A place to find out if you have a lost masterpiece or if it's just a garage sale treasure! Please see below for submission guidelines, sub rules, and related subreddits.
Submission Guidelines
Make sure to do a Google Image Search first to see if your work comes up.
Include as much information as you know about the work - Medium, how it came into your possession, etc. Add more information about the work in the comments if you are able to.
Make sure to link to the images directly, use imgur or another site to upload the photos if need be. Additional photos can be posted in the comments.
Subreddit Rules
Be civil and remember reddiquette.
Unhelpful responses to a post - not guesses, but memes, "that's a quarter" type responses, "THIS!", jokes, etc - will likely be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned.
When what you're looking for is found, please set it to "Solved" using the "flair" link below your title/text.
Only one post per artwork is allowed. Extra photos should be added to the comments of the original post.
Make sure to post at least one picture of the whole artwork. Try to add a picture of the back of the frame, and a close-up of the signature. Every detail helps.
Don't ask how much your piece is worth. Appraisals are not allowed here - try /r/whatsthisworth instead.
No 3D artwork is allowed here. This sub is limited to questions about 2D art - paintings, prints, drawings, etc.
Self promotion is not allowed. Don't post your own artworks.
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This was at an overpriced thrift store. No signature on front. They wouldn't let me take it off the wall to look at it because I slipped up and said I wasn't planning on buying it, I was just curious. It was priced $250 with a sticker on the wall next to it. The thrift store is located in Delray Beach FL. It's so well painted and pretty stylized so I thought maybe someone here might recognize the artist.
i hope it isn't out of bounds to link to someone else's garage sale find, but this is pretty on topic for this sub.
I'm highly skeptical of the supposed analysis that led to the conclusion that this painting is is by Vincent van Gogh, but I guess maybe he had an off day. He was institutionalized, but also did great work during that period. This is not that...
A painting bought at a garage sale in Minnesota is a previously unknown portrait by Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, according to a newly published expert analysis.
It was made by Van Gogh during his stay at a psychiatric hospital in the south of France in 1889, experts commissioned by art research firm LMI Group International have said after analyzing the canvas weave, paint pigment and other characteristics.
This has been in my family for years. Can any one decipher / recognize the signature?
Received this from a friend a few years ago, was only told it's a artist from the 70s. In trying to look it up, my wife found a similar one by the same artist at a online shop but the moment she asked about it she was instantly blocked by them. I found one listed at a art shop in Seattle, but they too have refused to answer any correspondence
I have the attached oil painting on a canvas with Viktoria Maltuch printed on the back, and signed by a J Brown. Is anyone familiar with this at all?
I'm so in love with it! It hasn't arrived yet, and won't until the end of February, so this is the only picture for now. It's so unique and I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about it.
Some info: I'm brazillian and this was bought in Brazil, it's coming from the city of São Paulo but seems to have a interior/sertão aesthetic. According to the seller, it's signed by Nelson Alves (I couldn't find anything online about him, so I guess he's not famous, which is why I'm more curious about the style), from 1982 and titled "A Esquina na Praça".
Thank you so much!