
Photograph via snooOG

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half life, peak/onset time, and dosage equivalence of a large number of benzodiazepines

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List and Dose equivalents of Common Benzodiazepines

Drug Half Life Equivalent Doses
Xanax/Alprazolam 6-12hr 0.5mg
Klonopin/Clonazepam 18-50hr 0.5mg
Ativan/Lorazepam 10-20hr 1mg
Valium/Diazepam 20-100hr (Main active metabolite Desmethyldiazepam 36-200hr) 10mg
Restoril/Temazepam 8-20hr 20mg
Halcion/Triazolam 1.5-5.5hr 0.25mg (Water soluble. Intranasal BA 2x higher than oral)
Librium/Chlordiazepoxide 5-30hr (Main active metabolite Desmethyldiazepam 36-200hr) 25mg
Lexotan/Bromazepam 10-20hr 6mg
Dalmane/Flurazepam (Main active metabolite Norflurazepam 40-250hr) 20mg
Rohypnol/Flunitrazepam 18-26hr 1mg
Mogadon/Nitrazepam 15-38hr 10mg
Dormicum/Midazolam 1.5-2.5hr 5mg (Water soluble, effective intranasally)
Noctamid/Lormetazepam 10-12hr 1.5mg
Serax/Oxazepam 4-15hr 20mg
Etizolam 6.2-8.2hr 1mg
Metizolam 11-13hr 2mg
Clonazolam 14-18hr 0.125mg
Flubromazolam 10-20hr 0.175-0.200mg
Flubromazepam ~108hr 4mg
Diclazepam ~42hr (Main active metabolite Delorazepam 60-140hr) 1mg
Pyrazolam 12-17hr 1mg
Phenazepam ~60hr 0.75mg-1mg


165,237 Subscribers


Is it safe to take 1 mg of klonopin twice a week for an extended period of time, or will this cause physical dependency?

Hello everyone,

I've had pretty severe anxiety and OCD my whole life. I've been on SSRIs since I was 12 and am now 30. Recently, I decided to give benzos a try as I came to the conclusion that there's no virtue in continuing to suffer when effective medications are available and that the risks of dependency are outweighed by the improved quality of life. I have a prescription for klonopin, 1 mg once a day as needed, and I've found using it twice a week with three or four days in between is most effective. I've gone through 17 pills in the last three months since getting it, and I'm concerned about dependency so I'm currently trying to take a couple weeks off or so.

Is the way I'm using it safe? I have an addiction to marijuana which is hard enough to deal with, so I absolutely don't want to end up physically dependent on something hard like benzos. I'm not abusing my klonopin, I'm just taking one 1 mg pill every three or four days as directed and have no desire to use benzos recreationally. I just want to be sure that I don't have problems with dependency down the road.

My doctor who prescribed it says that as long as I'm not taking it more than half the days in a week, I should be safe. Can anyone else with more experience attest to this? I'm not particularly worried about using klonopin more often than I've described. I've suffered with largely treatment resistant anxiety for about 30 years now, so I can manage to not take klonopin more than twice a week just fine. I'm just looking for a way to break the weekly cycle of panic attacks I go through, which so far I've found klonopin to be very effective at doing.

What do you guys think? Is this usage pattern safe, or should I scale it back now before I get dependent?

1 Comment
07:15 UTC


why does kpin make me want to start trying at life

1.5mg kpin after like 3-4ish months w/o any benzo. Why do I suddenly have a urge to start trying at life? Idk how to describe it.. sorry... It seems that during that period when i was sober, I didnt have any bad anxiety or anything just a general laziness and unmotivationess. Is it just the kpins making me feel like i can do anything? (but then where does the motivation come from?)

any advice any theories would be super appreciated thank u so much!

06:41 UTC


Dissolved 75mg tapentadol n 50mg promethazine in 1.5ml water n got a needless syringe n boofed it

Hit way harder could instantly taste it n body got heavy n mouth got dry within seconds, definitely the stronger ROA besides IV but I don't like needles. Miss when I had a plug for Midazolam vials id boof 2 so 10mg n would feel like getting hit in the face with 10 xans n 20 valiums peaking. Once you get use to it is the most enjoyable ROA

1 Comment
06:02 UTC


Are Trankimazin the best Xanax ?

Are Trankimazin 2mg U94 Imprint bars the best Xans in the game. I’ve never come across better has anyone else?

05:02 UTC


Typing this while on xans for the first time

Was gifted 2 0.5 alps from a friends dad, I I took 1 and a half of them so far so .75 it’s been about a hour i definitely feel it but tbh it’s a little underwhelming to what I expected, I regularly take opioids recreationally and I don’t know why I was expecting a opioid type euphoria but it’s nothing like that, just little waves of happiness And not giving a fuck about much. Did I underdose? Or is 1mg just not shit even for someone with zero tolerance, I understand the lack of anxiety part but other than that doesn’t seem to have much recreational value, or am tripping idk someone put me on for next time I do this shit since Ik my boi pops a script now

03:52 UTC


is 2mg kpin and 2mg xanax safe?

took some barbs earlier in the day around 12 it’s 6 right now just wondering if i’m good?

02:53 UTC


High benzo /weed n idk chat

On 8mg lormetazepam+ weed + lm gonna take some xans and more weed. I'm gonna be fucked up If someone wants to talk or something even on comment s, it'll be fun

01:03 UTC


Drug test question….?

So I just got a new job, & I’m not sure if I’ll get drug tested or not…. I am prescribed Klonopin, but since I moved across country recently, I was given one last bottle to last me until I find a new provider. I don’t have insurance at the moment so I haven’t found a new provider yet, but I did save my last bottle of Klonopin for proof of prescription. Since I did end up running out of Klonopin, I’ve been taking Bromazolam & Deschloroetizolam. If I do end up getting drug tested, I will definitely pop for benzodiazepines. If I show them my most recent bottle of Klonopin & say that I’ve been stretching em out & taking em sparingly until I find a new provider, will I be fine?

00:54 UTC


ROA for Midazolam

I have randomly acquired vials of 1ml 5mg Midazolam. I don't use IV or IM ROA, what are my options here? Was thinking I could make it into a nasal spray but not sure of what ratio to dose. Otherwise do I just put a drop on the inside of my cheek and see how it goes? Need advice!

1 Comment
00:37 UTC


Is 5 mg clonazepam,7.5 Zopiclone and one beer ok to feel something?

Little tolerance

00:32 UTC


Clonazepam 2mg shortage in Australia - is it over?

Hey all, I get a script for 2mg paxam (clonazepam) in Australia and it’s been out of stock in the entire country for the past few months, but I saw the TGA updated their website to say the shortage is over? ( https://apps.tga.gov.au/Prod/msi/Search/Tradename//54847 )

Can anyone at all in Australia please confirm this? As it’s annoying taking 4x0.5mg tablets instead of 1x2mg tablet

Thankyou in advance

23:38 UTC


Klonopin valium

Is it safe to take a 2mg Valium four hours after a 0.5mg klonopin? The klonopin didn't do much for my panic attack

22:56 UTC


Xanax makes me a stupid idiot

Never took xanax recreationally, only when I truly needed it which is rare but when I take them, I need bigger doses to calm me down. Had really bad depression and anxiety the last couple days. As much as they help me a lot I can't take them without feeling like a drooling moron. Today I wanted to do a couple practice exams online for my drivers education test and I "accidentaly" made a forex trading account from a crypto exchange pop up ad which is kinda hilarious imo. An hour later I get an email about an email confirmation for my new crypto account and then I remembered what I did. Can anybody relate? I know it's not a crazy story involving me waking up in a jail cell but I still think it's kinda funny that I did that without complete knowledge of doing it.

22:14 UTC


New meds work great

I take 1mg of clonazepam in the morning and adderall throughout the day and Xanax for sleep works amazing thank you doctor will

1 Comment
21:56 UTC


Not being able to get benzos making me suicidal

It’s such BS I’ve been trying and trying to get a script for kpins or xans like crazy and it’s getting really hard to find real ones on the street. I know someone who got offered kpins script and refused it and I would kill for one so it just makes me so mad. Maybe cuz I’m on methadone I can’t get a script but I don’t tell the doctors that. (IDK if they can tell I’m in Pennsylvania) but IK one guy at my clinic is prescribed kpins, and if I had to get off methadone to get the script I would in a heartbeat. Not being able to buy them on the street tho or get a script is just making me wish I wasn’t here anymore

21:24 UTC


discussion abt benzos

so look i like dph and ive been thru all this trouble my parents thinking im depressed wtv right so they take me to a mental place and i get prescribed some benzos i forgot what it’s called i think it starts with a R. Pretty good idea right give the kid who struggles with drugs some benzos like i wont abuse them. idk who knows abt benzos im trying to see which ones will have u feeling good and what is like a waste. so ranking them basically for non anxiety purposes

20:37 UTC


Phenazolam/clobromazolam isn’t that bad

First of all, I don’t use benzos a lot I used to just take bromazolam 3 times a week and just get all my shit done when I’m on it because I’m not all anxious. But my guy started getting phenazloam instead and I was hearing a lot of bad shit about it. It’s definitely stronger and lasts a while I dosed once and I was relaxed for 2 days. It puts me in a very good mindset almost like mdma mindset where everything seems ok. My question is how often can I take these would 2 or 3 times a week be fine with no redose? Obviously not in a row

1 Comment
19:58 UTC


Safe to sleep?

I've been popping 8mg xan since 2pm it's now 7pm can I take another bar around 10 and sleep at 1-2am. no tolerance btw but I ain't even mad sedated

19:26 UTC


Clonazepam .50mg and withdrawals

I have been taking Clonazepam .50mg for years and can go days between needing (due to anxiety) to take one or two but I usually use up my full allotted amount. Is this normal? I don't ever get any withdrawal symptoms and often have lots left over when it's time to refill. i get 42/month. I keep hearing about withdrawal symptoms but I've never had any. Am I just a freak of nature or is this just too low of a dose to matter much?

19:05 UTC


0.25 clonazepam & rum/weed

i feel pretty slow and sleepy, i can tell im more fucked up than i think and that sort of scares me lol. low dose on the kpins but now i see how this can easily go very wrong. unfortunately i have hit my toe 5 times today:(

1 Comment
17:38 UTC


What is your favorite benzo and why?

I only took valium and xanax, have quite different effects. I'm curious how it could be with the others.

17:21 UTC


I have some bromazepam, how do I take it?

I just want to chat with someone without anxiety. Just experimenting and see how I behave. I want a low dosage, not enough to make me say anything dumb. Maybe flirty? I don't know. All my experiences with benzos were null due to no memory or lessons being neurologically wired.

I have 7mg. Which level to be coherent, functional and relaxed?

site note; Yesterday I took NE (delorazepam) like 3mg and it did fuck all, made me nauseous which ironically made me anxious...

16:43 UTC


All worries gone

Took a bit of a benzo break then decided to take 3.5mg Alpazoram and I just feel amazing . Was having such a stressful week with exams soon and I’ve felt really ill with the flu and now none of that matters . I also feel pretty productive so gonna be studying for finals with this relaxed mindset it’s great. Won’t go over the 3.5mg as i know it’s a really heavy dose for little tolerance

16:03 UTC


Lorazepam tolerance PRN?

Hey yall,

I take lorazepam off and on maybe once or twice a week. This has gone up ever since I had a series of intense panic attacks a year ago. I’m not feeling any tolerance building, but I have an overseas flight coming up and I need those pills to work the whole time. Has anyone had experience with building tolerance even while not taking them 24/7? Kinda anxious now that I should avoid taking them as much as possible.

1 Comment
15:22 UTC


How do I convince my Dr I need a Stimulate Script while being on klonopin since 2018?

Im prescribed Klonopin 0.5mg - 0.5mg

Never have had any problems. Everything has always been really good. And sometimes I don’t take them every day. So I have plenty of extra to the side.

Yesterday I did a online appointment for ADHD and talk to another psychiatrist doctor about it and told her the truth about everything and how I’m confused how this Strattera is still not working she told me that she definitely sees high levels of ADHD in me but it gets weird with insurance or something if there are two drs involved scripting controlled substances it’s sketch and because of a new law I have to go in person to get diagnosed. (Oregon USA)

My one psychiatrist that I have been seeing since 2018 doesn’t want me to be on an upper and downer. I haven’t seen him in person since 2019 so I’m thinking when Covid I think he got lazy and only wanted to start doing online calls because I have not seen him in person since

It doesn’t make sense though because I’ve talked to other doctors and have talked to other friends that are prescribed both Xanax and Adderall. (Or just a stimulate and benzo)

I’m thinking of when I have my appointment at 10:45 AM of telling him that I didn’t realize that it takes six weeks for Strattera to start working, but I swear I’ve been on it for the last eight weeks and it’s just not the same as when I take one of my friends blue 10 mg addys and go about my day.

So maybe it’s time to just search doctors and go with the nice lady. I talk to on the Zoom call for ADHD? I feel like she would prescribe me a low dosage of a stimulant and let me keep my Klonopin prescription. So I’m basically gonna tell my psychiatrist if I can’t get a stimulant and then I’m gonna be moving onto to the next Dr. lol

What are y’all thoughts?

14:05 UTC


Yo yo yo

My plug is still there.i was in hospital with broken bones and he is still on the ball with me.i will have a landing soon as I'm settled. bring on the upvotes for real plugs.sorry I can't name him.you should know by now .rules.if folk are losing.and I know 1 lad right now in hospital from buying off wrong person.should have 6 ways to verify 6

11:17 UTC


What was your experience with flunitrazepam?

I'm thinking about trying it, but idk

06:08 UTC


if i take 1.5mg lorazepam 2x a day from monday to friday, then stop taking it after friday, will I be expecting withdrawals / seizures?


05:56 UTC


What benzo helps you best for sleep?

Which benzo if any helps you sleep?

05:06 UTC


Lorazepam depressed me?

I’ve been taking klonopin for years for anxiety, but because of a shortage my doctor added some Ativan in. I’ve been getting more and more depressed in the two weeks I’ve been taking it.

Clonazepam doesn’t depress me.

Is this possible? I don’t want to take it anymore I still have some Clonazepam and I can get klonopin drops from my doctor when I see him.

Am I reading too much into it? Nothing makes me feel good anymore, not music, exercise, games.

04:20 UTC

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