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I would like to allow my two cats to go out on a leash. They are about 1 year old and live exclusively in our apartment. They have lots of space and plenty of toys there, as well as the opportunity to use our balcony to get some fresh air, but I think they would also really enjoy going around the block and exploring the world. Do you have any tips on how best to go about this?
This is Wolverine aka Wolvy aka Drunken Sailor aka Rolley Poley Boy aka Little Savage aka Banshee, sitting in his favorite little nook.
He was a stray as a kitten and grew up fending for himself, he is now happily adopted by us along with his sister who grew a bond with while living as a stray.
We suspect he might be a Siberian, but unsure.
Reasons for his many names: Wolverine - Hubby gave him this name because of his main looking like that of Wolverine in X-men, Wolvy is just a shortening of said name.
Drunken Sailor - The people that came to know Wolvy in the area where we were at, described him as obnoxious and he had a broken leg that now makes him look like he has a drunken walk (he is perfectly healthy and VET said his leg healed well).
Rolley Poley - He loves walking away, flopping down and rolling around when he is given attention (he loves attention but will make you work for it)
Little Savage - He is a hunter through-and-through, he has brought us many gifts, lizards (his favorite), skinks, snakes, cicadas, crayfish, shrews, squirrels and will catch any fly or cockroach that finds its way inside the house. He does not eat his prey, he will play with it till it dies and leave it for us to find or we will save it if we see it in time, unfortunately now he has learned that fact so as soon as we get closer he will pick it up and run outside.
On top of that, he gets very excited when getting pets, so much so that he does not know what to do when it suddenly stops, so he will take a big bite of closest skin surface and start shaking his head (his teeth are razors and it hurts but we love him and he will stop once you resume petting).
Banshee - He screams, he screams for treats, he screams to be let outside, he screams if you pick him up, he screams before going to bed. He just screams, he will switch between other forms of meows depending on what he wants and will answer his meow in response to your tone, we do not yell at him so his response is a soft meow, but will still scream to get our attention.
He is our little baby and he has come a long way since we have adopted him, I just wanted to introduce him to everyone here 😃
Maybe she wanted some alone time?
Picked up this pretty lady 2 days ago from the shelter. Immediately fell in love with everything about her. Her name is Athena and I think she is settling down nicely:) still a little reserved and hides. But for being here for 2 days, I’m very happy she is coming along quickly.
For next 3 days 😭
Happy birthday, lieutenant Reply
Hi guys - I’m a cat mom to two boys and I am struggling and don’t know what to do.
I know this can be normal but they are seriously damaging my life and my sleep. Lol 😂
Every night at between 2-4am, they start meowing. Scratching at the door, tearing at the carpet. Nonstop until I get up to feed them. I keep them in the room with me. If I keep the door open, they do the same thing and wake up the whole house. If I shut my door and keep them out, they’ll do the same thing. I have a 6 month old baby, a husband that wakes up early for work (who doesn’t even sleep with me anymore because of my cats), and I am a full time working mom. I have NO idea what to do or how to make it stop.
It’s like they are hungry waiting for food, but also they do completely fine during the day. Im reluctant to feed them too early (we’re talking 4am) and have them get used to that and start begging for food even earlier. I’m at a loss. I need sleep. I am tired. Has this happened to anyone else and what did you do to solve the problem? Are there calming medicines I can give them from the vet so they settle more at night? Should they get checked out? No clue. But I’m getting so beyond fed up. Please help!
A few minutes ago, 20 minutes ago give or take, I noticed my kitten eating something, like a tiny piece of cloth or something, it was black and no larger than your thumb print, I checked his mouth and found nothing suspicious, but now I'm worried about his health, he's showing no symptoms whatsoever so far, and it's 6am here and I really want to go to bed but I'm too scared that I'll miss him getting really sick or something, should I take him to the vet or will he poop out whatever he ingested? Here is a video I recently took of him purring and I'm wondering if his purring sounds normal, I'm really worried
I left my art journal open. And my five month old Persian kitten came along and licked my watercolor painting. The company says their watercolors are not toxic, but it doesn’t say whether or not it’s toxic to cats. He didn’t ingest a lot. Just licked it. Should I be worried about this?
I adopted my cat 13 years ago. I’ve always loved and cared for her. But fucking HELL she is so fucking loud and annoying and probably the dumbest cat on earth. I always tell her I think she has a rock for a brain.
She’s been to the vet a bunch and is healthy. She is spayed. She is just deaf and therefore loves to scream and feel the vibrations
This wasn’t so bad when we had a big house. At night I had a room I’d put her in that had all the things she needed (litter food water toys bed etc) and it was far enough down the hall that with white noise I didn’t get woken up very often. Maybe once a month or so.
But we had to temporarily downsize. And people are going to say this is my fault but life happens. We didn’t really have a choice. So we are in a 1 bedroom apartment. I don’t let her sleep in our bedroom because she’ll climb on us and bite our noses while we sleep. So she had blankets and beds and food and litter and water and everything in the living room. There is no other room to put her in. There’s a bedroom, a bathroom, and the rest of the house.
she has woken me up every single night for the past 2 months screaming and I am very worried about our neighbors
I play with her for 15-20 minutes before bed in addition to the daytime play we usually do. She’s obsessed with a rainbow ribbon on a stick so that’s usually what we play with but she has a bunch of other toys. Then I make her wet food - I warm it in the microwave and put calming drops on them. I’m trying to make to seem like she killed the stupid food. I know deaf cats can be more anxious or easily scared since they can’t hear but the calming drops have not really had an impact. I don’t really think something is scaring her. I really think she’s just bored in the middle of the night. She just wants us to wake up and pet her or play with her. She loves attention. I give her so much of it during the day!! I feel like I spoiled her maybe and that’s why she’s like this???
But then it starts. Usually at 3 there’s some screaming. Yoewling. If you don’t know her, you’d think someone murdered my husband (her favorite person) and made her watch. Or that we had a hobby of night time cat torture. Then at 5 it doesn’t stop until we get up or let her in the bedroom. Again, she just wants attention. She’ll get it in like an hour if she would just let us sleep!! But it’s ruining my relationship with her because I’m getting so frustrated and angry. Which is stupid because she’s a cat and literally doesn’t know better. I really need my sleep.
I’m losing my mind. I am completely losing my patience with her and it’s making me not like her anymore. God I feel like a monster writing that. She’s my baby.
I am very very worried about our neighbors. What the fuck do I do?!?! I don’t get it. People say well deaf cats are loud. Okay. so are none of their owners sleeping through the night for decades and that’s just how we have to live? I didn’t know she was deaf when I adopted her. I love her I’m just truly at the end of my wits.
We have two cats and this one loves it but the other won't let you at all.