
Photograph via //r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza

Random acts of pizza. This is not a needs-based group. Respect the bots


Scammers will send PRIVATE MESSAGES!

  • Red Alert if the conversation turns to "gift card" or you receive an amazon/wishlist or other "easy out"/pushy behavior to complete the transaction

  • Check account names/age/karma carefully, use messages view. Install Reddit Enhancement Suite to check karma/age quickly.

  • See How Scammers Operate.

Best Practices

  • Donate through the subreddit, do not gift/trade with anyone that PM's you!
  • Order gift cards to your own e-mail
  • No screenshots! Send gift code + PIN as text. Do not give away order confirmation numbers
  • Do not buy from wishlist or product links

Welcome to RAoP

We are not affiliated with any other website or entity mentioning random acts of pizza.

We are open for active Redditors that have not engaged in questionable online behavior (relax, we don't know about all of it, you're probably fine). See The Pizza Library for everything you need to know to get started.

Sorry, we are not a public food assistance program, please see Emergency Food Assistance for other tips.


  1. Minimum 90 days old account with 400 comment karma, and:

  • Do not revive idle account to request
  • Do not cheat when acquiring karma
  • Do not use an alt/throwaway account. One account per household only across all gifting type subs.
  • No defaulted reddit loans
  • No begging or mooching
  • No nuked post history
  • Have regular and productive reddit participation for the past 90 days (requesting, entering giveaways, self-promotion, low effort comments etc does not count) This means you must Publicly comment and interact with a variety of subreddits. Comments count. Reading is not factored in. Your email must be verified.
  • We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.
  • Be civilized and keep posts Safe for Work. No witch hunts, calling people out, making insulting, or insinuating comments. No bartering for NSFW/explicit content. Don't hijack requests, or be less than honest.

  • Document transactions using the bot, and keep post status up to date. Donors and recipients make sure each gift is logged once, - flairs are updated automatically. Use of the bot is not optional, you must log your transaction. Failure to do so can result in a ban. Discount codes do not count as a gift, don't log them with the bot.

  • When gifted, post a separate [THANKS] with a Verification Photo. Do this if you win contests/offers as well. Follow up on all other agreements made with donor, such as work-for-pizza or pay-it-forward / pay-it-back.

  • Do not delete ANY CONTENT from this subreddit under ANY circumstances. You will be banned automatically. Use the bot to change post status.

  • Do NOT randomly PM users for any reason, including but not limited to requesting pizza, gift cards, trades, answering your survey, etc.

  • Wait minimum one week between reposts, and post max two requests per month. Wait 90 days after receiving a pizza, including giveaways, before you request or enter a new giveaway. If you have received 2 gifts more than you have given, you are not eligible to request or enter giveaways!

  • Requests are for pizza only, and max one gift per request! Do not ask for money, gift cards, or anything that is not pizza. No fundraisers, wishlists or referral links. No 3rd party requests for ineligible people. No gift card selling, trading, coupons, or similar.

  • 18+ due to ongoing issues with minors This does not mean it is okay to post using your porn account, or offer Adult Services in exchange for food.

  • We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.

  • Don't doxx yourself. Never post personally identifying information anywhere in this subreddit. If someone wants to purchase for you, they will contact you for your information.

  • Moderators reserve the right to remove posts, ban users and impose restrictions for reasons not explicitly listed in the rules. See Moderation Policies and Activity Limits

    Random Subreddits

    /r/RandomKindness, /r/Food_Pantry, /r/borrow, /r/GiftofGames, /r/RandomActsOfChristmas, /r/care, /r/Need, /r/assistance

    We are not affiliated with any other website or entity mentioning random acts of pizza.


    142,592 Subscribers


    [Thanks] for the pizza! You guys are awesome.


    If the text is illegible I can try again, thanks again u/ass_man007

    17:49 UTC


    [THANKS] Thank you u/dr3edeye for the pie, much appreciated

    Just got my pizza, hot and fresh


    03:09 UTC


    [Request] In between jobs and kind of in a depressive rut.

    I don't make a habit out of complaining about my life or anything, so I won't start here. Just been a rough few weeks while I've been looking for a new job, and I'm running low on funds. I should make it, but ramen and water is getting old fast. I've always liked to lurk in here and read the stories, never had cause to post before. Pizza would be a nice change of pace :)

    Edit: I'm in USA, Birmingham, Alabama, Closest Pizza to me is Papa Johns

    17:56 UTC


    [REQUEST] Having a rough day and just looking for a boost

    Today's been a bit of a downer and I could really use a little pick me up, live in Tell City, IN with a papajohns and a pizza hut near by.

    22:47 UTC


    [thanks] u/littlesisterofthesun thank you again!

    It won’t let me add pics but she fulfilled the request.



    00:04 UTC


    [REQUEST] Any help would be appreciated.

    I just moved into new place and job searching, it took out nearly what I had left in bank. My dog has food for awhile. My rent & bills are paid up finally. Just spent my last 30 to fill up gas in my car. I’m literally just surviving on rice And some seasonings for the next week or two. Could use any help that anyone is willing to give. Thank you!

    Edit #3: request fulfilled! Thank you u/littlesisterofthesun

    Edit #2: Near Richmond, VA

    Edit: there’s dominoes, Pizza Hut, papa John’s, etc around me.

    22:36 UTC


    [Meta] An Introduction and Rules Reminder for r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza

    Welcome to /r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza!

    For those of you that are new (or even those that aren't), please keep in mind the following requirements and rules.

    Account Requirements

    To make requests, and enter contests and giveaways, your account:

    • Must be at least 90 days old
    • Must have at least 400 Comment Karma
    • Must have regular and productive reddit participation for the past 90 days (requesting, entering giveaways, self-promotion, low effort comments, gift exchanges and the like does not count)
    • Must have no defaulted Reddit loans
    • No nuked post history
    • Must not be a revived idle account
    • Must not be listed on the r/UniversalScammerList

    Please view your own account profile to see what your karma levels are at. Post/Link karma is separate from Comment karma.

    • Do not cheat when acquiring karma. Use of the various "Free Karma" subs and begging for karma will result in a permanent ban.
    • Do not use an alt/throwaway account. One account per individual and household only. Use of multiple accounts will result in a permanent ban.
    • Do not send unsolicited private messages. Sending PMs to circumvent account requirements will also result in a permanent ban.
    • We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.

    There are other reasons why you might not be allowed to post that don't fit these categories listed. For more details see our Moderation Policies.

    To make offers, contests, giveaways or fulfill requests:

    • There are no requirements, however as our bots may not be able to always differentiate, please modmail us if you have any issues.
    • Donors should read this guide to prevent being scammed.

    Quick Overview of Rules

    • Do not delete ANY CONTENT from this subreddit under ANY circumstances. You will be banned AUTOMATICALLY. Use the bot to change post status. (In other words, use the $closed command!)
    • Document transactions using the bot, and keep post status up to date. Donors and recipients make sure each gift is logged once, - flairs are updated automatically. Use of the bot is not optional, you must log your transaction. Failure to do so can result in a ban. Discount codes do not count as a gift, don't log them with the bot.
    • When gifted, post a separate [THANKS] with a Verification Photo. Do this if you win contests/offers as well. Follow up on all other agreements made with donor, such as work-for-pizza or pay-it-forward / pay-it-back. Failure to include a verification photo will prevent you from making future requests or participating in contests and giveaways.
    • Posting limits Wait a minimum 7 days before reposting after an unfulfilled request, and a minimum 90 days after receiving a pizza (including contests/offers). If you have received 2 gifts more than you have given, do not request or enter giveaways.
    • Requests are for pizza (and side orders and soft drinks with the pizza) only, and max one gift per request! Do not ask for money, gift cards, or anything that is not pizza and sides and soft drinks with the pizza. No fundraisers, wish lists or referral links. No 3rd party requests for ineligible users. No gift card selling or so on. Also, no alcoholic beverages. (Sorry!)
    • Be civilized and keep posts Safe for Work. No witch hunts, calling people out, making insulting, or insinuating comments. No bartering for NSFW/explicit content. Don't hijack requests, or be less than honest.

    More Info

    REMEMBER: We are NOT an emergency food resource.

    If you are in desperate need, we have suggestions on where to get assistance here at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/emergency_assistance

    Posts and comments from ineligible users are simply removed by the bot. There's no banning just because you don't meet requirements, and you are free to participate later once those requirements are met. There are some exceptions though, so again, please check our Moderation Policies.

    Even if you ask us nicely for an exception to the account requirements (which we'll refuse), you'll still be able to participate in the future once you meet requirements.

    The exception is if the user reacts poorly. That will earn a permanent ban. And that's no fun for anyone.


    Click here for Frequently Asked Questions

    Modmail us!

    1 Comment
    17:05 UTC


    [REQUEST] screwed up the title bahaha. Super super low rn, could use some cheering up.

    terrible terrible few days. struggling with my mental. anyone?

    there's a casey's and a dominoes nearby. (spencer, ia)

    14:30 UTC


    [THANKS] u/Nebfisherman1987

    This made my whole year bud! The employee even gave me a free sauce!!!!


    Excuse me while I cry in the parking lot eating pizza..

    01:58 UTC


    [THANKS] u/Ryality for making my night a billion times better💕

    01:31 UTC


    [REQUEST] Could use a slice

    Been going through some tough times, could use a hot slice right about now.

    I have dominoes near me. (Johnstown, CO)

    00:07 UTC


    [REQUEST] going through a breakup, desperately need some comfort food

    as the title says, I’m going through a really rough breakup. I’ve been staying with friends and in motels but it’s expensive and I could just really use a night where I don’t have to worry about affording dinner please

    Edmonds, WA, USA

    there’s a pizza hut right across the street and a dominos a few blocks away

    02:48 UTC


    [THANKS] u/Nibiru_realm for my first RAOP pizza!! 🍕


    XL cheese & pineapple with saide sauces & the rest to tip! Ty!’

    02:29 UTC


    [Request] Followed this thread for a long time & just wanted to experience the joy Random Act of Pizza brings 🍕

    This concept and circle of pizza giving and receiving has always amazed me. A cool example of gathering around pizza.

    I just want to experience the joy and then pass it on to the next person, tbh.

    I am located in Georgia, USA.

    The nearest Pizza chain is Papa John’s & Pizza Hut.

    If you’re feeling the spirit, then let’s go!

    01:19 UTC


    [REQUEST] Extremely sick, broke and upset.

    I'm located in the UK. I think my most nearby chain is Dominos

    I caught covid on my birthday which I'm thankfully on antivirals for (due to a suppressed immune system) but the antivirals have flared up my Crohn's Disease and left a horrible taste in my mouth, haven't eaten for about a day and a half. Haven't left the bed really for longer. I would go out and get myself something to eat but I havent been able to successfully get up for about 3 days, my card just got blocked because Im in my overdraft. It's been a really lousy week.

    I am paid in 1 week and would more than happily pay the favour forward if anyone would be willing to send me something

    21:59 UTC


    [THANKS] /u/_JadedJoker_

    Pizza Lyfe 4 Eva. I'll pass on the favor here before too long.

    verification: https://imgur.com/a/4qRdd8a

    14:32 UTC


    [REQUEST]all creek, no paddle

    Canadian guy here. I work a very physical job mon-fri in a big city basically running between offices.
    I was counting on a nice nice gig I had lined up last weekend which fell through.
    I don't get paid till tomorrow at noon.

    So please help me lord
    Cheesus Sliced.
    Tasty be thy game.

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Pizza Pizza, Dominoes, Pizza Hut

    01:41 UTC


    [THANKS] u/Evilevilcow

    Thanks u/Evilevilcow you've made our week "Best pizza night ever!"

    edit: better photo

    01:27 UTC


    [REQUEST] My kids are sick of beans and rice and I'm broke until Friday

    Located in the United States.

    We're in the process of moving due to eviction and are so low on groceries that we've been eating beans and rice for dinner all month. I get paid on Friday and will be able to do a small grocery trip (I hope), but my kids have been very brave and well-behaved this week and I just want them to have a treat of some kind. Thank you!

    22:04 UTC


    [PSA] Message the moderators if someone private messages you to offer you a pizza without commenting on your post first, or if they private message you on an offer without commenting on your post.

    We have a user that is absolutely determined to get everyone banned from this group for their own entertainment by offering to ineligible users, or by asking them to break the rules. If we see this, you get a ban. And trust me, we see this.

    If you make an offer and someone private messages you with a request, they know they're not supposed to be doing that. If you give to them, you will get a ban.

    Don't complain to us if you ignore the rules.

    1 Comment
    23:41 UTC


    [THANKS] u/trizuer

    Thanks again for your generosity!

    image: https://imgur.com/a/ivdXQev

    17:22 UTC


    [THANKS] to u/archaeonflux

    04:28 UTC


    [OFFER] Let me buy you some pizza!😁

    Years ago this sub helped me out when I really needed it (more than once), and of course l've always paid it forward, but l'd rather give these days than take!

    Please just tell me about something great that has happened in your life recently. Lately I've been feeling on top of the world and want to keep those good vibes going.

    11am CST, tomorrow 7/15, I'll send a random person $30 to whatever chain you want!

    Love you guys so much!

    edit: US only

    02:52 UTC


    [REQUEST] Pizza for dinner to make my sad day a little better

    Last night I was scammed out of my last 50$ until payday. It really has me in the dumps because I feel like such a fool for letting it happen. Basically been rotting in bed and forgot to get something set up for dinner, so maybe a pizza would be nice?

    I live in a food desert (U.S, Portland, KY), but there is a little Caesars nearby and I think a dominoes just across the bridge in the neighboring state, either would be fine with me.

    I will pay it forward once I get paid again! TYIA ❤️

    22:43 UTC


    [Meta] An Introduction and Rules Reminder for r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza

    Welcome to /r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza!

    For those of you that are new (or even those that aren't), please keep in mind the following requirements and rules.

    Account Requirements

    To make requests, and enter contests and giveaways, your account:

    • Must be at least 90 days old
    • Must have at least 400 Comment Karma
    • Must have regular and productive reddit participation for the past 90 days (requesting, entering giveaways, self-promotion, low effort comments, gift exchanges and the like does not count)
    • Must have no defaulted Reddit loans
    • No nuked post history
    • Must not be a revived idle account
    • Must not be listed on the r/UniversalScammerList

    Please view your own account profile to see what your karma levels are at. Post/Link karma is separate from Comment karma.

    • Do not cheat when acquiring karma. Use of the various "Free Karma" subs and begging for karma will result in a permanent ban.
    • Do not use an alt/throwaway account. One account per individual and household only. Use of multiple accounts will result in a permanent ban.
    • Do not send unsolicited private messages. Sending PMs to circumvent account requirements will also result in a permanent ban.
    • We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.

    There are other reasons why you might not be allowed to post that don't fit these categories listed. For more details see our Moderation Policies.

    To make offers, contests, giveaways or fulfill requests:

    • There are no requirements, however as our bots may not be able to always differentiate, please modmail us if you have any issues.
    • Donors should read this guide to prevent being scammed.

    Quick Overview of Rules

    • Do not delete ANY CONTENT from this subreddit under ANY circumstances. You will be banned AUTOMATICALLY. Use the bot to change post status. (In other words, use the $closed command!)
    • Document transactions using the bot, and keep post status up to date. Donors and recipients make sure each gift is logged once, - flairs are updated automatically. Use of the bot is not optional, you must log your transaction. Failure to do so can result in a ban. Discount codes do not count as a gift, don't log them with the bot.
    • When gifted, post a separate [THANKS] with a Verification Photo. Do this if you win contests/offers as well. Follow up on all other agreements made with donor, such as work-for-pizza or pay-it-forward / pay-it-back. Failure to include a verification photo will prevent you from making future requests or participating in contests and giveaways.
    • Posting limits Wait a minimum 7 days before reposting after an unfulfilled request, and a minimum 90 days after receiving a pizza (including contests/offers). If you have received 2 gifts more than you have given, do not request or enter giveaways.
    • Requests are for pizza (and side orders and soft drinks with the pizza) only, and max one gift per request! Do not ask for money, gift cards, or anything that is not pizza and sides and soft drinks with the pizza. No fundraisers, wish lists or referral links. No 3rd party requests for ineligible users. No gift card selling or so on. Also, no alcoholic beverages. (Sorry!)
    • Be civilized and keep posts Safe for Work. No witch hunts, calling people out, making insulting, or insinuating comments. No bartering for NSFW/explicit content. Don't hijack requests, or be less than honest.

    More Info

    REMEMBER: We are NOT an emergency food resource.

    If you are in desperate need, we have suggestions on where to get assistance here at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/emergency_assistance

    Posts and comments from ineligible users are simply removed by the bot. There's no banning just because you don't meet requirements, and you are free to participate later once those requirements are met. There are some exceptions though, so again, please check our Moderation Policies.

    Even if you ask us nicely for an exception to the account requirements (which we'll refuse), you'll still be able to participate in the future once you meet requirements.

    The exception is if the user reacts poorly. That will earn a permanent ban. And that's no fun for anyone.


    Click here for Frequently Asked Questions

    Modmail us!

    1 Comment
    17:05 UTC


    [THANKS] u/crudelisspurius


    Thank you very much crudelisspurius

    I appreciate your kindness and enjoyed the pizza! I means a lot. Thank you!

    04:11 UTC


    [Request]Pizza for Dinner Please

    Hello Everyone!

    I have been having a rough time recently and could use a little something to make me feel better.Its just me and my little dog. Pizza from Dominos is my favorite but would be very grateful with anything. I appreciate any consideration.

    22:23 UTC


    [Thanks] u/littlesisterofthesun

    Pic: https://ibb.co/q5yJpYM

    Thank you so much for the pizza and the drink! You've seriously made my week and a huge difference!

    09:24 UTC


    [REQUEST] missed my food pantry - down to plain noodles

    Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this will actually work but it seems to for some, so yeah, I started a new job about a week ago and due to the pay cycles it'll be another 2 weeks before I get paid. The job is fantastic so far and I'm really enjoying the crew I work with, usually I have a good food pantry I go to every week, but with the summer they've changed to monthly pantry at a much larger amount.

    Sadly I missed this last one, which means the next one isn't until the start of August. I was already starting to get low on things but this dealt a pretty difficult blow. I've basically got some stone cut oats, a small bag of rice, and a lot of pasta with no sauces. It's been really difficult trying to keep my spirits up through this...

    I'm a skinny guy and I don't typically eat very much, either so I'm really good at stretching things to last. A large lasts 2-3 days for me. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Right near downtown, so there's a lot of things within walking or delivery distance, local chains [dominos, pizza pizza, FreshSlice, Uncle Fatihs, etc]

    Cheers and love to everyone

    04:25 UTC

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