily with my then girlfriend.

On my last day there, I went with my girlfriend to my favourite sunset spot in the city. It felt like a fitting end to my chapter there as my girlfriend and I had spent countless evenings walking there and this spot was truly my happy place. As the sun dipped under the horizon, my girlfriend and I decided to get an Uber back home to spend our last night in our apartment that we had so painstakingly put together. As I ordered the Uber, I realized that I had accidentally ordered it a few blocks away and the cab was just a few mins away. I grabbed my girlfriend’s hand and started running towards our cab.

While running, I noticed that another woman (short, in her early 30s, and well put together ) was also running behind us. While running, I joked to my girlfriend that she might have also ordered the cab to the wrong spot. However, we pass a couple of intersections and we are still unable to lose her.

At the next intersection, the moment it goes green, I tightly gripped my girlfriend’s hand to prevent her from sprinting. The woman takes two steps ahead and realises that we are not moving. As she turns back to us, I ask her “What do you want?”

She responds almost immediately that she needs to get in the cab with us cause her life is in danger. Her hand is in her purse and she is carrying a bag from T-Mobile in her other hand. Knowing that my girlfriend was going to be alone in that house for a few days after I left, I refused her request. I told her that I am happy to walk her to a safe space or even a police station if needed but no way in hell was she finding out where my girlfriend lived. She kept on pleading, noting that her life is in danger and everyone is trying to get her. All this while she was looking around for someone in an extremely jerky way.

I stood there on the side of the road for a good 10 minutes, refusing her request to come in the uber with me. To make it crystal clear to her, I even cancelled the uber I had ordered in front of her. Her hand in her purse and the fact that my girlfriend was going to be alone meant that I was in no mood to try my luck.

After 10 minutes or so, she agreed to me getting her an Uber on my phone. I asked for her number to check in on her once she arrived and she removed a new iPhone box with a post it note from her T mobile bag and read the number from the post it. This was the only time her hand came out of her purse and she slid it right back in after she read the number out to me.

Ultimately, she put her location on a random suburban street by the woods and I walked her to the Uber. After getting a notification that she had reached, I dropped her a message to ask her if she was okay. I did not hear anything in return!

What could explain this strange interaction? Is this some sort of a scam? What was she trying to achieve? Was I being too hard on her? I was just filled with emotions and did not want to put my girlfriend in danger.

02:12 UTC


Creepy pizza guy — Update

I wrote a post a while back about a creepy pizza delivery guy who turned up at my house late at night with pizzas for me that I didn’t order. You can read it here:


So I thought I’d provide an update for everyone who wanted one!

After the night the guy (I’ll call him Bill for now) turned up at our house, me and my partner went out for drinks a couple weeks later and ended up in the pizza shop. We noticed immediately that Bill wasn’t there, and I assumed that he was out on a delivery instead. Before we left though, the manager came out of the back and said hello, and then apologised profusely about Bill’s behaviour, and told us that he fired him. He was very thankful that we weren’t boycotting the place, and I assured him we wouldn’t because it really was the best pizza around.

I’m not sure how the manager found out about Bill bringing the pizzas to our house, but I informed the manager about everything else that happened that night, how late it was, Bill calling my phone ect. And Manager was furious to say the least.

He assured us that he wouldn’t be letting him work there again and my partner and I went on our way and went home.

A few months later, we moved house (unrelated to Bill) and never heard from him again. UNTIL he showed up one night at our new house. He was delivering food for Uber eats.

I didn’t want to take it further because we hadn’t heard or seen him in months, so we just left it alone and went about our life.

But then, about a month ago, I was going through my message requests on Facebook, and I saw that someone called Bill had been messaging me (or trying to) for months. I went into the messages and clicked his profile and lo and behold it was Creepy Bill.

I blocked him immediately and that was when I decided I’d report him on Uber eats. So I filed a complaint about him and I haven’t heard anything since. But yeah. I’ve no idea how he found me on Facebook or how he knew my surname but he did, and tried to message me for months.

So there’s the update! Creepy stuff. 😳

12:58 UTC


Don’t Go To The Gas Station At Night

I stupidly made the decision to go get gas at 11pm one night because I didn't make time before work to go. So as l'm pulling up to the gas station there were a couple of cars at the pumps which I sort of felt relieved about and more "safe" going in. Was I wrong, so I go inside to pay the clerk since l'm using cash and as I'm going to the pump to put gas in, most of the cars are leaving except this one truck parked two pumps beside me. I get in the car to wait for my gas to be filled and I'm on my phone and all the sudden I see this guy walking around the front of my car very suspiciously. I sort of glance up to see what he was doing but at that point I had made eye contact with him. Shit. He then proceeds to ask if I have any change for gas, and I nod "no, sorry." He says, "okay that's cool! Hey do you want me to remove your gas pump for you?" | say "no l'm good, thanks!" At this point my gas has filled up and he knows. And he's kind of fidgety as well and walks away behind my car.

I'm trying not to glance back and be subtle about looking where he is because I don't want to alarm him with how terrified I am. In my head I'm thinking how can I leave my car with him still around my car? He's out of sight, at this point no one is in the lot and I'm waiting till another car pulls up, 5 minutes later, nothing. So my flight or fight response is really kicking my ass on what l should do next. It's really cold out, I haven't turned on my car because the pump is still in my car. I don't know where this man is at.

Then finally I see him walk towards his truck but not entering it just around it, but as soon as his back is toward me, I go for it and I take the pump out and he notices and quickly approaches me and says, "oh hey, you're really beautiful!" Still walking toward me I nod, and quickly but subtly put my gas cap back on. And he says "I don't look like a serial killer, do I??" With this crazed look in his eyes. Like yeah mf actually you do. But at this point I bolted in my car and drove off quickly.

So ladies please avoid the gas stations at night or carry some sort of protection because I sure as hell will from now on and I learned my lesson. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds but it definitely could’ve taken a different turn of events had I done things differently.

10:41 UTC


A group of boys waited outside the girls bathroom for me, I had to ask someone to walk out with me because I didn't feel safe.

I was about 14 back then, I had skipped school and decided to go to a mall, this mall was known to have creepy teenagers or men who stalk and hit on girls, and I've had some small experiences there before, but it was 8am and I didn't think anyone could do that in broad daylight...

Well, they did, and since then I haven't been back in that mall alone.

I got off the bus and went to the entrance that had a little playground in front of it, I thought it would be safer if there was kids or families around, I sat on a swing and pulled out my phone to pass some time until I could go back home, there was an old lady with her granddaughter on the kids slide near me and I for sure felt safe being near them.

About 5 minutes of me scrolling on my phone I heard the voices and screams of teenage boys, I looked up and in a few seconds they were running around and causing commotion everywhere, at that moment is when I started to not feel safe anymore because I knew to expect the worst, I knew them, the town and the city knew them, they were not nice people even though they were teenagers, a little older than me.

I stood up to go inside because they started looking at me and sneakily going near me, I thought there would be a crowd big enough inside the mall for them not to follow me around and potentially do something, I went in a store inside the mall to buy myself something and take my mind off of the situation, I didn't hear or see them on the walk to the store or on the walk back where I sat on a couch they had inside the mall.

I thought I lost them, I still didn't let myself feel safe though, not until I was out of there.

A minute or two later I was again, scrolling on my phone, when I saw them, this time I didn't wait around, I stood up and walked to the bathroom which had a huge hall before you reach it, I noticed them following me and I walked faster, when I reached the girls bathroom I went in one of the stalls and stayed there for a full 30 to 40 minutes, just on my phone until I thought it has been long enough for them to give up and leave.

I exited the stall and started washing my hands when I saw them, 6 boys peeking inside the girls bathroom which had no door, looking right at me and joking around with each other, a couple of them were close enough to be considered basically fully inside the bathroom, I remember hearing one of them saying "yeah, I think it's her" or something like that to the other.

Thats when, while still washing my hands, I was frantically coming up with a plan, do I just risk it and walk out? Do I call someone to get me? Do I ask someone to walk out with me?

I went with the third option, I looked around and there were maybe around 3-4 women there, the closest one to me was around 40 years old and she was drying her hands, I had a fight with myself if I should ask her to walk out with me, I decided to do it because I basically had no other safe option.

I was shaking at this point, building up the courage to speak, then I did.

"Excuse me, sorry, can I walk out with you? Theres this group of boys who have been following me around almost all morning and they're waiting outside for me".

There was a pause, thoughts flooded my mind, "I shouldn't have asked", "she must think I'm insane".

But then she agreed, we walked out, I didn't even glance at the direction of the boys, the woman's husband was waiting outside of the bathroom for her, seeing him made me super relieved because now the boys would be hesitant to follow me and the woman because there was a man with us.

She explained the situation to her husband, I could see he didn't fully believe or understand the situation, but he ended up agreeing to walk out with me and his wife out of the long hallway to the exit, while walking, I briefly explained how the boys have been following me, and they seemed to understand.

When the end of the long hallway came, they went their way into a store and I went off to the exit as fast as I could, when I passed a security guard I felt safer, but not as safe as when I got out of that mall, when I was outside and finally got some fresh air, I realized how panicked I was, I ran to the closest bus stop that was far enough from the mall, if that makes sense, I came home early that day and didn't even care if anyone found out I skipped school.

I've been avoiding that mall as much as I can since then.

I don't want to think about what would've happened if I were to walk out alone that day, or if I weren't so focused on my surroundings.

To the woman and her husband who walked out with me, thank you.

09:26 UTC


I was nearly a victim of a fake-taxi rapist (update)

This is an update to a post I made a while ago recounting an experience I had when I was 18, in around 2021/2 (included below). Turns out in 2024, a man named Nazim Asmal was sentenced to 17 years for 4 counts of rape. He had pretended to be a taxi, luring lone, drunk women walking home from nights out into his car between 2021-2023. Like me. He operated around 30 mins away from where my story happened. He looks like the man who spoke to me. I will never be sure. But I’m pretty shaken up.

Note: in the OG post I misremembered the colour of the car. I don’t know why. I edited out here because I feel stupid.

OG: ‘Im a taxi, get in’

This is a fairly short and simple encounter but it still bothers me when I think about it. I was 18(F) and was walking home alone from a night out with my friends. For some reason I thought I was invincible. It’s something I would never do now, even if I hadn’t been drinking. I was walking back on a main road by the sea, but because it was very early in the morning there was absolutely nobody around and it was very dark. A man in a car slowed beside me and said something like ‘get in, I’m a taxi, get in’. Taxis are black where i live, and required to have certain stickers to identify them as a legit taxi.

I was drunk but not stupid enough to buy it. I knew he was not a taxi driver. So I kicked up a fuss and shouted at him (various ‘fuck off’ ‘you’re not a fucking taxi’, etc.) and he drove off quickly. What bothers me is that if he did try to physically overpower me, he probably would have.

20:40 UTC


guy staring into my window two nights in a row

this literally just happened so I’m trying to decide whether or not I should be concerned. my boyfriend came over and we were talking by the window and I noticed a guy standing right outside on the sidewalk but I couldn’t tell if he was facing me or not because I didn’t have my glasses on. mind you I’m on the second floor. so I asked my bf to see if he was looking at us and he said that he was .

I have had my window open these past few days because the weather has been so nice and my cat likes looking out. I have a window on the other side of my apartment where he walked towards so I ran to it to make sure that he wasn’t staring into it . the guy walks over to my neighbors and looks in their windows too. he even got behind the bushes of my neighbors on the first floor to look in.

and it reminded me that the day before I was at my desk and I noticed a man standing still outside my window just how he was tonight. not moving. just perfectly still. wearing a hoodie and sweatpants . There is a lot of grass outside my place so I see people stop to let their dogs pee all the time but I noticed he didn’t have a dog, it was just him. As soon as I started staring back, he walked away.

I’m pretty creeped out as I’ve never had anything like this happen to me. for context it’s almost 5am and I work late nights so I just got home. I wonder if he was surveying the area for a burglary or if he’s just a creep. I’m also a young woman living alone right now. should I be worried lol

tldr: it’s 5am and a man has been looking into my window and my neighbors for who knows how long

09:59 UTC


Odd Pizza Delivery Encounter

Hey, Reddit! Had an odd encounter tonight that isn’t too dramatic, but was creepy enough to me that I thought I’d share.

For context, I’m a guy working as a pizza delivery driver for around two years now. Usually, I really enjoy the job - sure, there’s a creep or a weirdo here and there, but overall, most stops don’t give me alarm bells like what I experienced tonight.

Anyways, I drive up to this house and immediately get a bit of an uneasy feeling. The guy seemed friendly enough on the phone, but you never know in this part of town, and his voice was rough - like he’d been smoking his entire life. He doesn’t come to the door at first, so I have a minute or so to glance through the door at the guy’s living room. Usually, I wouldn’t be so nosy, but the inside front door is wide open, leaving only a rickety glass door between me and his living room.

As I try and spot where he is in the house - a lot of the times, we have to knock more than once, especially if it’s an older customer - I notice he has some photos above the kitchen doorframe, directly across from the front door. Normally, this wouldn’t be off - were it not what the photos were of, and how they were placed.

The first two photos weren’t framed, and they seemed to have been cut out of something. They’re small, and depict the same exact photograph - a grainy, black and white portrait of a young boy, somewhere between the age of six and ten. While it’s weird that they’re duplicates, what’s even weirder is that they looked like missing child photos - specifically the kind you would see on a poster from the 70s or 80s. Think of missing kid photos like the ones of Ethan Patz, but specifically how they appeared on the milk carton, not just the original photographs - at first, I thought they might even be missing person reconstructions, they were so grainy, flat, and weird.

Hung in between the two pictures was a little bundle of sticks. They reminded me of those scented brooms they sell in stores, except without a handle. On the other side of the bundle, there was an old newspaper clipping with a woman who had a hairstyle from the 60s or 70s. Just like the photos, it wasn’t framed, and instead just sort of taped to the wall.

Before I could get a better look at it all, the guy came to the door and paid for his food. I left with a tip and went on my way.

Now, there could be a myriad of reasonable explanations for the photos - and besides, I’m in college to go into writing. I’ve got an imagination, and I’ve seen a serial killer story or two. I tried dismissing my initial gut feeling by wondering if it wasn’t a memorial for a passed friend or family member. He could also just be one of those people who try and solve cold cases from home.

However, the whole situation just gave me a very uneasy, sinister, and disturbing feeling that I can’t quite shake. If they were just photos, I wouldn’t have noticed - but like I said, these were photographed like missing child posters - not the kind of image you’d have stuck on the living room wall in January. Even as someone who has small vintage photo collection, my gut had a very negative reaction to them. I might be overthinking it and I’m sure there’s an innocent explanation, but it’s genuinely the first thing to creep me out on this job in a while.

08:21 UTC


When i was 19 a stranger tried to get me into his van after I got off work.

At the time this encounter occurred I was [F] 19 years old and I had just closed the store I was working at with another coworker. They drove home and Since I lived just right a crossed the street I thought I was safe to walk home alone, after all its just a 2 minute walk to my apartment. The apartment I lived in had a auto shop below the building which my uncle owned, this is important info trust me.

It was around 9:30 at night so it was pretty dark out, and the roads were empty. Not even 10 seconds after i walked a crossed the street a dark blue minivan pulls up beside me out of nowhere, this kinda startled me so i looked at the driver in confusion. I was carrying some bags of stuff I bought from work and the guy driving the van noticed and asked if I needed a ride. I kindly declined his offer and just told him I just live a few minutes away and so I started to continue walking.

but the guy started slowly following me and continued "Are you sure you don't need a ride I don't mind" he asked and again I declined and continued to keep walking, but he was persistent, and this started to creep me out so I started walking faster and ignored him as he'd repeatedly say things like "come on get in my car. Come on! Get in the car! GET IN THE CAR! COME ON! GET IN!". I was afraid to run inside the apartment because I really didn't want this creep to know where I lived so i was gonna just loop back around the building to lose him.

Thankfully I noticed that the auto shop's lights were on, and the garage door was open, my uncle must've been working late in the shop, so I sped walked towards the open garage and the van sped off in a hurry as soon as they were about to pass by the open garage door. I told my uncle about what just happened and waited a few minutes before walking back out to get to into my apartment, I locked all my doors and windows and stayed in the living room until my dad came home from our cousin's house. Thankfully I never saw the van again.

I did finally buy some pepper spray after this incident, I usually always had my weighted pocketknife on me, but I had actually left it at home that day after using it to cut thick string for some crafts i was working on. To everyone, even if you only have to walk 2 minutes to get to your destination even if you think you're safe, please treat it like it's a 20-minute walk home at night in a really sketchy town. always be on high guard and continue with causation when going anywhere alone. if you at all don't feel safe walking alone and you have anyone like friends or family that you know you can trust that wouldn't mind giving you a ride or even tag along with you don't be afraid to ask because it might just safe your life.

*i actually had posted this before but it was quickly removed by moderators so i figured I'd try again*

02:49 UTC


anyone know WTF happened to me when I was 12?

Hello. Literally just made a reddit account for this. This memory has bothered me for ages.

So, there was this place near my primary school (live in UK) that was like a small wooded area. Not SUPER wooded, more just like dry bushes and dead grass and fences around it and only a 5-minute walk or so, but still, it was in a pretty dodgy neighbourhood.

It was a shortcut on my way to pick up my siblings from primary school when I reached highschool. Dad and mum told me NOT to go there, there were rumours a girl got raped there, and my friends say they once saw a creepy-looking man hanging round the entrance. I was a pretty cautious kid, even when I was running late, I was always SUPER hesitant to use it. I never had any negative encounters myself, except maybe this one- which was mostly just- weird?

So, one time, I'm walking past the entrance, on my way to pick up my siblings. One of the girls from my highschool (also went to the same primary school as me) is lingering around there. Sort of just hovering awkwardly. Let's call her Jojo, since she had a long blonde ponytail.

As soon as she sees me she comes up to me and asks, in a sort of desperate wheedling voice, for me to walk through with her because she has to pick up her siblings from school and she's worried about being late.

I instantly knew this was cap.

And I'm like, 'You're going to pick up your siblings from the same primary school I'm going to, and I know for a FACT we're NOT late, because I set off early, and we're both going to the SAME friggin school.' (paraphrased). Also, I wasn't even sure she even had siblings, or picked them up.

And Jojo gives me some bullshit-sounding excuse, can't remember what, just that it made me look at her like: -_-

Anyway, she's getting WEIRDLY insistent and, being the socially inept teenager I was, I really didn't want to keep awkwardly umming and erring, so I went.

A little way in, we hear this little croaky voice. It's saying, 'Help. Help me.'

Now look, I don't know what someone who needs help sounds like, but something about this voice didn't sound right. It's croakiness sounded forced and it sounded the same every time it said 'help' and 'help me'.

Jojo's like, 'Should we go check it out?' She has a tiny, barely-noticeable smile on her face.

And I'm like, 'Mmm IDK man seems kinda sus I don't wanna get murdered.' (paraphrased)

We listen to whoever saying 'Help' a few more times and then I wonder if I might be leaving someone who genuinely needs help and maybe they're really desperate and I'm just ignoring them. And I'm like, 'Should we go and see? I'm feeling goofy n suicidal today :-D.' (paraphrased)

The tiny smile fades on Jojo's face, and she's looking at me for a second, and she goes, 'No.' And then, on the rest of the walk through the shortcut, she's telling me to hurry up and keeps glancing behind her.

Then I pick up my siblings and go home. I can't remember if she goes into the school to pick up her siblings (if she had any) or where she goes next.

I wanna ask if anyone's had a similar experience, if anyone knows wtf this might have been. It's kinda bothering me- maybe it was something serious (I def don't want to think that, she was a bit shady at times but not HORRIBLE), or maybe it would've just been a prank where someone jumps out and shouts boo or whatever, I've considered that, but then why did she get all serious when I suggested we actually go, and keep telling me to hurry? If someone has any answers, please let me know.

20:19 UTC


a stranger giving a ride

I want to first mention that this is a current situation, and it could happen again in the future, so I’m not 100% at ease with it yet. Well, I’m young (M19), and despite my age, people usually think I’m around 15 or 16 (this "inflammation" can be useful). A lot of times, I go to church at night, and to get there, I have to pass through a stretch where there aren’t many people or traffic. It was in this place that, at least twice, a man I don’t know approached me, offering me a ride on the motorcycle he always rides. I’m saying "every time," "always," but it’s only happened twice, but having it happen once and then a second time made me more worried. It makes me feel like I’m being followed or that he knows exactly where and when I pass by, alone.

The first time I saw him, I was walking down the street, and he came by on his motorcycle. I thought he was asking for directions, so I tried to listen to see what it was, but as I got closer, I realized he was only looking down at me, not at my face. So I made up an excuse and kept walking. I was lucky because he didn’t follow me or insist.

The second time, I was heading to church, and he was already on that same street (this happened weeks/months after the first). Again, he tried to get my attention, but I was walking on the other side of the street and pretended not to notice. I was really worried and scared at that point because I saw that it was happening again. So I kept walking straight, I could already see the church, but he came by on his motorcycle, stopped right by the edge of the road, got off, and came up to me, offering a ride. By chance, there weren’t any cars passing by, so I crossed the road (you have to cross a road that connects cities to get to my church, and many cars pass through it). That day, there was a celebration with a lot of people, and I stayed the rest of the night talking with friends from there, out of fear that this man would enter or do something. Fortunately, I got a ride back in a car and wasn’t alone.

My biggest fear is that this could happen a third time since now he knows where I’m going too...

21:20 UTC


Wierd Guy with the iced coffee at the grocery store

This story has been on my mind for years.

Im a 37 yr old woman who works at a grocery store. At the time,I was maybe in my early 30s,however look younger and get a range of ages from other people which unfortunately results in me getting some types of attention I dont like occasionally. At the time,I was only cashiering(nowadays I do other stuff as well). They had me on Self Checkout mainly. At the time there were 3 self checkout at this store(the third is no longer there,but this third one is where the incident occured.)

They started assigning me to the newest one near the deli in a corner of the store that was kinda "secluded". There was a dining area with tables and chairs where people could buy prepared food and eat .Mostly chicken and sides. At one point there was also a salad bar, a hot food bar, and right next to the chicken stand, a pizza stand. The hot bar,salad bar,pizza stand are no longer there and were removed during the Covid pandemic. But it used to be a big draw at lunch.

One day,I was stationed there as usual. The lunch rush was over,it was about maybe 2pm and no one else was really around,so I didnt have much to do then. Some of my other duties included cleaning up the eating area,wiping tables,throwing out trash,sweeping the floor,but Id already done that.

A young man with long blond hair came around,he had an iced coffee. He was just walking around,so I figured he was simply browsing. He didnt pick up any products or buy any food to eat or sit down.

Then he randomly comes up to me at the self checkout attendant station. He didnt say "hello" or anything and then he proceeds to ask me if I knew some statistic about domestic terrorism in this country. I was stunned. It was such a bizarre question to just walk up and ask an employee. I simply said "no". He then went off and kept walking around. He continued to just walk around,not leaving. He came up asking some other question,but I cant remember what it was.

I became increasingly uncomfortable. This area didnt have a lot of people around. I didnt want to stand at the station anymore so I tried to busy myself checking the area and stuff. Then randomly at one point this guy picks up the broom I used to sweep and starts sweeping the floor. I went and took it back from him and he said nothing. I thought he might be trying to get my attention. He never at any point asked for help with anything,about products,the store,where to find items,etc.

As it went on I started to believe this dude was following me around and this made me very nervous. He wasnt picking anything up to buy or even looking at products at all. At one point I had to use the restroom which was right by the area. As I went into the bathroom area and went in one of the bathrooms,I saw him in front of the entrance to that area just looking at me.

I stayed in there a couple minutes. When I came out,the guy was gone,and I didnt know where he went. He didnt come back and I figured he finally got bored and left. I was still pretty freaked.

After this and other separate unrelated incidents with other unsettling people(not similar though),I asked my managers to move me to the SCO up front where there were obviously a ton more people around all the time because I wasnt comfortable over there anymore. Luckily,my manager said yes and I wasnt sent over there again and I didnt have any more of those encounters. I havent seen the guy again.

The whole thing was weird and unsettling.

22:13 UTC

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