
Photograph via snooOG

This sub is for creepy, human-to-human encounters where you weren't actually in any immediate, life-threatening danger, but that sufficiently creeped you out enough to share.

Welcome to CreepyEncounters!

This sub is for MILDLY creepy in-person HUMAN encounters. Encounters where you didn't necessarily feel your life was in immediate danger, but maybe on the inside you were going, "yeah, this is kinda creepy as hell" and wanted to nope out of the situation.

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This is the sister sub to LNM. If your submission belongs there, then it doesn't belong here, and vice versa.

If your encounter was truly terrifying + your life was in jeopardy, or there was immediate danger of physical harm to your person, or it involved any other kind of trauma/drama above and beyond merely creeping you out, post it in /r/letsnotmeet.

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  • Again, this sub is ONLY for your own personal stories, or those told second-hand to you by family or friends, or what you know happened with the creep next door, or someone on your block.

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...LNM, or on Uranus, or on a garbage can behind the 7/11. :c

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Stepmom saved me from a creepy lady in McDonald’s

I was 11 years old when this happened (currently f24) visiting my dad and stepmom over the summer in Saskatchewan, Canada. My dad worked long days during the week so on her day off he had planned for my stepmom to take my sister (8 at the time) and I out for a day to get some bonding time in with us as we didn’t know her super well yet. She took us to get our nails done, to the mall and on the way home we stopped at a McDonald’s.

We planned on eating inside in the restaurant but it was very busy so my stepmom asked my sister and I to find a table and wait there while she went to the counter to order our food. I noticed this rough, older looking woman (possibly 60s/70s?) looking towards the direction of the table my sister and i were seated at. All I could remember is thinking she looked like a drugged out Susan Boyle, she looked possibly homeless and addicted so I didn’t give her much of a thought, letting her do her own thing and I just tried to talk to my sister about random stuff.

Once my stepmom came back to the table, this woman was seemingly already approaching us and then stopped beside us. She just said hello so we all kinda said hi back and tried to ignore her, she asked if we were my stepmom’s daughters so she says “they’re my stepdaughters” trying to be simple to kinda shut her down. The lady says we we were beautiful girls and begins to walk towards the door. She stops one last time and asks “how old are they?” We had the impression she was on her way out so my stepmom just says to her “11 and 8.” Her eyes lit up and she looked at me with a strange look, “I’ve always wanted an 11 year old. I’d buy her from you.” That definitely crossed a line so my stepmom finally tells her we are trying to eat lunch and asks her what she’s even saying in a somewhat aggressive tone, the lady got one last look at me and then she finally left.

She definitely didn’t have the money to buy me even if I was for sale anyways lol, so I wasn’t worried. I think she was possibly on some drugs and not in the right mind. But knowing my shy ass at 11 I wouldn’t have known how to get rid of this lady if she tried to talk to us without my stepmom there. We weren’t super close then, but I respected her a lot after that day for being ready to protect us even in a minor situation like that.

1 Comment
12:25 UTC


Creep at diner

My aunty owns a local diner in the middle of a small town where everyone knows everyone. Recently, she had almost half of her waiters quit within a month, which she knew about but didn’t tell me why when telling my mom this and I overheard it while doing homework at the dining table.

Then she asked my mom if my two older sisters could help out, but my mom said that the oldest is moving out of town to live with her fiancé, but agreed to let my second older sister work. Then my aunty asked about me. Mind you, I’m a 15 y/o girl and the last thing on my mind to do after school is going to work, even for a few hours. Even if I find time to get home in the evening and finish my homework, I still wouldn’t like the idea at all.

My mom was quiet for a little before agreeing, since even I know that money is a touchy subject. Ever since my dad divorced my mom, I was chosen to stay with my mom 100% because my dad is an alcoholic and often liked to hurt my mom and have done some nasty things to my sisters and I. I don’t know where he is now, probably in jail, or married to another poor women who will be his next victim, but that’s partially the reason why we are struggling when it comes to money.

Fast forward a week. I went to school on a Wednesday morning like normal, except I had to pack a set of extra clothes in my already stuffed backpack. My aunt talked to me and told me I have to wear a uniform, and she doesn’t want my mom to know what I wear, so she wants me to put it into my backpack instead of going to school in it, she even said she can wash it every week since it’ll probably smell like eggs and other diner foods.

I usually take the bus to school, so days that I work, I would take another bus that dropped me off about a two minute walk from the diner. The bus drivers really didn’t care about if we got off on unusual stops, or maybe they had no idea and were just working for a paycheck, much like I’m about to do. And each end of my shift, my aunty will drop me off back home, after I changed back of course.

Once at the diner, I would go to the back, through the kitchen, which had two chefs who worked harder than any cook I’ve ever seen, and right to my aunty’s office. There I could see her computer on a desk, a whole lot of paper work, clothes all around, and just a total mess.

So my outfit is basically a button down white t shirt, a white mini skirt, and one of those tiny aprons that only cover from waist to crotch area. I kind of liked the way this fits on me, but the fact that I’m wearing all white means I’m going to get dirty, maybe every night. My sister has a similar outfit, but her skirt is longer since she sometimes does shave her legs or something, I just know that I don’t have the same issues she has.

The first night went well, I got a lot of people looking at me funny and asked if I’m a kid, to which I told them my age and some of them were upset a kid is working, some were happy that they think I’m trying to help the family business, and some were just weird and happy to just see me. Whatever the reason it was, I just like talking to people, so this was super easy, plus most of them didn’t mind if I would bring out one plate at a time instead of like five or six like pro waitresses.

Friday night comes around, and this is the night I finally meet the guy, who’s one of the main reasons why those other waitresses quit. My aunty really wanted me to meet him since he’s in about three or four times a week and orders a good portion. His name was Larry, and he seems really nice and friendly, he even treated me more like a friend than a waitress and would have me sit down with him while he told me stories about how he fixed cars, travels for work, eats at every restaurant ever, and stayed at every hotel in the world. I never told him my age, but I’m pretty sure he can tell I’m a minor.

Often enough, he sits at a booth in the corner of the restaurant and would ask me to sit beside his so he could kick his feet up on the other side bench, which I didn’t mind, but it only started to get weird when he would poke one of the buttons hidden from my apron and think it’s my belly button and ask if I had an outie belly button and if I’m ticklish. I do in fact have an outie belly button, but I didn’t tell him that, I would just fake a giggle. Sometimes I would feel his hand brush up on my chest, which I don’t care much of either, but there was a few times I felt like he was feeling my chest for my nipple, which I still don’t know why he would want to see them since my chest is still pretty flat (again, I’m 15, I know it’ll grow).

Sometimes he grabbed my arm or thigh and give me massages, which really don’t feel good, and if I tell him I don’t like it, he just tells me it’ll start to like it. Usually after every visit from Larry, I would make up a dozen excuses that I needed to go before he would accept and let me go.

I didn’t mind anything weird about Larry, he seems innocent enough, like a grandpa who just wants to spend time with his grandkids, but I really wish I wasn’t chosen to babysit him everytime he comes here. And since he spends like $100 a week here, my aunty tells me to just ignore and let him ramble on since he’s the reason this business is still afloat. Which are my aunty’s words, and I’m pretty sure $100 a week cannot cover rent alone.

After about a week of seeing Larry almost most of my shift, he came in with his laptop and showed me his Facebook and told me to look myself up so we can be friends. I seriously don’t want Larry in my life 24/7, so I just lied and told him I never made a Facebook.

He simply laughed, thought for a second and wrote my whole name out in the search bar. For a second, I was so shocked that I turned pale, even for my light skin. I had a name tag, but only my first name. But my stupid sister probably told him our last name when he asked. She may be older, but she doesn’t act like it. He found a picture of me and sent a fr, to which my phone goes off, making Larry laugh and my heart drop into my stomach.

He sent me a few messages just to hear my phone go off a few times as I pulled it out and fake laughed before swallowing the throw up in my mouth. He then proceeds to go through my gallery, which my fb is public since I was pretty stupid enough to want to make as many friends as possible, much like instagram and try to gain as many followers. He founds pics of me that I wish he wouldn’t find and could comment on how my clothes are too revealing and I should take these pics down.

He commented on my friends and how he could find me a good set of friends to be with, to which I had no idea who he’s referring to since he told me before he’s since, no kids, and lives alone. Then even seeing pics of me with my belly button revealed and comment on my outie belly button and poke my belly again. I could really feel his finger trying to find my belly button again, which just felt so disgusting that I just got up without a reason this time and just stormed to my aunty’s office.

I confessed everything to her and told her how disgusted I am, and at first she seemed to be on my side, but when I explained the things he did to me, she quickly changed sides and told me I’m just over exaggerating and he’s just treating me like a kid in a friendly way.

I wanted to burst out crying and asked my sister for help, even wanting to talk to mom about this and confess it all, but my sister calmed me down and told me how aunty would have to let us go, then he wouldn’t have enough money to keep our apartment, and then we’ll have to live with dad. I had no idea if this were true, but the things my dad did to me are in fact worse than what Larry had done so far.

Fast forward a few months to present day, I still work at the diner and still see Larry on an almost daily basis. He still acts the same and once in a while touches me, but it’s gotten to the point that it’s nothing too concerning, like my chest or thigh, which I still don’t care about too much, I only care when he tries to touch my belly button or nipple. I know that for summer, mom will make me work, and because of my age, I legally can’t find a job anywhere else.

I’m pretty much okay if I have to keep working for summer, the only good thing about Larry is that he would often order twice in one sitting, which made aunty very happy, and I would get a good tip because of it. I guess if you have advice, then I’ll take it, but I don’t think getting rid of Larry will be of my best interest since I’ve read too many creepy stories of stalker situations, and trying to escape the creep only makes things worse, but also aunty probably would fire me, and mom would be upset.

If I reveal all of this to mom, this would only make our family situation much worse since my mom relies on aunty way too much. But either way, it feels good to share this, I feel like just talking about it makes me feel better, and reading other stories makes me feel like I’m not alone and maybe I’ll find help in the best way. I might be in this situation for a while, but sharing it relieves some of the stress. Thanks again for listening, if I have any updates I will post them here.

11:03 UTC


The Grinning Man at the Park

This happened to me roughly ten years ago. For reference I’m M and would have been in my early to mid 40s then. I was meeting a friend for coffee and was running a bit early so I had about half an hour to kill so I stopped at a little park on the way to the coffee place.

It had a parking area along the main road that led to the park itself (which was basically an asphalt trail around a small oval shaped pond which was half lined with a wooded area. There was a shelter and restrooms and a kids playground right near the parking lot.

It was late morning and very sunny and getting warm so I opened the driver’s side window all the way and the passenger side window an inch or so. I was scrolling thru emails on my phone when I noticed movement a few yards away on the trail. A young man in black sweat pants and a black hoodie was stretching with his back towards me. I was the only car parked in the lot at the time.

I went back to my phone and emails when suddenly there was a pounding on the passenger side window. It was the guy who had been stretching a minute ago. He scared the crap out of me. I asked him can I help you? He didn’t reply but put his face by the crack in the window and was grinning with a crazed look in his eyes. I quickly started the car up and shut both windows just as he dashed over to my side of the car and began trying to open the door.

I honked the horn a couple times and shouted at him asking what his problem was. He was still grinning like an idiot and not saying anything. Another car suddenly pulled into the lot and parked a few spaces away and the grinning guy turned and ran off towards the woods. I pulled out and left the park, checking in my mirror to make sure he didn’t come back out.

That event weirded me out for some time afterwards and I was thankful my car doors were locked and that I was able to close the windows before anything could happen.

06:38 UTC


Three people dressed in all black with white face masks.

original post was deleted due to wall-of-text rules… feels a bit silly reposting, but still want to share nonetheless as it was a very creepy encounter.

this happened last night. I was almost home after a long day of traveling, and it was approximately 1am as I rounded a corner and stopped at the intersection right near my home. the light was red, and as I slowed to a stop, out of the corner of my eye, I saw three people on the side walk.

they were all dressed in black, and wearing white face masks or face paint (or a combination of the two). one was crouched on the ground, while the other two were standing crooked. they were still as statues when I came to a stop, but when I looked at them, they all started crawling/walking towards me. I was exhausted, and apparently my instinct in moments of terror is to just laugh and shake my head like I was in on the joke. they were super close to my car, but thankfully the light turned green and I was able to get out of there before they reached my car.

since you could see the corner of my house from the intersection, I ended up just driving for quite a while and then turning around once it felt like enough time had passed so that they wouldn’t follow my car pulling into the street I live on. I imagine it was just some teens playing a prank, but afterwards I was thinking about it being a school night and most people wouldn’t be having sleepovers in the middle of the week.

I’m debating if it’s worth calling the non-emergency line to report it just in case… regardless, I shan’t be going out past sundown for quite some time, and I’ll likely invest in some door lock reinforcements.

06:23 UTC


Creepy guy at the mall

I was at a large outdoor mall in Columbus, OH and wanted to do a little shopping before going into work nearby at 2PM. SO, keep in mind this happened on a Wednesday afternoon in May.

I parked on the first floor of a garage, a row directly across from the main entrance of the indoor mall area towards the back. As soon as I parked I made eye contact with a guy walking in the next row (I was 26F at the time and this guy looked to be around my age if not younger).

He turned towards me and started walking my way, I put my head down, started gathering my things and next thing I knew he was knocking on my window.

I can’t remember if I already had the window down or if I rolled it down more but anyways the window was almost half way down.

He asked me where the closest restroom was, I told him there is one as soon as you walk in the main entrance of the mall. He said he didn't know where that was and if I would show him there. I pointed and said you literally just need to walk down this row and go through the doors and the signs will be right there. He really wanted me to show him where it was.

He just stood there and looked at me for what felt like forever after he realized I wasn’t going to get out and show him to the restroom.

He then asked me if he could hop in the back seat real quick and that’s when my confusion went to panic. I really started to panic. I don't even remember if I responded to that right off the bat. He just kept going on asking if he could get in and then asked to hook up in the back seat and I (being a nice person I guess?) just said no thank you I have a boyfriend I'm "sorry" ??????? to which he responded "it's okay, I have a girlfriend and I love her". This just kept going on, me telling him I needed to go and get to work and that I was sorry. He kept texting or something with his phone during the conversation too.

I was afraid he’d try to open my door and I didn’t want to lock them and somehow trigger this guy into doing something else.

Somehow I finally got the courage to start the car back up, reversed the car and got the absolute f out of there before he could say anything else.

I worked a couple blocks away and hurried into the building before I called security.

I have no idea what this guy's intentions actually were, I truly felt that he was trying to get me out of the car and possibly had other people close by. Maybe he really did just want to hook up? But who in their right mind goes about it in that kind of way? Was he bait for human trafficking? Was he just trying to rob me? He just seemed to be a normal person until the interaction furthered.

Thankfully (but not) I was in a rental car because mine had been stolen exactly three weeks prior to this happening… just very happy this guy did not see what I typically drove if he happened to snag the license plate and make/model of the car.

What do you think this was? Any similar experiences? I still think about this and it’s been about 2 years now.

04:53 UTC


Crazy Lady Tried Calling CPS

Crazy woman threatening to call CPS

This isn’t really creepy but it was scary for sure.

No, I am not the parent in this situation, but rather the kid. This was (who knows ) years ago. I was young. Maybe like 7 or 8 (think 7). I was with my two other siblings, my little bro and older sis. We’re all 3 years apart.

Anyways we were all in the car, waiting for our mom who had gone inside a Pizza Delight to pick up our food which she had pre ordered beforehand. This was in Bayers Lake I think? We were only alone in there for a minute. And I was tired so I was half asleep against the window.

I was abruptly woken up to aggressive and loud banging on our car window. My sister (maybe 10 at the time) was sitting shotgun, I was in the backseat diagonal from her, and my little brother (prob 4) was beside me.

We all immediately looked to where the sound came from and saw a 40-50 year old looking lady. I don’t remember much about her and it was late out. But her hair was kind of frizzy, thin, and crazy looking; It was silvery-blonde, she had a receding hairline and was sweating profusely on her forehead. She looked a little on the heavy side and her face was practically pressed up against the glass and she had an intense crazy look.

She held her phone up against the window (my sisters window) with the white emergency dial screen up, and yelled something at us. I can’t remember what. My mom was literally walking back to the car when this happened and was like “wtf”. So she immediately gets into the car, and the woman runs around to her door and grabs it, yelling at her about how she’s a terrible person for leaving her kids alone in a car and that she was gonna call CPS.

Our mom explains to her that she was only gone for 5 minutes max and that she had a 10 year old in the car with a phone, the car was locked, and she could see the car from where she was in the restaurant. The lady keeps screaming at my mom though, and grabs my moms wrist. So my mom (who is in the military) immediately rips her hand off her wrist and slams her door shut, rolls down the window to give her the bird and books it. (The woman was screaming the whole time and looked genuinely insane and terrifying).

Anyways we later dubbed her “Pizza Karen” around 2020 when we were reminiscing about the event and laugh about it now. But yeah that’s my story. Hope it temporarily fulfilled your boredom 🤙

23:29 UTC


Stranger in park started asking me suspicious ?s about my autistic son

My youngest son is autistic and 5 years old. It’s very obvious that he’s autistic. He constantly stims with his hands, rocks back and forth and doesn’t respond to communication. He’s a gestalt language processor so he repeats “catch phrases” that only I can understand. For instance he will say “wittle wobbles” when he has a hole in his sock.

Saturday I took him and my daughter (8) to the park. A man, probably in his mid to late 30s was there with who he said was his niece. Her and my daughter hit it off so he came over to talk to me.

My son is in his own little world but playing on the equipment from time to time. And he hits himself in the head so I constantly redirect him. The man asks if my son is autistic and I say yes. He then asks when he was diagnosed. I told him at the age of 2, almost 3. He asks if he’s in regular classes or special needs. I don’t answer him right away because I’m getting uncomfortable. He can tell and responds with “I think my nephew is autistic and he’s 3”.

So I let my guard down a little, which was the wrong decision. I tell him he’s in a special needs class. He asks what school because he wants to know options for his nephew. I hesitate and then tell him the 4 schools in the district that offer a special needs class, not specifying which school my son goes to.

Then he asks if my son runs off a lot. I just reply sometimes. He notices the gps tracker on my son’s ankle. He asks how well that tracks him and if he ever tries to take it off. At this point, I realize that this is not a conversation I want to have. I tell him that I’m not comfortable talking to him about this anymore. He responds with “I’m concerned about my nephew”. I tell him not all autistic children are the same and he should get him evaluated.

I call my daughter over (who is upset bc she was having fun playing with the little girl) and pick up my son and we go to the car. I’m watching him as we leave and he’s just staring at us.

My daughter asks why we had to go and I tell her that we have to go home and do stuff around the house. She’s very intuitive and asks “is it because of that girl’s stepdad?” I ask her why she thinks he was her stepdad. And she said that the little girl told her he was her mom’s boyfriend.

I ask what else she said about him. She tells me the little girl said “[man’s name] likes to talk to girls like your mom and it makes my mom mad.” I then ask if there was anything else and she tells me the girl said she was glad she met my daughter because she’s an only child and doesn’t get to play with other kids except at school. She also tells me the little girl asked for her phone number and wanted to see her again soon.

The man was lying to me. For what reason, I don’t know. I can only assume to make it seem like he was single? Could be more sinister than that, I have no idea.

I immediately call the police and tell them everything. They get my info and say they are sending an officer to the park. By the time the officer got to the park (a couple hour later, ugh), they were, of course, gone. I give the dispatcher a description, the man and little girl’s first names and what I think he was driving since it was just us there so I assume it was his vehicle in the lot. They tell me they will call if they need any more information.

Lesson learned. I’m almost certain that he took advantage of my willingness to help another autistic person to try to get information about my son or about me.

17:52 UTC


Strange interaction with potential abductor?

This actually happened like three years ago, but I was so unsettled by it, I still think about it sometimes and am curious to hear other people’s thoughts.

When I (20M at the time) was in college, I worked part time at a grocery store, usually working the closing shift. One night, around thirty minutes before closing, a woman came to the store, asked when we close, bought groceries, and left. I didn’t think anything of it.

At closing time, I was heading out of the store when a car pulled up to the front. That woman rolled down her window and explained that she’d left her phone in the store and needed to go in and look for it. She pointed to me and said that she wanted me to go with her since I was the one who checked her out. My manager explained that customers weren’t allowed in the store after closing, but asked me to go in and look around. I obliged and searched everywhere for the phone, but I couldn’t find it. Eventually, my manager offered to go look for it and told me I was free to go. I headed to my bike which was parked maybe 20 feet from the entrance.

Right as I unlocked my bike and put in my AirPods, the car pulls up to me, and the woman starts going on and on about how polite and helpful I am (not even just for looking for her phone, but for scanning her groceries?) while repeating my name at the end of nearly every sentence. I thank her and undo the kickstand on my bike, clearly trying to go home, but she starts asking what kind of bike I have. I explain that it’s electric, and she remarks that she didn’t know that those existed (a couple of minutes later, claiming that she’d been “looking for an electric bike for a while”). She then asked if she could take a picture of my bike so she’d know what to look for.

Then she takes out her phone— the one she claimed was lost— to take a photo (although at the time, I didn’t realize that. I just wanted to go home). Before taking the picture, she asks why I’m still wearing a mask (this was during COVID), and tells me that I should take it off to avoid sinus issues. I think it’s weird that she’s bringing this up and assume she’s a hardcore anti-mask person, so I decide to keep it on because I think those people are annoying. When she was taking the picture, I noticed that her phone was aimed moreso at me than the bike. She thanks me again and leaves, and my manager goes over to me and asked if I was okay. I say yes, thinking it was a strange question as I wasn’t really connecting the dots, and head home.

But as I headed home, I started to put everything together:

  • She asked when we closed despite having already gotten what she needed and then managed to show up exactly at closing time to look for the “lost” phone.

  • She was clearly trying to take a photo of me, made weirder by the fact that she wanted me to take my mask off as if to see my whole face.

  • The way she added my name onto the end of every sentence made it seem like she was trying to memorize it or something.

  • She had her phone the entire time, so didn’t have any reason to show back up to the store.

  • She wanted to be alone with me in the store to “look for her phone”.

  • She not only took a photo of me, but of my mode of transportation.

  • She seemed to just be trying to get an excuse to talk to me for longer and/or get a photo, evidenced by the inconsistencies of “I didn’t know electric bikes existed” and then “I’ve been wanting an electric bike.”

It seemed like there were just too many weird things going on her for this to just be meaningless, and there was a (possibly unrelated but who knows) man with a blue car who started showing up at closing time and seemingly watching me as I went to my bike. I eventually stared him down one night to basically tell him that I know he was watching me, and didn’t see him after that.

At the time, I was 20M. I was also fairly good-looking, and wondered if I was a potential trafficking target or something, which was scary to think about. I don’t live in that area anymore and haven’t ever had any other interactions like that, but I’m wondering if other people have dealt with something similar?

13:34 UTC


Man waited for me after my friend’s shift.

I [F23] staying with my friend [also F23] for a couple of weeks in the town I grew up in. She works at a restaurant. Without giving away too many details about the location, it’s a plaza with a river nearby, a movie theatre, restaurants, and boutiques. We entered through the parking garage on the bottom floor which has 3 stories (both elevators and stairs, this is important).

Her shift was about 6 hours, so I decided to do some shopping, listen to music, and walk around before eating at the restaurant my friend works at. I was sitting at the bar on the corner alone, listening to music.

A bigger man approached me. He had a security guard beanie on that was incredibly dirty and tattered up. He was muttering, and his eyes were barely open. What I got from his muttering was “Are you ...” “I like your…” “Is anyone sitting…”, but keep in mind it was incredibly muttered , i’m just guessing what he was trying to say (all of this was said while he was switching back and forth between looking into my eyes and staring at my chest)

I told him multiple times I couldn’t understand what he said. After a bit of back and forth, I put the headphones back around my neck and he left me alone. I told my friend about what happened immediately. I tried to shake it off, hoping it was an isolated incident.

If this is where the story ended, I wouldn’t be writing this unfortunately.About an hour later or so, I see someone approach the bar to my left out of the corner of my eye, and I felt their eyes on me. I didn’t look, but somehow I knew it was him. My heart started beating really fast. I texted my friend and told her I felt really sketched out. I wanted to believe that I was misreading things and was just letting anxiety get the best of me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling.

30 minutes or so later, she gets off. As we walked towards the parking garage stairs to get to our car, I saw him sitting on a bench, waiting for me. The benches aren’t super close to the elevators, they’re closer to the restaurant if anything. The second I spotted him, my blood ran cold. He saw us walking towards the stairs to the parking garage and started running towards us.

I was face to face with him by the time we got to the top of the stairs. We booked it back to the restaurant and used the employee elevator to get to her car (and an employee escorted us to the car as well).

The employee told us there are a lot of cases of homeless people who walk around the restaurants, so I presume he was homeless and just walking in and out of restaurants until he saw me. I’m incredibly thankful I trusted my gut, and that I saw him. I don’t know what would’ve happened to us if I didn’t see him at first… but I don’t want to find out.

[TL;DR] a man attempted to approach me multiple times while i was at the bar alone, he waited for me on a bench, and chased me to the parking garage when he saw me walk out of the bar. (I’m on mobile so I apologize if the formatting is shit)

1 Comment
05:02 UTC


I woke up to a girl watching me in my sleep.

My female friend came to visit me for a long weekend and I [22 F] won’t be letting her stay ever again.

Backstory: We were friends for ~3 months before we both moved to separate states and continued our friendship virtually until now. It has been a healthy friendship with open communication.

We have had our disagreements but mostly always talked it out and moved on. They mostly revolve around her believing I don’t open up enough and for me, she does things that are inconsiderate at times like be jealous of my long term friends (to their faces) and have an odd attitude problem at times (only has been shown maybe 3 times).

She can also be a bit obsessive and get upset when I don’t text her for more than a day. She’s got loads of my photos saved to her phone and remembers every little thing about me and has a list of my interests. I’ve seen it endearing until now.

The Trip.

Day 1: The first day of the trip was great. She was bubbly and brought me a gift with a sweet note of appreciation. We went clubbing and headed to bed (separately) for the night. This is where things got weird.

Remember, we slept separately. Well, I woke up and she was in my bed. But, not in my bed. She was sitting upright on top of the blankets next to me with her feet straight out and her back against my headboard while looking forward. I was startled and said “Oh.” instinctively. She just looked at me. She never said she was waiting for me to wake up or maybe she was uncomfortable on the couch—nothing. Then, she left my room. I have no clue how long she was sitting there.

Day 2-3: Day 2, in the morning, we walked the city where she was engaged and wanting to hold my hand while we were out and about. By midday (still Day 2), her attitude has shifted completely and she is near mute. She isn’t conversing with me, enjoying any activities or even smiling anymore. At the bar, arcade or even at home watching movies.

You know how those driving games take a silly little photo for your profile pic on the leaderboard? I was blowing a kissy face in mine. I glanced at hers and even snapped a pic without her noticing. Her head was tilted forward looking up at the camera. She was blank faced and you can mostly see the whites of her eyes. It was like the film poster of a horror film (See; The Orphan 2009).

Anyways, for the rest of the trip, she continued to not smile. She was cold to every service worker. She responded with one word answers otherwise, complained about any and everything. I asked “Are you okay?” a couple of times and she replied “I’m fine” avoiding eye contact everytime. Car rides were silent. Dinners were silent.

Day 4: Final day. I drove her to the airport at 3 am. I asked if she enjoyed her visit and she said “It was ok. It was fine.” I told her I enjoyed having her. She boarded her flight and left.

I cannot figure out what caused this 180 degree shift. I paid for everything, took her to all sorts of events she wanted to go to and even took a day off (my first sick day..ever) to take her to more.

I felt myself overcompensating because I felt insecure of being a terrible host or something. I’ve had several friends stay with me and express to me that they enjoyed themselves so much they never wanted to leave. I don’t believe I did anything so wrong to ruin this trip.

When she arrived home, she did not contact me but she posted photos and videos of me captioned “Mine” on her social media. I haven’t brought this conversation to her yet.

All of my family and friends believe I narrowly avoided a Selena-Yolanda/ Lifetime film situation and that I was potentially with someone unstable. What do you think?

[edited for “walls of text”]

02:45 UTC


To the stranger who asked “can I hold you?”.

TW: mentions of SA, abduction, stalking, etc

I’m on a throwaway account for privacy reasons. This was fairly recent…it was the evening on the day before my first day of an upperclass grade in high school.

So basically, there’s this trail a couple of blocks away from my house that starts in between two houses and goes back through a row of residential houses and then it leads into a path into the woods. The path is usually fairly populated, especially during the summer, with lots of runners, tourists, bikers, etc. I’ve never felt endangered on the trail before this day and I’ve even walked on it alone at night, pouring rain, etc.

Anyway, so it was a bright and sunny summer day right before my first day of school. I was walking my very not scary dog and we were nearing the beginning of the path (still in residential row) when I noticed this harmless-looking guy running towards me. He was wearing athletic clothes and running shoes so I thought absolutely nothing of him. As I continued to walk a little deeper into the path (still not in the forest section) I heard him turn around and start running towards me. I again didn’t think much of it because I figured he was looping back around to continue his run. He was tall and athletic looking but nothing too intimidating. He started to run ahead of me further into the path but then he turned around AGAIN to run towards me. That’s when I started to get a little suspicious.

He did another circle around and started running back towards me when I heard him say “excuse me.” I was 100% expecting him to be a lost tourist (since I live in a pretty populated area) and I assumed he just wanted directions so I stopped and answered “yes?” politely. At this point I was still pretty close to the entrance of the trail but I was definitely in the secluded section where we were nearing the dense forest. There was also nobody else on the trail from where I could see which I didn’t notice until the end of our interaction.

After I initially acknowledged him, I noticed him nervously looking around and frequently avoiding eye contact to flip his head around in search of something which I now I assume was bystanders. He then asked “how much do you weigh?” And immediately my flight or fight response kicked in. My heartbeat even now is picking up just remembering that feeling. I answered quickly “I’m sorry but that is absolutely none of your business.” I started to slowly back up while watching him to make sure he wasn’t going to make any jumps at me. My voice was also gone at the time from recently being sick so I immediately got more nervous because I knew I couldn’t scream for help if he had any foul plans.

After I declined his prying question, he then started walking closer to me, still nervously looking around. I was getting extremely anxious now but I tried to remain calm and assertive. He then asked “can I pick you up?” (meaning physically) and my heart dropped even more. I said “absolutely not. Step away from me now, sir” and I started to walk away more quickly. I was walking towards the exit of the trail (yet it was still extremely secluded and there was nobody else on the trail) when he came up to me AGAIN and then said “do you want to feel this and guess how big it is” and he exposed himself. Immediately I would have screamed if I could but my lost voice could only talk so loudly and I said “get the hell away from me. You are disgusting.”

I quickly turned around and started walking FAST to the street at the side of the trail when I truly think an angel was sent for me. I saw an older woman walking two LARGE dogs and I speed-walked up to her and said very quietly (because I could hear the man walking quickly behind me) “can you please act like you know me” and she immediately was like “oh my goodness hi friend how are you? Come walk with me!” And I turned around to see if the man was still behind me and he was SPRINTING away from us and nervously looking back at me while running back up the trail. But the story does not end here.

The woman and I continued to walk as I started crying and I was shaking violently telling her about what had just happened. We walked along a street that was connected to the trail back towards my house but we decided not to go straight to my house because we didn’t want to lead my stalker to my direct address in case he continued to follow us, and thank GOD we did that. Because he was.

As we were walking along the street and we started to walk farther away from the seclusion of the trail and more towards the populous streets, I noticed a dirty car driving very slowly towards us with no license plate on the front. Immediately, even from several hundred feet away, I could just FEEL it was him and I told the woman that I thought it was him coming towards us. Thankfully there were more people around us so we just kept walking, because if we had turned around it would have been 10x more dangerous going back towards the dark and hidden trail. As the car drove by us I put on a “bitch face” and stared directly at the driver and of course it was him. He stared back at us with large, wide eyes and I then guessed he was possibly on drugs. I still don’t know though.

He continued down the street away from us but then started speeding at the opposite direction, and back towards the trail. We started to walk up closer to the crowded streets and more towards my house when I saw him circle by again. He circled two more times and as he was circling for the final time I knew I had to get his license plate on the back photographed in case I were to contact the police. His license plate on the back was only a paper with letters WRITTEN ON, however I did take a photo and it came in handy later on.

After a while of walking around to avoid leading him to my house, he was gone, so I quickly thanked the lady and ran in. I burst out in tears and told my dad what happened. All of my parents’ friends were at our house at the time (including two HUGE ex-police officers) and man when I tell you the ENTIRE group ran out of my house cursing saying they were going to “f*cking kill that pedophile.” They ended up running around the entire neighborhood with my license plate photo looking for the car. And guess what: THEY FOUND HIM.

He was still circling the streets looking for me when one of my dads’ friends found him. They said he still had the same wide eyes. He called the police when he found his car circling and the cops sped in and immediately pulled him over and he was arrested. They literally had to hold my dads’ friend back from beating the living daylight out of him.

Long story short the aftermath was me filing a restraining order and attempting to get him imprisoned because he had in fact been arrested numerous times before for battery, sexual assault, etc, but he had somehow escaped. So I found a wanted man on the run. But ladies, unfortunately—he was released from jail after about one month! To this day I believe the justice system failed this case but time has passed and there’s no longer anything I can do but keep my eyes peeled and always stay alert.

I have not walked on the trail since the incident. Before that day I had walked my dog on it almost daily. It was a peaceful environment for me now forever ruined.

To the man— I hate you. I hope someday you rot in prison forever. I will never forget the fear and embarrassment I felt that day. No young girl should ever have her favorite walk ruined because of a disgusting pedophile.

I will forever wonder what he had done if my angel had not saved me. Possible kidnap? Not sure. But i am glad i never found out.

00:41 UTC


The watcher

Okay so I have 2 encounters from the same place, told to me by someone who went there. For context : this was in a school, the school had a large oval with a fence around it (weird but it was a good school), it was a good area not known for bad vibes or anything, it was in a suburb so a lot of homes around.

story a) 4 years ago. There’s was this woman, she was around her forties, I mean, she had a stroller so she probably had a young child. Anyways, she would take her phone out and record the school yard, for context: there was a big dirt hill leading down to the entree of the school, its a direct route to a lot of suburbs and at the highest point you can see the whole school oval. She came for about a week and would record while the school was outside a lunch/recess and then she disappeared , never came back. Probably never will.

story b) 1 year ago, same school. This time it was a man, sketchy, wearing, black hoodie, shoes, pants etc. He came up to a group of younger girls and I kid you not, asked if they wanted a photo. The girls actually said yes, probably out of fear but then were hiding behind trees etc. He was quick took the photo and sped down the path. A teacher was called but the man was already gone. He was probably mid-twenties or so. Unfortunately no camera footage would’ve been recorded as there are no cameras around. I don‘t know if he’ll come back but didn’t see him for the rest of the year.

1 Comment
22:23 UTC


Driftwood Drifter

I was 19 at time around 2009 .I had a weekday off work. I decided to go to the beach by myself and brought my guitar along. This was rural Northern California where the beaches are below cliff faces and usually empty of other people.

There was a particular beach where someone had built a driftwood hut into the side of a steep cliff with the beach below about 100 feet. You can just barely see the roof of the structure from the highway. I had always wanted to check it out so I parked my car on the highway and made my way along a narrow trail to the hut.

It was a beautiful day so I set up near one of the huts windows and was playing my guitar and watching the waves. Suddenly I hear someone else walking down the trail. I'm a little nervous but figure it must be well known to locals or something.

Then enters the man. Immediately I get major creepy vibes from him. He is in his late 50s, overweight, unshaven, thick glasses, sloppy dirty clothes, sweat pants and a dirty white shirt, but not homeless or anything.

He immediately initiates conversation with me. First just nice pleasantries, talking about the view, the weather, then he starts asking personal questions. "Do you live around here?", "do you go to college?" "Are you working today?" "Are you here with anyone?" I answer very vaguely and am starting to get uncomfortable and feel trapped.

The hut is very long and narrow and there's no way for me to get to the trail leading back to the car without passing by him. At this point I only say the bare minimum trying to show him I'm not interested in conversation. I look away and he snaps a picture of me on his disposable camera. I ask him what he is doing and he says he wants to show his friends back home how beautiful the girls in California are.

At this point I start brainstorming my options. I can try to run past him but I will have to get close. I can jump out the windows of the hut towards the ocean but it's a pretty steep cliff face to the beach 100 feet or more below. My gut started telling me this was a dangerous situation but I was frozen I didn't know what to do.

Then he tells me that he needs to go to his truck to get something, something about his camera. But I knew he had already used his camera. He leaves the hut but there's still no way for me to get to my car without passing him. I'm brainstorming what to do.

But i kept thinking maybe I'm overeacting. I run to the entrance of the hut but he's already making his way back down thr trail towards me. This is the gross part... he has a very large and visible erection in his sweat pants and he has something under his arm. I run to the opposite side of the hut and jump out of the window, sitting on the ledge of the steep cliff.

In that split second where I had to make a decision I look in the sky and see two hawks fighting eachother. I had just read the Alchemist and if you remember the universe sends the main character omens and signs. One particular omen in the book is two fighting raptors which ended up meaning something bad was coming and to run.

In that moment I knew I had to scale the steep cliff to the beach below. I decided I'd rather die falling or die swimming across the river ( the beach below was also the estuary to a large river) than find out what the creep was planning.

So I started scaling the steep cliff. He ran to the edge and asked where I was going. He yelled for me to come back. Adrenaline kicked in so hard I made it down surprisingly fast without falling or getting hurt.

Luckily he didn't follow, he stood there the entire time yelling for me to come back. I was shaking. I made it to the beach and hid in some vegetation for what felt like forever but was probably only 20 mins.

I finally decided it was safe to walk down the beach to where the actual trail was. I could see a man standing at the top. It wasn't him, I could tell by the silhouette, but I was terrified he had an accomplice.

I decided to risk it and run up and ask for help. It ended up being a park ranger. I told him the whole story. We walked to the hut and the creep was gone.He put out a radio call so enforcement would be on the watch and I filed a police report.

When I left abruptly, I left my purse and all my stuff in the hut. It was all still there when I returned with the ranger but I was terrified that he went through my belongings and saw my address on my ID. For months afterward I was scared to be alone at home.

I think the creep would have done something awful if I had stayed in the hut that day. I think he might have gone to his truck for a weapon or rope or something but I'm not sure since I couldn't see what he was tucking under his arm.

At 19 I didn't know to trust my gut. Now I know not to worry about what anyone thinks if I feel danger and the need to bolt. I'm not religious or anything but I thank the universe for sending me a very clear sign at such a pivotal moment.

Nothing ever came of the report but sometimes I search for that town name and crimes in case I ever recognize his mugshot.

19:17 UTC


Approached by a guy asking if I 'hustle'. What did he mean?

I'm afraid this isn't a very exciting story, more awkward and confusing than creepy I guess. I apologize if this isn't the right place to post it, but seemed like the best fit.

I'm trying to make sense of something that happened a few years ago.

It happened on Long Island, NY. I was at the mall with my wife. I smoked at the time, and I had gone outside to smoke a cigarette.

While I was standing outside the mall, a guy came up and stood next to me. He was a short, rotund black man in about his early 30s, dressed in somewhat shabby-looking clothes. Looked like he didn't care much about his appearance. I'm a white guy, was about the same age as him at the time, and wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

He said 'Hi', and asked what I was up to (in a friendly smalltalk kind of way). I mumbled something about being at the mall with my wife. He said he was about to head home.

I said 'ok' in a noncommittal way, and half-turned away, hoping he would take the hint that I didn't want to talk to him.

He sort of stood there for a bit, and then said 'Going to have some dinner.' and I sort of said 'oh', again in what I hoped was a 'I don't want to talk to you' way.

Then he said 'Chicken curry, mmm'.

At that point, I was somewhat annoyed that he hadn't taken the hint and was still talking to me, so I said 'Ok, well enjoy.' in a dismissive way, in an attempt to indicate that the conversation was over.

He stood there for a while longer and then said 'So, er, do you hustle?'

I had no clue what he meant by 'hustle', but it seemed obvious that 'No' was the correct answer, so I said 'No', and he sort of said 'Ok' and walked away.

Something about the awkwardness of the situation and the ambiguity of his use of the word 'hustle' has made the event stick in my mind, and I'm still trying to figure out what he meant.

Was he trying to sell me drugs, or hoping that I would sell him some drugs?

Was he propositioning me for sex? That seems like the obvious answer, but that's not really what the situation felt like. I'm straight, but I can usually recognize when a guy is flirting with me, and I just didn't get the impression that that was what was happening. Difficult to put into words.

It would also be odd, given the fact that I had just told him I was at the mall with my wife. Did he expect me to just abandon my wife at the mall to go have sex with him?

I've always associated the word 'hustle' with making money. Was he hoping I would pay him for sex, or offering to pay me for sex?

Was it neither sex nor drugs related, and he was simply about to ask me if I was interested in some sort of moneymaking scheme?

14:55 UTC


Approached while In my car

I got in my car about 12 midnight to go pick up my wife. As always i do my safety things lock the door. Starting seeing someone walk towards my car immediately I take off the break and out the car in reverse. Getting. Ready to leave. Soon he goes up to my side window and look at me. My first thought was this dude asking for fucking money.

I was like nope didn't give a duck he's right there and back up he started walking away then and when I look in his hand I saw the large knife.

08:07 UTC


Lost Laborers or Almost Abduction?

Back when I was in middle school (I’m 29 now), my family moved into one of the first houses in a new development. There were a few other homes at that time, though most of the neighborhood was empty lots and dirt mounds.

One day, my cousin and I decided to walk to the other side of the neighborhood which was pretty empty. There was a huge hill there we could sit and gossip on.

As we walked, a landscaping van slowly drove past us with its windows down. There were 2 older men inside who just eyed us suspiciously. We didn’t think anything of it at first because, you know, landscapers in a new neighborhood makes sense.

But then they passed us 2 more times after that. Probably circling the neighborhood lost (or so we figured). We finally got to the hill and sat for a bit. I almost forgot about the van until we saw it driving down the street again.

The van rolled to a stop several hundred yards in front of the hill. It sat there for like 3 mins before slowly driving down another street. My cousin and I left immediately after they were out of sight.

Maybe nothing would have happened, but it still creeps me out wondering “what if?”

1 Comment
19:40 UTC


Creepy man strange teens at my work (update)

So from my first update. I’m going to be talking about the man who tried to go behind the desk of my job, thankfully A was there and saved the day.

On my last post I explained my size. Sense then I’ve lost a lot of weight and grew out my hair. Apparently so did he.

I didn’t see him for 2 months. Then I kept getting texts from my co workers asking if I could come in there was a guy who won’t take no for an answer and persisted on flirting and asking them out.

I never could make it due to work or school or not being able to drive. But one day while I was opening a man walks in and it sent alarm bells in my head. I felt uncomfortable and couldn’t pin place why, never met this man before I thought so why did he give me such a extreme feeling of dread. Until he opened his mouth and I recognized that voice.

Same man from that day who made me question why I still work this job. He was back and creepier then ever, 5 foot nothing scruffy man with to much confidence and a habit of flirting with women a lot younger then he his.

From my coworkers accounts they’ve had many similar experiences to mine. Him trying to kiss our hands touch our hair call us names .(baby beautiful darling) you get the idea. He will stay and wait till no one else is in the shop to ask you out.

Well today he got more confidence then he should and asked me out while my boss is right next o me. My boss couldn’t here but I immediately said no and went to finish orders where I heard. “You won’t even give me a try” I said nope and shook my head when the lady who ordered came in. I started talking to her and he walked out pretty fast. Before he came in tho he walked past back and fourth infront of the window staring then eventually came in.

Maybe it’s paranoia from so much true crime but I’ve never felt so creeped out in my entire life. Before this he pretended not to know me or recognize me and asked me out again and tried to kiss my hand. Now he just talks like he knows me and insists on fist bumps which I do to make it less ackward and he talks to me like a bro until someone else in the store leaves and he thinks we’re alone.

He starts all shift with my co workers and says he is waiting on a date. Which never shows up and he waits till closing to leave and keep asking for their number. We’re sitting down to talk about it today and talk to our boss about saying if we can’t find a solution like split shifts we’re going to quit. There’s other things I can’t say because it’s my coworkers experience not mine. But to say he’s a total creep and there’s definitely something off about him.

To clarify I’ve been in martial arts and self defense due to violent situations in the past. And have taken weapon defense classes for years. I’m taking precautions to not be put in a position to have to defend myself. Not that I can’t.

Ok a little update. My co workers have been told all separate names from this guy. And when asked where he works he tells everyone a different answer. He hasn’t shown up to a few of my shifts tho so hoping he got the hint.

17:52 UTC


Weirdo or potential child abduction?

We live in a suburb in California. Yesterday, I was walking my 1 year old son back home from the playground. He’d gotten kind of fussy so I picked up a branch from the ground to distract him.

That’s when this weird woman, approximately in her 40s, came around the corner. She started talking to my son about how him holding the branch is the cutest thing she’s ever seen. I continue to walk and she starts following us.

Then she started talking to me saying: “I never had kids but I’m trying to adopt.” Oddly enough she is not walking next to us on the sidewalk but is walking on the road parallel to the parked cars. She keeps saying how beautiful my son is, how lucky and blessed I am. At times she’s increasing her speed but still turning around to talk to us.

Someone else is walking behind me but I’m too distracted by her weird behavior to pay attention to it. She seems to be eyeing the person behind me and continues to talk.

She says: “What’s his name? No, let me guess, it’s Jackson” I said: “No, his name is Mica” Then she asked me if his birthday is near Christmas. I said: “Kind of, it’s in January.” She says that her birthday is on Christmas. I’m weirded out and don’t know what to say.

She continues to walk with us and asks us where we are going, if we’re going to the neighborhood grocery store. I deny and say that we’re just walking around. She repeatedly says how beautiful he is, and beautiful his blue eyes are (they’re not blue).

I then decide to make a right since this is getting way to weird for my taste. She continues straight and as she’d already crossed the street she turns around and says: “never let your guard down”.

We went home after that but this encounter made me feel super uncomfortable. I felt like she was trying to project things onto my son: the name she likes, his eye color, his birthday close to hers.

Am I overreacting or is this woman going to try to abduct my child the next time we’ll go on a walk through the neighborhood?

15:33 UTC


Creepy teacher watching me makeout with my boyfriend.

I was just thinking about this story, and it kind of hit me that I think i REALLY misinterpreted what happened.

I used to have this teacher, who really creeped me out at first. Eventually he seemed to act normal, but how he was when we first met still makes me uncomfortable. This isn't as exciting as other stories, but still a weird one.

I'm a transguy, but at the time i was 12 and still looked very feminine. I looked way too mature for a 12 year old, with a curvy body and a bigger chest than kids my age. I also definitely dressed in a way that accentuated that.

He was a science teacher, who we can call Mr. L. At first, it started out by him just calling me and other more mature looking girls pet names like sweetheart, hon, etc. Me and my friend both noticed he favored us, and called us a lot of names. We had similar bodies, yet she was thinner. We didn't too much into it, but it did make us uncomfortable.

The next event, was small, but stands out a lot to me. One day my bra strap was showing, and he just grabbed it and tucked it under my shirt. I understand if my strap showing was a dress code violation, but that is NOT how an adult man should be handling that. I don't even remember if he said anything when he did it.

At the end of the semester, at parent teacher conferences, me and my mom were talking to him. It was supposed to be about my grades and preformance(just normal end of semester talk, i was a good student with good grades). He kept bringing up how perfect of a match i was for his son. I dont remember his sons exact age, but he was an adult, somewhere between 18-22 i believe. This guy would not shut up about how perfect i was for his son. Somehow my mom didnt think that was weird at all? I dont even know.

Now to the last event. I had a boyfriend(now ex) who i would stay after school to hang out with. When i say hang out, i mean we would find a random hidden spot and just make out. This specific day, we chose a spot by the back parking lot, behind a small tree. We noticed the Mr. L sitting in his car, watching us. This went on for around 20 minutes, and my then boyfriend got pissed off and walked off the school property in the direction of Mr. Ls car. After he walked away, the teacher left.

I always assumed Mr. L was keeping an eye on me to make sure i was okay. But thinking about it now, its VERY creepy to sit in your car and watch your student make out with their partner.

I don't believe i was in any danger, as after this event he never did anything creepy again. I felt normal around him and eventually he became one of my favorite teachers. (I no longer feel this way, as these events are more alarming as an adult then they were then)

What are your guys thoughts on this? Do you think he was keeping an eye on me, or watching me for more sinister reasons?

04:08 UTC


we found a homeless person in our house

Disclaimer- I don't think all homeless people are scary or bad intentioned or creepy. I do think my encounter with this homeless person was creepy however.

This happened in 2019. I was 25 at the time. I was living with my parents, sister, and my partner at the time, as we were saving up to buy a house. My parents house was in a relatively big city in California which has a big homeless population. The house was on a street that dead-end to a park, which was a common hang out spot for homeless people. There was always homeless people walking by our house. Most of them never caused any problems.

The other piece of backstory you need to know is that my sister is special needs. She, despite being 19 at the time, appeared both physically and mentally more like a 10 year old.

This particular day, my mom and I had taken her dogs to the vet. My partner was at work, and my dad was working in the backyard. This left my sister kind of alone in the house.

When my mom and I came back from the vet, my sister opened the door and greeted us saying, "This is my friend Julia." Behind her stood a woman who looked like she was probably in her 20s. She had my sister's socks on and was eating food from our house. This was confusing because... the woman could have been a friend of my sister's as she was in a lot of programs for adults with special needs and we didn't necessarily know all of her friends. But my sister also has a limited vocabulary to explain situations with.

So my mom says, "Oh, you know my daughter?"

Julia says, "We are getting to know each other."


My mom says, "How are you getting to know her?"

Julia answers, "Oh well... I just live on the corner."

"You live around the corner?"

"No, I live on the corner. I needed a tampon so your daughter let me in."

At this point my mom is speechless. I have never seen her speechless in my life. I am whispering to her "Get her out."

Julia is kind of pacing around grabbing more food from our kitchen. She is acting erratically like she is on drugs.

I again tell my mom, "Get her the fuck out."

My mom says, "I know that, but what if she has a knife or gun or something. I need to do it carefully."

My mom follows Julia into the kitchen and says "I'm so sorry, you need to leave because I need to go run an errand."

Julia ignores this request.

At this point I look in our bathroom where there is a pile of Julia's things.

Again my mom tells her she needs to leave. Julia agrees and goes into our bathroom and locks the door. She was in there for a while, it felt like forever, but it was probably around 5 minutes. We were pretty certain she is doing drugs.

Finally Julia has all of her stuff and leaves, taking socks and snacks with her.

I run to get my dad and we all debrief. It seems like what we can get out of my sister is that Julia knocked on the door asking for a tampon, in which my sister lets her in, trying to be helpful. Julia then realizes she is practically alone with what looks like a child and takes full advantage, stealing clothes and shoes from us.

We have a serious talk with my sister and tell her she can never open up doors for strangers. And we spend the next few months worrying that Julia would spread the news that our house was an easy house to get into.

03:28 UTC


Creepy Guy, What Does It Mean?

I was laying on my bed and going on my phone, my parents just got home and were coming in and out of the front door when suddenly I heard what sounded like a gunshot from behind my house (I live in a neighborhood with houses all around mine). I wouldn’t have thought much of it but my parents asked if I heard that as well, then asked if I saw someone.

I was instantly creeped out but looked out of my window (which is on the second story) and saw an unfamiliar guy in my neighbors backyard. I never see my neighbors because they’re old people who don’t o in their backyard much, so it was weird to see a younger guy with frizzy dark hair, dark t shirt, and greyish shorts lurking around. He kept going back and forth shining his flashlight.

He also kept going to our fence and I could see him shining a flashlight through it. Another thing he kept doing is picking up things off the ground and stepping back, pausing, then walking forward to the fence again. Does anyone know what this means, if I should be worried at all?

00:51 UTC


creepy church encounter

When i was 16 years old I got approached by 2 women in my neighborhood that asked me if i wanted to know about jesus. I felt bad walking away as they seemed nice, so i let them speak to me. They invited me to their church & told me to come that friday night. I invited my bf at the time because i thought what the hell, maybe we can learn something new about religion.

When we got to the church they made everyone sit down & played a powerpoint presentation about motherly love. It was mostly about animals & how animal mothers have love for their babies. For some reason it was hilarious and me & my bf at the time had to stop ourselves from laughing. It was called the Church of God & they basically believe God has 2 counterparts & 1 is a woman called “ God the Morher “ The 2 ladies i had spoken to had approached me at the end of the night and asked me if i wanted to get baptized next sunday and give my life to God. I told them i needed to think about it because i still don’t know much about the religion & wasn’t sure of my relationship with God yet.

There was a highschool english teacher i had who was christian & i began to tell him about this church & the whole “Mother God” thing & he told me in all his years of christianity he had never heard anything about god being a mother or a woman. he said to be weary of this church because it kind of sounded like a cult. After we had this conversation i texted the main lady that was adamant about me getting baptized and told her i didn’t think i wanted to do it.

She got really angry and kept asking why. She told me i needed to do it & soon because if not i would go to hell. I was 16… She called me atleast 20 times and left me even more text messages saying i need to come back to the church next sunday and get baptized before it was too late. i blocked her number.

2 weeks later i saw her in my same neighborhood but alone this time . When she passed me as we were walking she noticed me and her facial expression turned extremely angry & she got close to me & made these weird hand movements in my face. it looked like sign language but aggressive , then she walked away.

4 years later i ended up working at a coffee shop in my neighborhood. one day i locked the wrong gate while closing up & forgot a key inside & wasnt able to lock the outer gate. my friend was with me so she watched the store & my boss told me to stop at her church down the block to get her copy of the key. It was the same church i got invited to in highschool. It was 10pm on a saturday night. i walked in hoping i wouldn’t see the lady who tried to convert me & went to look for my boss. there was atleast 50 women inside this church all dressed up in wedding dresses with veils over their heads. no men were in the church that night. it looked like they were doing some weird ceremony. my boss told me to make sure this never happens again while giving me the key & told me she doesn’t like being interrupted during church. as i left i just kept thinking what the hell type of ceremony were they doing & why were they all dressed up as brides at 10pm on a saturday night?

i did more research into this church after that & found out it was actually a cult. Something about that lady who tried to get me to join was so creepy though.

09:39 UTC


A Man with a mask was watching

A few years ago, 17 year old me was home alone on a Friday. When night rolled around (about 8pm) I thought it would be a good idea to go down to my local corner store which had movies inside.

I walked down there, and went inside to pick a movie. There was no one in the store except me and an employee that was in the backroom occasionally coming out to stock shelves. As I was going through the movies on the shelf I had this feeling of something watching me. I looked at my surroundings, and when I looked at the window a few feet away from me, there was a man in a Michael Myers mask staring at me. It jump scared me and I immediately walked to the back of the store (I was in the front area with the movies)

After about 5 minutes I walked back up to the front, because the store was closing soon and I had to leave.

The man wasn't there, but I still had the feeling of someone watching me. I didn't mention the man to the employee, and I still don't know why I didn't. I bought my movie and left. It was Black outside other than the crappy street lights that didn't work 100%. I couldn't stop looking over my shoulder the walk home.

When I got home I locked my door and thought about the man the rest of the night, wondering if he followed me. Nothing else happened that night, but a few months later that store I was at got robbed and 2 people were shot. I don't know if my experience has anything to do with it, I doubt it but that's my story.

15:14 UTC


Creepy guy chased me

I (16F) was waiting for the trolley when a man came up to me.

He was talking to himself quite loudly, then walked over to me and asked if I thought he could unscrew the bolts on the train tracks with his teeth.

(Reminder that I was waiting for the trolley)

He kept coming closer and asking me what time "our" train was coming, why I looked mad/sad, and other more personal questions. I was scared, there was no one around, I'm a minor, and he seemed unpredictable.

He crouched down on the trolley tracks and shouted at me to let him know when the "train" was coming.

As soon as he turned his back to me, I made a run for it. I snuck behind the trolley shelter and booked it. I was a little shaken up, but nothing serious.

I thought I lost him until he came around the corner, running towards me, screaming unintelligible words, and throwing something. I didn't have my contacts in, so I have no idea what he threw, but it hit something &made a loud metallic bang.

My stomach dropped immediately. I sprinted four blocks to the next trolley stop. I was hyperventilating the whole way there. I threw up in a trashcan while waiting for my trolley.

I would've gone home, but the stop he was at was waaaaaay too close to my apartment. I sobbed the whole trolley ride (and felt SO sick on the bus) but I successtully made it to therapy. Really hoping he's not there again on Friday. 😅

20:13 UTC


Creepy customers staring non-stop whilst I’m working

Heya so this is my first time posting on Reddit but anyways I’ve had a very creepy encounter. So there were these two guys that came into my work. It was normal, until my coworker pointed out that the two guys were staring at me very intensely.

They were non-stop staring and even turning their heads to stare. They were not hiding it at all. The stare was very predatory like and made me extremely uncomfortable. It was like they were watching my every move. Every time I would like in their direction they would be staring.

For context I work at a restaurant and we have bottomless drinks. They ordered food and had eaten it but kept on refilling there drinks. Staying at the table for at least 4 hours which is highly unusual as customers will typically spend 45 mins on average or less. As we are sort of like a fast food restaurant.

One guy was on his computer the other was on his phone sometimes but the majority of the time they were just staring. They were barely talking to each other and were mostly silent. One of the guys left at some point but the other was still waiting there until I had to clock out.

The guy also asked me a few questions when he asked me for ice-cream. That being ‘where I’m from’ because apparently I looked foreign to him and asking if I came from Spain. It was pretty unusual.

When I left the restaurant and I turned around the guy was right behind me I panicked and stopped. The guy walked past me and I walked in the opposite direction. Called my mum and got home safe.

I’m nervous about this and am feeling very uncomfortable. Although nothing happened Im worried that I’ll see them again. my gut feeling is telling me they had bad intentions.

TLDR: Two guys came into the restaurant I work at and stared very intensely for about 4 hours. Just unusual behaviour. One of the guys left directly after I had also left the restaurant.

23:47 UTC


Three men picked up a small lamp

So this just happened and I am genuinely so creeped out. I am a woman, and I was trying to get rid of my exs stuff.

Everyone told me to do fb marketplace. So I did. I listed a lamp for 5 bucks, I just wanted it gone. This guy contacted me, asked for it, then told me he was going to come get it but he's driving from an area about 30 minutes away.

I made a mistake, put the lamp right outside my door cause I'm a coward and lied about an emergency that I had to leave for. I think my lie just saved me from something really bad.

I have a door camera. I watched three full grown men walk up to the lamp, stand there for a few minutes and then walk off. On the video they were talking and sounded upset that they came all this way for nothing.

They left. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they really did just want the lamp.

Still... why travel so far for a lamp? why bring two friends?

edit: spelling

edit: I also just rewatched the cameras, they looked under my door mat and took a picture of my door. I appreciate you all saying it, I have learned my lesson, I am not going to ever let anyone come to my door. I feel dumb about it, but whats done is done, lesson learned. I'm grateful things didn't end badly.

20:44 UTC


Creepy interaction with woman while solo traveling

Hey everyone, long-time lurker, first-time poster here. I had this experience a month ago now, and haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Really curious to hear what you think might have been going on.

I, a mid-20s woman, was traveling solo through Europe for the month of March. I had the most incredible time, and overall felt extremely safe. There was just one encounter that felt so bizarre and, honestly, scary.

It was around 10 AM in a mid-size city in Germany, on a Sunday. I had just checked out of my hotel and was walking through the city center with my backpack, on my way to the train station. Lots of people around, waiting for the tram and walking. Super safe area.

I noticed a woman standing in the middle of the street, where the tram tracks were. She was wearing a backpack on her front, but not like a traveler's backpack, a smaller one. She looked maybe early-40s, wasn't disheveled, looked clean, was dressed appropriately for the weather, etc. Soon after I passed her, I heard her calling out in German, and soon realized she was calling out to me. She was clearly not in distress/asking for help; she wanted to make conversation, and with many folks I'd be totally down for that, but something about this person was instantly not sitting right with me.

I ignored her at first, but she would not stop, so as I kept walking I said, "sorry, I don't speak German." (In hindsight, this was stupid, and later in my trip I wouldn't have done it, but I was still getting used to all this.) "Oh, you want to speak American?" She said. "We can speak American!" I ignored her, but soon became aware that she had started following me.

I picked up my pace and ducked into a crowded bakery, thinking either she wouldn't see or at least I'd be around other people in a contained space. I ordered, but before I even sat, I saw her come in and order something, too.

I was pretty freaked out at this point. I sat down and put in my earbuds and opened a book, not actually listening to or reading anything, but hoping it would keep her from talking to me. Nope. She came over and sat AT my table. I tried to ignore her, but again she was relentless, waving at me and smiling... I don't know how to describe her smile. It was like... just really forced and unnatural. Like she was putting on some kind of act.

I asked what she needed, and she told me that she'd seen me walking and thought I looked like I "needed some compassion." I told her no, I was good, everything was fine, but thanks, trying to be as appeasing as possible while still making my disinterest clear. She just kept smiling at me and asked if I had money and a place to stay. I told her yes, I was fine.

She started talking about various things, people she'd met on trains, dance classes, etc. Her English was not great, so I didn't really understand a lot of it, but suffice it to say these were all completely random topics. The really strange thing, though, is that I didn't get the impression that she had a mental illness or any kind of neurodivergence that would explain a conversation like this. It felt like she was trying to think of ways to just keep talking to me -- like, at times, I could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to come up with something, anything, else to say. This went on for probably five minutes.

Finally, she offered to move to her own table. I said yes, that would be great if she could. She sat at the one closest to me, but even then tried to get my attention and talk to me. She finally sort of stopped, but still kept looking back at me, and pulling out her smartphone to text someone. Also, she never once touched the massive slice of cake that she had bought at this bakery.

There was one man, a fellow customer, sitting nearby who looked sympathetic to me, and kept glancing over like he was suspicious of this woman/what was going on. But I don't think he spoke English, so he couldn't really understand, and it's not like I could've explained it to him as I don't speak German.

My heart was racing. Finally, I decided I needed to get out of there. I kept checking Google Maps to see when the next tram would arrive (there was a stop almost right outside), and once it was just a minute away, I slipped out of the bakery while the woman was looking down at her phone, and ran onto the tram. I watched the doors the whole time to make sure she didn't follow me on, and didn't stop looking behind me until I was safe at the train station.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about this, and I don't know what to make of it. I met tons of outgoing people in Europe, people much more direct and sociable than Americans, but no one else ever made me feel the way this woman did. Something about the whole situation -- following me, buying something that she never ate just so she could come into the bakery, looking back at me and texting someone -- just felt so off. I believe I have pretty good instincts when it comes to people, and this person just didn't feel right from the beginning.

I can't help but be afraid that she saw me with my backpack, quite obviously a tourist, and was planning on doing something to this naive and vulnerable American. I guess I'll never know, but I'm curious to hear if any of you have ideas... or if I'm just totally misreading a harmless situation. Thanks so much for reading.

05:42 UTC


Home intruder

I was up at 3:50am on my phone and decided to put it down and go to sleep. Not even 5 minutes later I hear shuffling upstairs outside my door and for some reason I decide to grab my knife cause it was a little too weird at this time.

Laying in bed my door slowly opens super quietly and I ask “what’s up” thinking it was my roomate and he replies “oh nothing”. I couldn’t tell you I’ve heard that voice anywhere ever, all I saw was a hooded black figure. He slowly cracks my door back but he doesn’t close it so I’m freaking the fuck out.

I shoot up out of bed to open it and he’s gone. Cleared the upstairs and saw our front door was open still when I went downstairs. The only other roomate who didn’t lock his door was wide open, he closed it before he went to sleep too.

Nothing was stolen, why he would be coming in our house? Thank god nothing happened but it just doesn’t make sense.

About a month ago I’m assuming same person opened our front door and took off after seeing us awake. Doors will be overly locked from now on lol. Had to repost this.

18:04 UTC


Came face to face with a murderer

In 2002 when I was 16, my parents went on vacation. While they were gone, I stayed at my older sister, “Lisa’s” apartment with her and my 8 year old niece, “Sara”. It was during fall break so Sara and I were out of school. Since it was only a 2 bedroom apartment, Lisa let me sleep in Sara’s room, and Sara slept in Lisa’s room with her.

On this particular morning, Sara and I had both slept in. She was so excited that I was staying with them, she wanted to stay up all night watching Disney movies, so we did. Lisa had fallen asleep on the sofa, so I picked Sara up and put her in Lisa’s bed, then I went to bed myself. The next morning I woke up to a man’s voice. Lisa’s boyfriend, “Gary” had a very recognizable, deep voice, kind of like Vin Diesel. This voice wasn’t Gary’s voice at all. This voice was an older man, and he sounded very agitated.

I went into the living room to see who was here, and I saw the man sitting on the loveseat closest to the front door, and Lisa was sitting in a chair adjacent to the love seat. He looked to be in his 60s and his shirt and jacket were nearly covered in blood splatter. She shot a fearful, surprised glance at me, as if she forgot I was there. The man stopped talking once he noticed Lisa had looked away from him. I made eye contact with him and he smiled, then he placed the gun that he was holding, onto the coffee table in front of him.

I couldn’t move, I didn’t know what to do. My first thought was to get between him and Lisa somehow, but I knew I had to stay where I was because he would have to get past me to get to the bedroom where Sara was still sleeping. I searched the man’s face trying to figure out who he was. He looked familiar but I couldn’t place him. He broke the silence, “Hey, I didn’t know anybody else was here. I’m Eddie, Gary’s stepdad.”. I faked a smile and gave a weak wave. He took out a cigarette and lit it. Lisa was still sitting on the sofa, seemingly bracing herself for whatever Eddie had planned.

Eddie motioned for me to sit down on the bigger sofa across from him. I did as he said. He took out a bag of weed and some rolling papers and began to roll a joint. “You smoke, youngster?” He asked me. Lisa spoke up, “No, he doesn’t. That’s my baby brother, he’s only 16.”. Eddie laughed, looked at Lisa, then me and said, “Damn, what the hell y’all feeding these kids? That’s a big motherfucker!”. Lisa laughed nervously, Eddie joined her, seemingly unaware of how uncomfortable we were. “Oh shit, I got side tracked, let me finish telling you what this bitch did, Lisa.”

Eddie went on to tell Lisa that he had just shot and killed a woman he knew because she stole $100 from him the previous night after he had passed out drunk at home. He said knew it was her because he had pistol whipped Gary’s mother and made her tell him who went through his wallet while he slept.

He then told Lisa he regretted not killing Gary’s mother because he felt like she had set him up. He said he’d also shot the woman’s husband but was unsure if he was dead. He laughed and said he knew for sure the woman was dead because her head exploded like a watermelon.

My stomach was in knots, I was sweating and I could no longer hide my fear. I heard Lisa’s bedroom door open, from where I sat, I saw Sara walking across the hallway into the bathroom. Eddie looked in the direction of the hallway, “Damn, Lisa, who else is here?”. Lisa spoke quickly, “It’s Sara, please Eddie, you know I don’t allow smoking around her. Can you go on the patio with that?”.

Lisa’s voice trembled, Eddie must’ve heard the fear in her voice because he replied, “Girl, what you scared of? I ain’t gonna do nothing to you, you good people. I just wanted to come see you before I go. You know the police is probably looking for me by now. But I just couldn’t leave without seeing my favorite Spades partner.”. Eddie smiled as he stood up and gathered his bag of weed, the joint and gun.

I heard the toilet flush then the sound of water running in the bathroom. I began to pray that Sara wouldn’t come out here before he left. Eddie must’ve read my thoughts because he said, “Don’t worry Youngblood, I’m going to get on out of here before that baby can see me like this.”. Lisa and I both stood up as he walked to the door. Lisa opened the door for him and he walked out. We watched through the window as he got into his car and drove away. Lisa quickly grabbed the phone and called 911.

Sara came out of the bathroom and asked if the “scary man” was gone. Lisa said yes and hugged Sara. Sara began to tell me she never liked Eddie because he acted strange and looked scary. When she heard his voice on her way to the bathroom, she stayed in there because she didn’t want to come out and see him. I was pacing back and forth trying to process what had just happened.

Lisa explained that Eddie was a drug addict and alcoholic. Gary’s mother had kicked him out but he would keep popping up at her house. She was already aware that Eddie had attacked Gary’s mother because Gary had called to tell her. Though they didn’t know he’d killed anyone when he came to Lisa’s house.

Eddie was arrested shortly after our encounter and we had to talk to detectives. They told us the man he shot had died on the way to the hospital. It took years for me to forget the way he gleefully described killing that woman. He died in prison not long after he was convicted of the murders.

15:56 UTC


Delivery guy screamed at me through the phone and kicked my door

I ordered a board game on Amazon last week. It got delivered today.

I was just sitting on the couch when I get a phone call, the guy doesn't speak my language but I understand it's the delivery guy. I reply yes in the language he was speaking to "are you home?".

I start to run downstairs because my intercom isn't working while the guy screams on the phone with me to open the door. He started kicking the building's front door, which made me stop a little as I am a girl and both my boyfriend and roommate were upstairs but I would be going downstairs by myself.

When I got there he had dropped the package on my front step and was standing far off. He looked distraught and his eyes were red. He asked if the package was for me and I nodded and I grabbed the package and closed the door asap.

I'm terrified that he might come back since he knows where I live. I don't know why he was acting that way I was as fast as I could be.

Update: I've reported him to Amazon. They will investigate the situation and reach out to me again if they need to. Thank you for your comments, I think it's good I reported him. I just hope he doesn't remember where I live.

13:47 UTC

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