
Photograph via snooOG

Want to learn Romanian, or you are already learning? Do you speak Romanian as a native language and want to help others? Then you found the perfect place to be!

Here on r/romanian, the Romanian language is in focus. The goal is to provide a good center for people who want to learn Romanian. This won't happen by itself, so we need your help! Feel free to share useful resources, ask questions, give tips and tricks and discuss things relevant to the Romanian language with others. Also, consider setting a flair to your username, it can help other people, as well as yourself.

A couple simple rules to follow:

- Posts must be related to learning Romanian: This subreddit is intended for educational talk about the Romanian language: learning, grammar, usage, history, etymology, etc. For Romania-related matters, please try r/Romania or r/CasualRO.
- Be respectful and behave well: We aim for a friendly, encouraging atmosphere. Rudeness and unkindness are unwelcome. Correct mistakes gently and with good intentions. Do not make disparaging remarks about dialects, races, religions, genders, nationalities, etc.

Check out these subreddits, if you want similar content:

r/languagelearning - Language learning in general.
r/Romania - Anything that has to do with Romania, basically.
r/CasualRO - A more discussion-focused hub for Romanian speakers.
r/AskRomania - If you have questions aimed at Romanians, this is likely the best place to ask.
r/Moldova - The subreddit for the country of Moldova.

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21,072 Subscribers


Resources/courses/books for Spanish speakers

Hi everyone, I'm about to start my Romanian language journey and I'm having difficulties to find (good) resources in Spanish. 99% of what is out there is in English (which is ok for me but I guess learning from a Spanish resource would have some benefits given the latin roots).

Is there any recommendation for Spanish speakers?

  • Courses
  • Books
  • podcasts
  • etc.

Thanks everyone!

15:35 UTC



Bună ziua tuturor.

I have a question as the title suggests about the would/should and could. Unfortunately I couldn’t find many topics about it.

So I would like to know if Im in the right direction.


Eu aș/tu ai/el ea ar/noi am/voi ați/ei ele ar/ Present tense For example: you would eat something? Ai mânca ceva? Perfect tense For example: would you be happy? Ai+fi fericit?

And the same rules apply for could and should

Ai trebui să/ ai putea să

There is also: I should be happy ar trebui să fii fericit ( google translate) I would say aș trebui să fericit. What does fii mean please help me.

Please add something or correct me because until now im very confused. And yes I already know about o să that’s how I ended up in this mess.

12:08 UTC


Need help with words for These/That/Those/This etc...

I'm so overwhelmed rn, I swear there's like a million of these words I need to memorise...

Can barely find online sources that can explain the differences with them all, whether or not some are just gendered versions of others, for example.


01:53 UTC


Difference between acela and cel?

I really can't find any information about that topic.

00:06 UTC


Gym-goers - what are some useful Romanian phrases I can use at the gym?

I’m going to be joining a gym while I’m in Romania for a few weeks, and I’m wondering what are some useful phrases in Romanian that’ll get me by? I’m not talking about specifically chatting to people, but things like:

  • Are you using this/these?
  • I’m using it/them
  • Do you have many sets left?
  • I only have two sets left
  • Can I jump in? (Share the machine, alternating sets)
  • You can jump in if you like
  • Can you spot me please?

Along with anything else you can think of

Many thanks!

14:28 UTC


Why can’t I understand pe cimpoi!??

I feel like I should understand but… but even the most basic sentence ‘da numa aşe’ I would never have guessed it to mean ‘dar numai aşa’. Only when I heard ‘joaca fetele la noi’ I knew it was Romanian, otherwise it’s like another language

09:47 UTC


How important are diacritics for native Romanian speakers?

Hello! I'm asking this question because I've found a lot of Romanian song lyrics online without diacritics. So I suppose that a native speaker can easily assume the correct diacritics, that's why a lot of online text misses them. Am I right?

For example in Hungarian some people also write without diacritics e.g. in instant messaging. However according to my experience, in longer texts meant to be published for longer term online, e.g. in case of song lyrics, diacritics are usually included. There are a lot of ambiguities in Hungarian if you miss these, e.g. agy/ágy, kerek/kérek/kerék, etc.

09:27 UTC


Kids YouTube videos

Does anyone know Romanian videos for babies and toddlers for learning the language?

If anyone is familiar with the YouTube channel Super Simple I would appreciate recommendations similar to that!!

Trying to teach my toddler Romanian and I keep gravitating to English 😭

15:58 UTC


Monolingual Romanian textbooks?

Hello, just wondering if there are any good monolingual Romanian textbooks? Most of the ones I see recommended have a bunch of English in them. Thanks in advance

09:35 UTC


I'm going to learn Romanian, any advice or opinions?

Hey, I'm going to starts learning Romanian with teacher since next week. So I'm curious and want to ask, how hard or easy it would be, if my native language is Russian, besides it, I only know English and actually, not perfectly, but still. Is anyone here have experience with such situations or any advises for future?

07:15 UTC



looking for a native speaker 👀

hi! anyone that could help me with a short RO text? please :)

17:07 UTC


Can anyone read this?

My family is trying to trace our Romanian ancestors who immigrated to Canada around ~1900. When they entered Canada, one of my ancestors listed this as where they were born. It would be amazing to find this location and one day visit there. Can anyone help me with finding this location? It’s difficult to read their handwriting. I think it says the place name on top and the second line says “Romania (Moldova)”. The place name appears to end in -shika.


14:44 UTC


How easy would it be for me to learn Romanian?

Hey guys I'm interested in learning Romanian

I'm a native Spanish speaker who also has a high level of Portuguese, English and German

I know Romanian is a Romance language which means it should be very close to Spanish and Portuguese

However when I try to read sentences in Romanian I can barely understand anything, just a few words here and there, what's causing that? When I read sentences in Italian or French I can understand almost everything. Maybe there are some things about Romanian I would need to get used to first?

I know Romanian has declensions, I'm used to that concept thanks to German, is it the same thing as in German?

Thanks for reading :)

13:52 UTC


Sunetul R

Bună seara

Sunt francez și locuiesc de mult timp in România. Mă consider acum mai mult sau mai puțin fluent în lb romana (B2+) Dar de câteva timp sunt un pic inconfortabil cu pronunțarea mea din sunetul R, pentru că ori fac sunetul R că-n franceză și am impresia că abia am început să învăț limba, și că intr-un fel ruinez melodicitatea limbii RRomane. Ori fac un R mai redus aproape că-n L dar așa am impresia că vorbesc că-n copil.

Am început să fac niște exerciții de logopedie pe care am găsit pe youtube (pentru copii) dar nu s-a schimbat nimic

Deci m-a venit această întrebare. Dacă toți francezii sunt născuți "Râraiți" și nu vom putea niciodată să scoatem acest sunet ? Sau este numai eu și aș fi fost și râraiț dacă limba mea nativă ar fi romană?

19:52 UTC


Platform of the future (of Romanian learning) Să discutăm!

I aim to keep this brief yet foster a meaningful discussion.

As a software engineer, I've spent the past two years piecing together various resources to learn Romanian, which seems to be working well.

However, my journey into software engineering involved following structured courses and programs, despite the non-linear nature of both software development and language acquisition. This approach has persisted throughout my four years in the field.

Therefore, I'm inspired to create a platform as a passion project. Currently, in the early stages of prototyping, I find myself overwhelmed by the numerous decisions ahead. Here is a basic outline of the structure I'm considering. It's primarily a grammar outline or niche concepts, and I'm open to feedback.

My fiancé and her family have committed to assisting with conversational recordings for daily activities, similar to RomanianPod101 but with a more engaging approach. They aim to devise additional methods to encourage active speaking. The potential directions for this platform are numerous, and I'm eager to receive feedback from fellow Romanian language learners.


Have something to contribute? Let's talk! UX/UI people would be a huge help. Send a message privately if you have anything to discuss.

Thanks in advance everyone and I look forward to conversation.

18:55 UTC


What happened to https://www.diacronia.ro/?

I am not in Romania now and cannot access https://www.diacronia.ro/ anymore. What could be the reason? Is the site down? Will it get back? I ask here because I don't know where else I should.

13:09 UTC


How to explain why letter  is never ever used at the beginning of words?

Most probably this is a pure convention, and for its formation I have my ideas why, but I am not sure my explanations would be good for a foreigner, or even a child. I don't have the intention to discuss my own ideas, nor to contradict others. I just want to ask, in order to get a broader image, 2 questions. Beside the obvious "it is just a convention":

  • how do you explain it to a foreigner/student who might insist on getting an explanation?
  • have you found (read) an explanation that has convinced you to a reasonable degree or that you consider satisfactory?
10:59 UTC


Where can i test my romanian level

Hello everyone. i was looking where i can test my romanian level (by myself, a self test). Like a sample exam or so. Anyone has tried before?

15:57 UTC


Can anyone who speaks Romanian help me with a song?

I love the song "Doina olt" by Romanian singer Anca Parghel. But because I don't speak Romanian, I obviously don't understand a word of it. I can't find the lyrics of it anywhere, so could anyone transcribe the lyrics to me? or at least tell me what it is about? Thank you very much.

The song is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0wRopqWx_U

03:41 UTC


Proper letter name pronunciation


I have a question in Romanian I can’t find the answer to.

I’ve been told the letters M and N in Romanian are called Em and En. Just like in English.

But I’ve also been told that you should pronounce CNP as ce-NEH-peh and not ce-EN-peh.

But nobody can explain why. If we read the acronym letter by letter as is done in English shouldn’t it be CHA-EN-PEH?

16:47 UTC


Where can I read short Romanian stories?

Hello. I was wondering where can I read short romanian stories, in all levels. I am only a beginner so if it only has beginner stories thats also fine. Does anyone know?

10:40 UTC


what is this called?

Hello. i learn romanian without a book. i often see să or things like s-au in sentences. what is this exactly called? i wanna look it up

11:06 UTC


What are the closest words in Romanian to Latin "silere", to be silent?

Title. Words, as in by sound, not meaning. So Siliră is a similar sounding word, closer to what I'm looking for, as opposed to tăcut, similar in meaning. Thanks for any input.

05:48 UTC


Summoning etymology enthusiasts: de unde pușca mea vine sensul figurativ al cuvântului "rost"?

La propriu, în sensul că descrie un element care nu este abstract, cuvântul "rost" identifică, printre altele, spațiul sub formă de unghi prin care se trece suveica la un război de țesut. Pe asta o înțeleg. "Rostrum" din latină, pare a avea sensul de de "cioc" (de pasăre) sau "provă" (a unui vapor) sau "amvon" (într-o biserică). Pentru mine, conexiunile astea au sens geometric, seamănă între ele cumva. (Atenție: nu vorbesc latină, se poate să fi dat de o informație greșită.)

Dar când spun că ceva "nu are rost"? E ca "there's no point" in engleză, care sugerează în mod abstract că lipsește un element esențial funcției primare a unei acțiuni sau persoane, să zicem, ca un ac fără vârf? Sau există o explicație mai interesantă?

14:27 UTC


Genitive pronouns - mea vs mele

Bună 👋

So, I understand that meu/mea are the singular possessive pronouns for “my”, like pisica mea, câinele meu, etc.

But when I want to say something like “my cat’s face”, I expected it to be fața pisicii mea, but I checked DeepL, which translated it as fața pisicii mele. My phone also suggests mele when I type fața pisicii.

Why is it mele (which I, until now, understand to be the plural form), rather than mea, when there’s only one cat and one face? Is it some kind of 1 (cat) + 1 (face) = 2, and is therefore plural situation?

14:20 UTC


Cum să mă descurc în română?

Bună! Iubesc limba română dar nu găsesc un curs de limba română unde locuiesc. Acum scriu fără dicționar sau traducător, cum știu, greșesc prea mult? În țara mea oameni sunt prosti, își bat joc de mine pentru ca ascult muzică românească e încerc să vb în română! Cel mai ciudat e ca tipul care își a bătut joc de mine acum studiază limba arabă! O limbă fără nici o legătura cu țara mea! Dar nu voi lăsa baltă! Cum să mă descurc? Vreun sfat? Mulțumesc frumos

12:27 UTC


Prezentul verbului “a fi”-o variantă dialectală rară

O variantă puțin cunoscută a prezentului verbului “a fi” ( noi fim, voi fiț’/noi fintem /voi finteț’) din județul Arad.


19:56 UTC

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