Show off your sand boas and admire others'. Ask for help, advice, and discuss whatever you want about these beautiful animals.
Hello! Finally able to afford some more tank upgrades. Please list what you think my noodles needs! (I’m very new to this and he was rescued, I did not buy him from a store or breeder).
I have a heating pad on a auto on/off gauge 100w uva bulb that is on a timer The substrate is mixed but I added extra on top His water bowl seems way too small
Drove through 5 states to get this Indian sand boa back in the spring. She is doing so well.
Doodlebob the Saharan Sand Boa. Managed to get his on the in the picture.
how do i know my uvb is doiny something because my girl is never out during the day and i just wanna know if its doing something how would i know?
Just got a young sand Boa I posted about very recently trying to figure out it's gender. I have a heating pad and some lamps though i amstruggling to get over 90 degrees. I plan on returning my current pad to get one with a thermostat which will be here tomorrow. I avoided sand for a substrate due to some concerns about it that I've seen voiced. Got some aspen bedding and a cave for it In a ten gallon tank that I'll upgrade once it gets bigger. I did by some aqua safe water conditioner but haven't used it yet since it seems pretty strong for a little water bowl.(snake is running regular tap water for now)
My snake escaped. I've searched the basement where his enclosure, but haven't found him.Is it likely he climbed the carpeted stairs? Any tips to find him or prevent him from going upstairs? I only have a dryer and washer that I have in the basement everything else is upstairs
**there are locks on the cage so he can’t push his way out
Hi guys I had a question about handling. I got my snake about 2 weeks ago and she’s eaten twice since getting her. I was wondering if anyone had tips about handling and to get her to trust me. I haven’t tried handling her yet but I noticed she’s been coming out more often and seems more comfortable in her enclosure. How often should I try handling her and how long should I handle her for at a time? I don’t want to stress her out by digging her up when I want to handle her but I also don’t want to only handle her when she’s out so she associates being out with being picked up. Does anyone have any tips ?
I have a sandboa that I purchased from a pet store. She eats live pinkies but no pet store in my area has live ones. I bought frozen ones but after a couple failed attempts I’m getting frustrated/stumped.
Those of you who have been through this process or have any tips I would appreciate your input.
My guy is about 2 years old, and he’s always been shy but would pop his head out at least once a week when he’s hungry. For the past couple months I’ve noticed he’s never visible even through the night. There’s been no change to his temps or lighting besides a new thermostat that turns the lights on and off on a 12/12 schedule, but that’s what I did manually before so idk. It has been getting colder here so nighttime temps have gone down 1-2 degrees, could this be affecting him, making him inactive? I’ve pulled him out a couple times to make sure he’s okay and he looks fine reacts normally. I usually feed him in his tank by dangling the mouse in front of his head, but since he hasn’t been poking his head out, I’ve been leaving the mouse in the tank and he’ll usually grab it overnight. If anyone could give me any advice I’d really appreciate it, I’m worried about him!
ive been thinking about upgrading my girls uvb but im not sure whats a good option i was gonna get the reptizoo t5 uvb kit but im not sure if i need too im using this right now and wondering if the long body ones are better or?
He was just chilling then I guess his tail slipped into his water bowl and he did NOTTTTT like it. Poor guy scared the hell outta me too LMFAO
Today I got Nadja to eat (yippee) and I noticed she was doing the behavior of keeping her head a little bit exposed to the substrate.. only she is like really bad at it, like not only was her head exposed but some of her neck as well, it was super cute and I think that is just what she does since she has been doing it since I got her but is anyone else's sand boa bad at sneaking like her?
Rorschach would like to remind everyone that not everything will be perfect right off the bat. There will be adjustment periods, awkward phases, and uncomfortable moments, but every single one of those is a learning opportunity.
Dude I’ve never ever seen him climb but I’m so glad I caught it on camera. I think he’s finally comfortable in his new tank :)