
Photograph via //r/uofu

Founded in 1850, The University of Utah is the flagship institution of higher learning in Utah, and offers over 100 undergraduate and more than 90 graduate degree programs to over 35,000 students. This subreddit aims to give U of U students, professors, staff, and alumni a place to discus campus, culture, housing, jobs, classes, professors, or anything tangentially related to the U.

Founded in 1850, The University of Utah is the flagship institution of higher learning in Utah, and offers over 100 undergraduate and more than 90 graduate degree programs to over 30000 students. This subreddit aims to give U of U students, professors, staff, and alumni a place to discuss campus, culture, housing, jobs, classes, professors, or anything tangentially related to the U.

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CS 4150 resources and preparation

I plan on taking CS 4150 in the spring and am both frightened by it's supposed difficulty and want to get a good grade. Are there any resources I can use to help prepare myself? Anything helps :)

05:07 UTC


October Social Megathread: Meet new people, make friends, and other social events

We are starting a monthly megathread to make it easier to find people interested in parties, hang outs, meet-ups, or other social gatherings! Post your interest here so it is easy for our community to find out what is going on!

21:05 UTC


Nursing interview

Has anyone gone through the KIRA talent interview for the nursing program and not been accepted? What can I expect from the interview?

22:49 UTC


How to get clinical hours?

So I’m in my junior year and plan on applying to med school next cycle. I have essentially no clinical hours and don’t know where to get them either. Does anyone have recommendations for resources or opportunities I can look into?

21:57 UTC


Games Advising

I have been trying to get in contact with a Games Advisor for a month now, but each of my appointments keep getting canceled does anyone know if there are any drop in hours? Thanks

15:12 UTC


Nursing School Interview


I got though phase two of the application to the Prelicensure program, and I was wondering if anyone knew what kinds of questions they ask? Or how to prepare?

Thank you!

04:37 UTC



Can you do the graduation walk even if you are not done with all your classes? I want to walk during spring 2025 and get my name called because i should be done with my classes and want to “graduate” within the 4 years, but I have some classes that I might take over the summer, is it possible for me to still walk?? I have heard that you can really walk whenever, do you still get your name called?

06:57 UTC


Fugitive Off Campus

Alright y'all, we had such good attendance on last week's game of Fugitive that we're going to do it again!

October 10th, at 7:30 pm at Liberty Park.

Wear Black Clothing and Mardi Gras Beads.

Bring a headlight

Bring a bike

Bring a friend

If you don't know what Fugitive is, it's basically a huge game of Sharks and Minnows, played over several City blocks. This time we'll be going from the Chase Home Museum at Liberty Park to the Hidden Grove Basketball Court at Sugarhouse Park. We'll play 2 rounds, from Liberty Park to Sugarhouse, and then from Sugarhouse back to Liberty. The full Boundary map is here

You've got an hour and 15 minutes to make it to the parking lot at Sugarhouse Park without getting tagged. You can run, you can sneak, you can hide, you can crawl, just don't get tagged!

If you'd like more info, and to RSVP, click here

17:21 UTC



(i have no idea what flare to use for this lol.)

how long does it typically take to process packages? i’m in the heritage commons area and an amazon order arrived at around 9pm last night (it said it was signed and everything so i know it wasn’t marked too early). i read somewhere else on reddit that it can be from the same day to like two to three days after, especially at the beginning of a new year.

how long does it typically take, just so i know for future reference as well? i know school just started back up, but im just paranoid lol.

edit: i got the email! took about two days lol :) all good. also for any trans people or people who changed their name in general wanting to know if you can put your preferred name down (assuming you registered your preferred name in CIS), you totally can and they’ll still know it’s you. that’s something i was worried about lol.

thanks for all the help !

16:21 UTC


study abroad- eccles global

Hi! I’m a current freshman at the U and I am really interested in studying abroad this summer (2025). I’ve also been planning on minoring in entrepreneurship, but my major is pretty credit heavy and would make it a tight fit, especially considering I want to graduate in 4 years total. Has anyone done/have familiarity with the entrepreneurship minor through eccles global? It sounds amazing, completely get your minor (18 credits) in 10 weeks, only go to class for 3hrs 4x a week, live in Nice, France, etc... Is it too good to be true? Will I have any time to explore Europe, or will I be super bogged down with classes? My only point of reference is what the ambassador told me and the fact that the 16 credits I’m taking right now feel like a lot (I’m a STEM major and honors student lol). Thank you!

00:41 UTC


frat parties for halloweekend?

i’m a freshman looking to go out this halloween but am not in greek life - will i need to mention i know anybody? or should i be good because my group (including me) is all girls?

21:35 UTC



21:05 UTC


Enjoyable humanities credit

I need a humanities credit next semester and was wondering if anyone had a strong opinion on one that I should take


19:44 UTC


Anatomy and physiology at the the same time?

I'm pre-nursing and those are the last 2 classes I need to take before applying for the nursing program. I want to apply in the fall of 2025 so I would have to take both courses in spring 2025. Has anyone done it? Any recommendations? Thanks!

16:31 UTC


Trying to meet new people!

Hey! I'm Alastair I go by he/they pronouns and I'm a freshman this year at the U, and I'm trying to meet some people around campus and make friends. Im a nursing major and living on campus. I love marvel movies,cooking,reading, drawing, thrifting, playing volleyball, and going up to red butte garden. Please reply or dm me if you wanna talk!

04:38 UTC


Anyone took the world music 1250? ( I don't why its class number just changed from 3600 to 1250 in the spring semester)

I am trying to find a IR class and seems the only probably easy class is the world music 1250. But I am kinda scared that there will be listening part in the exam but I am kinda bad at memorizing and recognizing the audio and the corresponding singers or artists. I am wondering how was the class actually? Did it change a lot recently? Thanks you so much for all comments

22:00 UTC


Anyone have an extra ticket to the arizona game?

need one ticket

22:04 UTC


How worse the Biol 1625 is?

I need to bio 1625 for my next semester and it is only taught by Rebeccah. And her rate review is terrible. But I feel the rate really depends on the TAs. I am wondering which period of lab section will be better or safer? Thanks you for all comments

18:59 UTC


Dealing with Professor Retaliation

Earlier this month, I emailed a professor about marking me off for attendance when I was present (he passes around a sheet that we sign). The professor said my name wasn't on the roll (even though I've never missed), so I asked if he possibly still had the roll that he could check again. He was very offended, accused me of "not trusting him", and never fixed it.

This week, he marked me absent again; I have photo proof that I have signed every roll since he marked me absent the first time.

I'm planning to reach out to him, but figure he'll get angry again. I already feel that this instance of incorrectly marking me absent was retaliatory due to my "disrespect" 2 weeks ago, so I'm not excited to talk to him and risk more attendance penalties/harsher grading in the future.

What can I do to address this, beyond contacting the professor? My former college had an ombuds office, but I don't think we do. Is there any other liason that could help me navigate this with the professor and/or his managers? I don't want to go straight to the Dean (which would make things worse), but I'm not sure what else I could do. Thanks in advance.

18:45 UTC


Anyone took the anatomy and physiology over summer at slcc

My house is too far away from slcc main campus I need to take 1hrs 10 mins by bus to there so I tried to take these two classes online. But only physiology class can be online. Slcc is much cheaper than the U. But I is really close to me. I don't know where should I go and if any other choices I have Thanks for all comments

21:00 UTC


International Student looking for Scholarship options-MSBA-2025

Hope you're all doing well. I've received an offer of admission from University of Utah for MSBA 2025. However, the tuition is quite high for non-residents. I really want to take up this opportunity. If anyone can assist me in terms of any known available scholarships that I can avail whether offered by the University itself or external International Graduate Scholarships?

10:21 UTC


Fall break is a scam

First off I’m a cs major. Just keep that in mind and don’t run to the comments to tell me you’re a hard major.

I saw that last post here and it reminded me of how angry I feel every year when this fall ‘break’ comes along and muddies the competition. It completely defeats the point of school, and I don’t want to pay all that money to sit at home living on peanut butter and popcorn, and watching young Sheldon for a whole week.

A course at a prestigious university should be a marathon. My favorites are the ones where attendance is required so you can see over time the lesser minds dropping out of the race in exhaustion. And finally at the end of the day the fittest survived and are rewarded with an honest grade in the class.

So what’s the purpose of this ‘fall’ break? Have you ever watched a race on TV where they pause in the middle of the track to let everyone catch up and rest? What an absurd picture of injustice. What was the point of the first half of you’re going to start up again momentarily?

Fall break is just a huge scam and serves to make waste of the entire first half of the semester. It makes me sick to my stomach - completely ill - to see this ritualistic sacrifice of my time happening year after year.

I’m sure most of you agree with me, right?

02:00 UTC


Japanese Online

Hey y’all I am trying to return to college in the spring semester so I can get my degree but I am working full time and I will not have the availability to do daytime classes. I am wanting to know if they do Japanese classes online? Or possibly do night classes worst case scenario. Does anyone know?

04:18 UTC


National society of leadership and success nomination

So I got letter offering me to join. I did some research and while it does seem scammy it’s a legit organization I’ve seen mostly negative reviews but also the rare and occasional positive experience from people in other colleges that have joined. Im mostly wondering if the scholarship benefits are worth joining and if anyone has any experience with the recourses and benefits they offer and wether their actually worth joining for them.

04:42 UTC


Can a student be volunteer faculty and qualify for reduced tuition?


Per the above link, "Volunteer faculty members who receive no pay from the University and their spouse or domestic partner are eligible for tuition reduction."

Is this something a student can do?

Thanks all!

01:20 UTC


Hot water dispenser

Any hot water dispensers on campus? They used to have some in GC but have since been replaced by the “ramen monster” stuff.

17:50 UTC


Struggling with tuition costs

I’m a recent high school grad that is taking a gap year to work and save money before college. I plan on attending the U in Fall 2025. The only issue is the costs. As an out of state student with not the best grades, (3.266 cumulative gpa), I don’t qualify for WUE and when it comes to my families financial background it’s not great either. I think my parents make too much for any FAFSA aid but they definitely don’t have the money to pay 31k tuition plus all the other costs. The whole reason of me taking a gap year was to work and save money but now that I’m realizing all of these costs, I might only be able to afford the first year or 2 without taking loans which I want to do only if that’s my last resort option. It’s just unfortunate because all my family has attended the U self supported but prices/costs were so much lower back then. If anyone knows of anything that might help my situation, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You.

15:24 UTC


Fall break?

Can anyone explain fall break for me?? Like why we have it or?? October 6th through the 13th… for context I transferred to the U this semester from Las Vegas and we don’t have a fall break, only thanksgiving and Christmas break

22:33 UTC

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