
Photograph via //r/comic_crits

The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.

Remember: Don't downvote "bad" comics (they need feedback the most)


The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.


  • Original sequential art that you would like feedback on (i.e. more than one panel unless that is the entire comic)

  • Original scripts for sequential art

  • Comic art with appropriate context (see rules)

  • Anything else related to making comics will be accepted in proportion to original work (e.g. tools, tutorials, blogs or discussion about making comics, etc.)


  • Be civil

  • Mark NSFW submissions and comments

  • Site-wide rules apply. This includes

  • Context is required for anything other than sequential art. This includes, but is not limited to: single panels, covers, character designs, pin-ups, etc. At minimum, 'Context' should include some information about the setting and genre of your story, and what role your character/technology/landscape/etc plays in the story. More information.

  • No spam-like behavior. Some posts tread the line between content and spam. For example, Kickstarters can be part of a legitimate comic project, but if you don't participate in the community, and you're just doing a drive-by to ask for money, that looks like spam. To prevent your post from getting removed, indicate in your post title that you are looking for feedback on your work.

  • Avoid aggressive posting. It is helpful to remember that this sub is populated by your peers. Although they may organically become your fans or followers, their role here is to provide constructive criticism as a fellow comic-creator. This is not the appropriate place to ask for "likes" or "follows", or to provide page-by-page updates to your fans. In general, please try to limit your posts to approximately once every two weeks. Reasonable exceptions, such as a second post to show a revised page based on feedback, are fine. More information.


    • Please don't downvote "bad" comics. They need feedback the most.

    • Remember that the purpose of this subreddit is to give constructive criticism, not just blind praise (or insults). Please endeavor to write top-level comments with at least 50-100 characters of content. More information.


    • Link directly to your comic. As opposed to your blog homepage or other site sections.

    • Link to what you want feedback on. The most recent page if you're most concerned with art, or the first page or start of the chapter if you want feedback on the whole story arc.

    • Respond to questions and comments. Even if you don't agree with the feedback you receive. It's an important courtesy to acknowledge the individuals who take time to review your work.

    • Provide feedback to other creators! Responding to feedback in your own thread is the bare minimum of effort expected. This community only functions if people are willing to give as well as receive feedback.


    • You can self-assign link flair after making your post.

    • You can self-assign basic user flair from the sidebar.

    • Use modmail to request custom creator flair.


    • You may be caught in the spam filter. Use modmail to get rescued from the filter.


    Visit the Wiki for resources on making and publishing comics. Pages include:

    • Books and Articles: includes links to resources on how to make comics, how to draw, how to publish online, how to print DIY, where to find fonts, etc.

    • Website Design Tips: includes advice on how to design your own website or customize a pre-packaged solution.

    • Writing Tips: includes advice on how to assess your own writing, punch up your jokes, and find your "voice."

    • Comic Design & Layout: includes advice on how to layout your scenes so that the reader can follow them clearly.

    • Publishing and Business Plans: includes advice on how to decide on web vs. print and whether to run a Kickstarter.

    • Understanding of "Comics": includes definitions of "Comics" by Scott McCloud & Will Eisner.

    • How to Critique: includes tips on how to develop and write a critique (mainly focused on critiquing writing).



    Related subreddits:


    By /u/Redfoxyboy (www.winstongambro.com)


    10,092 Subscribers


    Would love some feedback for the 13 page sampler photo comic

    Would love some feedback for the 13 page sampler comic that's free online here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oZw4sRrIGwL8JrM181IE4CYnWpUM_JVs/view?usp=drive_link

    It's (part of) the third comic I've written and the campaign ends on Sunday, but that means I've four days to change anything that people think might not work, and so if anyone has the atime to comment on it, it'd be really appreciated.

    1 Comment
    04:41 UTC


    Webtoon critique

    11:57 UTC


    SHADOW. Short comic.

    Character introduction.

    1 Comment
    16:43 UTC


    Question(might be dumb)

    Like the title says, might be dumb, but I would like to preface this by saying in the end I don't care that much. This isn't make or break for me. It's to fill my curiosity and engage with some fellow comic artists. Though, here is the question. How do you choose to sign the your work on a project whether for you or for someone? Is there a general rule to it? I, for one stick to a hard rule of only signing one or two page spreads, but sometimes I do a panel and I'm like damn I have this nagging urge to sign it. I never give in, but still I'm curious. A lot of minor questions like that went unanswered when I was learning and I was just sitting here thinking about some of the recent panels I did and was like damn those seemed really signable to me.

    Anyway, first time posting I believe. I may have posted like once before, but really only posted in Comicbookcollabs and specific fandom subs. Figured this would be a good way to start. Hope all are doing well and the grind is underway.

    04:59 UTC



    1 Comment
    18:55 UTC


    A short comic I made recently

    While I don't think this is my best work, I think it's good filler.

    Any other feedback is very much appreciated.


    04:37 UTC


    For Your Critique: Summary

    Greetings, True Believers!

    Same guy, same project, but this is the summary. Thoughts?

    Arcanum protects humanity from the malevolent creatures lurking beneath the Earth's surface, but after millennia the organization has fallen into disarray, on the verge of collapse. Adriana Corben is a member of this order, as her father was, and believes it is essential to humanity's survival. She enlists members Gabriel & Tyler Reese to help her free Orion, a powerful half-human member of the organization imprisoned for killing one of their own centuries ago. Together, Adriana believes the four of them can prevent Arcanum’s demise and along with it, save humanity from extinction.

    1 Comment
    02:27 UTC


    For Your Critique: Loglines

    Greetings, True Believers!

    Amateur writer here. Just trying to get a sense of which logline would be better. You tell me:

    1. An ancient order, now in ruins, stands as humanity's only defense against creatures of darkness from beneath the surface of the Earth. To save mankind, several members break rank and obtain a powerful weapon - a prisoner named Orion - to help them hold back the darkness and rebuild their order.
    2. Arcanum, an ancient order, stands as humanity's only defense against the Sanguine of Arcanorum; creatures from beneath the surface of the Earth. With their order in ruins, several members must break rank to save the organization and defeat the Sanguine, preventing them from weaponizing a powerful grimoire against all mankind.
    3. Arcanum, an ancient order, stands as humanity's only defense against the Sanguine of Arcanorum; creatures from beneath the surface of the Earth. Hoping to save the organization and humanity, several members break rank and free a dangerous prisoner to help them fight the Sanguine and prevent mankind from extinction.
    00:28 UTC


    Getting back into making comics after a bit of a burnout

    19:03 UTC


    Doing the jump in styles

    I have doing comics all my life, In my 5th grade I did a saga of 5 comics on some notebooks, then, on like 9th grade I did a comic about magical alpacas (i loved those damm animals and I did not know how to draw humans very well), now I want to draw a comics with humans, I have cool ideas but I really think about the change in styles, drawing humans is waaay harder and I don´t even know where I can publish it.

    02:24 UTC


    How can I host my comic?

    Hi guys! I recently finished the first issue of my thesis comic, and I’m trying to find an easy way to publish it digitally. I’m really just looking for some sort of platform where I can lead people to it with a link. WEBTOON and Tapas don’t work because my comic is specifically horizontally formatted, so I’m stumped.

    23:33 UTC


    How do you rate something?

    Readers and artists alike, is there any scale or measurements that you personally come up with to rate any stuff you read or watch? Generally the usual 1-10 ratings, is there anyone who have their own metric for that or just vibe it out each time?

    08:28 UTC

    1 Comment
    22:20 UTC


    Would like some critique, it’s the first sketch of the first page😭 I feel like it’s not flowing well…

    00:36 UTC


    Final pages 34-34

    16:01 UTC


    Kill All Immortals new comic, Zack Kaplan writing, Fico Ossio drawing, Dark Horse 2024

    1 Comment
    18:54 UTC


    Structure/Page Question

    I am still in progress of writing the code and structuring the website I plan to post my comics to. I have four comics going on at once and use the main page to select one of the four from (don't come at me for my full plate haha) you then go to that comic's main page where you can select from a few options.

    My concern is how I should sort each comic? Separate the art posts from the official chapters onto different pages and make a post for each comic update to notify subscribers is my plan at the moment. I do have each page of the comic in one big gallery with every post from before the website and plan to update that with each finished segment.

    I am just beginning though and am looking for critiquing and corrections on where I can better the layout of what I am working with. I want this to succeed, how can I make sure that happens? Any examples are appreciated as well

    1 Comment
    01:50 UTC


    [REPOST] For Your Critique - Arcanorum: Tomb of the Traveler, 1st Draft

    Greetings, True Believers!

    Arcanorum: Tomb of the Traveler is a supernatural short story anthology book. Each issue ranges from 6 to 10 pages, and each tale is about the terrible, surprising but mostly horrific effects a powerful grimoire known as the Tome of the Traveler has on human beings.

    Arcanorum: Tomb of the Traveler #1 - 1st Draft

    This is the first thing I've put up for review so....feel free to eviscerate me :) I'm sure there's a lot I need to work on, and I have a few drafts I'd like to put forward in the future. I thought I'd start small. Thanks for your time!

    23:40 UTC

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