This subreddit is dedicated to taking /r/DwarfFortress posts out of context, much like /r/ShitCrusaderKingsSays does. The fact that our beloved sub is considered cheating on /r/nocontext doesn't mean that we can't make our own version with magma and candy.
This subreddit is dedicated to taking /r/DwarfFortress posts out of context, much like /r/ShitCrusaderKingsSay does. The fact that our beloved sub is considered cheating on /r/nocontext doesn't mean that we can't make our own version with magma and candy.
Your submission must link to a post or a comment from the Dwarf Fortress subreddit or from the Bay12 Forums. Anything else will be removed by AutoModerator.
If you want to post something still related, but from elsewhere, you will have to message the moderators and ask for approval.
It is nice to provide context with your post. When you submit a link, please remember to append ?context=N
to it. That way not only will the linked post show, but also its N