
Photograph via snooOG

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Just chillin

18:39 UTC


Dog food

18:34 UTC


This cat has the "🖤"

18:30 UTC


My Old Man Resting his Chin on my Knee

18:29 UTC


What a fluffy little thing

18:28 UTC


Slumber Party!!

Came home from work to find my kitten (far left, named Cleo) and her brother/sister sleeping in my hamper. Ivy (far right) seems to be a bit squished 😭

18:23 UTC


Cartoon Angus :p

18:21 UTC


Cat pees while sitting

My cat randomly started sitting “Loaf” while peeing, but she poops in a normal way. We were at the doctor and everything was good, so idk what might have changed. Anyone went through similar experience?

I ordered her a stainless steel litter box so it might be better for her?

18:21 UTC


The Crazy One and the Chill One

No matter the timing he always looks like he’s going to murder someone whereas the other just chills

1 Comment
18:18 UTC


One of my cats

I have three cats and this is one of them.

18:17 UTC


I have been befriending cats in my local area since I moved here 4 months ago say hello to my newest friend

18:16 UTC


I nominate Mr.Dior for president

My cat is all business. Shown here wearing his best tuxedo.

18:15 UTC


Please do not disturb today, the sun is beautiful.

18:12 UTC


My cat is losing fur

Does anyone know what's happening with my cat?

18:10 UTC


She just had her ear medicine done.

18:09 UTC


Let's Make a Reel

18:07 UTC


Looking for help regarding a difficulty feeding situation

I'm having a lot of issues with puke/hairballs. Some of this is from eating other cats foods they shouldn't, some is from stress from time since last feeding, rarely it's from litter boxes not meeting their cleanliness requirements. (5 litterboxes - 4 big, 1 small, 2 downstairs, 3 upstairs in separate rooms)

I have 4 cats (was 4 at one time, then down to one (separation with spouse), and then reunited to the 4 again (spouse passed away))
We'll call them Sam, Max, Alex, Frank for this post.
Sam/Max are from the same litter (black cats)
Alex is a grey tabby
Frank is a black cat

Sam is underweight, and terribly codependent (would much rather eat when I'm physically next to him)
Max his brother is overweight and will steal other cats foods if alone (and can't have Frank's food due to reactions)
Alex is overweight and will actively try to steal any other cats food.
Frank is underweight and will pretty much only eat his own food (and needs urinary food due to UTI's)

All 4 have smart feeders (cameras+timed feeding) - Bowls for these are all stainless steel.
Sam/Max have a shared feeder (it splits it into two bowls) in Room A (Adult food)
Alex has his own feeder in Room B (Urinary Food)
Frank has his own feeder in Room C (Urinary Food)

Sam had issues when his mom passed away and wasn't eating, after getting fluids injected and hunger stimulants from vet, this turned around.
I also got those pheromone scent things to help with the stress and this made worlds of a difference.
Sam/Max/Alex have all been to the vet since coming back home, and other than weight are perfectly healthy.
Frank's vet visit is later in the year.

There are 5 water sources (2 gravity feeders, 1 weighted bowl - Sam knocks them over, and 1 automatic fountain, and 1 big bowl) - I use filtered water for all of them. They are all stainless steel.

Physically, all 4 cats seem fine. All are willing to play, run around, etc. Fights happen, but overall fine.

The feeding schedule is (these are the smallest feedings i can do)
between 11 and 1 I will give them each 1/4th of a can of wet food

At night, Frank gets Laxatone for hairballs. All the cats go crazy for this for whatever reason, so i have started giving Sam/Max/Alex very small amounts at the same time.

It's ~2000sqft house, they have towers in every room, they all prefer to sleep with me at night if they don't fight over spots.

I live alone.

The problem is, I have to clean up puke or a hairball probably ~5 days a week in some form or fashion. They aren't all getting, sick, but someone likely will. This seems to subside on the weekends, but my girlfriend stays over on the weekend, which might be related, I'm unsure.

Sam usually gets sick in the morning from waking up abruptly and eating i think. Or from eating without me. And then if he throws up more it's because it's been a while since he last ate.
Max rarely gets sick, if he does it's probably a hairball, but still very rare.
Alex is usually a hairball, but will also get sick from I assume stealing other cats foods or overeating.
Frank will periodically get sick, and from what I can tell it's USUALLY from litter boxes not meeting his needs.

I currently clean the litter boxes twice a week.

I have air purifiers throughout the house if this affects anything, there's a noticeable difference in quality since before having them.

I work from home, so at least m-f I'm always home outside of errands.
sa/su I'm USUALLY home, but every now and then there's a day road trip, but no overnight absence.

I've been slowly shampooing carpets one room at a time, and i overly vacuum whenever puke/hairballs happens.

I've started tracking when i find puke/hairballs as well as weights.

Primary concern is lowering the amount of puke/hairballs.
Secondary concern is getting weights back to normal (this should be on track, and happen over time)
Third concern is me getting some better sleep (I want to sleep 10pm->7am :: currently I'm stuck at 11pm to 6am due to feedings)

Any questions/help/advice is welcome.

18:06 UTC


RIP Miya. Sende me cat pictures (preferably voids)

She died of old age at 16yo.

18:04 UTC


Cat ate a small plastic wrapper

Hey, my cat ate a small plastic wrapper, the type that is like around those straws for juice boxes. Is she okay, or do I need to have that checked out

18:04 UTC


When you’re a bully but traumatize easily. I told her to stop harassing the senior cat and now she acts like I’m the devil

18:03 UTC

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