
Photograph via snooOG

A place to read spine-tingling, unusual, terrifyingly true stories about people you never want to meet again.



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Content Guidelines

  • Does my story need to be scary? Yes. It also needs to be true.

  • It wasn't dangerous, but I never want to meet them again! Irrelevant. That's not what this sub is for.

  • You are not required to end your story with "So, X, Let's Not Meet!" or a similar phrase.

  • Please don't apologize for length. This is a story-based subreddit, and we enjoy reading long stories.

What doesn't belong:

  • You passed somebody on the street, and they gave you a creepy look. You thought someone might have looked at you funny in a Target. You had a really bad Tinder date. We know, it was scary and you don't want to ever meet them again. But your post should go to /r/CreepyEncounters instead; LNM is set up to focus on real, terrifying encounters that are out of the ordinary.

  • This didn't happen to you, but it happened to a close friend or a family member. This is actually a rule, but it happens often enough that it bears repeating. We're very concerned with truthfulness here on LNM -- not in the way that /r/nosleep is, but the actual events that happened, which means that the story needs to come from the person who experienced the events. And that leads into this next one:

  • Don't exaggerate. If you need to exaggerate or embellish, your story should go to /r/CreepyEncounters instead.

What does belong:

  • Stories shared in LNM should involve a genuine concern that the situation you were a part of was exceedingly beyond the norm, put you in fear for your life, had you concerned about bodily harm, involved legitimate stalking or kidnapping incidents/attempts.

  • You found something really creepy (for example, you stumbled on something similar to this).

  • The actions of the antagonist were outright bizarre; not merely harassment by a run-of-the-mill creep, but actions a normal (or even slightly abnormal) person in that situation would not have done, actions that cannot be attributed to drug or drink.

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3) If your story focuses primarily on a rape, sexual harassment, or other assault rather than being stalked or creeped, your story will be removed.

  • This includes any form of sexual assault, pedophilia, sexual harassment, or lewd behavior (such as a creeper exposing him or herself). It also includes sexual harassment such as catcalling.

4) Series posts are not allowed, but you may provide updates to incidents that are on-going.

5) You are not allowed to link to stories that other people on the internet have written. The story must be your own personal encounter.

  • We’re far more interested in stories that happened to you; if you focus on something that happened to a friend or family member, it may be removed at the discretion of a mod.

6) Stories that focus on how you met or knew somebody who did horrible things, but not to you are not allowed and will be removed. Please consider posting to /r/serialkillers, or /r/MorbidReality instead.

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Submissions that break this rule may be removed at moderator discretion.

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  • Commenting and saying that someone should’ve been stalked or had it coming is absolutely not allowed.

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  • This includes starting and engaging in arguments.

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  • Recounting a story here does not require 2 full paragraphs about the special layout of your house or your street. Likewise, you do not need to go into detail about how you're so attractive and therefore used to unwanted attention, and so it's understandable that you get creeped on. You don't have to be attractive to be creeped on. Stories going into excessive detail about layouts of houses, streets, or buildings as well as bringing up/humble-bragging about your appearance will be removed.

12) Stories that take place primarily in a car or online will be removed

  • It is quite frightening to be in a car with someone following you and driving recklessly, but if you’re able to lose them and get to your destination safely, the story does not belong on this sub. Stories that focus on road-rage or being followed for a few streets before losing them are common enough that they do not belong on r/letsnotmeet. Likewise, if your story takes place mostly or entirely online with no real-life component, it is better suited for r/onlinehorrorstories.

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-LNM Mod Team

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Receiving letters and plastic flowers in the mail (new revelations)

This is an update on some findings from my previous post. With no resolution, I took some matters into my own hands.

So if you didn’t read my previous post, I have been getting anonymous letters and cards with plastic flowers that were signed as my bio dads name. They are left in my mailbox and from what I can tell, the person leaves them in there personally.

I texted both of my older brothers and let them know what was happening. They made a special trip about 90 miles to come help me sort the issue out.

Some commenters suggested that it could have been a distant relative of my bio dad that was leaving the letters, and one suggested that it may even be my bio dad not actually dead.

The latter suggestion was too wild to consider personally, but I like to keep all options on the table until I can disprove it. My oldest brother was the only one who has any fluid memories of our birth dad and he said for certain that he was dead, and the story surrounding his death was too air tight to debate. Appreciate the suggestion though.

Our first stop was the one and only flower shop, which didn’t sell plastic flowers. Also they seemed surprised to have business outside of prom season. Next was a local market that has a florist. Again they don’t sell plastic flowers. So I figure we would get nowhere with the flower thing.

We went down to the guitar store that I shop at. The pics that I received weren’t sold there personally, so it would have had to more that likely be from the website of the brand. They did have three purchases of gift cards since the time lapse between receiving one and me receiving the letters. Two were paid for with a credit card, which the guy at the counter gave both names to me even though he wasn’t supposed to. The other was paid in cash.

One of my brothers asked if it was possible to see the security camera footage of the day that the cash purchase was made, but the cashier told us that the cameras were only decoys and had no actual feed. I don’t know if that was true or just an excuse not to look at the cameras.

I had a gig on Saturday night. Both of my brothers stayed with me while I was playing, and they spent the night at our place. They said they would stay as long as they could until they figured something out. I know that’s irrelevant info, but I know my bio dad was a useless piece of human garbage, but damn if I don’t have the best big brothers in the world.

Sunday morning one of my brothers had noted a security camera outside one of my neighbors houses. I never saw it. He asked my neighbor if it was possible to pull the footage of the past few weeks. The man is older, like in his 70’s, and seemed offended by the question. But when he explained the issue at hand, he didn’t hesitate to comply. He did have to call his son to drive over to actually get the footage, but he came through with his promise and actually delivered the footage on a flash drive.

The man also stopped by this morning to see if I was okay and if I wanted I could sleep in their spare bedroom. He also gave me his phone number, his wife’s phone number, and his sons phone number if I needed any help. Very sweet gestures that made me feel safe.

We looked at the footage on the flash drive, and while we didn’t see much, we did see a car pull up at my mailbox and someone get out and drop something in the mailbox. We saw the same car twice, and the same person (from what we could tell) dropping something in. So we have the person on camera, as well as the type of car. There was also a driver, who wasn’t the one that put anything in our mailbox.

There wasn’t anything very visible about the person. The camera wasn’t detailed enough to catch their face, and what could be see was blurry. Also the license plate was never visible on camera.

All I can really say is that it’s a girl that does the dropping. If it wasn’t for seeing tits I wouldn’t have been able to tell otherwise. And she appears to have black or very dark brown hair.

I filed another police report with the flash drive that I submitted. We also made a copy of the footage for personally use just in case. But my neighbor is on alert now, and I’m about to install my own cameras that arrived late yesterday.

Police reports around here don’t do much, but at least it’s a formal record being kept, and hopefully I can make an update with some actual grounded findings.

Peace out everyone. Much love and stay safe.

19:08 UTC


The Hobbling Hitchhiker

One evening I was out in Lacey, WA to pick up a hand gun I had recently purchased for protection. Contrary to the pickup status both online and sent to my email, the store didn’t have it in stock yet and told me to come back in another week. I lived about an hour from Lacy at the time and when I had gotten there, evening rush hour was just beginning to become unbearable. I didn’t want to drive all the way back home just yet as it would add an additional hour to my already long commute. (Side note: The car I was driving belonged to my dad and I was borrowing it until I had enough money saved up for a new car after my beloved Honda had broken down the previous year.)

I killed some time bumming around the store I had purchased my firearm from, then decided to drive over to the nearest coffee shop. It was a newly-built cabin style cafe with a modern twist. The barista handed me my 16oz dirty chai and I walked back out to my car. I then drove to a gas station around the corner, still trying to kill time until traffic thinned out. The car didn’t need gas, so I pulled into a parking spot right at the corner of the 4-way street block the gas station was on.

I turned off the engine, stepped outside and lit up a smoke, leaning against the drivers side door so as to not stink up the interior. The weather was overcast and drizzly, but not overly cold. It was now dusk and most daylight had disappeared. The stoplights in the interrsection were diffused by the late autumn mist. I watched them flicker from green to yellow to red and again as the traffic was orchestrated accordingly.

Zoned out by the lights and being generally lost in thought while enjoying my coffee and smoke, I didn’t notice the man walking toward me until he was already halfway across the street. He was white, average height, and strawberry blond maybe in his mid twenties. He definitely hadn’t changed his clothes in a good while and carried a backpack I assumed to be full of the few belongings he had. He didn’t smell, but he looked raggedy and unkempt. My immediate thought was that drugs were likely a part of his habitual lifestyle. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but I’m always cautious having grown up in the suburbs of Seattle.

The man finished crossing the street, awkwardly limping toward my car, maintaining eye contact and a winced grin. I locked my car out of caution, but remained outside smoking causally. Normally, I’m not a social person, but I don’t go out of my way to be unpleasant either. He approached me and stood about 10 feet away when he said “hello” and asked if I had a light. I complied hesitantly, but saw no harm in meeting his simple request.

Taking two steps forward, I lit his cigarette which he was holding out toward me while approaching. He attempted to make small talk, weaving in hints that he had just gotten off the bus and still needed to get down the road another block. Somewhere in his poorly-crafted sob story he stopped himself mid sentence like a bad actor and pretended to be struck by an epiphany, “hey, would you mind just dropping me off down the road? It’s not very far!” I apologized and said I couldn’t help because it was my dad’s car and not my own and I didn’t feel comfortable without my father’s permission (some stupid yet plausible excuse I came up with on the spot).

Mr. Unkempt did not like my answer and his smile immediately turned tense and flatlined. Clearly upset, he became more insistent, “but it’s just down the road!” he whined, “my leg is KILLING me, and it wouldn’t even be far for you. I’ll give you a cigarette!” His persistence and sudden burst of hostility made my hair stand up. I firmly said, “no, I’m sorry, I can’t help you. It’s my dad’s car and he has set rules.” (Absolute BS.) With 10 years of hospitality under my belt, I immediately offered him alternate logical ideas of what he could do to get to where he needed to be. I even mentioned maybe someone in the gas station we were outside of could help him out or call him a ride.

Each word I said made him increasingly irate and he began curling his fingers into fists, not in a threatening way, but like a toddler about to scream bloody murder for not getting their way. He seemed to pause and size me up in a fleeting moment. I’m small and not at all intimidating physically, so I told him I hope he makes it home safe, quickly unlocked my car, jumped in and locked myself inside. When looking up from locking the car door, I see him speed walking back across the street from the direction he originally came from. No limp. No awkward walk whatsoever. No distress or pain showing even slightly. Just a normal speed walk of a physically well person. A rageful person.

I knew I had dodged a bullet and I felt pretty dumb for hanging around the city after dark alone. At that point I didn’t care about traffic anymore so I turned over my engine and hightailed it home in what ended up being an hour and 45 minute drive…but this time, the traffic was 100% worth the inconvenience.

PSA if you haven’t heard it enough already: be careful who you give your attention to, especially when you’re alone. Stay aware always and err on the side of caution even when strangers seem harmless at first. Crazy bad acting hitchhiker guy, I hope you got the help you needed rather than the help you wanted, and I hope we never meet again.

18:27 UTC


Landlord tried to break in when I was home alone at 16

I just wokeup in the middle of the night remembering this and need to get it off my chest.

When I was about 16, my dad, brothers and I lived in an old, rundown house in the middle of nowhere. It was a 'private rental' (my brother would do work for the landlord to 'pay' our rent). Our landlord never came off as particularly creepy, but that could be because I rarely went outside when he came over to talk to my dad. And he wouldn't dare do anything in front of my dad.

I was home alone one day. My dad and brothers went out (somewhere, I don't remember). I had my dog in a fenced in yard outside but that was it.

I was in my room doing whatever I was doing, probably playing The Sims 2. We lived in the middle of nowhere and there was a long driveway which the window of my bedroom directly faced. I could see or hear anyone driving up the driveway. I saw a car (not my dad's) and immediately freaked out.

I ran and shut all the blinds in the house, turned off all lights and checked the doors were locked. It was our landlord (he lived next door - about 2 miles from our house and yes that was the closest house). This wasn't the first time he'd come here unexpectedly. It'd happened twice before and both times I was home alone. Those first two times he was only there for 10 minutes, walking around the outside of the house and then quickly leaving. But this time was different.

I grabbed a big kitchen knife and hid under the kitchen table. I heard him pull up outside and open our front gate. My dog outside was going crazy and barking, I heard him yell 'Shut up mutt!'. I could hear his footsteps, walking up to the door. He tried to open the front door. I was freaking out. At this point, I texted my dad. He was coming straight home but they'd be like an hour.

He continued to walk around the outside of our house, trying to peek into each window. The house is old and has three doors you can enter from the outside. He tried to open all three. I thought maybe he didn't know I was home. Maybe the last 2 times were a coincidence. But he started saying things, including calling out my name. He knew I was home alone.

I couldn't hear what else he was saying through the double brick walls, but I quietly creeped through the house following his voice up and down the hallway. I was trying to hear what he was saying. That's when he said something I'll never forget.

"I'm going to burn the house down, but I'll let you out first!"

Of course I didn't take him seriously, which scares me even more. He wanted me to come out. He wanted me to take his threat seriously. That's the part that gets me. I know exactly what would have happened if I had believed him and my life would have been completely different.

He was there for at least 30 minutes, maybe closer to an hour. He was persistent. He left before my dad came home. I told him everything and we moved out soon after. I still don't know how he knew I was home alone. My dad never saw him on the way driving out. So he knew my dad was gone (because there was no car in the driveway) but how did he know I wasn't with him?

That's why, dickhead creep landlord, we'll never meet again.

Edit: I'm just realising now we were evicted, we didn't leave. We lived in a caravan at my uncles house for a year before finding a house in a different town.

18:56 UTC


Someone is sending me mysterious letters with flowers.

23F if that matters. I’m writing this on an account separate from my main. It’s very unnerving.

So I live in a rental house with two of my friends. It’s in sort of a college part of town. But where we live, one side of us is all people around our age, and on the other side, it’s a much older crowd.

Starting about two weeks ago, I started getting cards in the mail from my dad, most of which are accompanied by roses.

The cards are pretty vague, saying things like “Miss You” or “Why don’t you call anymore?”, and probably the weirdest was “Don’t you Love me Anymore?”

The flowers are always plastic. So far all of the letters have been handwritten, or were written in Sharpie marker on a Hallmark Card.

Two days ago I actually received a pack of guitar picks with a gift card to a local guitar shop. The reason I knew it came from the sender was the plastic flower.

The creepy part about this is that my dad is not my birth father. I was adopted at 13 by my moms husband, who has been around since I was 3.

My birth father was an evil man that committed suicide when I was only a few months old. All of the cards are signed with his name.

Someone has apparently gone through the trouble of finding this information out and is sending me letters for whatever God knows reason. I can’t possibly know what the purpose is. Is this a threat, a means of attention, just some sick individual playing sick individual games?

Super creepy and unnerving.

Edit: Internet narrators please go ahead and save your breath. The answer is no. I don’t want to contribute to your YouTube channel or podcast.

21:13 UTC


I'm so glad I have a dog

This happened to me just a few days ago, and I'm still shaken up by it especially as the police came to take our report about the situation just yesterday.

I live with my mum, sister, baby brother and dog (and occasionally my mum's boyfriend) and since I finished my academic year a few weeks ago I've been home alone a lot more often. Usually, it's me and the dog left in the house when she goes out somewhere and we don't usually lock the front door when I'm home alone since we live in a relatively safe neighbourhood and it's not like the house is unoccupied if I'm there.

I had just finished eating my dinner and was sitting on my favourite armchair in the living room watching YouTube videos. This armchair faces the living room door directly, which was open, meaning I could see the stairs and most of the hallway leading into the house from the front door, though I couldn't see the door itself. As I was watching one of my videos, I heard the front door open and I turned the volume on my phone down (since I didn't want to wake the baby just in case he was asleep) and the front door closed essentially as soon as I'd turned the volume down, so I called out a "hello" wondering why my mum was being so quiet but I was met with silence and when I got up to check there was nobody near the door.

Since my dog wasn't barking at all (as she always makes loads of noise whenever anyone passes in front of our house or knock on our door as if to enthusiastically greet her new friend) I assumed I'd just imagined it from anticipating the noise and auditory hallucinations aren't entirely uncommon for me so I just tried to brush it off and told myself that the unease I felt was just paranoia and overactive anxiety.

I sat back in the same chair, but didn't resume my video as the loud sound of my phone in the otherwise deathly quiet house just put me further on edge, so I sat drinking my cider in silence as my dog sat at my feet.

That meant that I couldn't miss the sound of the door opening again and footsteps coming into my house. I was already on high alert from the previously unsettling event, so my heart was pounding now as I registered that once again that I couldn't hear the wheels of the buggy, the baby crying, my mum's voice or the clacking of her heels I knew she was wearing. Just the soft padding of unfamiliar feet into my house. At this point, I was frozen with my eyes fixed on the part of the hallway visible to me from where I was sat and the silhouette of an unfamiliar man came into view on the wall. I was terrified, willing for him to have just mistaken this for his home, for him to apologise to the empty air and swiftly exit the door again.

Before he could take those few precious steps forward that would allow him to see me however, my dog started to bark and growl aggressively at the man, something she'd rarely done before. I hadn't even registered that she'd left where she was sat in front of me, being frozen with fear. Still silent, the man left immediately and the door slammed shut behind him. I released the breath I was holding and crept out of the hallway to lock my door after him.

Thoroughly shaken, I made my way back to the living room wanting to get away from that door when I realised the man was still pacing in front of the house. With the bitter taste of panic making itself once again known in my throat, I hastily called my mum as I half expected the man to try the door handle again. I didn't immediately call the police because I didn't really think that a crime had been committed, I was still repeating to myself that he had probably just gotten lost and entered the wrong house, especially since he had his phone in front of him while he was pacing. I found it easier to believe that he didn't have any malicious intent.

The man did leave after a little while and my mum promised to come home immediately. I did give my dog a treat for being such a good guard dog and protecting her home. Despite feeling much safer now he was gone, I couldn't help but go over how strange it was that he didn't even knock before he opened the door or how silent he was when he came in, like he could have been straining to hear the video I'd been playing before or any sign of life.

Later that day when my mum and her boyfriend went to get dinner, they saw a guy who matched my description with a carrier bag from the grocery store, but none of us have seen him since so the fear I felt from the proespect of him living nearby has died down considerably. I really hope he didn't have bad intentions, but just to be on the safe side, random guy who walked into my house, let's not meet again.

18:27 UTC


The Man with the Soap

I have a story that might be more funny than scary, but I’d still like to share it:

When I (F34) was 19/20 years old, I lived in the center of Amsterdam. I often went to concerts, and from my house, it was only a 15 to 20-minute walk to where several music venues were located. One evening in the winter, while it was already dark, I was walking to a concert when I heard a man’s voice behind me say, "You have something on your back!"

I turned around to face him and simultaneously felt my back. It was a substance that smelled like cleaning detergent. It seemed like dish soap diluted with water. I found it incredibly strange. The only logical explanation I could think of was that someone in the street had thrown soap suds out the window and it had landed on my back. But if that had happened, I would have noticed something I guess?

The guy, somewhere in his early to mid-20s, showed the same surprise as I did and asked if it was okay for him to wipe the substance off my jacket with a handkerchief. I agreed. While he was cleaning my jacket, he asked me some general questions (name, age, study) but quickly also asked where I lived and if he could have my number. This was the moment I felt uncomfortable and said I had to go because the concert could start any moment.

When I got home that evening, the substance had dried and looked like snot (sperm came to mind but I tried to get that thought out of my head) or something similar. I put the jacket in the washing machine and never thought about it again. In itself, this event wasn’t that weird until a year later when EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPENED.

Again, I was walking in the dark towards a concert on the same street. Again, I heard someone shout that there was something on my jacket. I felt and smelled the same substance and when I turned around, I saw the same guy. This time I was alarmed and asked him if we didn’t know each other. He said no and wanted to offer help again. I refused and quickly walked away.

I have often wondered why but especially how he did this. A spray bottle with soap suds would only work if he was walking right behind me (both times he was at least 10-15 meters away), and you would definitely hear a spraying sound. If he used a water gun or something similar, you would probably feel it on your back. Also, while it was dark it was still very crowded since it was the citycentre of Amsterdam so it wasn't a safe spot for 'pranks'. I also hope none of the other girls (of course there had to be others) gave their personal information to him because he was obviously very weird.

So Mr. Clean, let's not meet again!

13:55 UTC


Lyft Driver

A little backstory on me is that I suffer from dissociative identity disorder. I have relatively no control over my switching and I often find myself in shady situations.

A few days ago I ordered a Lyft to take me from the hairdresser to my house. When I got in the car, the driver was instantly chatty. He asked me, “Do you speak Spanish?” to which I answered, “Un poco.” From there he continued to speak to me in broken English and some Spanish. I was trying to be “nice” and kept engaging, thinking that the ride will be over soon so what’s the harm in being friendly? He told me that he’s a 50 year old single father. That he’s always working, etc. Ten minutes into the ride(the trip was supposed to take 14 minutes), he asked me if I would talk to him for a few minutes. I was genuinely confused but by then I was just smiling nervously and said, “yes, I’m talking to you now.” That’s when he pulled the car over and started turning off the app. I wish it wasn’t the case but I went into full blown panic mode trying to fix any misunderstandings but he was now opening my door and telling me to move to the front seat. This is where I royally fucked up. Even though he was guiding me to the front seat, I could’ve tried to make my escape. I recognized a huge bright orange awning of a supermarket close to my house. Instead, I froze and meekly sat down in the front seat. From there he picked up the conversation, but for all I know he could’ve been speaking Mandarin. All I could hear was an echo. I was dissociating.

The next thing I remember doing was giving him driving directions to which he complied. He pulled over at a little park near my house and I immediately jumped out of the car. He hopped out, grabbed my hand and tried to kiss it. I pulled my hand away but he grabbed it again. At this point, I believe I went into “fawn” mode. I began walking with him hand in hand around the park. As we were walking, at least three other people went by, but I made no gesture for help. He kept telling me about all the sexual things he was going to do to me. I spent roughly 20 minutes like that, feeling helpless in my own body. I snapped out of my daze when my phone started to vibrate. I looked over as he waved his phone while grinning. He was calling me. I didn’t even remember putting his number in my phone. I told him I had to go inside but he was blocking my path, demanding that I kiss him on the lips as a farewell. Finally, a man and his son stopped beside us and I used the opportunity to walk farther away. He called out that he’d be staying at the park for another 45 minutes. For all I know, he could’ve watched me walk up the street and into my house.

I live with family and thankfully my mom was home so I went to her for comfort. I was shaking like a leaf and embarassed by my response. I told her bits and pieces of the story but left out the part about him having my number. I just know she wouldn’t understand. At first she was adamant that I report him but then chalked it up to a language and/or cultural barrier. Either way, I am genuinely afraid to report him. He has my number, probably knows where I live and could take revenge if I cause him to lose his income. He has texted me several times since the incident asking to see me. Thankfully he stopped within two days after getting no response from me.

To add insult to injury, I can’t even get a hold of my therapist to unpack this with her. She’s been a no show for a few of our sessions and I’m starting to worry that she’s going through something of her own.

The more I think about it the more I see that it could’ve been so much worse. And if I ever do run into a true psychopath, it would be curtains for me.

Anyway, to the Lyft driver from the other day, let’s not meet again.


"Fight, flight, freeze, and fawn" are responses to stress or perceived danger. They are part of the body's natural survival mechanism, known as the fight-or-flight response, but have expanded to include freeze and fawn:

  1. Fight: Confronting the threat aggressively. This might involve physical fighting or verbally standing up to the threat.
  2. Flight: Fleeing from the danger. This can be physically running away or avoiding the situation entirely.
  3. Freeze: Becoming immobile or unable to act. This is often a response when neither fight nor flight seems possible or safe.
  4. Fawn: Trying to appease or please the threat to avoid conflict. This response can involve excessive compliance or people-pleasing behaviors to diffuse the danger.

These responses are automatic and are influenced by past experiences, personality, and the specific context of the threat

06:48 UTC


I think someone tried to break in

I (early 20s F) live alone with my mom in a relatively nice area in a section of the house our friend owns. I have some anxiety issues from a stalking incident in a prior area of town so sometimes paranoia gets me but I’m able to use logic to reason my way out of it 99.9% of the time. Our friend frequently travels and my mom has had health issues recently. Every person who lives here has to go outside and go through storm doors to the basement to access the laundry and we have motion sensors through the basement and yard to help us see as we’re walking. My front door has a small window with a broken blind or two so there’s small peepholes. All of this is relevant information. Now onto what just happened about an hour ago and I’m still shaking a bit from it.

Our housemate is traveling and my mom fell ill enough earlier I told her to go to an emergency room and make sure nothing serious was happening and I was left by myself which isn’t too uncommon. I’d been doing my normal routines when I remembered there was laundry in the dryer so I got up and walked down my steps into the basement since I had left the storm doors open. Now is where you’d think the story would start but surprisingly my laundry routine went fine and I closed the storm doors and proceeded back up the stairs to my section of the home. I had to pee so the second I closed the door I placed the bin down and had the thought to lock my door tonight something I don’t tend to do because my mom is a smoker and hearing the locks at night is very loud and will wake me up. I didn’t which could’ve been a huge mistake.

I use the bathroom and ended up taking longer than I needed too scrolling social media. I remember all the clean clothes so I stripped mostly naked besides underwear and I throw on a pair of shorts and as I grab a shirt to throw on my heart, brain, gut, everything screams “DOOR! NOW! LOCKS!”

In that second thankfully my body responded and took the two steps towards the door tried to lock the door knob wouldn’t move. That only ever happens if the knob is being turned and I know for a fact I wasn’t turning it. I locked the secondary lock and slammed my back into the door waiting a minute to test the door knob lock again hoping it would work.

Thankfully this time it did and while I hadn’t noticed at first the motion sensor light had activated far too long after I was inside for me to have done it. And they’re such shitty lights I have to wave my hands in front of them occasionally to activate so I’m 95 percent sure someone was out there. I sat with my back to the door for god knows how long before I got up and turned most of the lights of and grabbed a knife I’ll have next to me all night now. I looked out both windows that face that direction after awhile and saw nothing luckily bc I don’t know what I would’ve done.

To whoever was turning the knob let’s not meet.

04:43 UTC


The meat salesmen

I was 20 at the time, home alone at my family's rural house with one of my highschool buddies who lived with us at the time. He was 18. Importantly; there were no cars in the driveway so the house appeared to be unoccupied. My buddy is short, skinny, baby-faced and eternally looks like a middle schooler but he is a grown man who can hold his own in a fight.

A lifted grey dually quad-cab with a spot of white primer where a company logo would have been pulls into our driveway. I don't recognize it or anyone in it. They stop and three dudes hop out of the truck, the driver has a simiautonatic in a holster on his hip. They had to drive past our "no soliciting, no trespassing, violators may be shot" sign to get to where they were at. I am observing this through the crack in the blinds on the living room window.

My buddy was around back pretending to be a blacksmith with our homemade charcoal forge. He came around the side of the house while I was observing. I couldn't hear, but I could see body language. My buddy was holding the hammer in a very specific way so that he could whip it around his shoulder and throw it like Thor if he needed to. This told me that my buddy also had no idea who these people were.

I grabbed his deer rifle off the living room coffee table (silly place to store a gun I know) slammed a single round into the chamber and aimed through the slit in the blinds at the armed trespasser.

Jumping to my buddy's perspective, here's how their conversation went.

"Hey there kid, are your parents home? We're some local ranchers going door to door selling fresh cuts"

"Yeah, my dad's inside getting ready to go shooting. He's got plenty of meat but my uncle might want some. Let me call him!" To which my buddy pulled out his phone and called 911. After a moment the trespassers realized the cops were coming and got back in their truck and left. Found out later that the truck was stolen and we had had a run-in with the group that was responsible for over 30 break-ins over the past few months.

20:49 UTC


At the Bottom of the Hill

First-time poster here. I live in a very rural area in Tennessee and this happened either the summer of 92 or 93, so I was a preteen. I can still see this in my mind like it happened yesterday.

Like I said before, a rural area in Tennessee, where we used to have some serious issues with people dumping unwanted, worn-out items and garbage down our beautiful hillsides and ravines.

At that time, it was common to find illegal dumping sites everywhere because there was no bulk pickup offered by our one waste disposal monopoly.

In this part of the state, the economic disparity is obvious. You have some of the poorest people and some multiple mansion and vacation homes folks.

My family fell somewhere in the upper-middle class. Thinking Titanic we would be in either the lowest rung of first class or the very top of second class. Unfortunately, the majority would be in steerage or the coal bunker..

Well, it was August in Tennessee, aka sun-scorching heat and enough humidity to make it slightly uncomfortable to breathe. Many describe it as the "swamp ass capital" of the state.

Anyway, we had just had an extraordinarily rare murder in our county. It was all that anyone was talking about. It was all you heard in our churches and beauty salons.

The victim was largely unknown, a woman in her early 30s and nowhere near wealthy. I didn't know her nor did anyone. She had moved here less than a year ago and kept to herself and had not been reported missing.

Then just before our summer break came to an end, this lady was found at the base of a steep incline, deep in one of our densely wooded areas by some folks out for a nature hike.

There she was, found, at the base of a large illegal dump on a winding dirt road that was barely wide enough for one vehicle. If you met another car, one of you would have to pull over so far you were almost off the road entirely.

Even creepier? The road was named Bone Road. Yeah...

When she was found, she had lost everything from the neck up, but both her upper and lower areas were recovered. Her killer had not been caught.

So, my mom was born and raised here and was of strong, yet, goofy stock. She has always been my best buddy, even when dropping the hammer on my brother and me. She was loved by every student she had ever taught. Our friends adored my goofy mama, often telling me how lucky I was to have her.

My dad was a pharmacist in our area, smarter than most, and happy to go fill a lost or forgotten prescription even late into the night.

My dad isn't from here but is very well-known because of his job. Everyone knows my mama because she and most of our huge family have been here since our ancestors settled here in the 1800s. The rest of her family lived in middle Tennessee.

On that day in August, we had been at a family reunion picnic at the beautiful, naturally-made lake we lived near.

Suddenly, a scattered thunderstorm had popped up and brought our get-together to an end. It was just me and my mom, but on the ride home, we decided we were Sherlock Holmes and Watson. We wanted to see the crime scene. I know, brilliant.

My dad was at work and my brother was with a friend. This was 92 or 93, so no GPS, Alexa, Siri, or Google Earth. Not even MapQuest.

My dad was on our school board and had been given a highly detailed map of our entire county. Since neither of us knew how to reach Bone Road, it was agreed, the map would be our guide.

We went home, grabbed the map, and set out like we were Magellan.

We eventually found the place and headed to the spot. Being the ignorant rubber neckers we were, we just planned to drive past this stupid dump site.

I can't explain how creepy this place was. A murder dump in the middle of BFE, on a road that started with blacktop, transitioned to gravel, and then good ol' dirt.

It was mid-afternoon but the sudden rain on the August ground made the area steamy. Literal steam was emanating from the road, the fields, the woods, everywhere. That just added to the thrill of our folly.

As we approached the location, there was a blind curve, making it impossible to see the place until you were right up on it.

When we rounded that corner, we saw we were not alone. A very dirty man had his very dirty truck pulled over at the dump, just far enough to allow us to pass.

Sure, Joe Dirt could've been just another looky lou, like us. But he gave off a creepy AF vibe. Just standing by his truck, looking down into the dump. It wasn't a sheriff's officer, we know all our local authorities and they had cleared the location a day or so before. Anyone could access the area.

As we squeezed past his truck, he was standing on the passenger side of our car. I'm 12 or 13, I can't drive, so he was on my side as we passed, so close to him I could see his 2-teeth clear as day. He just smiled in this uber-creeptastic, almost leering way. Not nice, not friendly.

We got past and thanked the Lord that Mr. 2-tooth hadn't followed us. We agreed we would reach the end of Bone Road and get the hell out of there!

Oh, you know there's a but, we reached the end of Bone Road, ending at a field. Bone Road was a dead end, no pun intended. My mom said the words I had been screaming in my head, "OH, F*#K!"

We had no choice, we had to do a 5-point turn and go back from where we came. "Oh, I bet he's gone now," my mom's feeble attempt to soothe us both.

Guess what? He was still there. Still smiling his huge 2-tooth smile. Now, as my adult self reflected on this, he could have come after us, knowing we would be cornered, but neither of us has ever been accused of being too rational.

We made it out unscathed, of course, and my dad hit the roof when he heard the tapestry of idiocy our afternoon adventure was.

But, you know there's always a but, days later, our newspaper heralded the good news! The murderer was caught.

The woman had been killed by a boyfriend turned stalker. She had moved here from a town about 45 minutes away to get away from him, but he found her. He just drove around with her body in his truck before happening on the dump.

Happily ever after? Um, no. As we stared down at this guy's mugshot, it was real. Mr. 2-tooth was her killer. We never told my dad that part. Mr. 2-tooth was convicted of first-degree murder and abuse of a corpse. He will die in the state prison system, serving life with no parole.

Still, Mom and I promised we would never be so dumb again. We still have weird adventures but not to freaky, remote murder dump sites on unknown terrain and with no one knowing where we are. We really could have met our literal dead end.

It's an odd thing, knowing that you had been face-to-face with a brutal murderer, not once but twice. Well... I did have a super too-close-to-call run-in with another murderer, but that will have to be another post on another day. Oh, but Mr. 2-tooth, let's not meet. Ever. Again.

17:34 UTC


Me witnessing an attempted murder as a kid

I was around 8 years old and I was playing cricket in my street with kids of my age (its a very common thing in india for kids to play in middle of the street) , it was my turn to bat and the batsman's wicket was in such a way where it faced directly to an entrance of a home in cross-section of three streets and this home was filled with middle eastern people (who seemed to be iranians). While I took the bat and went on to play I missed the first ball and then while waiting for the next ball I heard some huge rock falling right next to me . I turned back thinking it could be the other kids just pulling my leg but then I see another huge boulder falling towards me and this is when i freaked out and start running followed by the other kids. Whilst we were running we see some other middle eastern group of men approaching the home and one of them got down their bike and held some cylindrical thing in his mouth and pulled it out and it was a fucking dagger . The men inside the home resumed with their throwing at these men while these men were trying to walk inside the home and having some people give them cover by throwing rocks at people inside the home .

The neighbours around also start shouting at the people asking why are you guys doing this and the owner of the home lived in the next house calls the cops and they arrive within sometime and held some dudes who they could meanwhile my parents put me in my home and locked . All, I remember is that the cops came and assured the neighbours for safety . However till date we don't know why they fought that way and neither the cops revealed the reason why.

But the guy with the dagger lets not meet ever again

09:23 UTC


UPDATE: Psycho situationship turned stalker (The Last Encounter)

ORIGINAL POST: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/1dmru3r/psycho_situationship_turned_stalker/

So. A lot of shit happened two days ago, and I couldn't update right away as I really needed to shut off as I had a huge exam today, now I can finally let myself process it without it causing any distractions.

We met again... At my goddamn house!

Two days ago, I went to the pub with my friend Stan. He's a new friend of mine as he's a close friend of one of my best friends. My neighbor best friend (Jake) was in Durban to visit his aunt, and me and Stan went to the pub as his friend and my other best friend, Liam was having the closing shift at the pub. So we went and visited him and had a few drinks. She was there. And everyone was giving me these weird stares like I'd murdered their whole family. Finally, the shift manager whom I'm close came to me, and she laughingly told me that Jane got extremely drunk and talked about a man the whole night at the pub while sobbing. She then showed them a picture of me, and according to some other waiters, she was throwing an entire ass tantrum because "She loved me" and "She left her boyfriend because of me"... Regardless, I brushed it off, and had to fight off the "Player" accusation, because I'm not one. Anyway. Liam finished his shift, we got into my car and we drove to my house where my girlfriend had already arrived. My mom and her were in the kitchen making dinner, and my stepbrother, younger brother, and stepdad were in the living room just shooting the shit, so I joined them with my friends.

At one point, I was in the kitchen with my mom, girlfriend, and stepbrother. And my mom asked, "Who made the kitchen into a mess this morning." And my stepbrother said "The Jews" referring to me and my younger brother. We burst out laughing so I didn't hear the doorbell. My stepdad did, and he went to open the door. Jane was at the door. She had let herself in and she was standing in the living room yelling after me. We came out of the kitchen and we were just staring at her. She begged to talk to me, and I just stared at her and told her that we already covered everything. But she continued begging me. My girlfriend pulled me aside and told me to just talk with her, maybe it will give her closure and she will leave me alone.

I took her to my backyard, she started apologizing for hurting me. She said "I'm sorry" like 15 times. I told her that she has nothing to apologize for and that I sadly cannot forgive manipulations that easily, and that she should give up. She started blaming the alcohol on it, and how she was drunk that night. And I told her that she's been drunk every day for nine months now since she arrived in this town, and she only knows me for six of those nine months. She tells me how she used to drink herself crazy back then because of me too. Here's where I snapped, and I told her I just caught her in another one of her lies, and she smirked, gave me this creepy look and said "I love lying to you."

The look she gave me sent shivers down my spine. My yard was dark, and her eyes just seemed, demonic for a moment. She was continuously getting closer to me. And I froze, I couldn't step back, not that she'd hurt me as I'm 6'2 with 250lbs, but a knife would do some good damage.

But Jane had another idea, she launched herself at me, locking her lips with mine. I pushed her off, yelling for her to stop, yelling "NO, NO NO!" I walked inside, I was mad, my girlfriend looked like she was about to beat her up. I looked at my stepdad and begged him to drive her home. They got her out of my house as she was kicking and screaming. But then she refused my stepdad's car ride and decided to walk... In the middle of the night, and whoever lives in South Africa, knows how fucking stupid that idea is.

Anyway,, she got home safe, as I woke up to texts from her on WhatsApp she had deleted, from a phone number she had me blocked from. So I pray she's actually done with me this time, because this is just too much to handle.

19:58 UTC


“You don’t realise how much danger you are in…”

Now that I (23, F) am back from Germany, I’ve had some time to think over the events of my trip. But it’s hard to think positively considering what happened to me the last night in Stuttgart, and I’d like a place to talk about it.

I’d spent about two weeks travelling Germany for the Euros, and considering how many fellow Scotland fans were over for the games I never felt completely alone, despite being a solo traveller in a foreign country. I guess I became too naive in how I trusted the older groups of Scots who’d buy me drinks and chat with me all night about where they’re from, who they knew. Just typical Scottish chats. I let my guard down.

That last night in Stuttgart happened like most other nights in Germany. I’d be by myself, and would get noticed by a group of older men or woman who’d enquire as to who I was with. When they heard I was alone, they’d remark at how brave I was as a “good lookin lassie” being here all by myself. I’d then be integrated in the group; drink with them; celebrate with them; and that night, cry with them after Scotland lost.

Determined to enjoy my last night, I said goodbye to my new friends and dawned on a short white dress draped in my scotland flag, and went out looking for a good place to drink and dance with strangers I’d never meet again. I met a few people that night, but it was while I was alone that I met him.

“That bags bigger than you are!” I heard as a jolly older man wandered over to me. It was true, I had my rucksack with me that night. “Where’s your boyfriend to carry it for you?” “Not sure yet, still deciding if he’s going to be German or Scottish” I quipped back with a smile. Most of my interactions would start this way, with a friendly interaction resulting in an offer to come drink with their group. And after offering to take me to a nearby Irish pub to drink with him and his family, I graciously accepted and we began walking.

He was overly exaggerating how incredible he thought I was for doing this alone, bowing to me and excitedly telling passers by how I was myself and how brave it was. I would smile awkwardly and change the subject. I wish I could say alarm bells were ringing, but they weren’t. After all, he was just a wee Scottish grandpa, one of many I’d met that night. He began prodding me on if I had somewhere to sleep tonight, remarking how they had room in their hotel if need be.

“I wouldn’t force myself on you or anything”

I froze. It was so unexpected. I truly looked at him for the first time since I had met him. He was a relatively short man - taller than me - with a larger build and wrinkles to match the white hair that was poking out from under his Scotland cap. He began quickly explaining how he knows I’d be cautious about that sort of thing being a smart girl, that I could trust him… but again reiterated that he wouldn’t force himself on me. I laughed nervously as all the beer I’d drank earlier seemed to drain from my body, and I began taking in my surroundings. “Where did you say your family were again?” “Just in an Irish pub up this hill! So like I was saying…” I didn’t really pay attention to him. We were still on the populated Main Street of Stuttgart, but the numbers were dwindling the further we went.

My ears pinged an alert to my brain, signalling i had just missed something important, or horrifying. So I mustered up a smile and politely asked: “What did you say sorry?” “That I’m vegetarian! Because I killed my 44th man in a vegetable field” “… oh” “I’ve been deployed in loads of countries! The first six lives I took were in Ireland…”

My blood ran cold. I am a descendant of Irish immigrants who fled to Scotland to escape the brutality of the troubles in Ireland. Did this man kill my family?

“… killed 12 in Iraq…”

I could only listen to parts of his ramblings as I began desperately planning my escape, locking eyes with every person that walked past. There weren’t many, we had almost reached the top of the Main Street now.

“…why are you so tense all of a sudden?” The words brought me back to the conversation. “You know I can read you like a book. I’m doing all this for you see… I want to protect you. And Molly I can guarantee you right now, you don’t realise how much danger you are in…”

I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, spinning round to see a young German man smiling at me. “Schottland!” He motioned to my flag “I love Scotland!”

“Is there anywhere to eat around here” I blurted out, staring at him, praying I’d turn around and the old man would be gone. Brief confusion crossed the Germans face before the old man began rapidly jumbling up the sentence “sprechen sie deutsch” in an attempt to sound as if he was speaking German. “…essen” I whispered. The young man pointed in the direction we just walked from. “There’s a McDonalds down there” I turned back to the old man, whose look I could only describe as emotionless. As if he was staring through me, like I was no longer there. I felt another cold shiver before smiling “I’m gonna go grab something to eat, but I’ll meet you in the Irish pub later”

As if snapping back to his jolly self, the man quipped “now don’t be like that! I’m off to a rave just now, I’m playing at it! You don’t want to miss it!” “I’ll catch it later” I smiled. The mans face again dropped into a blank stare before he turned and walked off.

I think the German man called after me, but I didn’t hear him. I kept my head down and walked wherever my feet wanted to take me. I couldn’t think, only walk. I don’t know how I got to the train station, nor how I got to the hostel. There were no Irish pubs in Stuttgart, or at least not in that direction.

To all solo female travellers, NEVER say you are travelling alone. To the German man, thank you. And to the Scottish man, let’s not meet again.

11:45 UTC


Fleeing the state from my stalker

Hello everyone I am very new to posting on here so please bear with me. I wanted to share my story that has occurred over the past 5 years. This story is about me (currently 20) and my stalker ex (currently 23).

The start of our relationship: 2019-2021 5 years ago I met my ex, I’ll call him Alex for my own safety. In early to mid 2019 I came across Alex’s profile on Instagram and recognized him as a student who attended the same high school as me. I always thought he was attractive so I followed him on instagram and to my surprise he actually responded to one of my stories. We started messaging on instagram back and forth then the both of us quickly found out that we liked each other. We started calling each other and sleeping on the phone. One night while I had fell asleep on the phone with Alex I heard his voice coming from the phone whispering something like “I would r word you” and things along that manner. I thought I was hearing things so brushed it off and thought I was just dreaming. Eventually me and him started dating and going on dates. Everything was pretty well except for the fact that when he would kiss me he would bite me extremely hard, to the point it would make me bleed. I told him multiple times not to do it but he would always continue. A couple months into dating a girl had made a video on instagram claiming he was a cheater but he denied to me that he even knew this girl and I believed him. 10 months of dating went by and a friend sent me of screenshot of him being active on tinder. I immediately broke up with him after that. A couple months later I started dating someone new. During this relationship with my new partner, Alex would blow up my phone with messages and calls. I decided to block him. He then started driving past my house every single day. At this point I had started my first job and he would eventually show up there too. I even moved jobs and he found me there as well.

Getting back together (2021-2023) The situation eventually died down. Randomly out of blue I get a flower delivery of pink roses, it had Alex’s name on the card attached but nothing written. Being the stupid 17/18 year old senior in high I was I actually unblocked him and thanked him. He asked to hangout and I willingly went to hangout with him soon after we started texting. My 17 year old self thought it was cool to be dating a hot well known older boy so i eventually fell back into Alex. After a couple times of hanging out we started dating again. I eventually lost my v card to Alex and we started regularly sleeping with each other. One day he texted me saying he had a surprise for me then sent me a iCloud file. I opened the file and it was a video of us having sex. I had no idea he recorded us having sex , I couldn’t even consent I was 17 at the time and he was 20. Again stupid 17 year old me stayed with him regardless of the red flags. Eventually our relationship became sexually and physically abusive. One night he raped me intoxicated /unconscious and left bruising on my head and abdomen. A couple days after that I decided enough was enough and broke up with him .

The stalking (2023-2024) Immediately following the breakup he would constantly text and call me. He would beg for me to see him. I kept denying but he kept going. He would threaten to come into my house in the middle of the night while I was asleep. This happened for a couple months. During this time I met someone new and we started dating. I was having trouble with my mom and my new partner asked me to move in with him. Somehow Alex found out where me and my new partner were living so he started showing up at our place. We documented everything from our cameras and ended up filing a restraining order against Alex. We got granted a temp order until our hearing. Our hearing day came and the judge extended the temporary order to let things “cool down for 6 months” and if he breaks the order the judge will grant a long term order at the next hearing. Within days of extending the temp order Alex violated it by parking in front of my house on multiple occasions. I called the cops multiple times but never even gave him a warning. One day while I was working I get a call from my local PD that Alex tried purchasing a firearm (which violates our order) they just warned him not to do it again and had to let me know for my safety. Obviously knowing your crazy ex has tried purchasing a firearm is scary itself. The following days he would follow me to work and stand in front of my bfs truck in the early hours of the morning.

Most current/fleeing(2024) He would start tailgating me on my way to work or swerve in front of me in his car. Me and my bf moved somewhere else but in the same city still. Somehow Alex still managed to find us. My bf decided that if the cops weren’t going to help us then we would need to leave the state. We ended up packing up everything in the middle of the night and driving a state over where my bfs family lives. I have been here for about two months. Me and bf found good jobs and plan on leasing our own apartment soon. It’s been peaceful for the most part however I still hear about what Alex does back home. He still tells everyone that we are together still and even posts pictures of me on instagram. My story is still ongoing and I left out a lot of details.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out. :)

08:43 UTC


Amanda the ex girlfriend of my best friend who nearly destroyed my life.

Okay this may be a long story but I'm ready to tell people of Reddit my story of "Lets not Meets". This first started when I was in my first year of Sixth-form, my friend lets say her name was Candle, she introduced me to her friend lets call her Amanda... I used to chat to Amanda everyday for the next two weeks simply because she used to message me constantly, she seemed like a nice girl at first until she started to make me feel uncomfortable around her as she used to message me "I want to cuddle you like a big teddy bear" and similar things to that and I shot it down and she got upset and threatened to call the police on me if I didn't go on a date with her (I'm a gay guy BTW but I wasn't out of the closet at this point of my life) I screenshoted everything she said to me and I showed my friend Candle and she stated "Yeah, I believe you. She a conpulsive liar, she lied about a teacher SAing her and used to make things up to make her sound better than everyone else" I was so glad Candle believed me and advised me to block Amanda which I did.

Fast forward two years later; I was now in college and I encountered her again, I didn't recognise her and was chatting to her without realising she was the same Amanda from two years prior. That was until I messaged Candle on Facebook as Amanda told me she knew Candle. Candle sent me a long paragraph "Erm, you do realise that's Amanda right?" Then it all came flooding back to me... She's right it's the same girl who threatened to call the police on me for not going on a date with her... she was dating a friend (now bestest friend) of mine in college I tried to warn him but he didn't listen to me. Amanda claimed to have a crush on me a second time I shot it down right away and told her I'm not interested, she obviously took offense to that and threatened to call the police again, to which I replied "What's police going to do? This isn't a police matter" which by looked at her facial expression, angered her more but she walked off.

The next couple of weeks go by, I ended up telling my friend about what she's been messaging me with and he obviously believed me as he saw her messaging me in real time. She kept asking me on a date and saying she liked me since day one etc. But here's the thing... she was IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH MY FRIEND!! Naturally my friend got upset and called her in front of me and she claimed she had no clue what he's talking about, and told him I'm making up lies. Then he forgave her as she admitted it was true just a week later... too my annoyance she began hanging out with us, I was nice to her because I didn't want my friend to get upset she tried telling me she had two children at 17 with one being 13 and one being 3 years old, I thought that's odd, how is she 17 and having a 13 year old child? She would have been 4, something wasn't adding up. She stated she was SA'd when she was young. I should have called her out but my friend was there and I didn't want to upset him. She even stated the 3 year old child was my friends daughter, even he looked confused like it was the first time he ever heard of this child. When she went home I asked him, he stated "No idea she never mentioned a child before now and we definitely never had s*x" very strange. Fast forward a year I was working in a shop, she suddenly showed up and asked to speak to me, my manager let me go on my 30 minute lunch. She was with her friend and she wanted to tell me that my best-friend (lets officially give him the name Marcus) was manipulating her and always hurting her which I knew for a fact wasn't true, Marcus wouldn't hurt a fly but I listened to whatever else she wanted to say. She said she was trapped in a relationship with him and felt scared of him, no idea why she was telling me this knowing I don't like her. I just made out I believed her and headed back to work. I came home and Facetime Marcus and told him everything she told me earlier that day, he started crying his eyes out because he found out she cheated on him with another guy, a friend of his showed him a picture as proof and forwarded it to me, it was definitely a picture of her with some guy kissing on a bus. I told Marcus he needs to get away from her ASAP. Which he did... until the next day they were back together as he YET AGAIN forgave her.

We started doing group video chats, me Marcus and Amanda (at her request) and remember her three year old from the year prior? Well now she's a 5 year old called Lily (who literally never existed) and I asked her about the 13 year old she mentioned and she replied with "I don't have a child other than Lily". And the next couple of months go by and she used to say "Lily's in bed" or "Lily's at school" etc, when I call her out she used to 'show' us Lily by turning the camera to a pitch black area of her bedroom and quickly put the camera back to her. I thought this was odd and said "why did you move the camera so fast? We didn't see anything" she then replied "Because she's camera shy" or "She's asleep" I couldn't take it anymore it was excuse after excuse if Lily was Marcus's daughter he deserves to see her as he literally never met or see this 'Lily' not even once, I sent her a long message stating that Lily does not exist, and why no pictures of her. Then I blocked her because I had enough of her playing games with my best friend. She then went on people's Facebook and I kidd you not, she took photos of random people's children and claimed them as 'Lily' me and Marcus looked at each other and knew these were different pictures of random kids. Some of them wasn't even girls.

This went on until one day me and Marcus went to Amanda's mothers workplace and Marcus showed her all the messages especially the ones about this 'Lily' and the many pictures of her and random guys she meets up with (some of the men Amanda met up with were like 50-60 years old) and we found her on a dating website asking for men to "fattern her up". We showed everything to Amanda's mother. Her mother was furious. She said Amanda NEVER HAD KIDS, she was never SA'd as a child, and knew something was odd as she got into some random man's car just the day before. I thought this was the end of Amanda but I couldn't be more wrong as Marcus like an idiot met up with her that evening and FORGAVE HER FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME.

And then something strange happened the next day... Marcus called me on Facetime and he was furious (AT ME!) I asked him what's going on and what did I do!? He told me I was a bad friend and he wants to cut me out of his life... I was in shock... and I heard Amanda laughing in the background then it clicked. She said something about me which wasn't true and now me and Marcus are arguing like crazy and he blocked me on everything which broke my heart as this boy was my best friend and now he's believing his conpulsive lying girlfriend over me. Me and Marcus were having on and off arguments all the time, and Amanda was at the root of it telling him lies and manipulating him like she was jealous of our friendship... maybe she thought I was a threat to her relationship with Marcus and tried to split us up as best friends. She literally used to invite me out with them and when I turn up she used to be like "I wanted to spend time with you, why is HE HERE?" Excuse me? You're the one who invited me!! This happened every single time until one time I snapped back at her which made her cry but I didn't care she needed to stop doing this to me as it wasn't healthy for my mental health.

A few weeks go by, Marcus was texting me on Facebook Messenger and we were having a laugh like we used to. He went to the toilet as he was with Amanda, then I suddenly got a text from Marcus again saying "Hi it's Amanda" I replied with "Hey" and she started sending me threatening messages saying I need to leave Marcus alone and he doesn't like me and I need to move on. I was like WHAT THE F*CK? I ended up arguing with her over this saying why the hell is she using his phone sending me these messages? Amanda was like "I dare you come say it to my face!" At this point I had enough and contacted a friend of mine lets call her Jasmine and told her the situation I ended up in tears on the phone, I've known Jasmine since Primary School and we been close friends since so she naturally got defensive and asked me to get in her car and she'll drop me off where they are so I can 'say it to her face' Jasmine wanted to hurt Amanda for what's she's done to me. We saw them and we confronted them, Marcus genuinely had no clue what was going on until I showed him the messages Amanda sent on his phone. He was furious and walked off in tears I ran after him leaving Amanda and Jasmine alone.

Me and Marcus hugged it out and we had a talk about what's happened, he was telling me that he isn't allowed friends anymore and Amanda even made him choose between her and his family which made me furious even more. I had enough of the way she's treating my best friend.

The next day Jasmine messaged me and said she can't be friends anymore as I was 'bullying' Amanda for months which wasn't true I would never bully anyone. I said to Jasmine if she was my real friend she would know Amanda was lying but obviously not. To this very day I never saw Jasmine again, this felt like a big betrayal of our friendship and I would never talk to Jasmine ever again. This was over six years ago now.

Me and Marcus was getting on better and he wasn't letting Amanda manipulate him anymore. That was until these boys come into our lives, we'll first was another girl I was friends with called Alice. I known Alice for years and I invited her out with me and Marcus to a Pub for a few drinks, it was a nice evening and Alice even called Amanda and told her she needs to leave Marcus alone (we were drunk) and that evening when we were saying goodbye as I was naturally worried for Marcus as he's like a little brother to me at this point, Alice asked if I was gay (which I am gay but I wasn't out of the closet yet so I responded with no) and Alice said "Then why you worried about Marcus you obviously fancy him" well, no he's like a brother to me and we been through a lot because of Amanda so I obviously do care about him.

I thought to forget about this conversation as I assumed she was just making conversation. Alice messaged Marcus asking him out on a date on a messaging app and by end of that week they started dating. I was happy he's moving on from Amanda... boy was I wrong. I started receiving messages from Alice's brother and his friend stating to slice my throat and messaging Marcus to help them beat me up. We was talked into joining group video call and the call contained me, Marcus, Amanda and Alice's brother and his friend. Saying horrible things towards me saying I should die and I hurt women which wasn't true it was more of Amanda's lies and I was messaging Marcus to back me up because he was quiet while I'm trying to defend myself against these guys. He just read my messages and still sat there not saying anything. At this point I had enough and just left the call and left the group and blocked the lot of them apart of Marcus.

Marcus called me the next morning saying sorry for not defending me I replied with "well that isn't good enough, they were literally threatening me." Marcus went quiet and said sorry again by that point I ended the call because I couldn't be bothered with this stress anymore. Next thing I know Alice was denying that she ever dated Marcus and claiming I made a fake account of her on the messaging app... ARE YOU SERIOUS MATE?! I also noticed Alice was being besties with Amanda on Facebook so that's the puzzle fitting.

At this point I wanted to end my life I was at my lowest. I was losing all my friends because of this Amanda. This was the start of my depression getting worse and worse. Me and Marcus eventually made up and we are best friends again but there was a time period where we didn't talk for over a year I guess that's me trying to move on with my life. But we eventually started talking again and me and Marcus met up again just the two of us and he was saying how sorry he was for everything he's done. I said it's okay, he was under Amanda's control.

Fast forward to 2024, Marcus has a new Fiancée who is a lovely girl and I'm going to be best man at his wedding because (this part I did miss out in the story) I stopped him from jumping every time Amanda cheated on him. I was always there for him. He now sees I was always there for him and we are closer than ever. He even defends me a lot more nowadays and always has my back.

I've seen Amanda here and there a few times but I don't even acknowledge her, or them as Amanda is now 'non-binary' which I don't believe as it could be another lie for attention. But I'm not judging, if that's how they feel then that's up to them but that doesn't change the person who nearly destroyed my life.

Last time I saw Amanda was last year at Pride, they were pointing at me showing their current boyfriend who I am. I didn't notice until my other best friend (not Marcus) pointed it out to me. That was the last time I ever saw them and hopefully never again.

There's a lot I missed out on this story as it happened over a couple of years. But I just want to say, Amanda, let's not meet... EVER AGAIN.

19:20 UTC


Psycho situationship turned stalker

Meet Jane. I don't know much about Jane except that she's from a small town and she moved here with her friends and boyfriend for university. When I first met Jane at the pub, I thought she hated my guts, she always gave me nasty looks, and when my friends tried to approach her friends, she'd be rude to me. Jane is pretty, like very very pretty. Like every guy in town has a thing for her. But Jane's boyfriend is insane, to say the least. They are regulars at the pub, and I've seen them break up around 3-4 times, and the waiter working at the pub (guy in my friendgroup) says he's noticed them break up a dozen more, but they always come back together.

Couple of months back, I had just finished with the gym and I had just showered when my mom called and asked about this pub, and how's the food there. I told her the food's to die for, and she said she and my stepdad were on their way there. I told them I would meet them too because I was dying for some hot wings and a burger. We sit down, and me and my dad just start drinking beer after beer. And in no time I had downed five 0.5l pints of beer. I was getting a little bit tipsy but I kept pushing though. My dear friend (Let's call her Tina) called and asked if I was down for a drink. I told her to come to the pub as I was already there, she's gonna meet my folk, and they planned on leaving soon, so she and I could continue. That's how it happened. My parents left and Tina and I continued drinking on our own.

The pub was closing, so Tina decided to go to the bathroom, and I walked with her inside to see if I could get another pint. We stumble upon Jane. Jane starts talking to Tina, and I realize they know each other. We all sit down to comfort her as she was a crying mess. Her bf and she were done for good, and she revealed that he used to really abuse her. Mentally and physically. I felt bad for her, so when she rested on my shoulder I just let her.

Tomorrow night, I get a DM from her, and she's apologizing about the trauma dumping. I tell her it's no biggie as we all need to vent sometimes (albeit I do that to my therapist not strangers but whatever, The therapist is a stranger I pay ig.) We continue chatting, and she constantly goes between I can't text you, and then texting me again. Don't text me, and text me first when I don't (keep in mind this is like 2 days since that interaction).

One drunken night, she texted me to meet her, it was around 2 am, and I had my lil cousin over, that whole night we watched movies and he had just fallen asleep. So I declined her offer (also I feel it be a bit weird for me to hang out with her completely sober while she can barely see, idk just weird to me). The next day, she's sobered up, and I agree to meet her for a hangout. We hung out for a while, and she was fun to hang out with, I did like her, and worry about her and her ex. Soon enough, her leech of an ex left town as he was never really interested in uni, just being close to her.

On one of our dates, she revealed to me that she realized she had feelings for me, and that's when she broke up with her ex, resulting in him physically attacking her.

One day, we had a date at her place. A little study date. After we finished studying, we relaxed on the couch and ended up making out. We didn't have sex that night but I fingered her. I went home and we continued talking about it, even exchanging photos (my first and only time sending a nude), and then we hooked up.

Now, I'm a person who likes alone time, so sometimes I just wanna chill at my house and not really be with anyone, and she did not like this idea. She started spamming me with calls, saying how she could come over and we will chill, she will be silent and I'd still be alone. In my opinion, this kinda defeats the idea of being alone, as IM NOT FUCKING ALONE? She threatened me that if I didn't pick up the phone she would never talk to me again. This is where I snapped, and told her that her lukewarm at best manipulation tactics would not work on me and to not contact me again. She flipped out and came to my part of town. Hanging out and waiting for me to come out. I told her, I begged her millions of times not to come to my house, but she simply said "Nah, I'll pass" and came anyway. I literally felt so disrespected because all of a sudden I hold no value in life. When she texted me "Come out I'm here" I texted her "Nah, I'll pass" and stayed home.

Now, she's following me everywhere I go (it's been months, and I'm dating the girl of my dreams) but that has not stopped her from being in my shadow. She learned my routine. When do I go to the gym, when I'm at practice ect. and she never fails to show up or drive past where I'm at. My stepbrother reviewed the security footage from our house, and we counted her car driving past my house at least 14 times in a day.

I still get texts from her on the daily even though she's blocked. She gets wasted and spams me with messages on WhatsApp that she then deletes. My girlfriend is absolutely livid with this chick as she would not leave me the fuck alone.

I do not fear for my life, but I have warned my friends that if I die, it would not be an accident or a suicide, she's in my shadow, I constantly have to check my 6 to see if she's behind me.

17:48 UTC


Attacked in the park at 10 years old

When I was 10 years old, I went to the park with a friend. At the time there was an event on I’m not sure what the correct word is, but it was the kind of event where there were animals you could pet , cotton candy exhibits and exhibitions, in addition to places you can buy things.

I mention all this because it’s relevant later. Anyway I buy a small plastic toy sword at one of the stalls and me and my friend went off away from the event into the playground section of the park.

We were playing around with my toy sword when we were approached by a group of you. Teenagers a few years older then us. I can’t remember exactly what was said at first but they lead us over to an area that had a wooden picket fence, and they seemed nice at first so we weren’t scared or anything.

That was until until the guys suddenly out of nowhere grabbed us , I think there were 3-4 of them total 1 guy was holding each of us and the other 1-2 guys were just standing back laughing, they also positioned themselves so no one could see us or what was happening.

The guys started to get aggressive with us and us only be 10 we’re really scared , they started trying to force my head into the space between the picket fence and said they were going to beat us. We tried calling out for people but were met with more physical violence.

Luckily I still had my plastic sword and in they hadn’t taken it off me , in the panic I was in I was able to smash the hilt of my plastic sword into the neck, face or shoulder of the guy holding me.

I must have smashed it hard enough into him to hurt, because he let me go and the guy holding my friend was distracted, in that split second me and my friend bolted away.

They chased us nearly all the way back to the event swearing at us telling us what they were going to do to us i when they caught us, thankfully we made it back ok and we just cling to my friends mom for the rest of our time there.

Let’s never meet again

11:03 UTC


Creepy guy taking pictures on the bus

This happened a few days ago but i still feel creeped out if i think about it.

I live near a big city and i don’t have a car so i have to take the bus everyday. This day started pretty normal.

I was already on for like 10 minutes and 2 young girls (around 10-11) get on the bus and sat in the seats in front of me. Some minutes passed by and at the next stop a really creepy looking guy (around 50) got on and sat 2 rows in front of the 2 girls.

He had dirty clothes on and overall looked really unhygenic. Some minutes passed and i saw he always turns his head back and look at the girls that were sitting infront of me. It was already weird.

Again few minutes passed and i saw the guy getting out his phone and point it towards me and the two girls. Felt weird but suddenly i saw the flash on his phone. I was shocked but i thought maybe he just accidentally put the flash on. 2 minute passed and he did it again. At this point i felt disgusted and got up and went over there.

I was angry and fueled with disgust, i asked him what the f*ck are you doing. He asked back what do i mean. I screamed at him in the middle of the bus, delete the pictures you took of the girls. He started to smile but in a really creepy way. He looked at me and told me he did took a photo but not of the girls. That was the moment the realization happened. The guy took photos of me. I was shocked and felt creeped out. I didnt know what to do, i just sat back in my seat and wait for the ride to arrive.

Fortunately the girls took off the next stop and the guy didnt. At this point i knew he really told the truth about taking pictures of me and not the girls. Me and the guy got off at the same stop but he didnt do nothing just stared at me. I still feel a little bit creeped out if i think about it. Im happy cause the 2 girls werent harmed but creepy as hell.

TL,DR:Creepy guy taking pictures of me on the bus

01:19 UTC


Superbowl Spike

In 2008 I had just moved to a new state. I didn't know anyone. I had no friends and no family where I lived. Over the year I developed a few close friendships with a few couples in my apartment complex.

We would often get together and have little parties. Noting serious. Just some drinks, card games, and some times just movie nights. It was usually couple A, couple B, me and randomly scattered thoughout were men they'd being along to subtly try matchmake.

One day we decided to all get together for a superbowl party. I think it was the Eagles and the Patriots. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember.

The party was going to be at one of the random guy's apartment. As it turned out he was only a few apartments down from mine. I decided to go over a little earlier to help him set up for it.

I had met him many times and although he seemed odd I never got creeper vibes until that day. He was quiet and was watching me a little too intently. At one point I went to the bathroom. When I came out, I opened my drink and took a tiny sip. It literally only touched the tip of my tongue.

Something about that drink didn't taste right. It had a fuzzy metallic taste. So i decided not to have anymore. I just put the lid back on and sat down. If he had been watching me before it was Nothing compared to his gaze at that moment.

Suddenly I felt very ill. I ran to the bathroom because I felt I might throw up. When I got inside I locked the door and sat on the toilet. Every pore in my body opened at once and I began sweating profusely. The room was spinning. I was having tiny blackouts. I knew I had to leave. I ran out of the bathroom grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

That was the last thing I remember.

When I came to I was on my knees. My body was outside of the car and my face was planted in my car seat. I reason I had reached car, opened the door, and then I was out. I don't know how long I was out. The last thing I remember was grabbing my purse and leaving. I was in a total blackout from the moment I left the door to my car.

The confusion and fear I felt as I woke was like nothing I had experienced. I looked around and realized where I was and saw that guy standing in his apartment, smoking a cigarette, and watching me from his patio door. He was watching me and thankfully didn't try to help or get me back into his apartment.

I jumped up, got in the car, and locked the door. My heart was ponding. Then I blackout again. I would wake up realize where I was and pass back out. Every time I gained consciousness I felt so vulnerable. This happened 5 or 6 times. After a bit I woke up and didnt pass out again. I was able to start my car and get out of there. I somehow made it to my apartment. Which was only a few apartment blocks over, but it took a long time. I was able to make it to my building. I called couple A and told them what happened but they didn't believe me.

I asked them to grab my soda bottle when they went to the party so I could take it to the police station . They later claimed they couldn't find it. I guess they just forgot or didn't care. I pretty much stopped talking to them. When my lease was up I moved.

I figured if my friends didn't believe me, and without evidence I couldn't really go to the police. He said she said kinda things never go anywhere when it comes to cops.

Some times I think about how my body reacted to just the tiniest sip. I hate to think what would have happened if I had taken a full drink of it. I'm so thankful I didn't.

So creepy superbowl spiker let's never meet again

18:00 UTC


I’ve Ignored Him Long Enough.

Disclaimer: Always report incidents like this to trusted adults and authorities immediately. Please do not handle similar situations the way I did.

It began the summer before I entered high school (2018) with innocent messages on Facebook. I never understood why he continued to message me. After a couple of days of him texting 6-7 times in a row (without reply), he stated that he was 26, from my hometown but stationed elsewhere in the army, and had plans to find a young wife to cherish. I made it clear that I was 14 and uninterested, then blocked his account. The next day, he made another account, calling me "babygirl" and telling me that I was what he wanted in a wife. This wasn't the first time I had dealt with an older man interested in me, naively, I muted the chat and moved on with my life.

I stopped thinking about him, enjoyed my summer, and then started high school. Everything was going great until the packages started to arrive. First, a necklace with his name on it, then one shaped like a heart. They had receipts and were expensive. I was terrified that he had found my address, so I showed my mom everything. My mom tried to return the gifts (not sure why that was her reaction), but he refused. Showing my mom the messages was the first time I had actually read any of them. They were weird, and some were about eloping with me when I turned 16.

My mom found out that he went to high school with both of my older siblings. My sister recalled him as a weird anime nerd, and he was friendly towards my brother, also an anime nerd. I ended up blocking a few more accounts and tried to ignore what I thought wasn’t that serious of a situation. After this we never spoke of him again.

One afternoon in November of my freshman year, I was in gym class with friends when I received a call with no ID. My friends told me to pick up, thinking it was a telemarketer or spam that we could mess with. We all heard something along the lines of, "I’m waiting outside of gym for when you get done with class." We thought it was another friend pranking us, laughed, and moved on. After class, I had a weird gut feeling and tried to leave through the visitor doors, but the coach told me it wasn't permitted. I walked out, and there he was. He grabbed my throat, jammed his mouth against mine, and told me he was disappointed I wasn’t wearing the jewelry he got me then walked away. I sprinted to my theater teacher, the only teacher I trusted, and cried for the rest of the day until convincing my brother to pick me up. I blamed the tears on the recent passing of my grandpa. I kept receiving CDs, mixtapes (he wrote many songs about me), bracelets, and cards until Covid began, but never saw him in person again after that day.

TL;DR: at 14 I naively let a 26 y/o harass me with messages online and gifts sent to my home. He eventually assaulted me at school.

09:52 UTC


One friendly stalker - a childhood story

English is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes.

My friends and I would hang out around town and at a local park during our early teenage years, during secondary school. The story starts with another kid in a similar age range as us. He used stalking other people as his means to socialize and enter into friend groups with other people. What this looked like is that he used the technique of following people around for days, perhaps for a couple of weeks on end until he got noticed or gave up. He would disguise this by just being in the same general area as us though, so we had no idea that we were being watched. If we had known anything, he was just a regular background character in the spots we would hang out in, just enjoying the same public spots as us and everyone else. Eventually, we decided to invite him to join us in a game we were playing, not knowing his intentions. He became a part of our friend group quickly, we would invite him or try to find him in the area when we could to hang out.

Overall, we spent a couple of years hanging out with him, especially when we had free time outside the school year. We could tell that he had some quirks, but being happy to have another companion we didn't care. He eventually told us about the stalking behaviours he used to find friends. He laughed it off at the time. The actions although weird, maybe could be defended cause we were in the same age range. Maybe, it was just his way of making friends. We weren't knowledgeable enough to read this as a red flag at all. He wasn't an adult so there was no obvious sense of danger or being creeped out. There were a lot of normal moments and good times we shared with him in our group. But the more we became closer, things got more and more complicated. The second crack in his character was the oversharing, telling us about sensitive and personal info. This isn't bad necessarily to do, but it revealed that he had a troubled childhood with home and school problems, and had made some questionable life choices for being so young. Later we would conclude that his upbringing was a big factor in influencing the way he would act in these odd ways, even if this doesn't excuse his behaviour.

There would be a lot of gripes that we would have with his actions over time. More bad, albeit not creepy things like being plain mean and a jerk to certain friends he was close with. Making fun of friends to the point of being mean, or taking being playful to being annoying, for example. One big occasion of his assholish behavior was when he got into a stupid fight after using a racial slur against another kid. His more creepy behavior would come out in him being desperate to look for some kind of romance. He tried to date multiple friends or acquaintances in our network, he would often employ unwanted contact (not just with his romantic interests but with regular people he was friends with in our circle). This created a lot of tension within our circle at times where he tried to advance a relationship. However, none of these would work out as he had wanted. On one occasion, he almost got an address to the house of a person he had a crush on in our circle. Luckily, things worked out where he couldn't have hung out anyway. But it's not hard to imagine he could have started stalking or watching this house with the person with whom he had a romantic interest at one point that did not end well.

The peak of his creepy, stalkerish, and obsessive behaviours would come out in his plot to get with a certain girl we were friends with and that was in our network. He did everything from unsolicited touching of her (ex. playing with her hair), forcing himself to be around her, and being jealous of her being with other guys despite not even dating her. All of this contact was unwanted by the other party, she didn't want to be with him. This reached its end as he ended up sending explicit material of himself, that showed his meat, trying to get her to come over. This ended up getting the police involved. We never figured out how bad his punishment was, but it took him out of the picture for a while. This was the turning point where he stopped talking to us as much, outside of those he had a school with. He also maintained text with a couple of us for some time.

Eventually, due to him moving out of the area, our contact would be cut with him. Some of us would cut contact with him out of dislike for what his behavior had become which became more problematic, arrogant, and unpleasant then. Outside of a brief return to contact with one friend where our group found out about how his life went into a pretty bad state in life, although seeming to be on an upward trajectory.

That is the end of the story. While much can be blamed on his background, he still took rude, mean, and downright creepy behaviors too far on many occasions. We can only hope he can recover and improve his behaviour with the new life and people he is with, which he seemed to be doing upon that last encounter.

But regardless,

N, let's never meet again

17:53 UTC


We were beeing watched by someone

Hello, first of all sorry for my bad englisch im not a native Speaker.

This storys happened to me and a friend of me 2 months ago. (it is pretty short)

A bit of context me and my friend often like to smoke one in the middle of the night in his village and usally it is pretty chill.

But this time i thought we would walk to our local football field which is in the middle of the Woods.

As we begun to walk towards the forest we already heard something whisper behind us. And in generell felt like being followed and watched, but we thought nothing of it.

As we set foot in the football field area we sat on a bench around 150 meters away from the field.

Infront of us were a lot of bushes and small trees.

I already felt a bit uneasy because there were no lights it was almost pitch black.

But my friend said he was here already and its safe and no one lives around here so we got back to Talking and smoking.

After around 10 minutes we heard like a silent screach (keep in mind it was 10 minutes later so we didnt feel anything from smoking).

We just looked at eachother and were complitly silent.

A few seconds past and there was a another screach this time way closer and louder and the motion detector 10 meters away went on.

I was already standing ready to leave or run away from whatever this was.

But my friend stupid like he is called out something like ,,fuck off".

Right after he did so we heard more screaching und movement behind the bushes and we were both fozen in fear. As i stood there the motion detector was giving off a small amount of light which allowed me to see a little bit .

And i saw two legs behind the bushes (grey dirty jeans and black boots) on the side of the leg was, idk how to

describe it like long knife .

As soon as i saw it i grabbed my friend a bagan sprinting back to the village.

On the next day we walked back to check out if we had just confused something with wood or something but as we pulled up there were 2 cop cars standing there that said we need to turn around.

We didnt ask anything we just turned and drove off.

To this day we dont know who it was or what he had planned for us.

14:11 UTC


My kidnappers.

It was the summer of 1978 and we had just moved from Canada to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As a seven year old child I was excited about moving to a new country and the adventures that awaited me. I had no idea that one of my first adventures would be so sinister.

We end up staying at the Hilton hotel with other expat families while we waited for the company supplied home to be ready for us to move into. As a 2nd grader staying in a hotel for one-two weeks was exciting and seemed like a camping trip spent in luxury. Since other expat families were also staying at the hotel I had lots of other children to play with. One of the games we would play was hide n' seek - this meant using the elevator to hide out on the other 30 some floors or in the stairwells. The hotel gave us children a false sense of security.

One day when we were playing 'hide n' seek' I took the elevator alone to the top floor in the building, I believe it was the 30th floor, and exited the elevator. As I rounded the corner from the bank of elevators I ran into a man and woman. They looked to be in their 30s and looked native to the country. I recall they did not look frightening and were dressed nicely. While they looked normal their actions immediately said something different.

The man tried to grab my arm and I pulled away. I immediately backed away from the couple till we were standing about ten-fifteen feet apart. I of course was on the edge of turning and running, but understood that I had no where to run to if a pursuit did occur. A short lived stand off ensued. I assumed the man wanted to convince me to come with them willingly because if I screamed it could attract the attention of other guests staying on that floor. So from fifteen apart we stared each other down.

I was standing closest to the bank of elevators and they were standing between me and the stairwell. The man took a chocolate bar out of his pocket and held it out to me. This of course would mean approaching the couple to take it and there was no way in hell I was going to do that. The man and woman were staring at me with creepy fake smiles and I could see that their body positioning screamed 'we may lunge at you at any moment'.

As a side note I remember the chocolate bar had nuts in it and I hated nuts in chocolate bars. When it was clear that I wasn't going to come to them I could see the man's stance start to change into 'I am about to lunge at you' and my stance changed to 'I think its time to run'. Right when it looked like the man was going to lunge at me the elevator doors dinged and someone got off on that floor.

I don't remember who it was or what they looked like because as soon as I heard that sound I turned and bolted past that person and into the open elevator doors. I recall that the man and woman retreated in the opposite direction at that sound, maybe to their room or to the stairwell.

I never told anyone what had happened till decades later and as a child quickly pushed it to the back of my mind till I was much older.

It is sobering how the smallest things in life can be so life changing. I don't remember who got off on that floor but I remain eternally grateful to them, and to that couple I say lets not meet again.

10:35 UTC


My follower.

When I was a teenager in high school I drove my mom's jeep a lot; she didn't use it a lot and was kind enough to let me use it. One late night on a weekend, maybe around 1 am, I was leaving a friend's house, driving, when I noticed a car was following me. I have a feeling they started following me shortly after I left my friend's house but I didn't really notice them till about 10 minutes into my drive. I never got a clear look at the driver as they were remained a shadowy outline, but I will refer to them as "he" as that is likely what gender they were. I myself am male and at the time was 16 or 17 years old, but I looked about 14 years old.

The distance between my friend's house and my house was about a 30 minute drive and so it didn't take long to see that "he" did not coincidentally have the same route as me. At one point I even made a wild turn across a grass median and "he" followed me. Like a stupid teenager I actually found it sort of exciting so I dragged out my 30 minute drive home into a 60 minute drive home trying to lose him. I was in a jeep that had a top speed of 80 km/hr. that was unlikely to happen.

At one point I had to stop at a red light and he was right behind me. I locked my doors and got ready to run the red light if "he" got out of his car. He didn't get out of his car. Even though all I could see was his shadowy outline in my rearview mirror I could feel his eyes eerily locked on me the whole time. I should have been scared but for some reason I felt safe from "him" from within my vehicle; as a side note I feel super comfortable in cars, later becoming a stunt driver, so the car tended to lull me into a false sense of security.

After having him follow me for almost an hour I made another unwise teenage decision and lead the creepy person following me right to my home. When I pulled into the driveway of my parent's house I immediately threw the vehicle into park and hopped out of the car. I don't know why but I decided to approach him. Ironically I scared "him" and he threw his car in reverse. His tires squealed so I assumed he panicked at my unexpected and bold action. He quickly threw his car back into drive and sped off before I could get a good look at "him".

Sort of ironic that the "man" with probably nefarious intentions was scared off by my actions. I should have been scared myself but I was more curious about who he was and what he wanted. Still curious to this day about what he intended, but that said lets not meet again.

10:04 UTC


Creepy 70s looking donut shop guy

I just read another user’s story about the “smiling man” at the laundromat and it instantly transported me back to a similar high school memory.

I was about 15 or 16, and my older brother that went to the same high school as me would drive us to school most days of the week when our parents stopped wanting to get up early since we both had “zero period” that began at 7 am. One day, on the way to school, we stopped at a donut shop that was in a sort of remote part of town on a stretch of highway. It was still kind of dark outside before 6:30 am. This was in the late 90s or early 2000s before it was common teenagers had their own cell phones, so I didn’t have a way to call or text.

This shop had nothing around it except trees and a stretch of empty land, the parking lot was too big for how small this place was. He didn’t park us in the very front spot by the door, to this day I have no idea why he didn’t. He parked about a row and a half from the front and walked in. No one was at the counter so I watched him wait for service. While he was waiting, my eyes wandered and panned suddenly to a man’s face staring daggers at me from one of the tables in the shop. It was VERY startling, like in movies when they look through binoculars and see someone staring at them through the scope.

I immediately looked away and down because it freaked me out. At first I thought maybe the man was tired and was just kinda spacing out because of how early it was. But I still felt his eyes on me after a few minutes, and although I fought myself to look up, I glanced up and he had a creepy smile on his face. He had short bobbed hair like a dude would have had in the 70s. I looked at my brother and it felt like an eternity as he picked the donuts. He had turned around ONCE and I tried to get his attention, but he turned back around to keep choosing.

When my brother was talking to the cashier, I noticed the man at the table get up. He never took his eyes off me and I remember my heart beating hard in my chest as I looked down since I couldn’t think of anything else to do. (This is how I was reminded of this memory from the other post, the feeling of helplessness when someone is staring and making you uncomfortable). I hoped he would just walk away, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed he was approaching the truck.

My first thought was to reach over and honk the horn as loud as I could, but he was already about one stride away from the driver’s side, and I had then noticed the door hadn’t auto locked. It was the kind that had the little pop up button lock. I only had seconds to choose to lock the door or honk the horn, so I practically leapt over and I remember slapping down the lock button. Not but two or three seconds later, the man PULLED on the door handle. He turned to walk away, but then turned again and tried to pull harder. I then honked the horn to get attention but I saw my brother had walked to the other side of the counter out of view. After I honked a second time, the guy walked off past the car, across the street where it was a bit wooded before the highway resumed. When my brother came back he asked why I was honking and being impatient because “it was still early” and we wouldn’t be late. After I told him some creep tried to get in, he drove around the area, but no one was around since it had been like 5 more minutes before he got to the car.

Creepy smiley zoned out donut shop guy, let’s not meet.

17:48 UTC


I was punched in the face while delivering Taco Bell. This happened in a crowded area, right in front of the police.

This happened last July (2023), but a hilariously unfortunate Instagram notification reminded me of this unusual incident. My birthday was yesterday, and I (26M) got a "celebrate the year!" notification that an algorithm paired with a picture of my black eye from when I first posted about what happened. While this is far from the creepiest encounter on this subreddit, it's certainly a bizarre one.

For context, I was a struggling homeless DoorDash delivery "driver" in New York City at the time of this incident. I say "driver" in quotes because back then, I didn't have a car or know how to ride a bike. I made deliveries either by taking the subway trains or limiting my delivery radius to a mile or less.

I tried to stay in hostels whenever I could afford them, but on one unlucky night last July, I was out making deliveries at 4 in the morning since I had nowhere to go. Maneuvering on-foot with food at this time made me an easy target, so I decided to stay near the highly populated and brightly lit Times Square area.

I received an order from the Taco Bell in Times Square and accepted it since it paid well, and the destination was less than a mile away. As I turned the first corner, I felt something was off.

I noticed two men walking closely behind me. Given the bright lights and tourists surrounding me, I initially dismissed the uneasy gut feeling that I was being stalked. Then, they started walking faster and closer. I started changing my movement patterns, and they copied my exact movements.

At this point, I realized they were probably after the food I was carrying. I eventually said, "back off!". They kept following closely behind. I started walking faster, with the men also increasing speed.

"BACK THE FUCK OFF!!!" I yelled more aggressively. They continued to follow closer. Tourists and bright lights still surrounded me, even at this point. As I approached the intersection into the following neighborhood, I continued shouting at my stalkers. One of them yelled, "Shut up!" while the other punched me in my right eye.

Luckily, I caught the attention of the police who were right at the intersection where I was punched. Unfortunately, this was also the moment I lost all faith in the NYPD. The men that attacked me fled, and two cops started chasing them. However, the bumbling morons lost sight of the attackers before even a minute passed.

I stayed at the scene for about a half hour or so with about six officers, with a couple of them interviewing the many witnesses. I remember feeling a sense of validation for what I just went through when one of the witnesses came up to me and said, "That's fucked up, man. I hope they get 'em!".

The officers eventually had me ride in one of the patrol cars to see if I could identify the attackers. My memory of them was hazy due to the chaos, but I remembered the clothes they wore. We eventually passed by some other officers cuffing the attackers, who I was able to identify from their clothing and from seeing their faces again.

I was advised to go to the hospital, which I initially declined due to my financial situation. However, I eventually decided to go since I had no idea how severe my injuries were. Ultimately, I only had a black eye that healed after a few days.

The DoorDash order was canceled despite the customer making no attempts to contact me. This meant I got full pay and could keep the Taco Bell Cravings Box for myself. Not gonna lie, it was nice to have a place to rest for a bit and enjoy a free meal, despite it being cold by that point. After examination, I was permitted to rest for a few hours, when I was rudely awakened and told to leave in ten minutes before security was called.

My takeaway from this incident is that even in brightly lit areas with multiple eyewitnesses, it's always best to stay aware of your surroundings. Food delivery at night is no joke - believe me, I have a laundry list of other sketchy encounters I could share here. But this was the only time I was attacked in front of so many others, including police officers themselves!

Thankfully I now have a full-time job and my own place, so these incidents are far less likely to occur to me. Even though I'm in Texas now, I still say to the dumbass hungry stalkers that tried to rob me in front of the cops - let's not meet!

23:01 UTC


The smiling man

I’m aware that the title sounds like a horror movie or creepypasta, and if I hadn’t lived it, I would think it was. This is one of many stories that I have from working night shift at a laundromat in a bad area, and it’s definitely the freakiest.

So for context, my mom took a job years ago at a local laundromat because we knew the owner and needed extra money. I was around 10 when she got the job, and she allowed me to come with her, because she would give me a little allowance for helping her do small tasks. I ended up going with her every night for years, and as I got older I mainly went to make sure my mom was safe because I worried about her. We regularly dealt with angry customers refusing to leave, most of which were drunk or high, and we had to call the police a few times. My mom was always worried about me tagging along, but I insisted, and to this day I still can’t say I regret it. A lot of good came out of it, mainly the work experience, and that made up for how intense it could be. I have a lot of interesting stories from that time, but the this one takes the cake for the most horrifying, and it took place when I was about 12.

Being the young and dumb kid that I was, I designated myself the job of chasing people off when it was closing time. We would have people parking behind the building pretty regularly, so I would walk to the side of the building and start yelling that they were now trespassing and I’d call the cops if they didn’t leave. I feel that this is important to bring up, because I now realize that I let any shady person hanging around the building at night know of my presence, and that’s a dangerous thing to do when you’re a 12 year old girl.

I was blissfully unaware that anything could happen to me, until one night when we showed up to find that the door lock had been broken. My mom had unlocked the building that morning, so it wasn’t like this was a break in attempt since it had been unlocked all day. We were a bit shaken up, but my mom texted her boss to let him know about it, and just told me to tell her if I saw anyone pull up.

After about 30 minutes, I finished my few tasks and sat down to draw in my sketchbook. I had barely been sat down for a few minutes when I heard the door swing open, which startled me because normally people just knock when they see the (very obvious) closed sign. My mom noticed it too and yelled out that we were closed. I heard an older man’s voice respond, explaining that he had just come in to use our drink machine. We normally let people in to use our snack and drink machines, so my mom told him he had a few minutes and went back into the closet to grab something. I was sat about 7 ft away from the drink machine, so I heard him walk up, but didn’t really pay much attention to him.

I continued to draw until I started getting the feeling that someone was watching me, and I realized didn’t hear this guy put any money in the drink machine. I nervously glanced to my left, and saw a tall man in his mid 60’s staring right at me with a big smile on his face. I jumped a little, but forced an awkward smile back at him and directed my attention back to drawing.

As soon as I did this, I heard what sounded like shuffling, and when I looked over again and he was closer. I didn’t know what to do, so I tried to just not look at him, but every time I would look away he would shuffle closer. his body was still facing the drink machine, but his neck was craned in my direction, and he wouldn’t stop smiling and staring.

I began shaking and panicking, and my eyes were darting back and forth between him and the closet door while I tried to plan a fast escape. I went to reach for my knife in my bag, because I couldn’t even imagine this man’s intentions, and quickly realized that it was not there. I had left my knife at home when I needed it the most, and I was petrified.

I decided to just stare back at him, despite being terrified and trembling violently, and after what felt like eternity he suddenly broke eye contact and yelled to my mom to have a good night before turning around and walking out. Relief hit me instantly, and I tried to calm myself down after what had just happened. I thought I was finally safe, and started to get up to go splash some water on my face, when I saw him sit down on the bench outside.

Panic and dread hit me like a brick and I sprinted into the closet to hide. I filled my mom in on everything and she told me to run to the car and she’d get between me and him and pepper spray him if needed. I did as she told me and ran to the car, and as I passed him he stood up and began walking toward the car.

My mom yelled at him to get away from her car and his reaction was to try to calmly start a conversation about the make and model or her car while staring right at me. She ignored him, hopped in the car, locked us in, and started backing up as quickly as she could. I ducked down in my seat, but could still see him standing there, and I know he could see me because I watched as he lifted his hand and waved me goodbye before walking around to the back of the building and disappearing into the darkness.

I felt sick. I couldn’t sleep that night, and I never dared set foot anywhere near the back of the building again, so I guess that was a lesson learned.

Creepy old smiling man, let’s not meet again.

TLDR: deranged old man wanders into my work right after I discover the front door lock is broken, pretends to want a drink, and tries to creep up on me while staring and smiling.

23:26 UTC


Someone put a power drill in my car…

For context I live with my girlfriend. In the last month her and I are the only people (that I know of) that have been in my car. We live in an apartment complex right off the highway. Apartment won’t add more parking despite not having enough.. so sometimes end up having to park right off the highway with no one around. I’ve been worried that’d make it a higher risk to get car broken into.. but we live in a decent area so didn’t think about all that much. Anyway Saturday night me and my lady get back from hanging out with some friends. I had brought my backpack over so I went to my back seat to get it out and noticed a red craftsmen power drill sitting under my seat. I grabbed it assuming my gf had put it there but she didn’t recognize it.. dad and bro had come over to help with a project a few weeks ago so I thought maybe they’d placed it there but after reaching out they as well had never seen the drill before… I’ll keep this last part short but bc of what I already mentioned I’m always checking my phone to make sure I remembered to lock my car. (Can see if it’s locked in app.) the Wednesday or Thursday morning before however I’d woken up and noticed I left my car unlocked all night. Didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary though. TLDR: left car unlocked one night on accident - two days later find a power drill in the car that was not placed by me or anyone I know.

Am I reaching here? What else could it be? Why would someone put a drill in my car and leave?

Edit: forgot to add - drill seemed like it was at full battery when I found it

09:39 UTC


Narrators... let’s not meet.

I posted a story fairly recently as a means of self therapy of sorts. I wanted to write it out to help myself heal and move on from the trauma.

In this story, I was abandoned in the woods with a psychopath that wanted sex from me, and stabbed me when I refused, which led me on the most strenuous endeavor I’ve ever embarked on to survive.

Writing the post was hard for me. It took me over two hours to write it out. I had anxiety attacks as I was revisiting it.

I said I didn’t want it narrated. I explained that it was hard for me to write, and I wasn’t interested in having it narrated. I didn’t see it beneficial to the healing process, at least not any time in the immediate future.

Despite this, I received 10 requests for a narration. I made another edit saying I didn’t want it narrated. I received another 10.

20 narrators. 20 with zero regard or respect for someone’s objections. I know most narrators are probably so desperate for content that they just send an automated message requesting stories from everyone who posts. Others probably read the post, but figure they’ll give it a shot, and for whatever reason, they’ll be the exception to the rule.

Regardless. Narrators...LETS NOT MEET!!!!

Edit: OMG, there are narrators literally asking me if they can narrate this post. Please, if anyone ever posts here, just know that narrators don’t care about your pain, suffering, or damage. They are literally just using you for content and aren’t even giving you the respect of reading your stories. I’m done. I’m out.

05:29 UTC


I thought I finally made a friend

Finally, this throwaway account is useful. I (18M) met up with an online friend (19M) about 2 weeks ago. We met from facebook, he sent me a message asking if we could be friends. I thought sure, why not? I didn't have any friends most of my life, due to parents thinking the friends I had were a "bad influence" on me. This resulted in me having basically zero friends since 2019. Because of this, I was really quick to say yes.

I absolutely do not post anything on facebook and there's no way he would have come across my account from his feed. My account is public however, so the only way he would have found it is either by going through the friend list of someone that has me added, or through just searching my name directly. We both have about 20 mutual friends, but then again he has around 4000 people added, so I'm not surprised that we have a few mutials.

So naturally the first thing I asked him was how he found me or who he is. He replied something like "you know me" with a hint of "don't pretend you don't know" (this is hard to translate to english but that's the general intended meaning of his message). Since we live in the same town, we agreed to go for a motorcycle ride at night.

He was cool, we talked about all sorts of things. He did tell me about his childhood, and not gonna lie it was rough. I'll spare you the details but he moved to this town to escape his parents.

Anyway, one thing led to another and he randomly confessed to having gay sex with his cousin? I mean, okay... but why do I need to know? Didn't sit right with me. He was 17 at that time and the cousin he mentioned was at least 25+ (he initiated it, not the cousin by the way). He told me it in extreme detail that I don't even want to type out. I tried to change the topic but he was so... determined (?) to finish it so I figured okay fine I'll just let him finish his story, and then bring up another topic. Almost right after that he started telling me about how he manipulated his drug addict older brother into having sex with him?? Like what the fuck dude. Extreme drug addicts like him would do anything to get that money to buy drugs, and he took that chance because he found his brother attractive (also this was with extreme detail too). Right after that, he told me about doing it with his classmate (as expected, with extreme detail). Oh god give me a break. I swear he was talking about it for more than an hour.

We were out for about 3 hours, so I needed to use the bathroom. I told him and he said his apartment is nearby. We went there so I could use the bathroom, and I also wanted check out his apartment. I got in his room but he didn't turn on the lights for about 30 seconds. I asked him to turn on the lights, he immediately changed the topic. I asked again, and he finally turned it on.

After I finished using the bathroom, I came out to the lights off again. It was 2 am at that point so I asked him to drop me off. I don't know the way around that area so I had to rely on him. His tone immediately changed. In a half-moan kind of tone, he said "Are you leaving already?" and put his hand over my arm. That sent a chill down my spine, but I still kept my cool and told him that it's 2 am so I gotta go sleep. Then I suddenly remembered something he said while he was telling the story about his brother: "I like it dark when I do things like this". I knew what his intentions were. I knew what was on his mind. At that moment I got a gut feeling to get out of there ASAP. Fortunately he agreed to drop me off. I say fortunately because he's bigger than me and he easily could have prevented me from going if he wanted to.

After dropping me off, he sent several messages saying I'm cute and he was resisting the urge to hug me all that time.

It's been 2 weeks since then, and he has asked me to meet up several times already. What does he expect after all that? NOPE. NEVER MEETING AGAIN.

20:57 UTC

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