
Photograph via snooOG

This community welcomes anyone who is seeking information or support for any form of arthritis. This is a place for both patients and caregivers to discuss living with arthritis. Feel free to post personal stories, ask questions, and participate in discussions!

Got inflammation?


This community welcomes anyone who is seeking information or support for any form of arthritis. This is a place for both patients and caregivers to discuss living with arthritis. Feel free to post personal stories, ask questions, and participate in discussions!


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Pain in toes due to Trauma.

Hi Everyone, Two months ago I was hit by a Car in my foot. X ray was normal no fracture, wore Plaster Cast for 2 weeks. DR suggested me to start walking but when I work I have pain in my foot. What could be the reason? If Anyone have this Experience please share it.

Thank you.

01:52 UTC


Whole body crepitus?

Not sure what to make of my sudden onset of crepitus all over my body.

Ever since shoveling during a storm (2 months ago) 3 days in one week I’ve had various aches and pains and also crepitus (based on what I think) where when I move certain body parts in certain ways I hear this crunchy noise.

I've never had crepitus before, maybe very occasionally. But along came clicking in various joints all over my body. Knees, ankles, back, wrist, toes, fingers, elbows, shoulders.

Google makes it seem like it’s happen when you’re older but I’m just 31 and it’s sudden onset along with other symptoms. Not a gradual progression which would happen with age

Read online that as cartilage wears, there is more air in the joints to cause the click. Does this mean my cartilage has rapidly deteriorated over the past few months in my joints? Is there something that can cause such rapid deteriorating of cartilage? Or can this clicking also be due to a general inflammation?

18:32 UTC


Shoulder scapula cracking/popping in the morning

Does anyone have shoulder scapula that popping or dislocating in the morning when u wake up? Mine dislocates only when i wake up but the feeling Is awful. It bumps in the socket kinda cracks and then it is normal for whole day

16:31 UTC


Mental breakdowns from knee OA

I have knee arthritis in my 20s following a meniscus tear. Stress from the constant pain, sleep disturbances, hobby destruction, and limited mobility are causing me to unironically lose my mind and I'm scared my erratic behaviour and reduced mental preformance will result in me becoming homeless. Is there anything I can do to restore my sanity?

06:18 UTC


Any tips for pain from carpal/thumb arthritis?

My sister (27F) recently became a physical therapist and has been experiencing intermittent pain in her dominant right thumb which gets exacerbated by working on clients or cooking and is relieved by rest. However with her career, this isn’t really an option. She’s very active and eats a very balanced diet. Does anyone know of any solutions or things that might cause this? Thank you so much for anything that could point us in the right direction 🙏🏼

02:34 UTC


Advanced Arthritis in knee, ONLY 24

I’m only 24 and went in to get checked cause I have been having my left leg around my knee get stiff, not really pain. But I was told I have advanced arthritis. Anyone have any advice or anything to cheer me up?

15:23 UTC


How did I develop arthritis when I was only 22?

None of my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents on either side of my family developed arthritis ever. I also have autism and a heavily scarred face. How did I get this unlucky witj the genetics I was born with?

05:19 UTC


Could someone help me with my diagnosis?

So, 10 months ago I suffered a dumb motorcycle accident which left me with a pain in the MTP joint.

I'm 32 y.o., male, left foot.

Since then, I've made one x-ray (moments after the accident, just to see if there was something broken) and two MRI's, with some months apart each. The doctor concluded that the pain I was still felling was just neuropathic pain and sent me to physiotherapy. But after ~4 months I was still a bit concerned and decided to have a second opinion.

This second doctor said pretty much the same, about being normal taking time for the recover etc, but he decided asking for a radiography and, after that, he changed his discourse, saying that it was a bit worse than expected. He pointed a possible spur formation on the metatarsal head and a reduced joint space.

The thing is: now I don't know what to do. If it really is hallux rigidus/arthritis, I'll have to take some care regarding the shoes I'll have to use. I was considering trying "barefoot"/minimalist shoes in order to strengthen my feet muscles, but now I'm insecure about that.

So, does this radiography tells you something?

Thank you all in advance and sorry about my english (not my mother language).

TL;DR: Pain in the MTP joint after 10 months of an accident with no broken bones. Is it really arthritis?


03:43 UTC


Out Of State Doctor/Clinic

Living in amongst stunning natural beauty brings such peace. It may also seriously limit access to the very best medical providers . Has anyone here traveled out of state to one of the top arthritis doctors/clinics for diagnosis or treatment? How did it work for you? What about follow up? TIA

00:06 UTC


Spinal OA - in my early 20s

I got diagnosed with spinal osteoarthritis in my lumbar and thoracic spine last year. But I've had horrible pain in those areas since I was 16.

Nothing seems to help the pain. Except for marijuana. I'm in Canada where marijuana is legal.

But seriously Tylenol extra strength or Tylenol arthritis does nothing to help my pain. And I can't take Advil or Naproxen because of the other medications I take. I'm also on Cymbalta and that doesn't help my pain either.

Does anyone have any non-medication suggestions for how I can lessen the pain?

Also what causes your flare ups? I'm having a painful flare up right now but I honestly haven't been able to figure out what triggers flare ups for me.

21:17 UTC


Anyone off their meds?

You can skip to second paragraph for my question or.... Start with some back story... I was finally diagnosed with polyarthritis in the hands at age 28, almost 3 years ago. They started me on hydrochloriquine for 8 months and it helped but I was still in lots of pain. I was post-Partum and breastfeeding at the time so hormones were out of whack. They changed my meds to chloroquine which I later learned was an old medication and rarely used. When I was on chloroquine, everything was perfect. No side effects and my quality of life was better than it ever was. Even better than when I was a teen struggling with joint and muscles pain. I was on chloroquine for about a year when this medication became discontinued as a whole. No one is making it and no pharmacy near me carried it any longer. I got back on hydrochloriquine for 4 months and i experienced more side effects than the first time around.

I've now been off of all medication (some of the time it was coupled with a second medication for soreness) for 8 months now. I've been trying to manage with diet changes and exercise. I've been struggling to keep a steady workout routine because I end up getting sick and/or having a flare up. I've gone GF which helps a lot but has been hard to maintain because my family loves gluten and I keep it in the house. Also when I get sick, I'm sick for weeks at a time. Recently for the last 4 weeks, I've had strep, flare up, upper respiratory infection, and finally strep again with an ear infection. Does any one get sick like this where it's just one after another for weeks on end? Has anyone tried managing off their meds? If so, what has or haven't worked for you? I'm trying to decide if I should give it another go naturally or get back on hydrochloriquine. They won't give me any other medication because i still plan to have children in the future.

17:58 UTC


My reactive arthritis journey

Thought I’d share my journey with reactive arthritis. I do want to say that throughout all of this I was seeing docs. It was a frustrating experience as I felt no one was taking me seriously. It took way too long to diagnose. I’m sure I could’ve been more proactive as well. I leave out most of those details because it would make this post even longer.

October: left side hip pain. No injury, no accident. Just woke up one day with pain. After a few days I had a noticeable limp.

November: left knee and both feet hurt now. By thanksgiving week I’m in excruciating pain. I can’t bear weight on my left knee. I need a walker to get around because my feet hurt so bad.

December: X-rays of hip, knee, feet come back normal. By the end of the year my entire body hurts. My knee and feet are starting to swell. Even laying in bed is painful.

January and February: my left knee is the size of a grapefruit. Left quad is now considerably smaller than my right. The muscle has wasted away. Even laying in bed is painful. Knee mri shows a left knee patella fracture. Knee fracture isn’t severe enough to require surgery. Knee fluid is drained. Inflammation markers off the chart. Rheumatoid negative, HLA-B27 positive so docs suspect anklyosing spondylitis. I have a history of it in my family so it seems likely. But a hip mri comes back normal. They finally settle on reactive arthritis for me. I get put on prednisone, naproxen and famotidine. I feel better within 2 days. After limping, and using a walker for a couple of months I can finally walk upright. My swelling goes away completely.

Since then I’ve gone to physical therapy and my knee is slowly getting better. My legs are still weak but I do see improvement. What’s been holding me back is that my foot pain has never completely gone away. Some days are worse than others. The only difference is that some days the pain isn’t bad enough to make me limp. There is always pain though. The rheumatologist says I just have to give it time. It’s frustrating though. I went from running regularly to not being able to handle more than 10k steps a day without my foot pain becoming too much. I’m afraid I’ll always live with the pain now.

14:34 UTC


Second opinion confirmed arthritis and discovered how weak my muscles are

So I posted in here a bit ago about my GP dismissing my concerns about my knee and telling me I'm too young for arthritis. And thankfully with encouragement from here and my partner, I did go see the physiotherapist who actually did a full assessment.

I wasn't surprised when he confirmed about the arthritis and could tell the cartilage was damaged. Didn't expect his very gentle touches to the knee to hurt so bad.

But what totally threw me and frankly, humbled me, was how weak the muscles in my affected leg are? My right leg was fine at the pushing back and resistance stuff, but lefty was like a wet noodle. I know doctors will see it all the time but I was kind of embarrassed by how weakened that leg had gotten.

I've got a set of personalised exercises to do to build the muscle back up in that leg, and it's helped a little with some of the pain and I'm hoping the weakness won't be permanent. I did damage my ankle on the same leg a few years ago and it never fully recovered so I think my left leg is just my bad leg anyway haha.

If anyone has any advice for newly diagnosed or if you have any experience with muscle weakness from arthritis I'd love to hear from people!

12:02 UTC


Those with knee osteoarthritis, what was your progression like?

How quickly did your arthritis advance? What symptoms/feelings did you notice before it started progressing?

Did exercising and PT help?

Myself I’ve been dealing with OA since winter of 2020. It got bad for two winters (2020 and 2021) for about 4 months each and then pain was sporadic.

But recently I’ve noticed that my knees have been ‘tingling’ or have a static sensation sometimes. I only notice this on the inside of my knee where the ‘teardrop’ muscle. I have noticed that if I’m sitting and I feel this sensation the teardrop muscle heats up out of nowhere. I fear my OA is getting worse. Just looking to hear other’s stories.

19:55 UTC


Cant figure out diagnosis

I have been experiencing severe pain in my joints, mostly hands, back and knees but some times my elbows, ankles and shoulders. I went to a Rheumatologist and they did an x-ray and told me they see swelling in the joints on my fingers(at the time I was only experiencing hand pain so they only checked my hands). She told me she did an ANA twice, the first time it came back inconclusive, the second time positive. This is were the issue comes in, I have multiple hereditary Osteochondroma and Multiple Hereditary Extosis and I have heard/read these diseases can cause an ANA to be inconclusive/positive. The doctor said that they want to stary on arthritis medication and if it works then she will diagnose me. However, I am hesitant because 1. She said have to check on my eyesight every 3 months and 2. My family has a bad history with over the counter medication that has led to them taking about 7 different medications a day. I am currently scheduled for a different rheumatologist(for a second opinion) but it is becoming difficult just commuting to work and wanted to see if anyone has suggestions I can try to either speed up the diagonsis so I can get treated or things I can do to help make work easier. (Just in case anyone asks, I have tried applying for disability but was told my condition isn't sever enough).

16:22 UTC


Seeking Help: Will My Arthritis Ever Heal Enough for Sports?

Hi all, hope you guys are having a great weekend.

I've been struggling with knee pain in my left knee for the past three years, and it's starting to affect my ability to play sports, particularly soccer which I love. It all started with a sudden pop during a game three years ago, and since then, I've been diagnosed with jumpers knee.

Initially, I didn't take it too seriously. I rested for a few weeks, then went back out to the fields.

Before every match I would pop a couple of painkillers before each game, and then repeat the cycle. But recently, the pain has become unbearable, leading me back to the hospital for another diagnosis. This time, I was told I have arthritis and but also partial tendon tears.

I'm feeling pretty sad but was wondering if anyone else has gone through something similar. I am willing to give it all and do whatever it takes to get my knee to heal and get back out on the fields.

Have any of you experienced knee pain from sports injuries that progressed to arthritis? Were you able to find relief and get back to playing soccer without constant pain? If so, how? (Rehab programs, injections, meds, etc) I heard of Kneesovertoes programs but would the program work for my case as well?

Any advice or success stories would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

14:28 UTC


Hip osteoarthritis

  1. Overweight. A year in. Pain isn’t better or worse. How many years do people usually have before bone on bone?
14:10 UTC


Knee replacement

I'm to the point of my knee doctor referring me to the knee replacement doctors and I don't know how to process what could happen 😥

13:16 UTC


Hip arthritis at 25

Hi all, It's been a few months, I think it was caused from weightlifting, I barely have any cartilage left. I have pain when walking, lifting my leg and any form of rotation. I took nsaids twice for 10 days, I am taking omega3s, collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM, turmeric. I am also losing weight currently, but I was only around 18% bf when it happened and now I am trying to drop it to 10% (through fasting, as I can't really get cardio exercise)

I went to orthopedic doctor which kinda neglected me. I was working with rheumatologist and we cleared any issues from her field (besides psoriatic, I am yet to go to a dermatologist). Her opinion is to treat this conservatively.

I have ordered BPC157 and TB500 peptides and think of experimenting. I will also be going to other doctors for more opinions.

Do you have any advice or success stories? I want to be able to walk and run again. I don't even care about lifting anymore, as long as I am able to get my basic function back.

11:01 UTC


Stupid pain questions

I am 48f, I was diagnosed with arthritis a year or so ago, when I complained of pain in my thumbs.

I feel I should note that I live in a country with free health care.

They started me on one anti-inflammatory; it worked for a few weeks, then didn't. They tried me on another one; it worked for a few weeks, then didn't. Then they tried me on another one; it worked for a few weeks, then didn't.

My question is; I don't know how much pain I'm supposed to be in. At what point is it, 'suck it up'?

I am a gardener and a baker and it is affecting my work. I can't operate a sprayer like I could because my hand can't take the motion. I can't rub butter into flour. I can't pick up a 1kg block of cheese, let alone try and grate it.

Am I being pathetic and I should just suck it up and deal with it? Or should I be asking my doctor to try something else?

Other than the swelling it's invisible, so I worry people think I'm faking.

09:12 UTC


Thermacare heat wraps

My knee got so happy about these, but now the adhesive won't stay on me even with fresh ones! 🫤

Anyone maybe have any other good heat wrap/strip recommendations? It won't stop goddamn raining where I live. The pressure changes are fucking with my knee big time.

04:30 UTC


Elevated IgM, Tendon Inflammation/Pain/Redness

Hello all! I have been dealing with tendon inflammation and pain for many years and have not gotten a diagnosis despite seeing many, many doctors. The only bloodwork that has regularly come back elevated is my IgM, which clocks in around 300 mg/dL. The pain I experience is almost always in the tendons, but sometimes moves toward a joint like enthesitis. Sometimes I seem to get muscle aches, but those are only in my quads and I wonder if it's actually stemming from the tendons. The tendon inflammation occurs in my forearms and wrists, hands and fingers, IT bands and knees, and ankles and feet. It sometimes occurs in my shoulders. The inflammation is almost always asymmetrical, but does affect both knees from time to time (though not necessarily around the same regions of my knees). My tendons often feel stiff, and as the pain is getting bad, it feels like my tendons are pulling tighter and tighter, especially when this occurs in my IT bands. When my tendons do get inflamed, cracking/popping at nearby joints is far more frequent. My pain seems to get worse with exercise (which absolutely sucks because I really do love to exercise).

For reference, here are a couple of recent pictures of my ankle:

As you can see on the first day, the redness is localized around one spot. On the second day, the redness has diffused outward through my foot and up my shin. Typically when the diffusion starts, the redness gets lighter, but it's hard to photograph because the software in cameras seems to want to remove redness from skin as much as possible. (Go figure that the algorithms that are trying to make people look prettier are making it harder for me to photograph my ailment.)

I have SIBO and have always wondered if that is the root cause of my issues, though I started experiencing this tendon inflammation long before I was diagnosed with SIBO. If anyone has any thoughts I would really appreciate to hear them! Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for taking the time to read this!

22:11 UTC


Anyone else go up a shoe size?

Over the last 6 months or so I’ve gone up a shoe size. Can’t imagine anything could be causing it besides swelling in my joints.

Is this a thing I should have known about?

17:46 UTC


Flair - Rant? Advice?

Hello, I’m a 21 yr old college student and I was diagnosed with arthritis when I was 18. It’s been somewhat manageable but this most recent flair up has been whooping my butt. It started back in February and I have been dragging along ever since. I had to quit my part time job back in March because I just could not handle school, orgs, and work on top of my flair up. I’ve always done well academically and I am about to start applying for PA school so having a high GPA is important for that. I’ve always put a lot of energy into my school work and done well. I’m taking anatomy this semester and the lab is very difficult. I have a lab exam Monday and I know I need to be studying extra hard but I am so fatigued and in so much pain that I literally can’t. My apartment is a mess because I don’t have the energy to keep up with it and do everything else I have to do. I do one item on my to do list and I’m exhausted. I’m literally up at 1 AM typing this because I’m aching so bad I can’t sleep. It’s so hard just to keep going, but luckily I am in the final stretch of the semester before summer. Don’t really know what I’m doing here besides venting but I just needed a place to do it and thought this would be the place.

1 Comment
05:48 UTC


Raining for 3 days :(

Hello everyone,

I just needed to get to talk to people who understand :,) my family doesn’t really understand the extend to my arthritis because I’m only 23 but I’m in some major pain right now :( they ignore me and I kind of get yelled at for not being able to do as much as I used to.

It’s been raining where I live for the last 3 days straight. As you all probably know, the rain is killer. I feel so achey and the fatigue and brain fog has been the worst it’s been in a long time. I feel so much pressure physically on my body and the meds only work halfway. The pain is so bad that I feel nauseous and feverish from it.

I feel so sad and guilty because it affects my functioning so bad. I had a writing project that should’ve taken a short time but this week it took me a lot longer than it used to because of brain fog. My cognitive function and moving really slowly have caused me to be on SSI (as well as severe mental health issues); I’m trying to find part time work but I’m afraid everyone is going to be disappointed in me because I’m still young and have two college degrees but my mental and physical capacity make me only be able to work low stress part time jobs. I feel inadequate compared to others.

I’m just feeling guilty and really sick right now and need support :,)

04:01 UTC


anti-nauseants for side effects?

Hi all, I have RA among other things and Im getting back on meds after being off for a bit (was on antibiotics, got sick, long story) but Im so nauseous Im missing pills and barely able to do much. Ive been eating ginger chews and tea, having pepto bismol, occasionally Ive tried proton pump inhibitors like propanalol but I know there are actual anti-nauseant meds and Im wondering if any of you have used them to help with side effects and how it was for you!

Im on methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, and sulfasalazine for my ra, but also some psych meds and hormones for fibroids/awful periods and the combo is awful. but I really do need to treat each of those things so Im looking for a way.

I remember my meds before making me a little less nauseous as I adjust but at this rate Im not stomaching them consistently enough to adjust. idk why no doctors have brought up antinauseants before, hoping someone will have some experience or other advice. thank you!

1 Comment
03:21 UTC

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