
Photograph via snooOG

Join reddit as we go on a journey to build our own civilization

Welcome to Ivamar

Ivamar is the civilization that we here at this sub-reddit will be building. It is based on the game Civ VI and will be using it to form a nation based on the ideas that you the citizens provide.



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What's happening with this sub?

Hello again everybody! I originally started this sub around 2 years ago as an attempt to launch this as a neat little project where we could build incredible lore together. Ultimately, my real life got in the way, as well as the projects timescale being way too ambitious.

The plan is to relaunch this project with some new rules on August 1st, as well as a more manageable time scale, and a better way to keep everyone involved. You'll be seeing quite a few changes, and a new rule set will be posted next week, as well as a teaser video and better explanation of how everything works.

The plan is to still use Civ 6, but to run this as a sort of Mega RPG, where players create character sheets, and can roleplay as citizens in our new civilization. I will be serving as the DM. It's easy to envision it as a play-by-mail system if that helps, but more like play-by-reddit. It's definitely going to be interesting and we will be borrowing some rules from a fantastic mega-game called Sickle!

I'll keep you guys updated, and thanks for playing in the original. I'm really sorry I had to give it up, and I wish I could of came back to it, but there was no way to make it work on a day-to-day basis with how hectic my real life is.

Thanks, RidingKeys

14:03 UTC


Sooooooo, dead?

Is this dead? Cause I’m pretty sure it’s dead.

09:33 UTC


Political System and Constitution

Hello Everyone
We have about a week before we can continue our journey down in history, but before we do that, we need to do one thing. Since we are on the verge of adopting a political system, it would be great to talk about how exactly we want to implement it in our own society. We are probably going to go with classical republic(that is what i heard at least on the street) but how should we do that? We have been voting on major issues now so far, where each citizen had the same chance to influence things as any other. should we continue doing that? should we give more power to people like the chief of science over matters that pertain to science? What do you think, fellow citizens?
Also, what values should we write in our constitution? What would be our core values?

06:46 UTC



Build-a-civ is a fantastic idea and one I wish I had known about when it started, but could someone explain the CP system?

02:19 UTC


Daily Report - 1420 BC - Turn 209 - 5/12/2017

Friends and citizens, I come with terrible news only mere hours after deliver the State of the Kingdom. My worst fears were realized as a multi-front attack was raised on us in three directions. Barbarian Horseman, Horse archers, spearman, and warriors invaded both Ivamar and Jawhira from three different fronts, and while we held our own, we lost our Campus. This has set us back from our original goal of producing a galley, as we had to prioritize the training of spearmen. In order to respond to the invading force and not give up our trade routes, an additional archer auxiliary mercenary force was purchased. With the spearmen, the two archers, and our warrior, we were able to repel the invasion, conquer the north, and begin to conquer the south and west. In addition to this war, scouts from Japan have found the iron deposits to our south and it is with my best deductive skills that I believe they will settle a city there. We must not let that happen, it is vital to national security, and imperative, that we take this land for our own before they can. The Senat is discussing our best options and we will be putting up resolutions for the Almajsim to pass or decline shortly.

Current situation: http://i.imgur.com/AnFz0o6.png

Ivamar land ownership: http://i.imgur.com/282gacE.png

Jawhira land ownership: http://i.imgur.com/xAr4zfz.png

22:47 UTC


Almajsim Resolution 4: Adopt a National Currency

Once again we meet in these great halls, Almajsim. The Senat and I had a lively discussion in which many policies and about research done by the greatest minds of the kingdom. It was with this research that we were able to make an informed decision and ask the Almajsim to allow us to push forth with adopting a national Currency. A national currency would not only promote a more perfect union between our cities Jawhira, Ivamar, and whatever else we may settle, but it allows for a more approachable free and fair trade, and eventually a market system that we believe will be beneficial in the future.

In the interest of promoting discussion amongst the Almajsim, I present our other options as well.

The Wheel: http://civ6.gamepedia.com/Wheel

Iron Working: http://civ6.gamepedia.com/Iron_Working

Shipbuiilding: http://civ6.gamepedia.com/Shipbuilding

Please cast your votes here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12947130

05:37 UTC


A Call to Action!

Dear citizens, I, the king, am putting out an urgent plea to our citizens. With the recent opening of our Campus to the public, it is now time that we begin to fill its halls with great works by great men. It is within my authority to grant great writers contribution points in exchange for filling our library with works that will rival all others.

Great works that are detailed, in depth, and provide great narrative and perspective on our kingdom shall earn the writer 5 CP, while works that are still good, but aren't of great scope, will provide the writer 2 CP.

I shall now open up the campus(wiki) to free posts and will be encouraging my citizens to get to work.

1 Comment
02:43 UTC


Daily Report - 1650 BC - Turn 186 - 5/11/17

I will keep it brief today and direct you to the State of the Kingdom, an address that explains our current situation well. Our military has cleared more barbarian camps and continues its counter-terrorism operations but is in dire need of support. Auctions have been completed successfully and the maps have been updated. The Senat will hopefully have a resolution to present to the Almajsim tonight.

State of the Kingdom: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildaciv/comments/6aonio/state_of_the_kingdom/

Current situation: http://i.imgur.com/ZExZWuW.png

Ivamar land ownership map: http://i.imgur.com/282gacE.png

Jawhira land ownership map: http://i.imgur.com/BoQCyQL.png

02:34 UTC


Almajsim Resolution 3: Early Empire

Greetings Almajsim, I, the chieftan, call this session into order for you to vote on the civics branch of Early Empire. This will allow us to enforce borders and grant Open Borders to other civilizations. It will also unlock the policies of Colonization(+50% Production toward Settlers) and Land Surveyors( Reduces the cost of purchasing a tile by 20%.)

Please cast your votes here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12939787

A majority of the Senat has spoken in favor of the Early Empire policy, but the other one up for research is Mysticism. Information on it can be found here. http://civ6.gamepedia.com/Mysticism

01:51 UTC


Daily Report - 1740 BC - Turn 177 - 5/10/17

Greetings citizens, Let me present you today with the daily report. With the latest resolution passing Bronze Working as our next funded research project, we have made great strides towards unlocking it. Our Campus is finished, and plans to teach and document our nations short but lively history are underway. With the completion of Sailing, and the completion of our campus, We have begun building a great ship that shall explore the seas! We shall hold an Almajsim to determine it's name soon. More land was purchased in our capital city of Ivamar, and land for sale in Jawhira has been bid upon but will require one more final bid before the sale is final. Our military has crushed two more barbarian camps and raided the loot within them, adding to our healthy treasury. They currently move forward now to destroy another camp. They are powerful and mighty and we have full faith that they will accomplish their goals.

The users u/Massi131 and u/Firefight213 must bid against each other and will have til 7:00 PM EST tonight on 5/10/2017 to finalize their bids starting at 7 CP.

A resolution will be presented for a vote to the Almajsim tonight after the Senat debates the best course of action regarding our next civics policy.

Current situation: http://i.imgur.com/uZUM09x.png

Ivamar Land Ownership Map: http://i.imgur.com/nf9Cd3y.png

Jawhira Land Ownership Map: http://i.imgur.com/IY2UXHt.png

18:28 UTC


Almajsim Resolution 2: Permission to Research Bronze Working

I now call to the Almajsim to assemble and cast a vote yes or a vote no on researching the following: Bronze Working. This will benefit our military greatly and perhaps even our city production if it uncovers Iron for us to mine.

Please vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12935147

1 Comment
13:10 UTC


Daily Report - 1820 BC - Turn 169

Welcome citizens! I come before the Almajsim today to deliver the daily report about our kingdom. After passing our first ever Resolution in the Almajsim, we have finished our research into sailing and unlocked the secrets of the seas! We have sent traders to the city of Jawhira to form a path between our capitol and it for ease of travel between the two cities. Our warrior units have cleared the south land of Barbarians as well as the North land and have rescued an american unit in distress and discovered that more barbarians wait to our West. The Senat will be reconvening to discuss our next policy that we will present for ratification to the Almajsim. We have also worked the owned farm by Firelight and a citizen has purchased the incense to the west of Ivamar. It has been a productive few turns and we will push forward new policy soon.

Current situation: http://i.imgur.com/CSCcZZs.png

Land Ownership Map: http://i.imgur.com/5bQf02M.png

01:50 UTC


Almajsim Resolution 1: Sailing Research Grant

I, Chieftan Ridingkeys, call to order the Almajsim to hear this important message and deliver a verdict. After much debate during the night, the Senat and myself have come together to offer a new policy for you, the people of the Almajsim, to ratify. We believe it is time for us to put all of our efforts into conquering the great vast ocean that surrounds us. We have gone abroad to wonder at the heights of the mountains, and soon we shall go abroad and be amazed by the huge waves of the seas. We are tied to this ocean, it is weaved into the very fabric of our empire, and when we return to it, whether it is to Sail, or to watch, then we will finally know freedom. We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.

I now leave you to debate and vote on this resolution here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12925080

I will close this summons of the Almajsim at 9:00 PM EST.

1 Comment
21:17 UTC


Daily Report - 1950 BC - Turn 156 - 5/7/17-5/8/17

Greetings Almajsim, I come to you as a humble chieftan, with congratulations on your recent successes in the first Elections of the Senat. I would like to announce the following Senat appointments as they will advise me on drafting new policy for approval by the Almajsim.

Congratulations are in order to the Senator of War - u/TheBurlyGamer

Congratulations are in order to the Senator of Research - u/Sonor_87

Congratulations are in order to the Senator of State - u/RNGZero

Congratulations are in order to the Senator of Trade - u/Massi131

Congratulations are in order to the Senator of Religion - u/Firefight213

I would also like to announce that I will be sending u/Sonor_87 to Jawhira as a Vassal to ensure the safety and prosperity of our new settlement.

There will be no poll tonight, as our new Senators ease into their roles. We will present a new policy for vote as soon as a majority of the Senat can be assembled.

Our military has secured our southern border and will now return to the capital for recovery before heading west in our ongoing counter-terrorism campaign.

Auctions will continue in Ivamar, and if the Vassal permits it, we may soon open up land for sale in the settlement of Jawhira.

Here is our current situation, and a list of the land available for sale in tonights auction. The auctions will close at 7:00 PM EST, tomorrow, 5/8/2017.

Current situation: http://imgur.com/a/LOJ7Z Current land ownership map: http://imgur.com/a/pXhdn

23:29 UTC


Almajsim: Senators election

Dear citiziens our mighty Chieftain called us for the Senators election and as our duty of members of the Almajsim we have to act. I think it would be appropriate to make all the active citiziens canditates so this are the possibilities:

-Senator of War: http://www.strawpoll.me/12913135

-Senator of Research: http://www.strawpoll.me/12913143

-Senator of State: http://www.strawpoll.me/12913147

-Senator of Trade: http://www.strawpoll.me/12913158

-Senator of Religion: http://www.strawpoll.me/12913163

(If anyone has some preferences of what he would like to be he can just comment below)

edit: just fixed all the possibilities that were attached.

10:03 UTC


The Bindings of Ivamar

The Bindings of Ivamar


I, the Chieftan, in order to satisfy the will of the people, establish Justice, provide for the Kingdoms Defense, promote the wealth and prosperity of our people, and secure the blessings of the gods for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Binding of Ivamar.

Article I

Section I

All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Almajsim of Ivamar.

Section II

The Almajsim shall consist of every citizen willing to show up when called by the Chieftan to vote on new policy and new law.

Section III

The Almajsim shall assemble when called upon by the Chieftan, or at least one daily report a week. They are responsible for elections of the Senat, and will hold elections once every two months. They shall have the power to approve, or veto, new policy and law in the kingdom.

Article II

Section I

The executive power shall be vested in the Chieftan of Ivamar. He shall hold his office til death, retirement, or new governing documents state otherwise.

Policy power shall be vested to the Senat, a group of advisors that provide influence on policy to the Chieftan. Senators shall hold office for one term of two months, where they may keep their job if voted back in by the Almajsim.

Section II

The Chieftan shall be the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ivamar, and of the forces of the Vassals when called into the service of Ivamar. He shall the power to form treaties, with the consent of two-thirds approval of the Almajsim. He shall have the power to declare war, with the consent of two-thirds approval of the Almajsim. He will not require the consent of war by the Almajsim in cases of the defense of our Empire or in the matters of utmost urgency.

Section III

He shall, once every two months, give information to the Almajsim on the state of our Kingdom, and recommend for their consideration, measures that he shall judge necessary and expedient.

Section IV

The Chieftan shall have the power to override one veto every month.

Signed, Ridingkeys the Chieftan

This is our new binding document, and I would like to ask that the Almajsim assemble to nominate and vote on the following Senat positions.

Senator of War Senator of Research Senator of State Senator of Trade Senator of Religion

Please have your results ready for submission as soon as possible, so we can run our Kingdom under these new guidelines.

03:34 UTC


Daily Report - Turn 153 - 1980 BC - 5/6/17-5/7/17

I come before you today with exciting news, citizens. Today marks the day that we have received word of our first new city being constructed. It is small, but it stands in defiance to the barbarians that would see it destroyed. Our military is doing it's best to secure its borders and rid the surrounding land of barbarian presence. With our new city, I also will announce that we will begin implementations of some new policies. Starting today, I will be allowing people to become Vassals of the Chieftan. The Vassal will control a city that the CHieftan sends him to. They are allowed to make decisions regarding production, citizen management, and what lands are available for sale. Every Vassal is required to also raise at least a small militia for self-defense and to aid the Chieftan when he calls upon the Vassal for service. Vassals will be chosen by the Chieftan, based on who I think will do the best in that role.

With that announcement, I leave you with the situation map, as well as the previous auction map, as no new bids have been placed. I will also leave you with the following poll:

Which civics tree should we research next?: http://www.strawpoll.me/12909823

Situation Map: http://i.imgur.com/FxYgIqZ.png Auction map: http://i.imgur.com/7t2kDdV.png

I will announce my choice for Vassal of the new city of Jawhira at tomorrows Daily Report.

The poll and auction will be available til 7:00 PM EST tomorrow, 5/7/2017.

CP Contribution List Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SMR1QPMy3kBdIRuU0ALwhULJ6YFHalu-MXigoN2cB98/edit?usp=sharing

Lands in Jawhira will be up for auction once a Vassal is in place to rule it.

21:25 UTC


Daily Report - 2090 BC - Turn 142 - 5/5/17-5/6/17

Hear ye, hear ye! The chieftan addresses his people!

These past few years we have seen nothing but prosperity in Ivamar, and have opened the doors for our citizens to own land and help increase our prosperity. We have raised a new group of settlers, who will venture to our East and help us further the reaches of our Empire. We have fought Barbarians to our south, to our north, and to our East, and will continue to do so til the day we rid this earth of those who oppose our civilization and what it stands for. We have made friends with the greatest nations we have met, for they admire our tenacity, our courage, and our perseverance in the face of danger. We have made strides in technology, allowing us to further improve our farmlands and start plantations. It is now time for the citizens to come together and vote once more on the direction our nation takes, and with that, i leave you with this poll.

Which technology should we research next?: http://www.strawpoll.me/12903448

u/Sonor_87 and u/TheBurlyGamer won their bids for land and I have marked their spot on the map and updated the CP chart. Remember, contributing to the subreddit and its threads earns you currency, so get involved!

We have also started a discord, and you can get involved here: https://discord.gg/uVbQWTK

To end this post, I will post two images, one of our current situation, and one of land ownership and whats up for auction.

Current situation: http://i.imgur.com/BL1LICd.png Land ownership map: http://i.imgur.com/7t2kDdV.png

All tiles that arent marked and belong to us are up for sale.

The auction and poll will end tomorrow at 5:00 PM EST(May 6th, 2017)

23:40 UTC


Awesome Idea

This is an awesome idea and I'd love to be part of it but I fear that I tend to check reddit sporadically and at random hours is there any chance you've set up a discord for this?

17:21 UTC


Daily Report - 2250 BC - Turn 126 - 5/4/17-5/5/17


We have had many exciting years since our last report. We have made a declaration of friendship with Japan, met a young German nation, and launched a full-scale counter-insurgency operation to stop the Barbarian raids once and for all. Our Counter-insurgency war was a success, and our highly effective military units dispatched of an encampment on our southern border while picking up intelligence about another camp to our North-east. They will rest, recover, and then begin their march towards that camp next. In addition to all this excitement, we have finished researching our latest civics policy, and technology.

The exciting news that I present to you now, is that I will be giving out land to owners for them to do as they wish with. Land will be given based on request, and contribution to the subreddit, through an auction system. Every piece of land, minus the capital will have a starting bid of 1 CP(Contribution point, based on how many comments you have in the subreddit so far), while lands already worked(the farm and pasture) will start at 2 CP. The auction will begin immediately when this is posted, and will end at 7:00 PM EST tomorrow, May 5th, 2017. The following lands are available for bid:


To end this post, I leave you with 2 polls to determine the course our nation shall take next.

What civics policy should we research next: http://www.strawpoll.me/12897220?

What technology should we research next: http://www.strawpoll.me/12897207?

Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments, and I will do my best to answer them.

All comments made in this thread will not count towards the auction, and spam will be monitored.

The auction and poll both end at 7:00 PM EST on May the 5th, 2017.

Our current situation: http://i.imgur.com/IVCykq0.png

01:49 UTC


Daily Report - 2410 BC - Turn 110 - 5/3/17-5/4/17

It has been a great few years, we have defeated many barbarians and have repaired and kept our farmland safe. We have upgraded into the classical era, raised a new group of warriors who fight hard to compliment our archer, and a new granary is under construction for the city. Barbarians still test our strength, but I believe that their days are numbered.

I leave you with this poll: Which technology should we research next: http://www.strawpoll.me/12890393

Our current situation: http://imgur.com/a/eXpIN

I advise everybody to check out the stickied thread titled Get Involved! as we are trying to promote discussion on forming an government that represents the people.

01:31 UTC


Daily Report - 2650 BC - Turn 91 - 5/2/17-5/3/17

Hear ye, hear ye! Important information from the palace of the king!

On this wonderful day it is our proudest achievement to announce that we have fully embraced the Goddess of Fertility and the Rites she bestows upon us. We would also like to announce that our scholars have developed further into civics and written about Craftsmanship! Our borders are safe with the training of a brand new warrior unit, and our Archers are constantly engaged in combat against Barbarians, but our City is safe! A brand new group of citizens has come to our lovely city of Ivamar, and we have begun work to repair the damage done to our pastures and farms. The Palace of the King would like to offer the following poll to the citizens:

Which civics branch should we explore next: http://www.strawpoll.me/12883595

Image of our current situation: http://imgur.com/a/QEsyi

02:33 UTC


Get Involved!

Dear Citizens, I, the king, am announcing with this decree, that we must discuss the proper implementation of an authority to draft the first documents that will bind an early government into law. While it would be ideal to implement the voices and opinions of every single citizen, it is clear to me through early polling data that the community is far more splintered in their political opinions then we realize. I would like to now open this forum to discussion of the best way to implement representatives that speak the voice of the people.

01:29 UTC


Daily Report - 2770 BC - Turn 83 - 5/1/17 through 5/2/17

We have begun researching Horseback Riding, and continue on our path to unlocking the Civic branch of Craftsmanship. We finished building a monument dedicated to the King and the Brave Warriors who fought in the first Barbarian Wars. We still to this day continue our battle against this roving group of terrorists, and our archers are gaining much experience picking them off from the city outskirts. We have been unable to do much in the way of repairing our farms and our pastures but a new military warrior unit should help us out. We have unlocked the ability to choose a pantheon and will be using this StrawPoll to decide what our peopele want: http://www.strawpoll.me/12876435

For those unfamiliar with Civ, this link will show what each Pantheon does for our Civ: https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/4wn3of/the_22_civilization_6_pantheons/

Our Current Situation: http://imgur.com/a/7wZuQ

01:19 UTC


Daily Report - 2965 BC - Turn 70 - 4/30/17 - 4/31/17

We have finished researching Archery, and barbarians continue to test the strength of our military. We are in a weak situation right now due to the loss of our core warrior unit during the first war against these thugs. Our slinger has been able to keep them at bay and even pick some of the horsemen off, but that hasnt stopped them from continually harassing our city and pillaging our improvements. We have so far built one farm, and one pasture, but they are both pillaged. I leave you now with the following poll.

What should we research next?: http://www.strawpoll.me/12869212

A map of our current situation: http://imgur.com/a/qvgXf

1 Comment
02:15 UTC


No updated this weekend!

I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates this weekend. We were able to do a Friday night/Saturday day poll, but I am on vacation and can't implement the changes we need to make til I return on Sunday night!

Thanks for the understanding,


05:18 UTC


Military victorious in first combat against vicious barbarians

The battle was brutal, the scent of blood in the air was thick, and the fog of war was settling when the final outcome was observed. The eyes of our king would see that the cowardice barbarians were retreating. Our warriors fought hard, and killed many horsemen, and our slingers, freshly trained and out of the barracks, killed many more. Though we lost our warriors, who have been with us and protecting us from the very beginning, they will forever live on in the monument that is being built in the City Center. A glorious day is upon us.

1 Comment
00:34 UTC


Daily Report - 3250 BC - Turn 51 - 4/28/17-4/29/17

Our scientists have finished researching the technology of Animal Husbandry, and as King, I am offering a poll to determine where they should direct their attention next: http://www.strawpoll.me/12853398

The following events happened: A bloody battle between our warrior unit and the surrounding barbarians resulted in our warrior unit dying, at the cost of two horsemen and horse mounted archers to the invading barbarians. The rest of the barbarians scattered as a result. The policies of God King and Discipline were enacted as voted on by the people and the military necessity of the king. The Craftsmanship branch of Civics is being researched as well as a result of a poll of the people. Work on a monument in the city center in honor of the king has begun.

This is our current situation: http://imgur.com/a/iFcOe

00:26 UTC

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