Waylon Jennings, father of Outlaw Country, friend to Buddy Holly, Willie Nelson, & Johnny Cash.
This was just a tough but great country song to me years ago. Now that I have a son and a daughter, it’s heart wrenching. The positive I find in it is to enjoy every moment of their childhood.
We are Marc Dantona and the Contenders. SF’s premier Waylon Tribute band snd we’d live to see you tonight!
I’m looking for info on the Waylon guitar sound/tone. Yes yes! “It’s all in the fingers” but the fingers are not creating the Phaser sound. Speaking about Phasers, we all know Waylon used it. So my question is what other effects is he using for that sound? Chorus, Comp, EQ, OD, etc….
Thank you
My Pops sent me here. We’re both trying to figure out how Waylon made Jole Blon, a Cajun song.
I looked on YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, Torents sites, music archives.... where the hell can I find it?
Actually I live at the ass end of the world in Victoria Australia 🇦🇺 Not a day goes by where I don’t sing and play guitar and it’s 90% Waylon ! Happy New Year ✌🏻
Parents got me this record for Christmas. Best gift ever.
What ever happened to Cowboys, Sisters, Rascals & Dirt on Apple Music it’s on Spotify YouTube music but not on Apple
Revisited by Luke Israel UnMastered Track Recorded in Piedmont SC
Looking for verification that The Highwaymen performed at The Fox Theater in or around 1990. Anyone know? Thanks.