
Photograph via //r/classicalchinese

This community is intended for those with an interest in discussing, reading, or translating Classical Chinese (a.k.a. Literary Chinese/Sinitic, or 古文/文言文) texts or analyzing historical Chinese linguistics.

Discussion of all types of Classical Chinese texts is welcome, including Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist, historical, court, or popular documents.

About This Community

This community is intended for those with an interest in discussing, reading, and/or translating Classical Chinese (a.k.a. Literary Chinese/Sinitic) texts such as 論語 The Analects, 莊子 The Zhuāngzǐ, Buddhist sutras, Taoist texts, and poetry among many others.

We are also, in a sense, a "language-learning" subreddit and anybody with an interest in Classical Chinese is welcome regardless of academic training or reading level.

Character/Word Lookup

Type grave accents around Chinese characters or words to look up their readings or meanings.

`文` / `干戈` / `藥膳` / `唯我獨尊`


Feel free to post:

  • Questions about CC grammar/vocabulary
  • Links to online and offline resources
  • Historical Chinese linguistics resources
  • Philosophical discussions & analyses
  • Your own translations (CC-EN/EN-CC)
  • Theorizing about CC translation
  • Suggestions and comments regarding the community

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Where in Taiwan to buy facsimiles of Classical Chinese books?

When I was in Beijing a few years ago, I bought this facsimile edition (i.e. modern reproduction of an antique book printed to look just like the original. In terms of the content, not necessarily the binding.) of the Kangxi dictionary. I'm travelling to Taiwan soon, and I was wondering where to look for similar books. Is it something one might find in ordinary book stores, or are there any more specialised shops I should check out?

06:10 UTC


r/ClassicalChinese: Whatcha Readin' Wednesday Discussion - 2025-01-29

This is a subreddit post that will be posted every two weeks on Wednesday, where community members can share what texts they've been reading, any interesting excerpts, or even ask for recommendations!

17:00 UTC


Best place to access definitions/meanings en masse for 文言文詞義? (preferably via API)

I am trying to learn how to interpret some classic texts, such as 道德經 and 列子.

For example, I have rendered 道德經 down to ~800 symbols, and I am looking to find a way to match meanings/definitions to each symbol so I can create a digital flashcard deck (such as with Anki).

HOWEVER, I have been at a loss so far. ctext is great, but I haven't found a way yet to auto-lookup definitions for symbols without API access... and I can only get API access by being in academic field (which I am not).

Any ideas or recommendations?

The alternative isn't bad, but it requires copy/pasting for each symbol I look-up. First world problem lol

I have ran frequency analysis on 道德經, and come up with ~800 symbols. I'd like to create flashcards for those for Anki.

1 Comment
01:21 UTC



















23:24 UTC


The quickest way to find the old chinese pronunciation of a character?

For example, the character 遇 (yù - to meet with), the old chinese pronunciation is 'ngjuH' and 'ŋ(r)o-s'. Both are very different pronunciations, and the former seems unreliable because it looks so weird. In fact, most old chinese words have strange pronunciations that I don't know how to read.

Any other resources available which are quicker and more reliable?

05:54 UTC


What does 卤 above 'L' mean?

The L is 乚 without the curve at the end.

Thank you!

18:56 UTC


Your Favourite Passages from Confucius’ Analects ( 論語 ) — An open online discussion on Sunday January 26 (EST), all are welcome

01:30 UTC


List of Common classical Chinese words in used today?

Hello all,

Does anyone have handy a list of classical Chinese words that are still frequently used today?

07:36 UTC


r/ClassicalChinese: Whatcha Readin' Wednesday Discussion - 2025-01-15

This is a subreddit post that will be posted every two weeks on Wednesday, where community members can share what texts they've been reading, any interesting excerpts, or even ask for recommendations!

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


How to type documents on microsoft word using seal script?

I'm not using a chinese version of windows, so I don't have any ancient chinese fonts available to use.

Especially when typing rare characters.

20:36 UTC


好 明 安 as phono-semantic compounds? (please tell me I misunderstand it)

Reading through the Kai Vogelsang's "Introduction to classical chinese", I see this passage (pg. 66):

This analysis may serve to debunk the tenacious myth of ‘ideographic’ writing that allegedly expresses not language but ‘ideas’. This myth has been sustained by the explanation of certain characters as being ‘semantic composites’ (會意, literally ‘combined meanings’). Thus the character 好 is interpreted as expressing the union of a woman (女) with her child (子), hence ‘love, good’; or 明 is analysed as sun (日) and moon (月), hence ‘bright’; 安 is taken to convey the idea of a woman underneath a roof, that is at home, hence ‘peaceful’. While useful as mnemonic aids, such analyses are in most cases wrong. Most — perhaps all — alleged ‘semantic composites’ are, like more than 90% of the Chinese characters, actually semanticphonetic composites (諧聲 or 形聲): they represent not ideas but words.

It's not exactly clear here (maybe because I'm not a native Anglophone) whether the author means that 好, 明, and 安 also should be considered phono-semantic compounds or not. To me the wording sounds as if he considered them an example of ideographical misinterpretation. But I can't find even a single source that would mention these specific characters to be 形聲. I also checked their reconstructed pronunciations (Baxter-Saggart version), and see nothing in common between the characters and their components.

Is it me misunderstanding the passage? Is it a bad wording? Or maybe anyone really can find some reason to consider them phono-semantic?

12:06 UTC


Looking for any information about this mysterious chinese character (doesn't seem to appear in any dictionary).

It's a very rare character so I can't type it, but it's component characters are 毛 on the top left, 見 on the top right, and 心 underneath. Or 覒 above 心, but the 毛 has an extra long tail, like 毡.

It is used by the ancient chinese to represent hexagram 17, in the Shanghai Museum Zhouyi and the Tsinghua Bie Gua.

21:42 UTC


What is Xīn ?

Above: Xìng l Below: Xīn

The character Xīn IS part of the bigger character Xìng (shown above). Xìng means nature, or afaik, human nature. The smaller character Xīn is part of the bigger Xìng, yet I couldn't find its independent meaning.

So, what is the independent meaning of Xīn ?

And, is it used independently often? Or largely a niche usage?

06:39 UTC


Are there any difficulties involved in reading Chinese texts from Korea without any knowledge of Korean?

Title. I'm not really very interested in modern Korean literature. Thank you.

04:04 UTC


Best English translations of Water Margin and Dreams of Red Mansions?

So I am not sure if this is the best place to ask but I want to know the best English translations of these two stories. The translation must be a complete work and feature the poems. I have learned some translators omit poems for some reason and I cannot abide by that as I love poems, even if some meaning is lost in translation. I would also prefer Pinyin names over Wade-Giles. I tried to look into translations but many people have different takes and rarely are things like poems mentioned so it’s hard to know which one I want.

My goal this year is to read all 4 (translated) classic novels of China. I have read JTTW as translated by Anthony C. Yu and have begun Three Kingdoms as translated by Moss Roberts.

Thank you in advance

02:44 UTC


Quick outline of 是 as a copula (i.e. "to be") in ancient Chinese

Over the holidays I stumbled across https://www.reddit.com/r/classicalchinese/comments/17ast5j/did_%E6%98%AF_also_mean_to_be_in_classical_chinese/?rdt=47175 which asks to what extent 是 was used as a copula.

One of the comments cites Kroll's A Student's Guide to Classical and Medieval Chinese

(med.) in translation of Skt. Budd. texts, used as copula, "is, are"; gradually occurring in Tang vernacular usage.

If this an accurate citation (I do not own this book unfortunately), Kroll is significantly misdating the usage of 是 as a copula and this may indicate a broader unfamiliarity with the post-Han, pre-Tang corpus. For fun, I decided to write up the broad strokes of 是 as a copula in ancient Chinese.

There's some controversy over when exactly 是 became a copula. Some people give this a pre-Qin date, some people date this to the Han Dynasty. I personally hold the viewpoint that in fact 是 could be used as a copula in pre-Qin times (and perhaps even more dramatically, there were many such could-be-pressed-into-service-as-copula words in pre-Qin Classical Chinese). I won't go into that here. Rather I'll point out there is widespread agreement that it is impossible to date the completed development of 是 into a copula any later than the 1st century AD (i.e. the beginning of the Eastern Han), where we already have very obvious examples of 是 as a copula. Here's some selections from 王充 (27 - ~97)'s 《論衡》。



This quickly becomes quite common in the Three Kingdoms Period and the Jin Dynasty.





And perhaps the most famous piece of Jin literature uses 是 as a copula.


By the Northern-Southern Dynasties, 是 as a copula is ubiquitous in both the Northern and Southern Dynasties and by far the most popular usage of 是 in vernacular writing. Indeed the situation is quite similar to modern Mandarin: apart from set constructions such as 於是 or 是以, 是 seems to have nearly completely lost its demonstrativeness in the vernacular. Where it exists as a demonstrative it seems it exists purely as an archaism or as isolated examples of rhetorical flourish in the vernacular.

For example, it's everywhere in the 《世說新語》:



It shows up again and again in poetry.



And, just like with 陶淵明, perhaps the most famous example of Northern-Southern Dynasties literature, the Ballad of Mulan, uses 是 as a copula.



This practice continues into the vernacular of the Sui and Tang Dynasty, all the way through to today.




Kroll's account is therefore off by at least 500 years. 是 as a copula did not develop gradually during the Tang Dynasty or even previously in the translation of Sanskrit works from Buddhism. Indeed centuries before the Tang Dynasty even began, it was rare to find 是 being used on its own as anything other than the copula in the vernacular! Rather, the latest account that can be reasonably given is that 是's copula-ness gradually developed during the Han Dynasty and by the start of the Eastern Han Dynasty had fully become a copula, predating our earliest Buddhist translations by a century. Although it remains possible that there are even earlier Buddhist translations that have been lost, these seem unlikely to predate the Western-Eastern Han transition, which seems to be the earliest date that we can say Buddhism had any significant foothold in Chinese society, and as we've seen by then 是 was already fully a copula.

23:19 UTC


r/ClassicalChinese: Whatcha Readin' Wednesday Discussion - 2025-01-01

This is a subreddit post that will be posted every two weeks on Wednesday, where community members can share what texts they've been reading, any interesting excerpts, or even ask for recommendations!

17:00 UTC


Need help finding references on a character - 𢏊

Hey all,

I am currently in the middle of a Hanmun translation assignment as part of a final exam for university. While I was translating two paragraphs from 玉匣夜話 (옥갑야화) from the Yehol Diary 熱河日記 (열하일기, ~1780) by Bak Jiwon, and I came across a character which seemingly wasn't recognized by my font, and all resources I could find (MDBG, ctext, DeepL, the Korean Classical Texts Database 한국고전종합db, etc.) apart from a tiny different excerpt here. If anyone has any sources for the meaning of this character (and maybe a Korean pronounciation too, not necessary though) I would really appreciate it.

Below is the whole excerpt with the character in question and the sentence it's in isolated. (even Reddit's font doesn't seem to contain it)





15:51 UTC


Shia Islamic Shahadah in Great Seal Script

Old image. I was only getting into ancient Chinese scripts at that time and decided to practice by writing the shahadah. I thought about redoing it using more period-accurate phonology and grammar for the names.

07:34 UTC


Qin Emperor Consort passing lost poem translating from seal script

My attempt of translating half a chinese poem dedicated on antigue stone religous work. The other half of poem is lost.

Picture is original imprint of the sea scripts, and closest intepretations. Reading poem counter clockwise.

First intepretation that the stonework dedicated to a late Qin consort.

“Thoroughly tearful thus misty verdant field Previously in heaven late summer trees in flames Properties (poem and stonework) belongs (gift) to Empress Unknown-Word ascending(assension/pass-away)”

Second intepreation is the work is much later (7AD) to memorize Empress Wu abdicated the throne as Empress Wu Phoenix tree reference of late summer leafs turning. Also the unreadable could be “wu/eye” under “sky” that made sense for Empress Wu losing mandate.

“Thoroughly tearful thus misty verdant field Previously in heaven (Wu Pheonix) trees turning color red Properties dedicated to one-under-heaven Empress Wu Pheonix/abdicating.”

It would be great help if you corrext me; as I don’t think Qin’ script (200BCE) be used much later in 7AD for emperial court.

21:53 UTC


how did early Confucianism receive Buddhism?

We often hear about how Song-Ming Neoconfucianism reacted to Buddhism, rejecting and incorporating some of its aspects after a period of Buddhist prominence.

Yet, how did the early Confucians react to Buddhism? How was the first contact and initial reactions between Buddhism and Confucianism?

20:22 UTC


r/ClassicalChinese: Whatcha Readin' Wednesday Discussion - 2024-12-18

This is a subreddit post that will be posted every two weeks on Wednesday, where community members can share what texts they've been reading, any interesting excerpts, or even ask for recommendations!

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


Is there a good Annotated version of Art of War ?

Suggest to me a good annotated version of the book. I want to read and understand the book deeply. I have heard of annotated version, explaining each word but I could find it online.

16:11 UTC


Are there any English (or Japanese) resources for Classical Chinese which focus on historical calligraphic works as the primary texts to learn the basics?

I have a ton of calligraphy copybooks (mostly by Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Chu Suiliang, and Wang Xizhi) that have simplified Chinese annotations, but I can't muster enough motivation to improve my modern Chinese to make the most out of those annotations.

I haven't officially picked out a textbook for learning classical Chinese yet, but I've borrowed a few from libraries years ago to get the impression most primers written for English speakers will focus on philosophy works or even Tang and Song poetry as the primary texts. While I have no problems with those to learn the basics, I think it would be to my benefit to look into learning materials more catered to the primary texts I already have.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

1 Comment
20:04 UTC


Is it possible to specialist on both Indian and Chinese philosophies?

There are nowadays many scholars who specialize in Comparative Philosophy, and often this means comparing western philosophy with other traditions.

Thus, and as opposed to western traditions, I wonder if its realistically possible to specialize in both Indian and Chinese traditions?

15:08 UTC


Hanzi inscription found on Mt. Zion

Here is the article. 500-year-old Chinese inscription uncovered on Mount Zion in Jerusalem | All Israel News

From the inscriptions, I think I can make out 永__長春 but clueless for the second character. I guess for the translation ("Forever we will guard the eternal spring") to match, the second character would have to be something like 護, but that character does not look even close to that. It looks more like 原. Any one here who can read 草字 may have an easier time to identify that one.

Updated: Thanks to u/10thousand_stars. The second character is 葆. It is a reign mark for Jiajing era.

00:42 UTC


Whom are the biggest Chinese metaphysicians?

In the western philosophy tradition, there are some figures that defined the field of metaphysics, such as Aristotle, Kant, Heidegger, Aquinas, Plotinus.

I know that metaphysics flourished in the later stages of Chinese philosophy. However, I'd like to know whom are the greatest systemizes of metaphysics, whom have built robust metaphysical systems in Chinese philosophy?

Buddhists, Daoists, or Confucians alike.

05:55 UTC


Plutarch Crushing on Alcibiades, 文言文版. I’d appreciate feedback on my translation!

15:04 UTC

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