
Photograph via snooOG

Creators helping creators make comics.

In addition to finding collaborators, this is a great place for feedback and advice. Post your work! Ask for help! There are lots of writers and artists who are willing to discuss and critique your work. We have plenty of members who can answer your questions and give you tips regarding publishing and breaking into the industry.

Now it's all up to you! Let's make comics!

READ FIRST - Submission Guidelines - FAQ - Resources - Social Media Roundup (Aug 2019) - Monthly Discussion (September)

Welcome to Comicbookcollabs!

Creators helping creators make comics.

In addition to finding collaborators, this is a great place for feedback and advice. Post your work! Ask for help! There are lots of writers and artists who are willing to discuss and critique your work. We have plenty of members who can answer your questions and give you tips regarding publishing and breaking into the industry.

Before you post, make sure you read the FAQ's. This is really important. There you'll find a lot of useful guidelines and information regarding writer-artist collaboration, successful project-pitching, the industry as a whole, etc. You might also find our resources page helpful.

Now it's all up to you! Let's make comics!


Getting the word out about your project is important. View our social media thread of other community indie creators. Follow their work and they will follow yours!

Join fellow creators in the Reddit Comic Creators Discord Chat. Meet and talk with other creators live!

Submission Guidelines and Rules

All submission guidelines and rules can be found on our submission guidelines and rules page.

Offending posts will be removed and asked to fix their content.

If you have been scammed or have had a bad experience with a collaborator, you must contact the mods before posting a "warning" on the sub. Any posts calling out collaborators - by username or real name - or reveal personal information without going through the moderators will be removed.

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Trailer Commissions?

Anybody know where to go or how to create a trailer for my comic book with animation? Looking for a simple but fun art style.

23:45 UTC


Something I’ve been working on. I’d love your input.

Dino Force Comic. OC

21:25 UTC


A request for a certain character drawing or designing

Can someone here, please draw from his or her own imagination, a very realistic looking female character, that is bald headed, very muscular, and heavy weight, and have a very ugly and intimidating facial appearance

1 Comment
20:33 UTC


A fanart for one of my favorite characters in fiction "tomoko Kuroki" from #Watamote #わたモテ

20:33 UTC



20:26 UTC


[For Hire] Sequential Manga Pages!

1 Comment
20:21 UTC


Looking for a webtoon artist

Looking for an artist

I'm wanting to create an emotional fantasy story but I need an artist since I can't draw. I would love feedback from the artist if they wanted to change something since I'm open to everything .

This is what I have currently for a sort of summary

Whispers of the Heartlands

In the tranquil realm of the Heartlands, where nature and emotions intertwine, four friends embark on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. Asuna, a gentle herbalist; Izumi, an introspective artist; Soma, an empathetic musician; and Osuke, a spirited storyteller, find an ancient map hinting at forgotten places that hold secrets of inner peace.

Traveling through the enchanting landscapes, they encounter various inhabitants and face their own emotional struggles. Along the way, romantic feelings develop between Osuke and Izumi, and Soma and Asuna. Their journey leads them to the Heartwood Sanctuary, where they confront their deepest desires and fears, ultimately discovering that true peace comes from understanding and accepting their emotions.

20:11 UTC


Looking for webtoon collab

Hi. I have an idea for a comic that I just know can become the mext best thing. I just know that if executed correctly this will be the new Lore Olympus. My issue is I'm a writer, so I have a background with writing good dialouge and making the story flow and crafting immersive characters, my issue is I can't draw :( so I was hpoing I could find a webtoon partner here who would be interested in making a webtoon with me. We can discuss the plot and alter parts of it if you'd like. Dm if you're interested :))

19:49 UTC


A page from Saboteur, an original graphic novel featuring my artwork. Comes out in August!

19:23 UTC


Designer looking for comic book writers

Hi writers, I have artwork posters. Each artwork has a story to tell. I want to create 15-20 questions for each artwork based on the artwork story, sort of like a trivia. And each question will have 1 or 2 subtle hints which will help the user get the answer to that question. Looking for someone creative, who has experienced writing mystery hunt, quest, adventure, mystery.

This is a paid work.

1 Comment
18:35 UTC


Looking for comic artist living in Montreal

Hey, I'm looking to collaborate with an amateur comic illustrator with a grounded artstyle to yurn a script of mine into a comic. I'm also specifically looking for someone who's living in Montreal so that we can get in touch and work together in person. If you fall in these categories, let me know if you're interested.

16:41 UTC


Comic on Kickstarter.

16:33 UTC


Comic Book Letterer/Logo Artist Need to Clean-up A Logo

I have a logo that I worked up for a comic book that we just went into art production for. The logo is a a photoshop/1001fonts special.

I'm looking for a letterer or logo artist that can take the existing logo and clean it up, strengthen the design.

The story is a zombie/action story (inspired by Heat, John Wick, The Last of Us & Dawn of the Dead). The logo is graffiti inspired, a legible, street soul style font.

Please submit samples and rates via DM.

Thank you!

14:16 UTC


[FOR HIRE] Concept Artist & 2D-Artist Open for commission! Contact me if you are interested! links below or DM ME. Limited slots as always!Promotional week 3/5 slots left! More examples of work in the comments links!

1 Comment
13:50 UTC


What do you think of the name of my comic/help me make a new name for my comic?

So I'm making a webcomic about two assassins who find an eldritch horror shoved into a human body and are trying to return the eldritch horror to their true for some prizes. It's set in a sort of mix of 1980s-2000s in an urban fantasy(the eldritch horrors are a secret, and the magic system runs on it being a secret), and some of the tech in this world is like ours but different. Like, for example, instead of the phones we have now, flipphones are more common and are more sophisticated. Anyways, this is just to give you an idea of the vibes and general direction of the story

anyways, the only two names ive thought of for the story are:

"Endlings and the Eschaton" and "Acetone and the Enigmatta"

For the first name, the name basically means last of their kind and the end of the world(which does almost happen), and the second one means (name of the eldritch horror) and the eldritch horrors.

Ive had the first one (endlings and the eschaton) as the working name for a while, but someone pointed out to me that it might be hard to remember and also nobody so far has been able to pronounce eschaton, so im trying to think of another one. The second one is probably easier for people to remember, but i feel like it puts too much emphasis on acetone and implies them to be the main character, when the two assassins are the main characters.

So, uh, what do you guys think of the names/if youve got any ideas for names please do share

12:55 UTC


BabyBoy, 2023 [OC]

11:51 UTC


Hello, My name is Tsubi and I'm open for commissions. I have attached some examples of my art style below. Feel free to DM me a if you're interested.

09:23 UTC


Two page script?

Hey! I‘ve missed the collaboration contest of this sub (https://www.reddit.com/r/ComicBookCollabs/s/3TXA0dFHgq) but as I‘m finding out I still want to do it! Has someone a short two page script for me to draw and to submit for us both?

06:02 UTC


Cover i made for issue 1

04:10 UTC

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