Dedicated to The Warner Brothers (and Warner Sister).
Discussions regarding the Warner Brothers and their Warner Sister, Dot.
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Apollo app Thank you spez for making mods jobs harder and Reddit a worse place, you vertically-impaired pre-adult
If they for some reason did a reboot reboot (i hope they do) and hired you to write it, how would it be?
I don't know if any one will know but I've been trying to look for this cartoon for so long and maybe only older people will know I'm young but watched old stuff when I was a kid. The cartoon was old and it was about a little girl and her little dog trying to enter a competition and for some reason wasn't allowed I don't remember why. Anyway I forgot what happens in between but at the end she wins the competition and her dog is inside the trophy licking her. If you know what I'm talking about please let me know.
i made this video
So, there’s this frame where a woman is wearing a lampshade looking thing on her head, I don’t know what it is, but I’m curious about it, it looks like a veil, but I’m unsure what it is, this is only in one frame, and the episode is still good, but I’m curious.
they warners walk into some sort of store
they have fanart or some image of them in anime style
wakko says 'they gave me a massive- and is swiftly cut of by yakko
please i told my friend about it and i need to send the clip so they dont think i made it up
Its not on yt
A Yak Person that talks Spanish in an aggressive way.
esteba entero piola echandome un pajuelin en la casa de mi polola y de repente moqueo y desintegro la muralla con la pulenta moquia y dijo oy conchetumare que voy a con la muralla mo que hay como los giles y la una se bajo los pantalones y saco el pedazo de yuca y dije conchetumare era un trabuco mandamos la media pelea de tulas la cual yo sali ganador y para celebrar mande un tulazl al piso por lo que destruí el espacio-tiempo y se me cayo el pico y dije conchetumare ya no tengo tula asi que fui a invocar a satan le dije oye aweonao devuelveme la tula o te saco la chucha y dijo ya bueno pero me tiene que ganar en una pelea y yo dije ya posa que lame a escopeta y le mande los mios tunas o xd dijo ya bueno toma tu tula y andate a la concha de tu madre pero lo que paso es que me dio la tula mas poderosa del universo asi que mande un trazo giratorio lo cual se pite o la realidad por completo asi que me pique dije a la concha de tu madre no hago ni una web mas me fui a la casa
I don't know which one to pick!!! They're all expensive, and I'm worried about how soft they are 🥺
Are there any cultural realities in the animated series Animaniacs?
Which characters would you spend the rest of your life living with if you absolutely had to?
There was a cartoon where it was like a street talking deer who says something "My mama didn't raise no fool" It wasn't Bumbie's Mother.. this has been bugging me for years lol ..that and Slappy singing "now that's comedy!" lol