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Ask questions (preferably) in English about all topics around Romania.


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Therme Bucarest

Hi, I'm trying to book 2 tickets for february online in the official site. But the system says there is a payment error. I tried to buy from Italy with multiple cards Visa/Mastercard, the cards credentials are correct and there are enough money to buy the tickets in the bank accounts.

Did you ever have similar problems?

13:40 UTC


Studiu Licenta Psihologie

Bună! Sunt studentă la Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiințele Educației din cadrul UB. Îmi desfăşor lucrarea de licență și am nevoie de puțin ajutor din partea voastră. Studiul meu este despre cum valorile personale influențează alegerile pentru un stil de viață sănătos, iar completarea chestionarului este o parte esențială a cercetării. Dacă aveți câteva minute să răspundeți, mi-ați fi de mare ajutor! Răspunsurile sunt confidențiale, iar fiecare contribuție contează enorm. Singura condiție este să aveți peste 18 ani. Vă mulțumesc mult! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1sPV8DQwnVKvNngnOUANhXLjle1aDoneDxYmuG8SaWeY/viewform

13:33 UTC


Hi- niste subredit uri de dating/ ceva de fun?

Sunt din constanta si caut ceva casual.

1 Comment
06:45 UTC


Finally, moving to Bucharest Sunday! 🇷🇴

Any idea of a GOOD restaurant with romanian food I can go right after landing ?

00:30 UTC


How can I obtain the Romanian citizenship with a bribe?

Hello, I've heard that lot of Moldovans take the Romanian citizenship through ancestry. I'm not Moldovan and I want a EU passport, where I can find people or a lawyer who can help me in Romania (Iasi, Bucuresti, Arad, Cluj, Timisoara...)?

23:08 UTC


cute nicknames for a guy in Romanian?

Hi, I was wondering what nicknames people give to guys in Romanian

18:17 UTC


Cum se adreseaza e-mailurile de business in Limba Romana (Corporate)

Salutare Reddit Romania,

Recent am inceput un nou rol de vanzari in zona de consultanta IT pentru segmentul de Top Leadership (eg. CIO, CISO, IT Director). Lucrez pentru o firma americana si sunt plecat din Romania de 10 ani. Prin urmare, nu sunt la curent cu eticheta de business in situatii de genul.

Parte din rolul meu este sa dau mailuri sau sa sun persoane necunoscute (Directori de IT & above). Nu imi e clar cum sa ma adresez intr-un mail sau la inceputul unei convorbiri telefonice. In limba engleza / cultura occidentala se foloseste intodeauna prenumele. Dar in Romania ma gandesc ca poate fi riscant?

Care ar fi formularea corecta (exemplu - Ion Popescu CIO ING Romania):

a) Draga Domnule Popescu,
b) Draga Ion,
c) Draga Ion Popescu d) Domnului Ion Popescu,

As fi in special interesat de raspunsuri de la persoane cu cunostinte de business, care au lucrat in vanzari (corporate) pe piata din Romania.

Mersi fain!

PS: lucrez in vanzari de 5 ani la firme de top in Vest AMA :-)

13:50 UTC


2 in Mallorca Stolen phones found near Mamaia Beach after 6 weeks

Hi all Any local subreddit suggestion? Our phones were stolen at a remote beach in Mallorca and showed up today after 6 weeks at Mamaia Beach and sitting there the whole morning being seen every few minutes. It must have been packed in 2,4ghz proof packing all the time until just now. Both our phones unpacked simultaneously. Location in a well looking residential/apartment street: Bulevardul Mamaia 479, Constanța with a little possibility being in 477 or 477a. I guess the chances are low for just two old phones (13 white/12 black) and right now I wish there could be easily made a correlation between people being in Mallorca and the ones living in this apartment. After all it is just sad, that prejudices get confirmed. I mean, why is it showing up in a well maintained residential building with good and expensive cars in front and not on a market in a poor region?

08:19 UTC


Going Through a Tough Time, Need Support and Advice

Hi y'all,

Around 7 months ago, I experienced one of the happiest days of my life and got married. However, what followed has been much more challenging than I anticipated. I moved from Turkey to Romania for marriage, and I have been trying to find a job for the past 4 months (I work in IT), but unfortunately, I am still unemployed. On top of that, I am under the pressure of a significant $5,000 debt, which makes each day more exhausting.

Despite searching on all social media platforms and even freelancing sites like Upwork, I have not been able to secure a job. I wanna try different things such as built a SaaS, built a Google Chrome Extension, open a youtube channel, be content creator but I just can't seem myself on success. I feel extremely tired and unsure about what to do next.

Lately, I’ve been asked questions like, “What do you enjoy?” or “What’s your niche?” and I find myself coming up empty. It makes me feel like I’m just going through life without direction or purpose. I’m not sure how to answer these questions, and it’s making me question myself even more.

I would greatly appreciate any advice, support, or stories from those who have gone through similar difficult times. How can I stay resilient? What can I do to regain my motivation and energy? How do I discover what truly brings me joy and find my niche? Any tips or shared experiences would mean a lot to me.

Thank you in advance to everyone.

23:55 UTC


Romania is good, but how good ? (Expat Edition)

What are the things that made you move to Romania ?

22:23 UTC


What do Romanians think of USA and Americans?

And would you ever live and work in USA if you were able to get a visa?

13:21 UTC


Ce părere aveți despre ideea unui escape room în aer liber la nivel de oraș?

Salutare tuturor! Lucrez la o idee de escape room care să se desfășoare în aer liber, utilizând diverse locații. Participanții vor rezolva puzzle-uri și provocări care implică istoria și cultura orașului, în timp ce explorează locații cheie.

Aș aprecia enorm feedback-ul vostru ( https://forms.gle/gJFUSUwAMu15yHK76 ) pentru a vedea cât de interesantă este ideea și cum aș putea să o îmbunătățesc!

11:45 UTC


colet posta

salutare, mi a fost trimis un colet prin posta din strainatate, fara tracking, doar ca dintr o eroare la adresa pusa lipsesc datele pentru nr si scara blocului. se poate lua vre o masura pentru a nu pierde coletul? mentionez ca mi am dat numarul de telefon

08:08 UTC


Blocat tramvai

Buna seara,

Am nevoie de ajutor cu o situatie. Pe scurt, am parcat azi masina unde o parcam de obicei si am parcat de zeci de ori, in apropierea unei linii de tramvai. Ei bine, de data asta am parcat-o aparent de asa natura ca nu putea trece tramvaiul... Am fost sunat de politie, am venit imediat, am mutat-o, mers la sectie, facut dosar penal, oprit carnetul. Am destule mustrari de constiinta si stiu ca e 100% vina mea. Nu caut alinarea suferintei. Am inteles de la politisti ca trebuie sa fiu sunat acum de brigada rutiera. As vrea sa stiu totusi de la persoane care au mai trecut prin situatii asemanatoare la ce sa ma astept in continuare ca si demersuri si pedeapsa....

Mentionez ca sunt la prima abatere

17:13 UTC


Hey looking for nightlife!

Hey sorry for the short notice, my friend and i are looking for a good club to go to tonight. We are staying near old town and like to stay glose, any recomendations?

23:08 UTC


What is the cost of living in Romania in general?

Hey guys! Bună!

I was wondering after a maghiar guy from Oradea made a post in r/hungary or r/askhungary (cannot recall) that he's thinking about moving to Hungary. He posted his income and average payments, and the thread exploded telling him that it would be a financial seppuku to leave Romania. Here we got Eastern salaries and Western prices regarding both groceries and utilities. Banking and telecommunication are also more expensive, but the salaries are quite the same in both countries.

His main reason to leave Romania is he's not fluent but okayish in Romanian. Everyone told him it's better and easier to learn the language rather than leave the country.

So, how do you do over there? How do you come out of your salary?

I can share my personal experience about Hungary if you're interested.

Anyway, God bless you

19:58 UTC


Trimitere pachet in Austria

Hello! As vrea sa trimit un pachet in Austria. Am vazut ca pot fi trimise si prin Posta Romana sau alte firme de curierat. Stiu ca mai pot fi trimise si prin microbuz, dar nu stiu cat de safe sunt.

Ma puteti ajuta va rog cu niste infos, pareri, experiente, etc.


18:38 UTC


Furniture Shops

Hello, moving to Bucharest in a week where can I find good furniture ? No designer stuff I just need to fill the house, thanks

1 Comment
18:15 UTC


Romanian translation?

Hey guys,

Would you please tell me what is the correct way to say "Freshly squeezed juice" in Romanian?

and what the most common words/phrases you to call it?

11:49 UTC


Women’s clothing in Bucharest

Hello! I am visiting Bucharest for the first time and need to get more winter clothes - any recommendations on place to shop in particular for wool / cashmere sweaters and coats? Looking for decent ish quality items but not designer or anything. Thanks in advance

22:55 UTC


Salut!! esti metalist si esti in cautare de o comunitate de metalheads?

am eu solutia.va invit pe fusion vibes, cel mai misto server pentru metalisti ! https://discord.gg/XUXeWW79kD

19:54 UTC


Romanian Rose Sherbet Recipe?

Hi all! I am American but my dad was born in Romania. He's getting older and has started talking about his childhood more and more. He often brings up a recipe his aunt used to make for rose sherbet. I would absolutely love to make this for him! The way he describes it is almost like a jelly except you eat it with a spoon. I cannot find anything online to help, but admittedly, I am not exactly sure what I'm looking for!

Does anyone happen to know what he is talking about or have a recipe to share? I'd really love to make it for him!

14:58 UTC


Not Romanian! but obsessed

Hi! I am a girl from Argentina that have recently discovered Romanian music, I REALLY LOVE Mihaela Runceanu and I'm just curious, Is she REALLY REALLY famous there? I guess she is but anyway I want to ask

13:05 UTC


Can I switch my Romanian residence permit from volunteer to work if I find a job?

I’m currently in Romania on a one-year volunteer residence permit. I’m curious if I find a job here, is it possible to change my residence permit type from volunteer to work? Has anyone been through this process, or know what steps might be involved? Thanks in advance

1 Comment
09:38 UTC


Romanians and Ex-Spouses

Is it common and part of Romanian culture to shun your spouses ex from a previous marriage? My father is married to a Romanian woman and she refuses to allow him any contact with his ex-wife for no reason other than she is his ex. She says that this is common in Romania and I am trying to understand if this is accurate and the reason for this belief if true. My mother and father and father have been divorced for decades and I am grown so it is confusing to me why his wife would act this way.

23:47 UTC


Hello! Any advice from a foreigner (that has moved to Romania) will be more than helpful!

Hello everyone! I hope that this is the right page to be asking a question like this.

I have plans on moving to Romania. I have someone that really means a lot to me there so I want to be closer to them so we can be together physically and not just talking online. But as the title says, I would like some advice on how to move. I've never moved to another country before, let alone flew to one. I live in the United States if that helps at all. So I am a bit clueless and thought to turn to those who have moved to this country. How is it like? What is the process and the time frame of it all generally? And what visa should I get if I am trying to live there. When you have moved, did you went ahead and bought a home/apartment before flying over? What is the best way to learn Romanian as well?

I'm sorry for having a bunch of questions, I would love to read any and all experiences and try to implement it with my moving plan! Thank you all so much for reading :)

18:55 UTC


Long distance relationships

Hi everyone,

I’ve been talking to a girl from Brasov, Romania for a few months now. We live in different countries (I’m in the US), and we were both interested in each other, even discussing long-term plans. But recently, out of the blue, she said she feels we should stop talking, as she no longer feels the same connection. She explained that the long-distance aspect has become difficult for her, and I get it—long-distance relationships aren’t easy, and video calls just don’t offer the same comfort as having someone there in person.

We’re still talking, but now just as friends. I’m planning to visit Romania for the first time at the end of January 2025 for a week, but I’m a bit worried. I don’t know the language, and things have been a bit shaky between us, so I’m concerned she might cancel plans with me. If that happens, I have no clue what to do after coming to Romania. Any suggestions? do you think I could still turn the trip into a vacation? And is late January to early February a good time to visit Romania?

15:53 UTC


No domestic Flixbus routes in Romania?

I have checked on Flixbus website and there are many international lines going from Bucharest, most of the have stops in different cities of Romania before crossing the border (one example: Bucharest-Szeged goes daily and has 9 stops in Romania), but I can't buy a ticket to those cities. Should I buy an international route and simply get off at the city I want (like Brasov, for example), or can I somehow get a domestic route?

1 Comment
14:11 UTC


Constanta Flowers/Chocolates delivery

Hi! I’d like to send someone flowers and chocolates as a gift to a hotel room - hoping to order and pay online using credit card. Any shops you can recommend?

I’m searching online for chocolates and saw Leonidas but there are 3++ websites, not sure which one is legit.

Flowers I saw some potential shops but I haven’t tried checking out.

Thank you

13:33 UTC


Is it normal to go 200+ on the highway in Romania?

I always go 140 since there is a legal 10km grace given in Romania, but even then there are people flying past me like I'm parked

They must easily be going 200+

Is this normal in Romania?

I'm from Canada btw and I just moved to Bucharest a few months ago!

Great place apart from the driving

12:48 UTC

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