Welcome, San Antonio friends!
Remember: 210 is half of 420.
Just ran out of the carts I got from Colorado, thinking I might try out delta8 but I can't smoke loud at my place due to the smell. Are they safe? I hear they're cutting this shit with vitamin e acetate and other lung killers so I'm hesitant to try it, but I haven't found anything else as good for managing anxiety and nerve pain as weed sadly.
What’s the trip like from SA to CO and back. Is it sketchy? I’m planning on heading that way soon.
My bff josh canceled on me and I really dont want to do that 24 hour drive there and back alone, So what I’m asking is for a road trip buddy from san antonio that is available thursday Sept 29 or Oct 1st to come with me to a dispensary in colorado springs( I’ll hook you up) also you wont have to pay for snacks or meals.