
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is dedicated to exposing and discussing the consistently shady and ambiguous nature of Jar Jar Binks, and the expanding (Darth) Jar Jar theories created by fans of the Star Wars prequels. If you want to know more then please read the pinned post: "The Darth Jar Jar Holocron (updated)"

Darth Jar Jar is real. Search this sub (and your feelings) to find out it's true. All of it.

Jar Jar plays the important role of "uber-antagonistTM" who is ultimately the rival of both the protagonist(s) and the antagonist(s). He also plays feeble, but not to just one particular person or group, he does it to everyone to portray an air of subservience. No one thinks Jar Jar is doing anything because Jar Jar isn't capable of anything. That purposeful misunderstanding/misdirection... is the key to everything.

While we don't know exactly why DJJ was derailed - could be fanboy hatred or George Lucas' nerves - you can see Jar Jar's Force antics very clearly in The Phantom Menace.

Further, to avoid backlash, it's probable that DJJ was taken underground for Episodes II and III, as well as The Clone Wars cartoon, where Jar Jar displays Force powers multiple times.

The catch is/was that you have to look past the goofy facade, and your own hatred, to see the truth.

Be sure to check out the...

Original Theory by /u/Lumpawarroo

Extensions, more, even more, and this


Official Darth Jar Jar Discord Server



created by /u/onemananswerfactory







The Darth Jar Jar Tales

created & written by /u/onemananswerfactory

No. 1 Silencing the Gungan

No. 2 Coruscant Knights

No. 3 Rise of the Phoenix

No. 4 Inquisitorius

No. 5 Galactic Fallout

No. 6 Palo's Fury

The Spacer's Guide to the Paloverse

The Darth Jar Jar Tales Fanon Wikia

Star Wars Fanon Wikia: Silencing the Gungan

Darth Jar Jar (aka "Palo") on SW Fanon

Kal Orn on SW Fanon

Meatbag on SW Fanon

The Palo Syndicate on SW Fanon





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Darth Jar Jar G+ Community


  1. No disintegrations.
  2. No fighting.
  3. Have a good time.



2 Subscribers


Why was our sub renamed

Bad reddit.

02:21 UTC


TU censors "me too" blog & suspends her account; KGB still allowed to post about mother/daughter porn duo

names removed per reddit site guidelines; this was shared publicly today by a friend-of-a-friend.

Times Useless worse-than-useless response

KGB's still-uncensored porn article thanks to /u/threedice's bookmarks er something)

My blog that the @albanytimesunion deemed pornographic. My account was suspended and the blog removed from the public eye.

Me, too. By [redacted] on October 17, 2017 at 6:00 AM

Caution – strong adult language/topic

I’ve been thinking about this for a couple of days but I haven’t been brave enough until tonight. Do I publish my story or do I simply write “me too” for a Facebook status? Is that enough to have a genuine impact? Do I tell you his/their name?

Do I share the names of the Massena NY Police Department officers who dismissed me because I was 15 and had two beers at a high-school party? Or do I share their names because they told the 21 year old man who was enlisted in the Army that he’s a “good guy” and “doesn’t need the hassle” as they interviewed me IN FRONT OF HIM on the front steps of his house?

No hospital visit, no nurse, no female police officer – just me, three grown men, and a kid my age who hosted the party and protected his big brother even though he knew the truth. The only question I was asked by the police officers was “How much did you drink?”

It’s something that (obviously and rightfully) bothers me to this day because I think about it often. I think about the man “DM” often – his real initials. I even think about his little brother who protected him. I was friends with the little brother on Facebook for a while until he began spewing hate, homophobia, and racism as soon as Trump announced he was running for office. I sent him a private message to remind him his brother is at the very least a sexual predator if not a rapist. Who knows what he had done before and after me?

After this experience I quickly learned that sexual harassment is common, should just be accepted by women, we should be grateful someone is attracted to us, and if reported you will rarely be taken seriously by other men – and sometimes women. In the 80’s, it seemed that was par for the course and unfortunately these lessons stayed with me until my 30s.

The only “men” who believed me were two of my best friends who knew DM. They even went to his house to confront him but he called the police. The same two police officers told him to stay inside until his leave was over and then he could forget about the whole situation and put it behind him. My friends were threatened with arrest but were able to go home with a warning.

At 15, this wasn’t the first or close to the last time I had been sexually harassed but it was the first time I was sexually assaulted – but not the last. I had never considered myself a rape victim because there had been no insertion, but I woke up right before he could.

I woke up. Read that and understand it. I woke up.

I went to sleep in a room with a girlfriend I attended the party with and we each had our own single bed. I woke up with my sweatpants and underwear around my knees. DM seemed shocked I was fighting him “all of a sudden” and kept asking “What’s your problem?” as he kept attempting to put his penis in me.

I was able to scream loudly and properly give him an elbow in the gut. He got up, called me a bitch and a slut, and left the room. My friend was not in her bed and I wondered if DM had stopped there first. I went home immediately and was terrified to tell my Mom where I had been and what had happened. It was a different friend who encouraged me to call the police. Her intentions were good. Aside from my husband, I hadn’t told anyone this story until last weekend. Not even my friend who ended up leaving that house in the middle of the night. We never talked about it.

The second time (at 17 years old) I was sleeping and had not a drop of alcohol in me. It was the boyfriend of a girl I considered my best friend at the time and he was incredibly drunk. I woke up to find him (a 25 to 30 year old man – can’t recall exact age) on top of me and all I could smell was alcohol. It was pitch black in the room and I didn’t even know who it was at first. One of her friends walked in while I was fighting his attempt and turned on the light. I was called a slut, a whore, a home-wrecker by both her and my friend and I was kicked out of her home. I told the truth but I wasn’t believed. He wasn’t questioned and as far as I know she married him and had several children. I have never seen or spoken to any of those people again. (Gratefully, I may add.) I stayed silent after that and never discussed it with anyone until this very moment. I’m shaking with both anger, regret, and sadness.

My stories are not unique or special. What happened to me has happened to almost every woman you know. For years we walked around blaming ourselves for having those two beers, or being friendly, or wearing jeans that are a bit too tight and we continue to keep our mouths shut for fear of being further ridiculed and embarrassed. I made a lot of bad decisions after that, but when you know better you do better. Can I blame them all on these two assaults? Absolutely not, but when you are taught something over and over by the repeated actions of others it sticks with you. You sadly seek attention and validation when what you need is education and maturity – but when and if you remain silent no one can tell you that. No one can teach you that.

The problem is sexism and misogyny are embedded in our culture similar to racism. “It’s just the way it is.” And if you’re not standing up now (or kneeling) to fight it with everything you have, then you continue to contribute to the problem – and that goes for men and women. Unfortunately there are women who will believe anything a man says and consider “other women” to be seductive or manipulative instead of hearing and believing what they have to say.

The best thing happening right now is that women are becoming less afraid to speak out and this is why we are seeing “me too” across social media. All it takes is one brave person to come forward and then it’s a flood.

Don’t be afraid. You are not alone. We can and will support each other.

To Mike N who loves to make excuses for everything Trump does or is accused of on my Instagram account. See what I did here? Sometimes it takes one action to give women the strength to tell their truth. Sometimes they need other women to lean on. Sometimes they need a man telling them they’re lying. Thank you and f**k you for pushing me.

Husband – thank you for your support and encouragement when I decided I wanted to write about this. I’m sorry you’re reading about the second assault along with everyone else, but I realized as I was writing I’m still carrying a large amount of embarrassment about it. I loved my best friend back then and somehow shifted the blame to myself.

Best friend – thank you for letting me tell you my story last weekend.

21:50 UTC


If 518-776-1010 appears on your Caller ID, it's a telemarketer from the Useless ...

Yeah. Just received a call from "Katrina" on my way home. She asked me if I wanted to participate in a survey. Question 1 - do I get my news from print or digital? Question 2 - do I own a tablet? And after playing along and answering the questions, she wanted to "gift" me a 13-week Sunday-only Times Union subscription. Right. "Gift." Just keep aware that the Useless must be hurting for subscriptions, so I suspect there will be plenty of calls to try to sell you a subscription to their paper. Urgh.

21:40 UTC


Is Bernie Sanders' Socialism as anal about following 'the rules' as Schenectady's?

1 Comment
07:42 UTC

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