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Hot take: Utes leaks / rumors could hurt the team

Preparing for the downvotes here but try to hear me out. Leaks or rumors regarding which QB is starting or any other details about what may or may not be going on with our beloved Utes are not helpful and could actually be giving intel to competitors.

I know we’re all eager to know certain things but it stands to reason that if a competing team knew that they could come to Reddit and get “the real scoop” from this sub then that information may actually be giving them an advantage in preparing their game plan.

I feel like it may be best to let things play out how they’re going to play out and quit looking for “reliable leaks” from a certain user or users that seem to have the inside track on things.Just wanted to throw this out there.

Here’s to a great bye week and better showing against AZ State. Go Utes!

05:11 UTC


If Cam can’t come back till TCU, Houston, or BYU would you be upset?

Many people seem to be ready to cut him from the team but their is still a lot of football left to play. If he came back by BYU, there is still 4 games, a bowl game and any other bigger games if we make it. Hang tight Ute fans.

00:52 UTC



00:17 UTC


What a wild ride

This subreddit has been. All in on cam. All out on cam. Same can be said with Coach Whittingham and the entire staff. Now an attack on u/ute_insider Just bananas.

22:48 UTC


Just to let you all know, u/ute_insider isn't actually an insider. He's stealing the hard work of others.

Looking through his post history, all his comments with actual news comes very shortly after it's been broken elsewhere. By people with actual connections to the program that do it for their job.

Just know we see you for what you really are, we got the receipts.

20:14 UTC


Lmao, Hope you boys like Isaac Wilson

Sounds like the staff has pushed back Cams Timeline because he’s just not healing on the expected timeline. Probably won’t see him vs ASU, and I’m personally just assuming we don’t see him till November if we do see him at all. Hope no one was keeping all our receipts lol.

17:38 UTC


Anybody else think the BYU rivalry is dumb?

When Utah went to the PAC12 and BYU (with the knowledge that they are better than Utah and since Utah left the MW they had to leave too) went independent, I was pleased to see them go their separate ways.

As an alum of both schools, this rivalry always pissed me off. I disliked my time at BYU (even though I very much enjoyed and still enjoy the price) because a lot of people who go there consider themselves God’s gift to this world. I grew up a Utah fan and my favorite hat to wear at that time was a pretty sweet U hat. I would wear it to campus all the time along with various U sweatshirts and people would get extremely upset to the point that they’d go out of their way to come up to me and harass me (not in a joking way, they were always dead serious). In class, professors often make random comments that are shots at the U, claiming that they offer inferior education and inferior people attend there. I was in the student section the game where Charlie Brewer laid a massive turd. The BYU students began to flip off and cuss out the U football players while they were praying. Keep in mind they were mourning the loss of Ty Jordan and Aaron Lowe at that time as well, and the BYU fans were cussing out the deceased players by name.

Contrast that to my time at the U. First of all, way too expensive, but that’s not the point. No one on campus even mentions BYU. Nobody ever talks about them unless a professor makes an offhand comment about a class that BYU offers that the U doesn’t or vice versa (that happened maybe twice). Nobody cares about BYU.

The point is when the PAC collapsed and Utah joined the Big 12 I was mostly upset that Utah has to deal with BYU again. I’d rather the U never have to play them again, or better yet I’d love to never think about BYU again. I don’t think they demonstrate good sportsmanship, and I really don’t think they are considerate individuals.

17:32 UTC


Is Cam a gametime decision for ASU? Seems a little early to announce

06:57 UTC


Calling u/ute_insider…I’m seeing A LOT of weird rumors online about the Rising situation. What’s the deal??

Everything from “NIL boosters are mad at Rising” to “Rising is losing to locker room” to “Whit and Rising’s relationship is quickly deteriorating” to “Whit has been lying the whole time”

Can you please share some of your infinite wisdom with us on wtf is going on??

04:36 UTC


ASU visitor seats?

Those familiar with ASU, which are the visitor sections?

1 Comment
01:21 UTC


Utah FB traditions?

A bit of a detour from the recent topics of conversation…

Disclaimer: This is my second year as a Utes fan, or of caring about college football at all, so forgive me if I sound ignorant.

It seems like Utah’s crowds/stadium culture, for all its energy, doesn’t have that many traditions? Maybe it’s just me but for a program that’s been around for so long and is fairly successful, the most notable unique-to-Utah cultural moments of a Utah game are Whitt on the motorcycle and moment of loudness. Are there any I’m missing/haven’t experienced, or do we just not really have many? If the latter, why not?

21:43 UTC


Does anyone believe this??


19:20 UTC


Am I doing this right?

17:28 UTC


I’m just at a loss for words. I hate this for Cam. However, the coaching staff is a complete joke for this. Shame on them.

17:08 UTC


5 moments that changed AZ Game

After watching the recording of game. Here are what I pointed as the 5 missed moments that changed the game.

  1. Obviously the first drive, not getting the 4th and 2. Box was stacked, I feel like there needs to be a different play call there.

  2. Second drive Wilson over throws Bentley for an easy touchdown. This one kills me because he just needs to throw a touch pass, not a lined passed (where has gotten better but has airmailed a lot this season).

  3. Lander Barton’s missed tackle on the screen pass (amazing move by the AZ RB). Nobody will know what would have happened after that…(still ended up punting) but would have changed the tone right before half.

  4. Delay of game on the defense right after the score crowd was deafening. Would have been backed inside their own 10.

  5. 3 and 11 for AZ, Snowden getting beat over the middle for a massive gain. One step faster and he could’ve knocked it away. Jonnu smith was also one step to slow on the pass rush too almost got to Fafita.

End of the day AZ played better than us, but we had a shot at getting an early lead on the first 3 drives and just couldn’t do it.. on to the next!

04:36 UTC


We lost one game. Why is everyone so freaked out?

I understand losing sucks but come on. It’s one bad game. The big 12 championship is still very possible.

02:59 UTC


Tyler Huntley

Watched the Miami game to see Tyler play. It was bad. Felt like Saturday all over again.

Look at what a professional athlete with professional teammates and top notch everything can (or can’t) do with 2 weeks of preparation. Same thing with Tennessee. Levi’s got injured. It was a baaaaaad game of football to watch.

Football is hard. Take it easy on the boys. They are just kids.

02:37 UTC


They’ve had there fun. We gonna show them on nov 9th why they are 1/10

20:23 UTC



There has been a huge trend over the past ~5 years of football teams through all levels leaning heavily on analytics to help with decision making. Even Coach Whitt has made it a priority and a big part of the program. I understand it and realize the benefit. However, the data doesn't take things into account like having a true freshman quarterback in his very first home start with all the pressure of being a top 10 team and a hungry, talented team coming off a bye week. If we take those two field goals early on that is a completely different game. Obviously in hindsight it's easy to say that, but even in the moment I told the people I was with I think they should kick a field goal.

Clearly there was a lot more that went wrong in that game than just those two failed 4th downs, but I just wanted to vent a little. I'm done now and moving on. ASU is not gonna have a fun time

1 Comment
20:20 UTC


Utah Ranked #18 in the AP poll

Yeah, it was expected that we would drop in the AP poll (Bummer that we are now below BYU). Luckily, we still have a shot at making it into the Big 12 Championship or even the playoffs. However, it is definitely going to be a tough road. It's been discussed a lot in this sub already, but we really need to figure out our quarterback/offense situation and know that we have a set plan coming into the game.
Luckily, we have a much needed BYE week and maybe we can take some notes on how Arizona bounced back from their 1st loss. I'm staying optimistic and hoping these guys can learn from this loss and improve.

20:08 UTC


Did Whitt deviate from instincts last night?

Curious but did anyone else feel like Whitt made/allowed uncharacteristic play calls on both sides of the ball last night? Am I living in a parallel universe that on 4th down, in the red zone,playing a team that lit us up last year, Whitt will ALWAYS take the FG points? And not just one time, but twice? Numerous questionable defensive play calls allowed also. I get he’s all about stats and our team had great red zone production this year up to this game, but am I wrong to criticize for going for it again on the very next drive? I’m wondering if the #10 rated hubris actually reached our coaching staff.

23:47 UTC


The crowd was weak last night.

It just didn't feel as loud as other games. Also the crowd is part of the team with its' ability to disrupt the opposing teams play with loudness. The team never leaves at the end of the 3rd quarter, so why do the fans? It is so soft. I want a hard fan base that can make it all the way through the worst of games.

19:56 UTC


Give this kid a prize.

Spotted last night at the game. Cracks me up.

17:21 UTC


Alford, King, Glover

Anyone else feel like we aren't giving these guys enough game time chances? Any info on the three?

16:29 UTC


QB1 decisions

I am not going to tell anyone how to fan. You spent just as much as I did to watch that game last night. But if you think this coaching staff if personally throwing games for Isaac to play, Cam is weak, or they are not playing the QB that they believe will give them the absolute best chance to win C'mon. Whit has brought this team to national prominence. He has earned the right to be trusted in these situations. It's one game, goals can still be achieved. Nobody needs fired, there is no conspiracy it is just hard to win at a high level and some nights this will happen. Have faith and trust we have a great staff and outstanding athletes. Hang on and enjoy the ride.

16:00 UTC


The sky is not falling discussion thread

  • Cam isn’t faking injuries to steal money (if he is at least we will get a good 30 for 30 out of it.)
  • Cam will be back for ASU (otherwise we riot, ignore first comment)
  • we were never going 12-0 and we don’t need to.
  • the season is not over. 8-1 gets us to the CCG
  • defense was fine. We can’t expect them to hold a high powered offense under 15 points when the offense was sleep walking.
  • last night was frustrating but nothing has changed. We are still good. This is a good wake up call. ASU is going to get their ass whooped in two weeks.
15:30 UTC


Is the "top ten curse" real?

I'll make this post short. Each time Utah gets ranked within the top ten of the rankings these last few seasons we lose the following week. It's clockwork. Have anybody else beside me also notice this anomaly?

15:19 UTC


With the high expectations, we were bound to be disappointed

If the experts would have told us that we shouldn’t expect too much being new to the Big12, I wouldn’t be taking the AZ loss so hard. I got bamboozled by a #10 ranking that I honestly should have seen was based on 4 shitty wins.

Would much rather have started the season with low rankings, like BYU, then our 4-1 start would seem like a win.

13:52 UTC


Fire Andy Ludwig sign the petition

07:11 UTC

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