Random acts of pizza. This is not a needs-based group. Respect the bots
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Requests are for pizza only, and max one gift per request! Do not ask for money, gift cards, or anything that is not pizza. No fundraisers, wishlists or referral links. No 3rd party requests for ineligible people. No gift card selling, trading, coupons, or similar.
18+ due to ongoing issues with minors This does not mean it is okay to post using your porn account, or offer Adult Services in exchange for food.
We also reserve the right at moderators' discretion to disallow anyone that appears to abuse the generosity of others. If your account history shows that a substantial amount of your Reddit participation is in gifting and material support subs, you may be banned.
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/r/RandomKindness, /r/Food_Pantry, /r/borrow, /r/GiftofGames, /r/RandomActsOfChristmas, /r/care, /r/assistance
We are not affiliated with any other website or entity mentioning random acts of pizza.
Big thanks to u/tutusweet for looking out for me.
I am fortunately doing okay, it is just... I have not eaten Pizza for like 9 or more months? XD, wondering if anyone is feeling generous! (Please save the pizza money for others in more need if necessary!)
Currently staying over with a friend in Belleville, New Jersey, United States, looking for Pizza Hut
On another note, bless this community for real, real good people through and through.
Hello, Pizza People.
The shortest version of the story is, I'm on Social Security Disability and I get food stamps. I generally do ok, month to month, but they took an extra $360 from my check this month, a mistake regarding my Medicare Premiums.
I have made it, almost, but until I get my SSDI on the third, I'm basically on canned veggies.
I'm in Bakersfield, California, just north of all those fires, and pizza could help get me over the line.
For those of you that are new (or even those that aren't), please keep in mind the following requirements and rules.
Please view your own account profile to see what your karma levels are at. Post/Link karma is separate from Comment karma.
There are other reasons why you might not be allowed to post that don't fit these categories listed. For more details see our Moderation Policies.
If you are in desperate need, we have suggestions on where to get assistance here at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/emergency_assistance
Posts and comments from ineligible users are simply removed by the bot. There's no banning just because you don't meet requirements, and you are free to participate later once those requirements are met. There are some exceptions though, so again, please check our Moderation Policies.
Even if you ask us nicely for an exception to the account requirements (which we'll refuse), you'll still be able to participate in the future once you meet requirements.
The exception is if the user reacts poorly. That will earn a permanent ban. And that's no fun for anyone.
Been struggling for awhile and staying at a Motel while working. It costs me almost my whole paycheck to cover two weeks here, and I haven't been able to afford food. I get paid tomorrow night but I don't have anything until then. In US, Ohio. Dominos and Papa Johns are around I think.
Medical bills piled up and ran out of money. Spent what was left on gas, 70¢ in the bank. Thanks! Utah, USA
My wallet got stolen and I only have one card left before I fly back tomorrow evening… but it’s stopped working today. Would seriously appreciate it and could get you back in a couple of days when im back in England!
U/solikebasically got me pizza dinner from Papa John's. I can't post a pic or a link for some reason. If any confirmation is needed i can provide a pic somehow
Friend said he was going to take us out for dinner just decided not to and I'm really not feeling the meager offerings in my fridge. Over in Utica, New York, United States, little caesers or dominos would be awesome.
LA guy here, I lost a lot of work due to the fires and I'm just way behind on my bills. I will pay a pizza forward on this sub in the coming week if I can get some help tonight. Appreciate your time.
u/No-Permission-5619 Thanks so much! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C1DoLbhuWQsGoycIhAZKga9c3ttWjnJZ/view?usp=drivesdk
If anybody would like to give a pizza, I would really appreciate it. I don't have any food or way to get any right now. There's a Domino's in my area. Thanks for reading.
Thank you u/Necessary-Drawer-173 for the awesome pizza! I really appreciate you!
Hey all,
Just looking for a pie to get me through a couple days. I had to spend what I had on a college application so I won't have money or groceries until I get paid next week. No worries if not just thought I'd try at least.
Living in Ontario Canada with most major chains nearby - Dominos, Papa Johns, Pizza Hut, I'm not picky.
For those of you that are new (or even those that aren't), please keep in mind the following requirements and rules.
Please view your own account profile to see what your karma levels are at. Post/Link karma is separate from Comment karma.
There are other reasons why you might not be allowed to post that don't fit these categories listed. For more details see our Moderation Policies.
If you are in desperate need, we have suggestions on where to get assistance here at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/emergency_assistance
Posts and comments from ineligible users are simply removed by the bot. There's no banning just because you don't meet requirements, and you are free to participate later once those requirements are met. There are some exceptions though, so again, please check our Moderation Policies.
Even if you ask us nicely for an exception to the account requirements (which we'll refuse), you'll still be able to participate in the future once you meet requirements.
The exception is if the user reacts poorly. That will earn a permanent ban. And that's no fun for anyone.
We can pick up anywhere. And if it helps dominos has a 50% off sale. Pretty much everyday in the last few weeks has shown us a new sadness or disappointment. So to have a pizza night would mean a lot.
Thank you breakfastbuffetpls ❤️ I got a cheese pizza and some sodas, and have some leftover for another order later!
I just moved across the country to escape my family and am flat broke. Unfortunately the food I had spoiled before I expected it to, and I cannot get more groceries until Monday at the earliest. (I'm so grateful to food banks.)
I am in Herndon, VA, and have a Papa John's about a mile from me. I absolutely do not need anything fancy. A cheese pizza will be fine.
Shoutout to /u/whitecyberduck for my cheesesteak themed pizza! Definitely made my Friday night better.
To put it short, we just lost our family dog and we're trying to save any money we can. Location is NE Georgia, USA and we have a Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, and Little Caesar's in the immediate vicinity. We have the ability to go and pick up.
Never used this sub before, hoping for a nice treat for Friday night. I live near a dominos, Pizza Hut, and Papa John’s. If this doesn’t pan out, I’ll be eating butter noodles and chicken nuggets for dinner.
Edit: Philadelphia, PA, USA
I've been moving and I found myself sitting outside of a dominos that I dont have the cash for. Would gladly pay forward at a later date.
It's been a few years since I've been on here, so I hope I'm doing it right. I have some domino reward points expiring. Anyone want a large pizza?
Thank you u/crackedoutmunkee you're a good dude 💜💜💜
https://www.reddit.com/u/vajra-mushti/s/8yUYbSo6pD Thanks photo on my profile!
Hi, I just paid my rent and I've been having a shitty time at work this week. Could use a pizza and a drink to tide me over the next couple of days. I'm in NYC, can narrow it down for you. There's both a papa john's and a domino's nearby.
Thank you in advance ;-; and I will pay this forward!
For those of you that are new (or even those that aren't), please keep in mind the following requirements and rules.
Please view your own account profile to see what your karma levels are at. Post/Link karma is separate from Comment karma.
There are other reasons why you might not be allowed to post that don't fit these categories listed. For more details see our Moderation Policies.
If you are in desperate need, we have suggestions on where to get assistance here at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/emergency_assistance
Posts and comments from ineligible users are simply removed by the bot. There's no banning just because you don't meet requirements, and you are free to participate later once those requirements are met. There are some exceptions though, so again, please check our Moderation Policies.
Even if you ask us nicely for an exception to the account requirements (which we'll refuse), you'll still be able to participate in the future once you meet requirements.
The exception is if the user reacts poorly. That will earn a permanent ban. And that's no fun for anyone.
Anyone know anyone currently fighting fires there? Would be willing to give a few pies to those absolute tired badasses.
Where I live currently lacks good public transit, and I'm not able to get to the store for a bit. I have the usual chains near me, but Papa John's is my favorite. I'm just hoping for a pizza and drink.
Anything is appreciated, even just taking the time to read. Have a wonderful day.