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Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide, and the second most fatal. Although the majority of colorectal cancer cases have historically occurred in individuals aged 50 and older, it is increasingly affecting younger people. Alarming statistics reveal that new cases of colorectal cancer in individuals under the age of 50 have been steadily rising over the past few decades. Colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death for Americans between the ages of 20 and 59 years old according to the National Cancer Institute. However, younger adults are not routinely screened for colorectal cancer as it is still relatively uncommon in their age group Read more...…
Hi! I am posting this form for my friend who is doing a project on resistance in the medical field. If you are a doctor, please take a minute to respond. The survey should not take long; there are only 6 questions. Your response would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Doctors to USA will get you into a US residency program.
We help with:
Interview preparation
Filling the holes in your CV
Clinical Rotations
Residency Application review
I feel that I have a professional killer inside of me, but at the same time I don't know why these thoughts come to me sometimes.
https://youtu.be/JEjfNuV7I04 The vascular component of Alzheimer's is much more preventable than most people realize.
I've been experimenting with many different diets for years now and one thing I noticed is that a meat/dairy/egg free plant based diet makes me feel alot better when it comes to stress and anxiety. My initial reason for trying this diet out was due to health concerns. I'ma a cancer survivor and type 2 diabeties runs in my fam. Through research, I discovered this diet is great for preventing these diseases. What instantly notice after my first day on this diet, is that my stress, anxiety levels are completely gone. My heart rate is literally more consistent and less rapid. My brain is more clear, and my mental equity is more on point. I also easier to sleep.
I wanted to know, what is the reason for this?
Dr. Scott Harrington, DO, Vegan Doctor, available by telemedicine in most US States. At Vegan Primary Care be seen at home, meds, labs, and coaching.
My moms friend just got an operation because she’s had issues with her intestines her post op diet is basically egg chicken and yoghurt! She has diverticulitis and was banned From eating veggies from a (pardon me but it must be incompetent) doctor! She will stay at my house but I refuse to cook any meat or eggs or to have non vegan items here... any advise???
Hi, guys, I usually use this https://pastebin.com/raw/EDtDiwxE to make people see that a plant based diet can be as healthy as any other well planned omnivore diet but I noticed that some of the links are bad. Would you mind helping me with new links?
Here are organizations which links that used to exist:
So only 7 of 11 links work at the present time
La Dra. Ximena es una doctora vegana experta en nutricion vegana y vegetariana por la universidad de Barcelona.
"I make investigation over health & nutrition to find the best way to convert and to stay in a plant based diet." Check more of my project, courses and consults in lanutricionvegana.com
How can I find doctors that can help me in my no oil vegan diet.