
Photograph via snooOG

Christian anarchism encompasses a wide range of views based around the intersection of Christianity and anarchism.


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Feeling lonely about my beliefs

I live in a rural Trump town. I would love to talk about Jesus but I feel like I'm only surrounded by right wing Christians who would resist me. I cannot possibly imagine people around me wanting to go to a radical Christianity book club or whatever. I drove around and there are so many Trump signs.

01:24 UTC


Would explicitly and foundationally religious schools be a violation of rights and/or socially coercive in nature?

For context, I'm not referring to a school that would kick you out for not agreeing with them, but schools with heavily religious overtones on an institutional level, which also teaches religious doctrine as truth?

06:44 UTC


Free book as PDF...

1 Comment
19:00 UTC


Anarchism and Christianity - Jacques Ellul

16:30 UTC


Never be decieved...

20:05 UTC


Billionaires should not exist

16:06 UTC


Trump's christian fascists

15:13 UTC


Where is God when war is all around you? (Chris Hedges)

21:34 UTC


Kierkegaardian anarchism

Hello, over a year ago, I asked if anyone had any insights into Kierkegaardian anarchism and if such a thing even existed. I've taken it upon myself to actually give it a go with this eccentric line of thinking, so I thought I would share what I've written so far. Here are the most explicitly anarchist think-pieces, with more in the pipeline (on the cusp of being ready!):

08:22 UTC


Utah Phillips Biography

Hey, this might be a stupid question, and I know he was Unitarian, but is there a biography of Utah Phillips? And if not would anyone be interested? I love his music and storytelling, and he is instrumental in my pondering how to be a middle class Christian anarchist in America. I just think his experience, vulnerability, and grounded mysticism bears a deeper exploration, and I would love to know more than his prologues to his songs if its out there.

06:26 UTC


Amish, Mennonites, and Christian Anarchism.

I think that Amish communities really exemplify Christian anarchism in a unique way. Under no ordinary circumstances, I think, would you find Amish discussing tenets of Tolstoy or Thoreau or anarchist philosophy. Nevertheless they are the intentional community par excellance. Small village communes that are entirely self-sufficient, refuse to cooperate with the modern world, have carved out laws that exempt them from government mandate (schooling for example), live off the sweat of their back, and live more or less in agricultural harmony with nature.

They exemplify Seek ye first the Kingdom, and that really is the spirit of CA, for me.

Mennonites are like Amish-lite.

05:46 UTC


Experiments in Christian anarchism among comrades this May...

Ten years ago a group of friends, comrades, and new allies got together to form the Cahoots festival at a small campsite in Ontario, Canada. Since then we have met each year in one form or another, seeking to learn the skills we need to create the beautiful vision of God's kin-dom - peace, justice, and delicious veggie food.

This is what one woman wrote who brought her family to this event with no idea what to expect:

I was nervous about going. I am always so desperate for spaces in which the things I care about intersect, and I was worried that I was expecting too much.

What I found at Cahoots did not disappoint.

Over the course of four days 200 people ate (vegan feasts!), sang, and talked together. There were young students just beginning to learn about the social gospel, people who have spent their careers working for justice, and everyone in between.

Many of us often find ourselves amongst activists, sitting in planning meetings or taking notes in workshops, longing to talk about Jesus and the things he had to say about the poor and oppressed. And there are those of us sitting in church listening to sermons and hymns, wishing for someone to mention indigenous rights or the degradation of the earth or anything that would compel us to take the gospel out onto the streets.

This is why Cahoots is so important and necessary. It is the marriage of two worlds that somehow got divorced without anyone noticing.

Geez Magazine: "In Cahoots" (2014)

The next year, she joined us as an organizer. This year, her child (now grown up!) joined our organizing team.

Cahoots has taught me so much about designing events for different generations, different bodies and ways of thinking, and welcoming everyone from devout atheists to mystical dreamers, new activists and veteran campaigners.

This year the festival runs May 23-26, from Thursday night to Sunday lunchtime. Everyone buys a ticket on a sliding scale based on ability to pay, and everyone volunteers in one way or another. We spend our time in workshops and sessions, campfires, resting, dancing, and praying.

The festival is ecumenical, radical, inclusive, intergenerational, neuro-divergent-friendly, youth- and queer-led, and beautiful. We'll do our best to arrange a carpool to help you get there and back or at least pick you up from the train station in London, ON.

Right now there are a number of very low-price tickets available if finances are a concern for you. I hope to meet new comrades in May. Blessings from Ontario!

Read more: cahootsfest.ca

Register: link

Instagram: link

Facebook: link

01:04 UTC


Dorothy Day on Anarchism in ‘The Long Loneliness’

01:00 UTC


Christian anarchist women- looking for reading recs

I’m looking to explore Christian anarchist spirituality and thought from women- almost all the Christian anarchists I read or read about are men (aside from Dorothy Day and somewhat in passing, Nekeisha Alayna Alexis). And the vast majority are white. Are there many explorations of Christian anarchism by people of color, (besides Zae Aso Illo)?

1 Comment
22:50 UTC


What everyone needs - Utah Philips

"Everyone needs a nice place to live in, and good food to eat that's not too expensive, and clean clothes with no holes or patches. A doctor to call, an old friend to visit. A way to get places, parties and music. A street to walk safely, and benches to sit on with shade in the summer, and warm friendly places to be in the winter. Some work to do that's useful to others and doesn't get boring. And someone checking so no one's forgotten. Money to spend that's given and taken without feeling guilty. Love without pity. Pride without anger.

Everyone knows what everyone needs.

But programs, laws, city councils, commissions, agency bureaus can't give it to us. All of us need the best in each other. And if we can find it, and if we can give it, the rest will soon follow.

If we all stick together, we'll get what we need". — Utah Phillips, 2007

11:38 UTC


My post disparaging support for the coercive authoritarianism culture in the AI/automation narrative was deleted from r/singularity, a common public source of conventional information for the masses

I'm writing today in an unfortunate situation, because my post that I made to r/singularity on reddit about the AI/automation narrative and how it's being used to support coercive authoritarianism and unholiness was deleted due to some reason in the midst of the current societal discussion on the merits of these advanced technologies.

To me, this highlights the 1984-style censorship of information given to the masses, highlighted also, for example, in the lack of coverage of alternative ways of life that could be explored. It's all designed to perpetuate this narrative that unholiness should be condoned and administered through this new development, which SHOULD be used to advanced a narrative of spreading the word of Jesus. It's a farce. These people are continuing an inherently farcical way of running society and its just made that much more obvious by the advanced technology movement that's going on, and it's corrupt handling by the authorities.

I can't be the only one who believes such a notion, that's why I'm posting it here on r/christiananarchism because I hope it won't get deleted.

13:16 UTC


Utah Phillips on Ammon Hennacy and Joe Hill House of Hospitality

1 Comment
13:04 UTC


Christian Anarchist Community

I am new to Christian Anarchism and I was wondering if there are any formalized ways to increase my community with others?

I currently live in Central Indiana and I would prefer to have in person community and fellowship if possible, online is great too. Since I am pretty new to the whole ideology, and in a pretty conservative state, I was just unsure how to go about it.

20:13 UTC


Leo Tolstoy: The Value & Moral Status of Art — An online reading group discussion on Thursday March 7, open to everyone

02:05 UTC


Birth Registration is Child Sacrifice

'Civil citizenship is a destructive game that isn’t even played for anything resembling real wealth. It is played for made-up points like currency and coin that even continue to depreciate through inflation. This is the nature of corvee and civil bondage. It puts people in such competition with one another that they must sell their children to it for tax benefits, and the eligibility to covet their neighbor’s goods through the agency of human civil government, via taxation and tribute.

These made-up points in the rat race of political infidelity and despair are necessary, because the existing system is bankrupt of any real wealth. National economies go into debt by the overspending that invariably exists when you elect rulers, legislators, and other wicked men to rule over your wicked hearts. Therefore, National economies, or the illusion thereof, can only be maintained by borrowing against the future: Necessarily, the flesh, blood, sweat, and tears of your children’s livelihood. Because the made-up points of fiat economy will not exist when the game is over, you must cannibalize your children in order to keep the losing game going for just a little while longer. This is the necessary factor in worshipping Baal and Molech. Sacrificing children, passing them through the jurisdictional fires of civil citizenship, ensuring their destruction for temporary prosperity.'






18:43 UTC


Bondage, Scripture says, is invited.

'In order to get people to sign up for a corvee system there usually needs to be the appearance of an advantage to the members.

Social insurance was not an American invention. For the most part, it was a Continental innovation, appearing first in Europe in the late 19th century. some 20 nations around the world already had such a program in place, and another 30 or more had introduced at least one other social insurance program. Contributory Social Insurance programs first began as early as 1900 in parts of Australia. thy were limited in scope until the late 1920s.

This new idea of a government run social security system began in Austria shortly after the 1938 Anschluss thanks to Hitler's progressive approach. In America a similar system was established by President Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. Thousands of years earlier the Pharaoh and Joseph set up a similar system in Egypt. That system allowed all the citizens of a country to literally be Employed by the State. In Egypt Joseph limited the share of labor that the state could take to only 1/5 of the annual labor of the people and it was called the bondage of Egypt. That amounted to 20% of an individuals labor was taken from the people to support the welfare system provided by the State.

Some times there is a famine and to get help a ruler will set up a system like that in Egypt set up by Joseph for the Pharaoh. He put a ceiling limit of 20%. Other systems are not limited as to the amount and some systems borrow what is needed and the people may become a surety for the debt

In Egypt gold was removed from the people and they used something as money that had no value except within their system. The Spartan also saw private wealth as the enemy of the state and only had lead money. The people needed to be in debt with no accumulation of real wealth or real money where they might be able to pay their debt and buy their freedom. They could have legal tender but not lawful money.'






18:40 UTC


Sunday Stories (drama in the park)

1 Comment
01:52 UTC

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