The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.
The mission of /r/Comic_Crits is to provide holistic feedback to comic creators based on the understanding that a comic is not just 'writing plus art', but rather a unique combination of both, bound together with elements of graphic design, layout, timing, 'cinematography,' and more.
Original sequential art that you would like feedback on (i.e. more than one panel unless that is the entire comic)
Original scripts for sequential art
Comic art with appropriate context (see rules)
Anything else related to making comics will be accepted in proportion to original work (e.g. tools, tutorials, blogs or discussion about making comics, etc.)
Be civil
Mark NSFW submissions and comments
Site-wide rules apply. This includes
Context is required for anything other than sequential art. This includes, but is not limited to: single panels, covers, character designs, pin-ups, etc. At minimum, 'Context' should include some information about the setting and genre of your story, and what role your character/technology/landscape/etc plays in the story. More information.
No spam-like behavior. Some posts tread the line between content and spam. For example, Kickstarters can be part of a legitimate comic project, but if you don't participate in the community, and you're just doing a drive-by to ask for money, that looks like spam. To prevent your post from getting removed, indicate in your post title that you are looking for feedback on your work.
Avoid aggressive posting. It is helpful to remember that this sub is populated by your peers. Although they may organically become your fans or followers, their role here is to provide constructive criticism as a fellow comic-creator. This is not the appropriate place to ask for "likes" or "follows", or to provide page-by-page updates to your fans. In general, please try to limit your posts to approximately once every two weeks. Reasonable exceptions, such as a second post to show a revised page based on feedback, are fine. More information.
Please don't downvote "bad" comics. They need feedback the most.
Remember that the purpose of this subreddit is to give constructive criticism, not just blind praise (or insults). Please endeavor to write top-level comments with at least 50-100 characters of content. More information.
Link directly to your comic. As opposed to your blog homepage or other site sections.
Link to what you want feedback on. The most recent page if you're most concerned with art, or the first page or start of the chapter if you want feedback on the whole story arc.
Respond to questions and comments. Even if you don't agree with the feedback you receive. It's an important courtesy to acknowledge the individuals who take time to review your work.
Provide feedback to other creators! Responding to feedback in your own thread is the bare minimum of effort expected. This community only functions if people are willing to give as well as receive feedback.
You can self-assign link flair after making your post.
You can self-assign basic user flair from the sidebar.
Use modmail to request custom creator flair.
Visit the Wiki for resources on making and publishing comics. Pages include:
Books and Articles: includes links to resources on how to make comics, how to draw, how to publish online, how to print DIY, where to find fonts, etc.
Website Design Tips: includes advice on how to design your own website or customize a pre-packaged solution.
Writing Tips: includes advice on how to assess your own writing, punch up your jokes, and find your "voice."
Comic Design & Layout: includes advice on how to layout your scenes so that the reader can follow them clearly.
Publishing and Business Plans: includes advice on how to decide on web vs. print and whether to run a Kickstarter.
Understanding of "Comics": includes definitions of "Comics" by Scott McCloud & Will Eisner.
How to Critique: includes tips on how to develop and write a critique (mainly focused on critiquing writing).
Related subreddits:
By /u/Redfoxyboy (www.winstongambro.com)
Introducing, THE ALLEGIANCE! For years, the world has been protected by the one and only AIR-HAWK. He fights crime, puts villains behind bars, saves cats stuck in trees, etc. But things are about to change. New super-powered characters mysteriously emerge within the twin metropolises of North and South City, expressing their disagreement with many of Air-Hawk’s actions. Will the new champions join Air-Hawk in his heroic journey or clash with him as everyone watches? And who is really pulling the strings of all of this? Questions will be answered, epic battles will ensue, and it all begins in Issue #1 of The Allegiance!
The script is for 20 comic pages
I'm just looking for general notes. Positive and Constructive. Link in comments if you're interested.
This is a project I started some years ago. Thinking more about story and actually getting things done.Check out the first chapter, is it worth reading after that? It's pretty short. We can do a critique swap... comment your series, I'll take a look. I enjoy reading comics now and then.
Is it mid???
This is the first short script that I've written and I'm trying to see what should improved upon moving forward. I tried to make sure characters were only doing one action per panel and also tried to clear in what should be taking place in each panel. Are some panels too descriptive or not descriptive enough?
The script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FzFQtesxCAMfs7GTMRhhXki-XklcOfFMtVGVWqnQ-IQ/edit?usp=sharing
How does this look now that I’ve taken more time to up the realism. Could this be in a mature comic book. I don’t want to go more realistic since that is not my style but I am taking manga inspiration for certain features of the art. The inking is a little shitty since I did it with a thin sharpie but I will get inking tools soon enough.
Hey everyone, I hope to one day make my own manga and hopefully submit it to an actual serialization company, but I want to make sure my first chapter is as good as it can be, so if anyone has some free time and is down to read something new and critiqute it please dm me on discord (@TaiMaice) or just dm me here, thank you!
Finally working on volume 2🤦🏿♂️
Hello, I'm currently working on this comic, it's called EL Tormento. It's about a vengeful man who returns to his home town to take back what some bad people took from him. that's a very wide synopsys. it's in spanish, but it's very basic, i believe some of you have given my some tips in the past.
i'm looking for some human feedback. chatgpt keeps saying it's great.