
Photograph via snooOG

Do you believe in Bigfoot? how about Slenderman? do you know who the Slit-Mouth Woman is? /r/urbanmyths is a subreddit dedicated to anything and everything Urban-Myth associated.

Do you believe in bigfoot? how about slenderman? do you know who the Slit-Mouth woman is? This subreddit is dedicated to anything and everything Urban-Myth associated.


  • An Urban Myth is something that has 'evidence', yet has never been unproven, Bigfoot, for example.

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B Cave Pt3

22:59 UTC


Watch one of the closest and clearest video footage of a UFO - exciting scenes and details.

01:05 UTC


In 1925 Percy Fawcett vanished in the amazon jungle, in his 3rd attempt to find "Z", a lost ancient city deep in the jungle, commonly believed to be a myth. Recent technological advances have made it possible to digitally deforest part of the amazon, revealing an extensive urban settlement

23:24 UTC


Recent UFO World sighting --

1 Comment
17:45 UTC


Clear video footage of a UFO, amazing scenes of a rotund object flying in California.

1 Comment
01:39 UTC


Memphis Alien Mothership Sighting

1 Comment
18:24 UTC


Ghost ships - ships found abandoned with no sign of the crew, still occur even with modern methods of rescue, safety and communication. The last recorded ship to be found with no sign of life was in January 2021

16:29 UTC



Their is a myth about the play the Shakespeare made called “MacBeth” apparently you shouldn’t say it in a theater because bad things happen as many people have died when performing the play and so if you say it bad things could happen I’m not exactly a believer in it but last night at a play some person said it and water started leaking from the ceiling and stuff began falling over and actors started tripping (only like 2 people including me herd him say it) and we did tell anyone about it because we didn’t want superstitious people getting worried quite strange but I don’t really believe it is cursed

21:32 UTC


Very clear video footage of a UFO, exciting scenes filmed in the skies of Spain.

01:48 UTC


USO- (Unidentified Submerged Object) One recent Sighting

1 Comment
17:34 UTC


Probably just a coincidence...

13:48 UTC


Is Jason Sands a legitimate whistleblower within the UFO community?

1 Comment
22:55 UTC


The Bloody Benders were America’s first serial killer family. They are known to have killed 11 people between 1868 and 1872, luring each of them into their hotel in Cherryvale, Kansas. They disappeared before their crimes were discovered and were never seen again.

15:36 UTC


Don't Let Her Catch You ! || The Serbian Dancing Lady

20:43 UTC


One of the earliest accounts of the Jersey Devil involved an exiled Joseph Bonaparte, who claimed to encounter the eldritch entity while hunting on his Bordentown estate.

22:15 UTC


Clear video footage of a UFO, exciting scenes filmed in the skies of Arizona.

01:37 UTC


Missing Jetpack - in the 1990's three guys built a functioning jetpack. Then one of the guys was brutally murdered, the second guy was kidnapped and just barely escaped with his life, and the third guy went to jail for kidnapping the second. The jetpack has never been found.

12:17 UTC


Shag Harbour UFO incident - one of the best documented cases of a UFO crash retrieval. Happened in 1967 in the small fishing village of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada

19:22 UTC


Is This Leaked Letter From the FBI to Ted Kennedy Real?

I found this earlier today, and it's the first I've ever heard of it. I've done extensive searching online and can't find anything corroborating this. I'm not talking about proof, either. I'm saying I've never seen this story (real or not) anywhere before today. It's almost as if the person who shared this fabricated it on the spot.

Ted Kennedy FBIFiles : Internet Archive

1 Comment
20:17 UTC


Clear video footage of a UFO, filmed at a NASA event.

1 Comment
01:46 UTC


John Bentinck, 5th Duke of Portland - was most remembered for his eccentric behavior. Only one servant saw him for two decades. He built 15 miles of tunnels under his estate including a giant ballroom that never had dances. Every room in his mansion and everywhere underground was painted pink.

16:58 UTC


The relic of Bir Hooker is a giant mummified finger from Egypt. Some believe it is evidence of an ancient race of giants, while others dismiss it as a hoax.

21:49 UTC


Why is human mutilation by UFO not discussed?

So before I link the article that got me interested in this topic, I do want to provide a serious NSFW warning. There are images of the bodies found, and it's gruesome. I'm not easily disgusted, but these pictures and the reports accompanying them made it difficult for me to sleep at night. I will try my best to quickly summarize some of the stories linked, apologies if I get some things inaccurate as I don't want to spend too much time on this post.



Seriously, proceed with caution, though I would suggest at least attempting to read the paragraphs proceeding each photo and ignoring the pictures if you must.

The one that I find the strangest happened in Brazil. A super old bed-ridden granny was found dead in her bed completely missing her face, nose, ear, and tongue. Practically just the skull remained. There was no blood on the pillow or sheets, and she was alive the night before. The only possible explanation provided by the hospital were mice ate her face after she died, but police contested that and pointed out that there were no markings usually left by mice and instead it looked like it was done surgically, and no blood. The homeowner said that she had never seen a single mouse as long as she lived there. Supposedly there were reports of strange lights in the skies and dogs and other animals making a lot of sound, though I take that with a grain of salt.

Two military dudes were fuckin around in the sand dunes, one heard his partner scream and assumed a snake bit his ass. But he saw a straight up UFO with a big ass robot arm dragging his partner up into the craft and zooming off. Search parties were sent out, they found Lovette's body naked several miles away with his dick and asshole removed "surgically like a plug" according to the coroner, and the body was completely drained of blood yet somehow had no vascular collapse (I dunno what that is but apparently it's what happens when you become a raisin.) He had no eyes or tongue either. Radar did detect an unidentified object at the time of the dude's disappearance.

Missing person's car found running with seats removed in the middle of the forest. 2 weeks later and 3km from the car two bodies were found, both had their eyes, lips, teeth, and genitals removed. There was no blood. The male was skinless and the female was tittyless.

Another dead dude was found in Brazil missing his tongue, eyes, ears, cock, poop shoot, and most of his internal organs. Uniform holes of 1-1.5 inches in diameter in his shoulders and arms were surrounded by burn marks and it was as if the muscles were extracted through those holes. There was almost no blood, suggesting that the wounds were cauterized by a laser as they were made.

A group of 9 hikers were found dead in groups. Investigation teams found that they cut out of their tents in the middle of the night and fled into the forest. Six died of hypothermia, three from physical trauma. Several were missing their eyes, tongues, and one dude was missing his eyebrows. Two of the bodies had radiation on them. Several reports of UFOs in the area that night, from other hikers all the way to meteorologists and even military.

That's all I'll summarize for now. Fingies are getting tired. There are like a dozen other stories on that page, though admittedly, a few of the rest are just stories without autopsies or police reports like the ones I just described.

Common debunks include that the areas that are extracted are usually all soft tissue, which is the first part of the bodies that scavenging animals and bugs will consume. This debunk makes sense if you only look at it quickly and need a normal explanation but is often refuted once the details of the case are more closely examined. This does not account for the uniform holes often found in the bodies, the surgical nature of the incisions and the burn marks often accompanying them, nor does it account for the blood being drained. No blood on the pillow of the granny? How is that possible if she was consumed by a horde of hungy mice in the night? Teeth being removed, what kind of animal crunches down some human teeth as a snack? Is it a foxes' version of Tums? Do insects and mice really crawl up a butthole and eat the whole fuckin thing? Radiation on bodies?

So, why do you think these cases aren't discussed often in UFO communities? I understand that there doesn't seem to be nearly as many as cattle mutilations, but something is definitely going on here. Honestly, I can see why people don't want to talk about this. It's scary as fuck. I've read the article a few times over the last year or so, and every time it scares the shit out of me and disturbs me. But I think it's pretty important to discuss, especially with most people seemingly believing that visiting aliens have humans best interests in mind, or at least aren't hostile. Pilfering a dudes dick and butt is pretty fucking hostile if you ask me.

That's not to say that I think all aliens are bastards. Obviously we could be being visited by several different species, or maybe even different groups of aliens with different goals although they are in the same species.

So, what do you think is going on with the animal and human mutilation phenomenon? Why are the same parts always removed-- Dick/pussy, asshole, lips, tongue, blood, eyes? Are there any anatomy nerds in here that could possibly provide an explanation for what these body parts could be used for? Something that they all have in common? Only thing I could think of is that they all produce mucus/lubricant? Except for dicks, I don't sneeze out of my cock.

I've seen a few "theories" on it, if you can call our best guesses theories. Maybe they're harvesting these parts to replace old and failing parts on their weird ass frankenstein alien slaves? Maybe they're collecting DNA for hybridization or cloning purposes? Maybe there's some form of treaty in place, and these cases are from alien pirates who plunder squishy human parts and then zoom tf out before the alien police detect them, so they leave the majority of the evidence behind and put the dicks and stuff they wanted in a safe onboard?

I've seen people suggest that maybe we were seeded on this planet for this exact purpose. An incredibly diverse and self sustaining ranch of millions of species, made to be harvested for DNA and parts-- that would explain why aliens have such an interest in nukes and remaining secret. They need our populations to stay high so they can continue getting their supply of squishies.

I also saw a post from a guy that said the collapse and removal of these parts could be due to being taken to space, but I don't remember the details of what he said and I'm not educated at all in that, but does anyone else know what he could have been saying?

07:44 UTC


Strange and magical lights filmed in the skies of Canada.

01:48 UTC


Lars Mittank disappeared in July 2014 near Varna Airport in Bulgaria while on vacation. He exhibited strange behavior, calling his mom and claiming that someone was trying to kill him. On the day of his flight, CCTV footage showed him fleeing the airport towards a nearby forest. He remains missing.

15:52 UTC


The Easter Island statues have bodies - Why?

16:09 UTC

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