
Photograph via snooOG

A place to draw characters for each other, and check out cool character art. This sub focuses on requests for D&D or other TTRPG characters, and the artists who draw them.

This subreddit is for fans of role playing games to submit request to get their characters drawn and for artists who want to draw characters from ttrpgs. This is purely pro bono work, meaning it is done voluntarily out of good will. Please read the rules before posting, they can be found below the sidebar picture.


Important Notice:

If your account is less than a day old your post will get caught in the spam filter and require moderator approval. You can attempt to repost in a day or message the moderators.

For a complete listing of all of the posting rules and a small FAQ visit this post.


Read before posting!

1) All posts must have the appropriate title tag

  • [LFA] stands for Looking For Artist - use this if you want an artist to draw your character for free
  • [RF] stands for Request Filled - this is for artwork that comes from an [LFA] post made in r/characterdrawing
  • [META] is for discussions relating to the subreddit; use sparingly

2) No graphic or sexualized content

  • Depictions of explicit themes such as gore or sexual acts are not allowed
  • Artistic nudity is allowed but must be labeled NSFW after the post is made
  • Moderators have the final word on what is allowable based on their interpretations

3) No unrequested solicitation for payment

  • Do not ask for money in [LFA]s
  • Do not ask for money for additional services (e.g. to color in an [RF])
  • Do not post rates or price sheets anywhere
  • Direct messaging other users to circumvent this rule will result in a ban if reported
  • Artists may link to their portfolios and social media on their [RF] posts

4) No blatant advertising

  • Titles must focus on the character(s) within the artwork and contain no advertising
  • Do not advertise products or services (e.g. Etsy store products, YCH)
  • You may provide links to your personal websites that mention commissions in your [RF] posts
  • You may respond to people asking if you do commissions, but direct them to DMs for further discussion
  • Moderators have the final word on what is allowable based on their interpretations

5) No unrequested or unproductive critique

  • Do not critique an artwork unless the original poster specifically asks for it
  • Critique must be constructive (i.e., be helpful and not a jerk)
  • All members are expected to be civil and treat each other with respect.

6) No DALL-E, Midjourney, Hero Forge, Artbreeder, or similar [OC] submissions

  • AI or Hero Forge screenshots (or from similar image-generation services like Artbreeder and DALL-E) are not allowed as [RF] submissions
  • Generated screenshots are just fine in [LFA]s or [COM]s to supplement character descriptions

7) [LFA]s are limited to one post per seven days per character concept or set of characters

  • Multiple [LFA]s per seven days for different characters or groups of characters are allowed

8) Create a link or tag the original poster if you submit an [RF]

  • Posts that do not link to or from the original [LFA] post or tag its original requestor will be removed
  • Do not subvert the [LFA] - [RF] system by making a fraudulent [RF] post

9) No OC. All image posts must be a request [LFA] or fulfill a request [RF]

Posts of non-requested characters are not allowed.

  • Feel free to include your other work, gallery/price sheet links, and social media links in the comments of your other posts.
  • An image compilation of your other work and the services you offer WITHOUT PRICES may be posted as the last image in a gallery post, if you wish. This is to ensure the focus stays on the art, and discourage low-effort posts for advertising purposes.

This subreddit now supports spoiler tags! The syntax is: [Your text here](/spoiler).

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[Lfa] Rori the 3ft time wizard with a tragic backstory... But he's so cute you'd never know.

You'd also never expect the fireball (not furball) he's gonna cast before you get a turn because he has +16 to initiative.

13:22 UTC


[LFA] Okinm Romancia Oathil, Human(?) Terpsichore Rogue

Alright so this isn't my PC but one of my players and he doesn't have Reddit, and he stated this description verbatim

"the boy under the umbrella; okinm romancia oathil

16 years old, has a umbrella and gun (don't question the latter)

is NOT originally a dnd character; despite his involvement in one (insert isekai joke here)

he also has sharp teeth because why not (i think it's cute)


1 Comment
03:50 UTC


[LFA] Draw my cyberpunk character? (Possibly NSFW for curse words?)

1 Comment
23:40 UTC


[LFA] Calixte, the charming Malkavian peacemaker.

Proprietor of the Le Pétale Écarlate, a club in New Orleans, Calixte is a mysterious figure. Using the rarity of her official appearances, as well as couching herself in vodou mysticism, she keeps people guessing. Is she a voodoo witch? A sea hag? Some sort of devilish menace? Underneath all of the rumours, Calixte is an old and powerful vampire of the eighth generation. Embraced in 1764 by the owner of the plantation she lived on, he was somehow surprised when she turned on him a year later, even when he himself admitted that he chose her for ambition and cruelty. She managed to get the drop on both him and his own sire, one Gouverneur Jean-Jacques Blaise d'Abbadie, performing the Diablerie; in which a vampire consumes another vampire, blood, soul, and all to rise in Generation and, therefore, power.

The years have softened her, though she would be loath to admit it. All told she is happy to run her club, in actuality a masquerade Elysium (as Kine, or humans, frequent the establishment) as well as her own Haven, and do her best to duck the madness that is kindred politicking and manoeuvring. The Jyhad is a dangerous bore in her mind, where vampires dance at the whims of their betters. She would rather gather quiet power and use it to forge alliances between the Kindred of the city and other supernatural beings, as New Orleans has a history for being a place of cooperation between those what go bump in the night.

As with all Children of Malkav, Calixte is afflicted with a derangement. Her treatment at the hands of slavers left deep scars on her mind, and sometimes she still sees their visages flash onto the faces of kine authority figures like the police, an institution that itself grew out of the old “slave patrol.” The Camarilla is usually willing to look the other way, as this allows them to shore the waning police numbers with their own informants, as well as ensure that there is a constant influx of “pigs blood” into the mouths of the New Orleans kindred.


1 Comment
23:32 UTC


[LFA] Muriel the deer centaur druid

The spawn of a devious satyr and a doe, Muriel is a unique specimen. With the antlers, ears and lower body of a deer and the upper body of a human. She's mischievous and a little clumsy but will fight to the death for those she loves.

She does not carry a bow, after being shot by one as a child when mistaken for a normal deer by a hunter and she wears no leather out distaste for the use of her kinds hides being used for it. Instead she carries a staff with a mace like top that helps with walking around when you have an anatomy that doesn't make much sense, as well as a weapon and focus for spells.

Her hair is often messy with plenty of fly aways and strands that get caught in her antlers. She also likes to wear little tiny flowers in her hair.

Her tattoos are runes and geometric shapes. Before big battles and special moon cycles she covers her face and human torso in paint patterns.

19:54 UTC


[LFA] Lazarus, The Last Hope - Fat and balding fanatic of the God of Light has been chosen as its champion and inherited Khrusor, Spear of Heliod in an age of darkness. With a small sun in the tip of his spear, he is on a journey to bring the sun back to the sky and spread the benevolence of Light.

19:50 UTC


[LFA] Lucille Diamondheart - Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer

19:17 UTC


[LFA] can someone make this.. good?

Hello hello! I am obviously not an artist lol but I desperately want art of my harengon rogue who is crushing on her party member who was a half elf who has been cursed and is slowly turning into a dragon. What I drew above is essentially what I’m looking for but better and more refined.

18:02 UTC


[LFA] Would someone be down to draw my wwe custom dude?

16:23 UTC


[LFA] Gwayne, Maester of Winterfell - ASOIAF RP Request

12:24 UTC


[LFA] Jack, half elf hexblade warlock pacted with Eberron. Wears heavy black armor, wields magic and a magical glaive and carries a wand of fireballs as a spare weapon.

12:14 UTC


[LFA] Dildiira Nirein; the drow deathknight necromancer for Out of the Abyss

01:12 UTC


[RF] Alvis, Robotic Illusionist/Tinkerer for u/NiyoTheAzure

01:08 UTC


[LFA] Phanares son of Jenyr, assistant shaman of the Jakaleel cult, for a Runequest game. [REPOST]x3

1 Comment
15:47 UTC


[RF] for u/Beached-Peach. Sorry, I had time only for a sketch!

1 Comment
15:01 UTC


[RF] Done for u/Fixing_Gaming

12:28 UTC


[LFA] Nathamesti - Archfey Sovereign of Dreams

11:43 UTC


[LFA] Dusk The Gloom stalker Assissin

Name: Dusk a Rogue, Ranger multi class he is a Dusk Corvum race

Settings: the settings are medieval fantacy. Dusk using his musket snipe his enemies.

as he is from the Corvum race he is craw like, his eyes are dark brown closer to black then brown, he wears a dark cape and on his waist he have 2 daggers, on his back he have his musket.

Background: he was raised in a city in the underdark when a sudden monster attack destroied the city and everyone he knew, so he needed to find his way to a new city and when he did he had nothing to his name so he learned how to steal and get by in the slums, as he grew he started going on advantures in the underdark to find and destroy the mosnters that destroyed the city he lived in.

cape example

the Corvum race picture from dnd beyond

1 Comment
12:10 UTC


[LFA] Death Dealer, the pop music loving, cat owning vigilante. (Details in the body text.)

• The Pose, along with the cat of the top left image. • The helmet of the top right image. • The Britney Spears shirt over his costume. • The Costume of the bottom left image. Feel free to do something else with cape and sword.
• Have fun with the background!

Lastly, he's 6'7" and huge (muscle wise)

1 Comment
17:40 UTC


[LFA] Burhgod Veminyoya, protector of good, gentle giant, doofus.

16:05 UTC

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