
Photograph via snooOG


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Last year I was assaulted by my foster mom’s boyfriend who is a police officer, who has been lying about the entire thing. Now I’m homeless and struggling to finish my last semester and I have no idea how to move forward in life after this.

My foster mother(who is a nurse), had been cheating on my foster father long before I was fostered. They have three biological children. 1 of their kids my foster dad is the stepfather of, the other two are both of their biological kids. All of the ‘kids’ are adults. My foster father moved from Wisconsin to Texas after getting divorced. I watched him buy food for her everyday even though it would sit in the fridge for days because she was rarely home. The first time my youngest brother met Brian G. Brown(police officer who assaulted me), he told him that the ‘friend’ his mom was always staying with was him. I found this in appropriate but not worth saying anything over. Soon after the divorce, like one or two months, my foster mom moved into the house and brought Brian with her. Very quickly Brian made it clear he wanted to run things. What I mean by that is he stated when my girlfriend and I leave for a travel contract he would turn my room into his workout room. That didn’t happen and he was pissed but let it go. At the time My two younger brothers moved to Texas to live with their father. That didn’t last long, my foster father has two conditions for being an adult in his house. 1:Go to school or 2: go to work. Both younger brothers are extremely lazy and one is a liar, manipulator and thief, all wrapped into one person. Naturally shortly after, they move back to Wisconsin to live with us so they could take advantage of Julie because she let them do as they please. While I was attending school, and she knew I had no money plus lots of debt, she charged me $500 a month for rent. She buys my older brother groceries, said she’d charge her other sons rent, but when they came back, switched up and said now no one has to pay rent, she lied to give my room to her biological son and tried to sell me the house for 50 Thousand dollars more than what she’s offering to her oldest son. After moving into a smaller room, Brian was even more upset because my original room was supposed to be his ‘work out room’ and the small room I was moved into he was planning on turning into his ‘home office’. My youngest brother slept on the couch in the living room. The energy and way Brian carried himself was totally different than when we first met. There’s so much I want to say but this is already so long I’ll wrap it up and just say they’ve done horrible things than I don’t feel like typing atm. One day I had to go to the basement to grab a large dish. I was loud coming up the stairs, which really pissed Brian off. He charged out his room yelling, “who’s making all that noise coming up the stairs, was it you?!”. Literally the only other person in the kitchen was my girlfriend and he was so close to my face I could feel his breath on my nose. I was shocked he was being aggressive and it just seemed so confusing so I said, “yeah..?”, all quiet and confused. He was still irate and asked me “What for??”, to which I replied, “hunh?”. I was legitimately confused why he was being like that with me, and after asking me “what for ??”, agressively and in my face for the second time I replied, “Who are you? Don’t talk to me like that.” And turned my back on him. When I turned my back he yelled that I’m ’outta here’ and grabbed me from behind and threw me to his right, which was into a kitchen island and the stools around it. I was on the ground after trying to get up and he grabbed me again but threw me to his left into the kitchen wall before I could get up so I was on the ground again. I screamed don’t touch me the third time. I could face him now because my back was on the floor and not facing him so when he reached down to grab me and throw me again, I grabbed one of his arms and yanked my self up while driving him back into a wall. He reached out and wrapped his hand around my throat. When his hand was around my throat stopped pinning him to the wall, grabbed the arm he was choking me with and spun him around and shoved him through the bathroom doorway which was right next to us. After I pushed him it looked like he was going to fall so I backed off and tried to walk away because he’s 50 years old. Dude doesn’t fall and runs up and attacks me again! Long story short, cops come and he lies and says that I choked him. There’s a law in Wisconsin that is you choke someone you automatically are the ‘aggressor’ somehow. I was arrested, issued a no contact and am going through a deferred prosecution agreement because I was told it would keep this charge off my record. I never once choked him and I vividly remember that night. Now my foster mother who was at work is lying for him and protecting him because her oldest son and I were friends and teammates in high school. I have so many screenshots I want to share but I’d have to take the time to scribble names out. I will share them at some point I just don’t know how or where I should considering the career path I have chosen is all about reputation. Anyway I’m homeless now, and trying to go to school and do things like community service for this differed prosecution agreement. I’m being forced to write an apology and an essay as well. It makes me sick having to apologize. I’ll share the apology and essay here so you guys can see what I said. I’ve been warned the essay and apology might not get accepted by the DA and I’m risking getting charged because of what I said in them. I don’t care anymore though. I’m so tired and drained. I’ve been abused nearly my whole life in worse ways than this, but this time/situation is the most pivotal time for this to be happening. My associates will be in real estate and by nature of the charge I cannot work in homes with a domestic charge. Literally all my hard work, effort and energy putting myself through college and surviving in general, could all be wasted and I have no one to root for me or help me through this so ig I’ll just vent here into the void. Idk there’s still a lot left to be said about this situation. I think I’ll leave it at, I’m tired of enduring. I really, really tired. I want to be a good person and help people, but I feel like I’m too jaded with people. I want to give, but I’ve never gotten. I’m afraid to grow old, and the worst parts of my life are all I can remember. I’ve experienced many sexual, verbal, psychological, and physical assaults perpetrated against me before I was even in 8th grade. I don’t even know how or why I’m alive, and I never thought I’d make it to 21 years old. To be dealing with this now.. it hurts bad. The story has more layers but this is all I have the capacity to share right now. I hope god judges you Brain G. Brown and Julie Dlugi. One is a police officer who would brag about how he’d used pain to get patients at the VA to comply when he worked there. Despite their positions they are horrible people. I need out of this state and out of this life.

19:40 UTC


Is paying for sex good or bad too much money for it to play and go

I am going for it next month hope I find someone good I can play with in NYC only

23:48 UTC


Angry at being mislabeled

I am so angry and don’t want to waste any of my personal acquaintances’ time. I have to vent somewhere and found this sub. I have a professional healthcare specialty license that took years of education to earn. I have a Bachelor’s degree and an additional Associates degree. I keep getting people mix me up with technician roles. I am so frustrated with having to constantly educate them as to my credentials and qualifications. It is maddening.

01:34 UTC


Just fucking abgry

Im straying with Momzilla for awhile because I was threatened with vile crap. To the point of having to go to police. And, she doesn't seem to grab the fact I'm fucking terrified. I have legitimate PTSD. Combired with the PSTD IM still suffering from being a survivor of attempted murder 3 years ago. Not mention ta dude broken into my apartment several months ago and raped me. She just doesn't get it. Her response is “you think you have PTSD? Look at my life.” Her life never included. Attempted murder, rape, burgerly, threats against her family & cat, living in abject fear & terrified to leave her apartment.

So fuck her.

18:47 UTC


Angry at everything recently

Hi everyone this is my first post on here. Recently I’ve been just so angry. Back in January my mom got on my nerves and she basically locked me out of the house and idk I got so mad I smashed my phone on the concrete and the screen is fucked up now, it’s all cracked. Last week same thing happened my mom said something to me and I got up after dinner and smashed my glass plate and glass cup into the sink and it shattered everywhere. I’ve never been super aggressive like this like I started punching my walls and I don’t want to feel like this anymore. I am a mad person but I’ve never been aggressive like this. I recently started smoking weed again so that might be it but besides quitting smoking how else can I fix this? I’m tired of scaring everyone around me I feel like a disappointment

09:23 UTC


I'm tired of this clusterfuck life. Having weird thoughts.

I (28M) am tired of living like this. It's continous anxiety and mental torture. Ever since I was a child everyone thought that I am going to shine really bright and I do (I think). I am really good at what I do which digital marketing and branding. I have scaled startups and mid sized companies and even worked with a few Fortune 500s. Mostly from US and Canada. I am from Karachi, Pakistan though. I have worked with over 100+ clients now. I am employed at a reputable company and work with their US clientele. I got married last year and I am in terrible situation since that time.

The society I come from, you have to spend a lot on weddings. Trying to ,make my parents happy I broke myself. We always lived in a rented house but now I had to get a bigger one for the wedding. The whole wedding completely broke me. Loan sharks are after me and everyday I am just struggling with anxiety and depression due to this. I have tried taking my life thrice but couldn't because my parents don't have anyone else. I took out a loan from the bank to get rid of other but it pushed me deep into the rabbit hole. Now I have more debt (total: $15,000) a bad credit history, and a lot of people calling me everyday threatening to harm mea d my reputation. I have been trying to get work online but no luck maybe because I am too stressed to just consistently look for it.

I am not asking for money here. Just wanted to vent because no one knows about this not even my wife. I have been bottling this up for quite a while now. Ask me anything I'd be happy to answer and distract myself.

Also, if you're willing to take me out of this I'd be gladly working for you in exchange (branding, social media, seo, Google ads, web/app development, etc) so it's paid off right away.

05:13 UTC


England wants to make sleeping rough illegal

Where the f*¢k are they supposed to sleep?

1 Comment
17:16 UTC


I used to be so angry and I thought it was because I was cheated on...

Getting cheated on made me realize how angry I really was inside about other things that happened to me in the past. I had to look at the entire picture and not that "this person did this to me" rather what are the deeper reasons I am so hurt because of this. It all came down to a lack of self-love. What does anger regarding cheating look like to you?

16:23 UTC


I hate how stupid people can be

I’m not saying I’m the sharpest tool in the shed, but so many people seem to lack so much common sense it’s insane. How can I stop thinking like this ? I’ve seen to grow impatient with people

21:55 UTC


Being holed up leaves me alone with my thoughts

= Huge anger. My friends are all off doing god knows what, I’m here with no life, my step brother is as useful as a rock- I mean, who the hell forgets three days in a row to wash the dishes? I asked him to do it specifically. Yesterday, he told me in the afternoon to say if I need him to wash the dishes, he’ll do it. Guess what. Asshole didn’t do it. No one does it. No one oh my god I feel like tearing my hair out right now, it makes me so mad Right now I’m fuming as I’m making the rice and noticing the clutter of dirty ass dishes in the sink again. It’s always me or my mom, but since my mom and dad always works, it’s usually me. and to accompany this, I’ve been having wicked sniffles or something. I sniffle one, and my chest feels so tight that I had have to sniffle 10 times before I feel as strained as a spring ready to jump or I lose my breath, and I have to let out a huge gasp for air It’s so dumb, why can’t it go away, why is google so absolutely dumb? Why can't I figure out a way to stop it that doesn't include me going into the ER or having some over the counter medicine with some strange name I can't pronounce?? My anger management has always been poor in the past, but I feel like just being alone brings it out, and it doesn't help stupid crap like this is in the way. It's probably not even their faults. It's just my problems that's messing with me, and that sucks.

20:42 UTC


Girls are Selfish!!!

Bro! I loved a girl, but she never talked to me bcoz I didn't has father so she thinks. She thnks "I don't have any future" currently she is in a relationship with one of my close friend and formed a group who always try to create bad things around me, whenever they see me. Without any wrong intention i'm getting bad treatment from them. Girls just don't care they do what they like doesn't think of bad situations they are creating to others and then talks about KARMA😶😶😶.

17:09 UTC


Divorcing a narcissistic turd that belongs at the bottom of my shoe....

I have been with this man 13 years of my life, married going on 8 years, walked out at 6 year mark. I just can't do it anymore, refuse to deal with it any more. I am so much happier when I am on my own now, I am healthier. I am so burned out I am extremely happy to be single by choice at this point. No one for me is worth changing my lifestyle. I handle my business, do what I need to do and no one to answer to other than my kids. Finally my business is doing better, health is doing better, life is doing better, kids are doing better.

Leaving it was a disaster it took me 3 years to finally leave him, 3 years to distance myself from the abuse I endured emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, sexually. The manipulation, the lies, the gaslighting, making me feel crazy, making sick. I AM FREE.... The only link is the one child we have in common and I am ready to fight for all because he is using my 7 year old , telling him shit he should not be telling to a 7 year old, telling him lies, brainwashing him. I am doing my own divorce, I am taking notes, going to the courts to meet the judges and see which judge is assigned to my case. I hope he doesn't show up for mediation. so i get everything. I don't want nothing from him except my kid. I left him with all material things the car, the house, everything inside the house. I just took my crap, my kids crap and I was out. Materials can be replaced.

16:22 UTC


"Just ignore her."


1 Comment
10:18 UTC


Mom's angry at kids

I love my kids, but this last one is a total fuckup. I own no TV because he brakes them. I bought a projector fucker breaks it. I bought a radio fuckers breaks it. So now no TV, no projector, no computers, no electronics because this little shit is a fucking manace. I am so angry.

17:39 UTC


I miss her

I miss my idiotic fucking ex and I hate myself for it. She said she would stop talking to me if she got into a relationship, but wouldn't stop talking to her previous ex while we were in a relationship. It's mind blowing. It pissed me off immediately, and it made it worse that she tried to deflect it and said I was talking to my ex at the time. Anytime I talked to my ex I told her about and I made sure she knew what the conversation was. Mind you I wouldn't even had a problem with her talking to the dude if she wasn't being sneaky and making a big deal about it, I don't care about shit like that, but she did and so that made me care too I guess. I don't know. All of that being said I accepted what she said and was okay with it, if she would stop talking to me that's fine, oh well, but she wanted to talk to me on the phone about it and I said I would prefer we messaged instead, because admittedly my mind wonders on the phone and I can't keep up with her fast talking. This made her mad some how which caused her to say she wouldn't talk to me because I wouldn't talk it out with her on the phone. Typing this out makes me feel insane, because why should I miss someone so clearly manipulative!?!

1 Comment
03:07 UTC


My life is hell, so fuck all of you

You may look at that title and think, "Oh, this huy needs clearing up!" Well how about this instead, what if I told you that you all are the reason I'm angry. My situation in a nutshell, I am not human. But you know what, I'm kinda happy with that. I am fucking done with all of you people sympathising with me, no one in this world is good, and don't even fucking try to convince me otherwise. Here's why I think this way, everyone in this world is a bully, and I am the only one to go against you hypocrites. Memes, pranking people who aren't fine with the footage of them being uploaded, name calling, etc. I hate it. But here's the kicker, no one ever tries to call them out, but when it happens to them they throw a hissy fit, what absolute bull shit. Oh, and if you take this shit that I'm spitting out the wrong way, try to see it another way. There's a bunch of things I also want to say but I don't give a fuck and I'm lazy, so I'll just say that I hate public sex, it makes me uncomfortable when I see it, it's also my last straw with humanity right now too, so don't try to fight me on that. None of you can be forgiven, infact, here's the kicker of a true fact, you can't even forgive yourselves; the people you bullied have now been affected and don't forgive you, so let it eat you whole until you choose to end it all.

19:49 UTC


She's The REAL Gold Digger

Over a decade ago, I began a relationship with my (now late) husband who was nearly 20 years older than me.

At first, being aware of the general opinion of partners with such an age gap, we tried telling ourselves it was just a fling, we weren't really serious, we'd get bored with each other soon. Both of us had been in relationships that had recently died and just chalked ours up to a rebound type thing on both ends.

It was not.

We found ourselves more and more drawn to each other and eventually made our relationship public...including to his adult children who aren't much younger than I am. To say his daughter was less than thrilled is an understatement.

While she was polite and courteous to my face, I found out she was going to him demanding he end the relationship and, more than once, expressed her opinion that I was after nothing more than the land that had been in their family for two generations. Since he was not a wealthy man, it had to be that, right?? He listened to her, but told her she had no right to demand he end the relationship and if she continued to make demands, she could see herself out and not come back.

When we decided to get married and announced our engagement to the family, his daughter went to him, again, and was more adamant that she KNEW I was a gold digger and would wait until he died and then turn around and sell the land for profit, leaving nothing for her or her brother and their kids. He, again, told her to either shut up or get out and stay out. She chose to shut up.

In the interest of keeping the peace between them and putting her fears to bed, we came up with an agreement (signed AFTER the wedding) that allowed me to continue to live in the home we shared for several years in the event of his death but have no claim the the property itself. This seemed to satisfy his daughter and she was much less vocal about her opinion of me.

Several years ago, he passed away and the clause came into effect.

Since then, his children contact me only to let me know if they're going to be coming around (Daughter moved out of state with her family, son recently moved closer) or if they need something from the property such as a piece of equipment stored here that I may need to move my vehicles to get to or help them access via padlock combinations.

Today, I was talking to another family member who lives nearby and was told that the kids (who inherited the land when my husband died) sold a historically significant portion of it a few months ago. I had no idea because no one told me anything about it.


They did exactly what she accused ME of wanting to do.

They did exactly what my husband did NOT WANT.

They've sold the historically significant portion of property the family bought two generations ago to some stranger who has NO connection to it and is going to build God knows what on it when all my husband EVER wanted for it was to have it continue to be undeveloped and untouched as a sort of nature preserve.

To be accused of being a gold digger for more than a decade and then have the person accusing you turn around and do the exact thing they accused you of wanting to do hurts.

To know that the ONLY reason I had to sign that paperwork was to guarantee the land would stay "in the family" and then have his kids do this.....I can't even describe the anger, hurt and emptiness I feel right now.

If my husband had been buried instead of cremated, I'm sure he'd be rolling in his grave right now. They did the exact thing he DID NOT WANT, yet still look at me like I'M the one who was after the land for its sales value.

I might be homeless next year, but at least the kids got their $1.2 MILLION right??????

It pisses me off even more when she keeps asking me for tax and insurance payments (totaling a little over 5K for two years that I cannot pay at this time due to disability and a lengthy unemployment) when I now know that they sold that property for over a million dollars to some out of town corporate #^%$&%*& who will probably end up putting some ugly ass house and ungodly pool on it.

I just can't.....this is bullshit.

Fuck that money hungry $%^^& AND her brother. FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Edited and re-posted because, even on a sub dedicated to venting your anger, you can't say what you REALLY mean or it gets removed. Ironic, no??

20:49 UTC


Just me venting my angry

My first language is not English so sorry for errors. I want want vent my angry that I have towards my parents. I am still a student living with my parents and just to be clear my parents are very good it's just that they really don't believe me or just don't understand stand me idk. they are always like tell me what your problem then I tell them my problem and they just tell me don't blames others for your problem or look at others students why can't you do or that. My parents don't look at people that for which I am smarter they always think I am the worst in my class(which is not ture I am average in studies) when ever I get good marks for example one time I got 72/80 in math in 7 or 8 grade idk remember clearly I was so happy because that was the first time when I got this good marks but the first thing my mother said was where did the 8 marks go. I known they want good for me by not praising me but after that incident (and many other like this) I decided to give up on trying to get good marks. Am I wrong to starting to hate them after hearing what my friends parents say to them when they get good or bad marks. And any advice how to give it my all after years of not putting any effort

15:26 UTC


Destroyed all of Lego police sets and broke some old childhood police toys f the police

As the title says I hate the police. Hate them with a burning passion. The slightest sight of them makes me angry. I hate them so much because all they do is harass and extort money from innocent citizens. I’m sick and tired of the corruptness it’s getting out of hand and needs to stop but At least it’s not as bad as countries like Mexico or Honduras. The police are not our friends we need to stop acting like they are. They will never change and will always be corrupt. I finally snapped and destroyed all of my Lego police sets probably not going to rebuild them I’m just going to throw them in the garbage or use them for parts.I even broke some of my old police toys from when I was a kid I don’t care if they’re broken I don’t want my kids to play with toys that represent corruptness since I was saving them for if had kids of my own but probably going to throw those in the garbage as well or burn them. Hate me all you want I don’t care I’m sick of acting like the police aren’t criminals themselves.

04:49 UTC


I feel like I'm about to burst

That's it

02:58 UTC


Facebook restricted me again

Really? I'm restricted for sarcastically asking, "I didn't know BTS had Filipino members?" And I got restricted for hate speech. But when I reported the guy constantly commenting the n word and the r word they said it didn't go against the community guidelines. Fuck you Mark Zuckerberg. Fix your stupid website.

10:28 UTC



I was simply sitting down, and the next thing I know a shirt of mine falls down and knocks over a milkshake I had. It busted open the cup and leaked all over my room when I threw it away. Now, my room is sticky and wet. I'm gonna find you, Newton. You too gravity, Fսck you too

1 Comment
23:15 UTC


I will be back soon

pretty soon my main will be back, you will regret crossing me, all degenerates will regret crossing me.

11:45 UTC


whack your ex game

i am feeling very angry at one of my friends right now, and I couldn't focus on my studies. it doesn't really help that i took coffee right before, and I'm angry, can't focus, and extra hyper...

then for some reason i suddenly remember the "whack your ex" type of game and played it for a while, and now i feel better <3

15:17 UTC


How to deal with this type of anger?

My wife's sister recently got married. I get along just about OK with her and her husband . On my wife insisting we gave a fairly big cash gift for wedding. It's an amount we could afford still I'm extremely angry that we had to give such a big cash gift. It was a non negotiable as wife's emotions were involved.

I know its already done but I can't come to terms with it .

21:09 UTC


For the first time, I don't know how to deal with anger

I am rarely angry and learned it's because I've got no boundaries. Learning and sometimes I do feel things now, and let it be there, even get a bit angry sometimes. But there's this thing I can't seem to deal with. Read a lot of posts and wanted to vent. Maybe someone has tips 🤔❓

Someone I've seen as close family (not by blood) for 12 years shut me out. I don't even know why. I know she's had a rough childhood and I know she's a narcissist. But I thought we could talk about anything. I don't even know what happened, I did get really close with her daughter (I was already, but she doesn't always want contact with her mother)

Anyway, I know it's better this way I know it saves me energy, and pain, and I was always there for them and it's better for me like this Still I'm so angry and don't know how to let it go

Tips I read are about outlets (I liked boxing and running but an chronically ill and can't do those things anymore) Or talking it over, which I can't cause I'm shut out Thinking about what I did wrong, trying to see the other person's perspective, and understanding my anger, but that's just it. If it's so bad that we can't talk about it, and they can't tell me they don't want contact anymore, after going through everything together the past 12 years, I don't get how I can be ok with that.

15:57 UTC


My anger is immense and I don’t know what to do right now.

My anger is immense and I don’t know what to do right now. My parents own restaurant and I work as waitstaff. My sister and our coworker were working today. I will call our coworker Paige. Paige was at the kiosk taking an order for these two customers as a waiting order. We’ll call them cA and cB. The customer’s card declines due to insufficient funds. So, they start asking Paige how much did she charge for the food and Paige goes on to explain. The cA began to get rude with her and spilt the bill between card and cash. Paige goes back to packing orders while the two customers wait. Their order was a fried rice with chicken, add shrimp. They were telling the kitchen to make sure the fried rice had shrimp and them started getting upset with the amount of shrimp in the dish. My brother, one of the cooks, goes to the front counter to explain to them about costs because the way we do it here is that if shrimp is added as a secondary meat, you will get some shrimp. However, if shrimp is the primary meat, it would be charged differently. The cA starts getting upset and starts being rude to him, cussing at him and calling him mentally slow and continued to cuss him out. cA turns to her friend, cB, and laughs with her. My brother, unphased, said that cA was entitled and rude which made the cA more rude. My sister was on the phone for the majority of this, putting in an order and hangs up when my parents come out of the back room, they work in the back primarily, to see what’s happening. The cA got loud and boisterous, complaining to my parents that the staff is slow and complained about the food. My parents back up my brother, saying that what he is saying is correct. The cA starts getting more mad, calling the cooks mentally slow, calling Paige mentally slow for not doing math quickly enough and my sister, tired of this, packs up their food quickly so they could end the encounter. At this point, all the staff start are at the counter and my sister tells the two, firmly, to leave. cA flips my sister off telling her to listen to our dad before she, and I quote, “karate chops her ass” (we are an Asian family) and tells her to shut the f up. They stood by the door and continue to hurl insults and cussing at them. cA then decides to grab a dine in table utensil bucket from the table and took it with them outside. My mother was shouting to get everything on camera. My brother and my father run outside with their phone as my sister shouts to get the license plate number to their car. cA and cB are on camera, they get the license plate and cA tosses the utensil bucket back. They drive away quickly and my father calls the police. My father and Paige talk to the police about the whole thing. The police said that if they return, call the police.

Now I’m angry because that is my parents’ establishment. That is my brother, my sister, my coworkers that you are messing with. Do not mess with my goddamn family. And what makes me more angry is that the customers are probably not going to come back so nothing is going to happen. They won’t get arrested if they don’t come back. I am so angry. I am so livid.

1 Comment
04:16 UTC




05:53 UTC


I HATE Spongebob memes

I am seriously tired of seeing Spongebob being used as meme material, it's no longer funny or cool. It is overused and annoying, why is this shit still popular? I'm not the biggest fan of Spongebob either, that Sponge guy's laugh is the dumbest thing I've heard.

But what annoys me more is the overuse of Spongebob memes, I just don't get the massive appeal of Spongebob Squarepants. I don't care if the Spongebob fandom hates me, they are just getting triggered just because someone doesn't like Spongebob. Spongebob memes suck and I will die on the hill.

20:20 UTC



I just recently rage quit the game

Due to outrageous addictive personally disorder.

I got tired of throwing money at e birds I guess

And 5 days before the end of the mebc season was over and I held my position 1 for every day prior to quitting,

I checked back in the other day.

I got 33 rd place. And in the 22k-35k percentile or some shit. Didn't care anymore looking at the aftermath of the best decision in the last 3 months I'm feeling of downloading the game.

I then realized. Fuck that game now. Fml for being easily and obviously swindled for 1st, last and security at a respectable dump probably lol.

And fvck me for being an idiot through it all. I knew what I was doing.

Where's free og star wars birbs at that game was sick af lol

I know this a comment on someone's completely not related birb post.

Sowwy OP hope u find the results you seek

But I had to let this all out now that I quit.
I told my roommate the gist of it. And he was like, bro wtf. Lmfao I know right how fvcking wallet shattering, addiction of a once absolutely adored game about birbs getting tossed at piggles for whatever silly reason to destroy there hard work built lil structures.

Idk. To some this up and head out of here.

Ima leave all my notifications on about the AB reddit shenanigans and people's opinions on it for reasons to cement it into my I guess, broken sheeple ass to never forget wtf I let myself continue for several months and hundreds. Way fvckkng more..... I'll tally it and post it one day..... for all to gawk and shudder at......just not now

Fuck angry birbs and fuck Sony or whoever bought the franchise and turned.it into a dumb ass sucker instantly like myselfs money funnel of wonders...

Kudos to the hustle of course. Never will knock the hustle regardless of the feels lulz

Ps. Ima save this therapy quality emotional dump and ima post it every where it can be found with in an angry birb anything search or review.

I feel it's a very chaotic and easily avoidable important players be aware,

This game is now Chem sex in E-birb form.

And if you're not careful

Or reckless/careless

Or dumb lol like myself

Easily hustled into that non existence birb fix that lasts a whole round, or help with fat piggo 6 times to not lose your 7 Day streak or what have you.

Buyers remorse I could say in the least.

And I'm happy in the grand scheme of things to look back on comments and all of this

And just be like,

Really dawg.

Go outside and do something better, stupid.

Angry Birbs is not cool anymore duh


Ex-AB long time fan. 
Ex-AB full time addict
EX- being swindled by these dicks.

Would love a star birb ROM tho,   not actively searching cuz fuck this recent, otherwise completely not like me experience

At best I've bought Zelda botw dlc and not a single regert.

But this.

BIRRRRRBS relevant lol

01:36 UTC

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