
Photograph via //r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza

Random acts of pizza. This is not a needs-based group. Respect the bots


Scammers will send PRIVATE MESSAGES!

  • Red Alert if the conversation turns to "gift card" or you receive an amazon/wishlist or other "easy out"/pushy behavior to complete the transaction

  • Check account names/age/karma carefully, use messages view. Install Reddit Enhancement Suite to check karma/age quickly.

  • See How Scammers Operate.

Best Practices

  • Donate through the subreddit, do not gift/trade with anyone that PM's you!
  • Order gift cards to your own e-mail
  • No screenshots! Send gift code + PIN as text. Do not give away order confirmation numbers
  • Do not buy from wishlist or product links

Welcome to RAoP

We are not affiliated with any other website or entity mentioning random acts of pizza.

We are open for active Redditors that have not engaged in questionable online behavior (relax, we don't know about all of it, you're probably fine). See The Pizza Library for everything you need to know to get started.

Sorry, we are not a public food assistance program, please see Emergency Food Assistance for other tips.


  1. Minimum 90 days old account with 400 comment karma, and:

  • Do not revive idle account to request
  • Do not cheat when acquiring karma
  • Do not use an alt/throwaway account. One account per household only across all gifting type subs.
  • No defaulted reddit loans
  • No begging or mooching
  • No nuked post history
  • Have regular and productive reddit participation (requesting, entering giveaways, self-promotion, low effort comments etc does not count) This means you must Publicly comment and interact with a variety of subreddits. Comments count. Reading is not factored in. Your email must be verified.
  • We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.
  • Be civilized and keep posts Safe for Work. No witch hunts, calling people out, making insulting, or insinuating comments. No bartering for NSFW/explicit content. Don't hijack requests, or be less than honest.

  • Document transactions using the bot, and keep post status up to date. Donors and recipients make sure each gift is logged once, - flairs are updated automatically. Use of the bot is not optional, you must log your transaction. Failure to do so can result in a ban. Discount codes do not count as a gift, don't log them with the bot.

  • When gifted, post a separate [THANKS] with a Verification Photo. Do this if you win contests/offers as well. Follow up on all other agreements made with donor, such as work-for-pizza or pay-it-forward / pay-it-back.

  • Do not delete ANY CONTENT from this subreddit under ANY circumstances. You will be banned automatically. Use the bot to change post status.

  • Do NOT randomly PM users for any reason, including but not limited to requesting pizza, gift cards, trades, answering your survey, etc.

  • Wait minimum one week between reposts, and post max two requests per month. Wait 90 days after receiving a pizza, including giveaways, before you request or enter a new giveaway. If you have received 2 gifts more than you have given, you are not eligible to request or enter giveaways!

  • Requests are for pizza only, and max one gift per request! Do not ask for money, gift cards, or anything that is not pizza. No fundraisers, wishlists or referral links. No 3rd party requests for ineligible people. No gift card selling, trading, coupons, or similar.

  • 18+ due to ongoing issues with minors This does not mean it is okay to post using your porn account, or offer Adult Services in exchange for food.

  • We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.

  • Don't doxx yourself. Never post personally identifying information anywhere in this subreddit. If someone wants to purchase for you, they will contact you for your information.

  • Moderators reserve the right to remove posts, ban users and impose restrictions for reasons not explicitly listed in the rules. See Moderation Policies and Activity Limits

    Random Subreddits

    /r/RandomKindness, /r/Food_Pantry, /r/borrow, /r/GiftofGames, /r/RandomActsOfChristmas, /r/care, /r/assistance

    We are not affiliated with any other website or entity mentioning random acts of pizza.


    144,687 Subscribers


    [Request] Week from hell.

    We humiliated ourselves by begging on reddit. Didn't manage to make the rent within the grace period, so we got our 10 day notice to pay or leave today. Now the power is out (Snow related. We did pay the electricity.) and we're packing in the dark.

    We're in Westminster, MD, US. I think all of the chain places are open. Papa Johns and Genovas are an easy walk. Domino's has an $18 minimum for delivery and is difficult to reach on foot, so we usually avoid them. I don't think Pizza Bolis does gifts. Pizza hut is too far and I really don't want to put a driver on the road right now.

    16:31 UTC


    [THANKS] you made my night!

    huge thanks to u/a_bizz for the dinner tonight, i can’t say thanks enough!!

    pizza hehehe :3 imgur.com/a/crecOKS

    03:15 UTC


    [REQUEST] haven’t eaten a real meal since New Year’s eve, could really use something filling

    i’m always one to help others when i can, i hate to ask for help but i am so, so hungry and im not sure what to do. in between jobs so money is extremely tight. thank you in advance! <3

    USA/Stratford/CT nearby pizza chain: Domino’s

    01:51 UTC



    Thank you so much for your generosity u/a_bizz from u/same_ol_gay



    01:05 UTC


    [THANKS] You're a total gem!

    Thank you so much u/somethingabstract2 for the pizza and wedges! This has made my week big time! I hope loads of good pizza karma comes your way! 😊


    23:57 UTC


    [Offer] Pizza for someone in need

    Preferably in Canada as I don't know how to order internationally. Hopefully I can make your day a little better.

    20:02 UTC


    [THANKS] for the food!

    Thank you, u/a_bizz ! Absolutely made my week with this feast! Appreciate you so much!

    Picture: https://imgur.com/a/q9pxe1F

    17:06 UTC


    [Thanks] u/somethingtacos!!

    Fed my whole family of four!! We really appreciate it!


    00:16 UTC


    [Thanks] Food for the week

    Thank you so much for the Pizza, u/Somethingtacos. What an amazing way to start the new year. My wife and I needed this ❤️


    22:59 UTC


    [Request] Just to get by for a week

    Hey guys. I've had a rough holiday season in a new city. I just started a new job and I'm hoping to get something fresh to break up the monotony of TV dinners until I get paid on the 10th.

    I live in Indianapolis, IN. Close by restaurants are Marcos, Domino's, Pizza Hut, and Papa Johns.

    Hope everyones having a good new year!

    22:23 UTC


    Broke my driving foot. It’s super hard to get around and I’m running out of easy meals

    I don’t care what venue in FL if that helps. Thank you in advance!

    04:32 UTC


    [REQUEST] Just found out about this sub, does Reddit hate French people too much to give them free pizza?

    I have no clear idea how it works though (edit: I figured it out) Only big chain near me is Domino's

    Also happy New Year!

    11:26 UTC


    [THANKS] Got it!

    Special thanks to u/dr3rdeye for the giveaway!

    Thank you dude, I appreciate it!!!


    22:46 UTC


    [Request] No money, no car, no food for the new year

    Hey! I haven’t had such a good few days. I’m living out a hotel right now while my apartment gets worked on, my car broke down yesterday, and I have no money trying to get it fixed until I get paid Friday.

    I’ve never used this sub but I’ve heard of it. Figured I’d shoot my shot at having something good to eat and leftovers until I get paid Friday 🥲

    I’m in Lansing Michigan. Unfortunately due to not having a car, most options I’d only be able to receive delivery. I have one local chain I can walk to.

    Dominos 2015 Larch St.

    Sir Pizza (Walkable) 1500 W Lake Lansing rd.

    Pizza Hut 3220 E. Lake Lansing rd.

    Edit: Didn’t specify, but I’m in the United States

    23:36 UTC


    [OFFER] Happy New Year's Eve!


    I'm a person who lives with severe mental illnesses and disorders, but I'm having a great birthday week and I want to pass on some good karma. I'm in the US so let me know how I can help you celebrate too!

    22:47 UTC


    [THANKS] Pizza received!!

    I am unable to upload an image to the sub, but here is a link to my picture. With the handwritten date, username, etc.

    Much thanks to u/radioheadenjoyer225 for the Jet's gift card! I can't wait to enjoy my pizza :)


    17:14 UTC


    [Thanks] Thank you so much!


    You're awesome u/meditation_account , I appreciate it so much.

    00:30 UTC


    [THANKS] Received my pizza!

    Thank you so much to u/tutusweet. Thank you, gracias, danke.

    21:19 UTC


    [Offer] Domino’s Pizza for Pickup or Delivery

    This is my first time making an offer on this sub so please bear with me if I don’t know what I’m doing. I’d like to offer someone a Domino’s pizza for pickup or delivery, whichever is most convenient for you. Please comment below and I will choose someone at random.

    Edit: this is for USA only

    19:05 UTC


    [Meta] An Introduction and Rules Reminder for r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza

    Welcome to /r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza!

    For those of you that are new (or even those that aren't), please keep in mind the following requirements and rules.

    Account Requirements

    To make requests, and enter contests and giveaways, your account:

    • Must be at least 90 days old
    • Must have at least 400 Comment Karma
    • Must have regular and productive Reddit participation (requesting, entering giveaways, self-promotion, low effort comments, gift exchanges and the like does not count)
    • Must have no defaulted Reddit loans
    • No nuked post history
    • Must not be a revived idle account
    • Must not be listed on the r/UniversalScammerList

    Please view your own account profile to see what your karma levels are at. Post/Link karma is separate from Comment karma.

    • Do not cheat when acquiring karma. Use of the various "Free Karma" subs and begging for karma will result in a permanent ban.
    • Do not use an alt/throwaway account. One account per individual and household only. Use of multiple accounts will result in a permanent ban.
    • Do not send unsolicited private messages. Sending PMs to circumvent account requirements will also result in a permanent ban.
    • We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.

    There are other reasons why you might not be allowed to post that don't fit these categories listed. For more details see our Moderation Policies.

    To make offers, contests, giveaways or fulfill requests:

    • There are no requirements, however as our bots may not be able to always differentiate, please modmail us if you have any issues.
    • Donors should read this guide to prevent being scammed.

    Quick Overview of Rules

    • Do not delete ANY CONTENT from this subreddit under ANY circumstances. You will be banned AUTOMATICALLY. Use the bot to change post status. (In other words, use the $closed command!)
    • Document transactions using the bot, and keep post status up to date. Donors and recipients make sure each gift is logged once, - flairs are updated automatically. Use of the bot is not optional, you must log your transaction. Failure to do so can result in a ban. Discount codes do not count as a gift, don't log them with the bot.
    • When gifted, post a separate [THANKS] with a Verification Photo. Do this if you win contests/offers as well. Follow up on all other agreements made with donor, such as work-for-pizza or pay-it-forward / pay-it-back. Failure to include a verification photo will prevent you from making future requests or participating in contests and giveaways.
    • Posting limits Wait a minimum 7 days before reposting after an unfulfilled request, and a minimum 90 days after receiving a pizza (including contests/offers). If you have received 2 gifts more than you have given, do not request or enter giveaways.
    • Requests are for pizza (and side orders and soft drinks with the pizza) only, and max one gift per request! Do not ask for money, gift cards, or anything that is not pizza and sides and soft drinks with the pizza. No fundraisers, wish lists or referral links. No 3rd party requests for ineligible users. No gift card selling or so on. Also, no alcoholic beverages. (Sorry!)
    • Be civilized and keep posts Safe for Work. No witch hunts, calling people out, making insulting, or insinuating comments. No bartering for NSFW/explicit content. Don't hijack requests, or be less than honest.

    More Info

    REMEMBER: We are NOT an emergency food resource.

    If you are in desperate need, we have suggestions on where to get assistance here at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/emergency_assistance

    Posts and comments from ineligible users are simply removed by the bot. There's no banning just because you don't meet requirements, and you are free to participate later once those requirements are met. There are some exceptions though, so again, please check our Moderation Policies.

    Even if you ask us nicely for an exception to the account requirements (which we'll refuse), you'll still be able to participate in the future once you meet requirements.

    The exception is if the user reacts poorly. That will earn a permanent ban. And that's no fun for anyone.


    Click here for Frequently Asked Questions

    Modmail us!

    1 Comment
    18:05 UTC


    [Request] I'm just tired of eating canned beans and soup.

    Past few weeks I haven't had much money so I've bought as cheap as possible. Canned goods and microwaveable stew without a microwave. It's cold or room temp but it does the job. It'd be nice to have a hot pizza.

    I'm in Lawrenceville, GA. Closest/cheapest joint is a Little Ceaser's or Riverside Pizza. I've got the change for a ranch dressing side.


    Riverside Pizza - 2100 Riverside Pkwy.

    Little Ceasar's - 2121 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd.

    Dominos - 2027 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd.

    17:53 UTC


    [Request] Hi all! I'm new :)

    I just want to say that this is such a cool sub.

    I'm in a bad spot financially and save all my money for rent, so I've been eating pretty much only white rice and whatever sickly foods I can find in the cupboards.

    A pizza would make my whole week! It saves well, is filling, and is overall just a scrumptious dish :)

    📍Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA

    Nearby chains: Hungry Howie's, Jet's, Pizza Hut, Little Caesar's, Cottage Inn, Papa John's

    00:17 UTC


    [REQUEST] It's my birthday today. Stuck at home, a pizza/drink would be nice.

    Nothing really special to my story. I'm in southeast Texas, with a Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, and Papa John's nearby. Papa John's is my favorite but any would be appreciated.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and have a wonderful day :)

    19:22 UTC


    [THANKS] thanks for the giveaway, grapefruitdressgrape 🎄🍕


    Thanks for the holiday giveaway, grapefruitdressgrape! 🎄🍕

    23:32 UTC


    [Thanks] for the Pizza!!!!

    Thank you for the Pizza gift card to purchase my pie the other day. u/FrozenFlameInTheWind Greatly appreciated!!!

    The verification is posted on my profile. Will link in comments

    23:37 UTC


    [THANKS] For the Pizza, Imaginary_Brick_3643

    Photo: https://imgur.com/a/VLFfW4V

    Thank you so much, Imaginary_Brick_3643, for the Dominos large pizza and coke! This brightened our holiday.

    22:45 UTC


    [OFFER] 1 Pizza pie of your choosing- pick up from dominos (U.S)

    Hi, I am feeling inclined to help after I’ve stumbled across this sub.

    I hope everyone is able to be warm this season. I hope you find ways to enjoy this Christmas even though holidays sometimes aren’t the easiest for some.

    In my culture food is considered love and I would like today to share some love with someone who’s in need.

    16:54 UTC


    [Offer] In the spirit of Christmas, I would like to gift someone a pizza

    Like the title says, I would like to gift someone a pizza tonight in the spirit of Christmas. Would anyone like one? I live in the United States but willing to get a pizza for people in other countries via a gift card.

    22:44 UTC


    [Thanks] u/grapefruitdressgrape


    Thank you u/grapefruitdressgrape for your random act of kindness 🥰 I'll be back to pass it on!

    21:31 UTC


    [request] financial hardship, feeling down, would like a pick me up for the holidays

    hey all, currently in quebec, canada. im between jobs and cant afford anything for the holidays, not even food. its been rough. would appreciate a pizza to help make things a little better

    02:18 UTC

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