
Photograph via snooOG

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For the discussion of everything Air Traffic Control related worldwide. Current, Past, and Future air traffic controllers from anywhere in the world are welcome--as well as pilots and anyone else who is curious about ATC.

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Related subreddits and websites:

r/2152 - Controller-only ATC sub (requires verification)



r/NATCA Verified Members

r/Flight Sim

r/Aviation Pics

Pointsixtyfive US ATC hiring FAQ - Start here with your questions about US hiring

StuckMic - ATC-related discussion forum

123atc.com - Website with information about US ATC facilities

AvCanada Forum - Discussion board with NavCanada hiring information

ATC References:

JO 7110.65 - US ATC Procedures

JO 3120.4 - US ATC Training Order

MATS Part 1 - UK ATC Procedures

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44,061 Subscribers


Advice on the Stage 3 Assessment for NATS

I understand that this sub is home to controller's from all across the globe, but could any UK Controller's give me some advice on what to expect from the NATS Stage 3 Assessment? I've been invited to attend the virtual assessment and the recruiters have given me a 30 page booklet to memorize but what kind of question could come up?

I'd appreciate ay advice you guys could give.

21:29 UTC


Aircraft type decoder ring?

This can be filed under trivia that a pilot wonders about. I get that C172s and PA28s are probably every other target (or soon to be target). Though if you've not seen one in a while and a VFR Piper Tri-Pacer or an Aerostar shows up, how do get to the ICAO aircraft type? If you need to issue a traffic advisory and the data block shows C210, how do you get to "12 o'clock, 2 miles, Centurian," as opposed to "... Cessna?" Business jets and experimentals seem particularly messy. Is it just time and exposure?

20:42 UTC


Saw a staffing tigger earlier and was wondering what happens when that occurs and what triggers it? How does it affect controllers and what happens to the different areas? Also how does it affect management and the ATMs/ATCSCC?

18:07 UTC


Pilot question about route change/clearance limit.

Hi everyone. I had something that had been bugging me for years and I thought you guys might have some input.

I was flying a T-route up the east coast of Florida on an IFR plan. Orlando approach told me cleared direct MLB VOR. Now, MLB wasn’t my destination and it also wasn’t on my flight plan, even though it is very close to the airway.

My understanding was that MLB was my new clearance limit, and I would have to hold there until a new clearance limit was assigned. Basically I couldn’t just re-enter the airway/my original routing even though I was less than half a mile away. I ended up asking a different controller once I was closer to MLB and he just cleared me to my destination instead. He was a little confused though so I thought there may have been a misunderstanding.

Did the original approach controller make a mistake here? If I didn’t ask, I don’t think I would’ve been cleared further, but I also think I would’ve been scolded if I randomly entered a hold. Some other pilots I talked to said they would just continue the original routing because it was so close. Florida approach controllers are some of the best in the industry so I’m not upset or anything, just curious on some clarification. Thanks you.

16:35 UTC


Newark Move loss of separation

Here is one of many close calls that has been happening at the borders of the LGA/EWR airspace. Confusion with a VFR Hudson River exclusion causing ATC to stop IFR descent which violates LGA airspace causing a TCAS event to the LGA aircraft. Controller too busy to find the line and call over what’s happening.

Previously this was an easy shout behind the EWR arrival controller to let LGA sector know what happened.

This is not the first loss of separation since the move. FAA continues to blame all delays on weather and winds as they ramp up the arrival rate without concern for safety and the flying public.


16:01 UTC



I just had imo the dumbest argument I've ever had with some coworkers. If you LUAW and aircraft because you have someone crossing at an intersection do you say traffic?

I.e. (CALLSIGN) (RUNWAY) line up and wait traffic (Aircraft Type) crossing at (intersection)

The two people arguing had two different reasons to not...

It's clearly visible (which .65 only states that for arriving or departing acft..)

It's not in the air so it's not traffic??? Which to me was a wild argument.

14:39 UTC


1/2 on the go and 1/2 when you certify?

Is it that simple? Does the second raise match the first? Or do you just go to the bottom of the band?

Say I got $15,000 to move to my new facility, when I certify do I just get another $15,000 or do I go to the bottom of the band and only get a $9,000 raise

05:02 UTC


Cleared direct vs proceed direct

Are there any other radar controllers who tell ifr aircraft off the sid/star/or routing to proceed direct (fix/waypoint/navaid) and resume own navigation or is it pretty standard practiced to say cleared direct (fix/waypoint/navaid)??? I use to be at a level 12 and used that 1st phraseology for 6 or 7 years. I very recently just started training at a lower level facility and a couple of instructors in the sims so far have told me that 1st phraseology is incorrect. I know resume own nav is mostly for vfr but ive said to ifr aircaft for years with no issue when putting them back on their route. Just looking for some opinions and wondering how I could go so long with improper phraseology without ever being told.

23:55 UTC


Hearing issues?

How many of you old retired types use hearing aids? Tinnitus?

20:28 UTC


Can a CTI grad get hired at a contract tower?

Title pretty much says it all, I graduated from a cti school recently before the new "enhanced" programs were added, applied for the faa and scored qualified on the ATSA but unfortunately was not hired on. There's a federal contract tower nearby I was thinking of working at but I don't know if I am able to or not. I have passed the CTO exam however I'm obviously not fully certified, but I did graduate successfully from a CTI school. Sorry for the wall of text, situation is complicated and I normally don't post on reddit, but I'm a little desperate.

18:25 UTC


Tech Ops

I had asked a question recently about losing my medical and got great feedback/advice so I figured I could hit you guys with another question.

I know that, if you lose your medical permanently, there’s the possibility of being offered another job within the agency. From what I’ve seen it’s usually something in staff support, but as I’ll not meet the requirement of CPC for 52 weeks, that’s out for me.

That’s all being said, I know tech ops is hurting like everywhere else. And I know they’re looking for people at my facility, saving me a move which would be ideal. What are the odds of being able to slide into that job if I lose my medical? Is that something HR could offer, or do I need to apply and do the whole process through USAJOBS? Has anyone made the jump from ATC to tech ops and can provide feedback?

18:44 UTC


Edmonton candidates

Has anyone received an invitation for FEAST test yet? I saw that it is being hosted in September, but have not received an invitation yet.

Just waiting after passing the initial online assessment.

Let us share the progress for mutual benefit :)

1 Comment
17:25 UTC


Who else applied in early July and passed but hasn’t gotten the feast invite?

I think I didn’t make the cut since they just posted another posting for the same position like 3 days ago…

16:11 UTC


What is good score on Eurocontrol?

I know there is non definite answer to this since it is relative to other candidates. But in general, what score or timeline should I expect to be safe?

I did my practice exams, and the results means nothing to me right now since I have no idea what standards would be like 😭

I’m in Edmonton. would anyone be interested in sharing results?

13:58 UTC


Mackay ATC


Does anyone work or have worked at the Mackay tower in Queensland. Just curious as to shift hours and times, days off etc. Not going to get ahead of myself but am keen on applying and if successful, would try to gain a position there.


1 Comment
06:06 UTC


Sup Job

Why do people always say it’s so easy to get leave as a sup?

04:06 UTC


NATs Assessment Centre(Interview)

Hi all,

About a year ago I applied to the trainee atco position at nats and made it to the final stage of the screening being the assessment centre. The online tests went really well as far as I can tell and there didn't seem to be any additional testing that would get you screened at the assessment centre. I asked for feedback on the group task and interview and this is what I got:

In the interview you came across as a very confident and driven individual who is extremely keen on self-learning. We would recommend using the STAR method to help structure your answers to avoid going off topic and base your answers on practice and appose to theory.

In the group discussion, again you were very confident and tried to encourage others to contribute to the discussion. You were a very persuasive member of the group and held a good discussion. We do not have any constructive points for the group discussion.

Back to my monologue. The group discussion seemed to go really well and the lack of constructive feedback seems to support my conclusion.

I dropped out of university for reasons I won't get into on Reddit but I went to a top 5 uni for a difficult degree. This has left me in the awkward position having done 2 years in uni with no degree so I lack job experience and the advantage of a degree. Nats and air traffic control is an avenue I've looked at to get my life back on track and I think I'd be a good suit for the job.

All this being said it does leave me struggling in an interview something that I'm already not the best at. So I'm looking to you guys for an examples of things you talked about or answers for interviews, as well as anything that could help prepare for an interview(studying interviewing/good experience)

Thanks in advance for all the help

00:48 UTC


How likely to get top 3 on your list? (Experienced Bid)

When you get your list for the Experience Bid, how likely are you to get one of your top 3 preferences?

I'm well into the process and I'm expecting my list soon. Thank you!

15:09 UTC


Recent timeline experiences for priors?

I’m a prior experience bid, received verbal clearance on 08/12 that I was good to go and waiting on my facility list. How long has it taken people to get a list through after being cleared? Can anyone share recent experiences? I got offered an immediate placement a few days ago, but sadly after finding out more details it’s not an appropriate choice for me and my family.

HR will give me zero details and just push me off the phone. We are working on a really tight deadline for family reasons and are trying to figure out contingency plans. Doesn’t help when HR will give us nothing to work with and we have nothing but unknowns.

(Have just posted this in ATC hiring too)

15:33 UTC


Question Regarding ATC Career Path

My son has been looking at a career as an ATC. He is considering joining the Air Force and learning it there first.

Does this improve his chances of being selected by NAV Canada after leaving the Armed Forces? Are the systems and the majority of the knowledgable transferable?

It sounds like NAV Canada is actively hiring. I’m wondering if after 2-3 years of military experience would be a better option vs applying right now.

For background he is a recent high school graduate.

11:30 UTC


Question from an aviation noob

I live near a major airport and usually the planes take off and land facing west. Depending on the weather they may switch to taking off/landing facing east. When the decision is made to switch from west to east departures/landing, how do the controllers handle the planes already in the air and ready to land?

08:38 UTC


vTERM Releasedi

Hey everyone,

Posted here several months ago with some previews of a terminal ATC simulator i’ve been working on. It was officially released on Steam as of today, and i’d like to thank all of those who participated in the testing phase or just followed along with the project. I work as a controller myself, and getting this out was a lot of work managing with my schedule plus the burnout of working on ATC related stuff outside of work. Software development being a strong hobby kind of took over and allowed me to really focus on it. It’s available for $13.99 on Steam, feel free to take a look at the screenshots/videos and let me know what you think of it, or try it out for yourself! Big plans are already in place for the future, i’ll be working on a roadmap will all the planned improvements/features that I plan to implement over time.


01:27 UTC


Verbal offer

I was able to secure a verbal offer for CAE. In the email they said that it'll take 3 days for them to send me the offer and for me to see it in work day. It's been over a week now and I still haven't seen any update regarding it. I did contact them after the third day. Regarding the timeline, and they said it'll take longer than usual. So my question is on average, how long does it take for someone to actually see their offer show up on work day?

I'm not really worried but I'm just kind of curious on how long I would have to wait plus I like to get all my background check medical completed as soon as possible

00:51 UTC


NavCanada questions

I know there's some similar questions already in this group but looking for some realistic expectations Earnings-wise

Context - in sales right now, really want to get into a stable longterm career and settle down, have more kids etc.

By the end of 2025 I will be 4 yrs between 160k - 220k income (assuming if I apply now I'll be starting training in around 1.5 yrs )

Realistically how many yrs before I make it back to around 175k + per yr ?

Year 1 - 54k training Year 2 - 54k training Year 3 - 95k ? Year 4 - ??? Year 5 - ???

18:26 UTC


Cancel takeoff clearance

Airplane aborts takeoff. Do you say cancel takeoff clearance and taxi clear? Or just Roger and give turn off instructions?

17:10 UTC


CFS 2025 date?

Im trying to replan my 2025 leave, and don’t want to plan on a date that will be blocked off.

Does anyone know what the CFS 2025 date will be?

13:33 UTC


I play ATC livestreams to calm down.

That’s basically it. I don’t know much about ATC except that it seems like a tough job and I respect all the people who have it as a career. But for some reason, watching/listening to ATC livestreams just calms me down. It’s nice.

Anyways, again, respect to all ATC workers. Can’t imagine how stressful the job must be, especially when there are lives on the line.

05:57 UTC


Options for ATCs for higher studies to further career

ATC with a work ex of 3.5 years. I want to leave ATC. Q 1. What are my options for higher studies in a similar field? I have heard about ENAC and TSB but unsure about career prospects. Or are there better options in countries like USA/Canada? Q 2. Can anyone enlighten me on the prospects of joining SERCO as an ATC as it’s the only option out of India that allows non citizens. I am based in India.

05:43 UTC

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