
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for Protestant Christianity. If you are a Protestant or someone who wants to discuss Protestantism, this is your place!


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No racist, blasphemous, overly vulgar, snarky or irrelevant submissions and comments. This is a subreddit for Protestants and anyone else wanting to discuss; just have respect for each other. Remember "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." You can post AMA's, questions, links, suggestions and thoughts; basically anything that relates to Protestantism or Christianity.


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All Posts - Regular front page of r/Protestantism


Protestantism, a movement that is widely seen as beginning in Germany by Martin Luther with The Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 as a reaction against Roman Catholic practices and doctrine. Things such as faith in Jesus Christ alone, the rejection of the selling of indulgences and rejection of papal authority were at the forefront of the Protestant movement.






There is one God. In the unity of the Godhead there are three persons all equal, of one substance, power, and eternity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is sovereign in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgement. His will for the world cannot fail, he knows all things, past, present and future.

The Bible, is the perfect and sufficient Word of God. Therefore, it is the ultimate authoritative norm of all doctrine and practice; and it is also the lone source of divine revelation. And the Church, being the foundation and pillar of truth; Scripture's guardian, protects it.

Since the fall, the whole of humankind is guilty of sin, so everyone is subject to God’s wrath.

Jesus, God’s incarnate Son, is God in man's body; he was born of a virgin; his humanity is real and sinless; he died on the cross, was raised bodily from death and is now reigning over heaven and earth.

Sinful human beings can be redeemed from the guilt, penalty and power of sin through Jesus Christ. Those who have faith in Christ and repent are pardoned all their sins and are accepted in God’s sight. This justification is God’s act of undeserved mercy, received solely by their faith in Christ and not by their efforts.

The Holy Spirit alone makes the work of Christ effective to individual sinners, enabling them to turn to God from their sin and to trust in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in all those he has saved. The Holy Spirit makes them increasingly Christlike in character and behavior and gives them power for their witness in the world.

The only holy universal church is the body of Christ, to which all believers belong. Jesus will return in person to judge everyone, to execute God’s just punishment on those who have not repented and to receive the redeemed to eternal glory.


6,067 Subscribers


Why do Protestants spend so much energy resenting Catholics?

Why do Protestants spend so much of their time and energy resenting/hating Catholics? As Christians, wouldn’t they be better served just living their own lives better instead of allowing that obsession to consume them? Growing up catholic, there was never really discussion about what other Christian denominations are doing “wrong”. But knowing Protestants in adulthood, it’s a constant topic for them.

It’s interesting, because the average human being is doing so many things wrong and sinful every day, yet Protestants still get extremely hung up on what Catholics are doing instead of trying to improve their own daily habits.

Is it an inferiority complex of some kind? It seems like the kind of behavior observed in a sibling rivalry, from the insecure sibling.

15:19 UTC


Did Luther or other early protestants think about moving the Sabbath back to Saturday?

I was looking into why it was moved to Sunday originally and the logic, while pragmatic, it definitely does seem like a Roman pagan innovation. Did the early protestants ever attempt to move it back to Saturday or would that have been too extreme since it would set them apart too much?

21:24 UTC


I'm a bit confused at the moment.

Hi! So I started going to this nondenominal church a little while back after being Luthern all my life so maybe that is a bit of where all this confusion comes from but I have to ask for your guys opinion. Last Sunday I had a terrible experience with a guest paster at my church. Needless to say he was hooting and hollering, and his face turned as red as a tomato. Honestly I was concerned for his BP. I had to leave because all of the commotion of this paster had given me a panic attack. I then went in again to try again and just left a few minutes later not being able to handle anymore. After I had left, my family said he had started speaking in tounges? We left the building after that. I was furious about how he had acted while preaching I pulled out my Bible and noted down several things he had done while up there that were against the Bible. My plan is to speak to an elder of the church and then the Paster if her answers confused me but I have to know before I ask... is this the right thing to do? Should I just keep my mouth shut? Is this maybe a nondenom cultural thing that I am not understanding? I know I grew up a few degrees short of a catholic but this seemed completely inappropriate. Thank you all!

13:56 UTC


Need help with denomination

i've been a "christian" for years now, but i've just recently started developing an actual relationship with our Savior. i've also been learning about denominations, so i wanted to come on here and share some of my beliefs, and see if any of you could help me find my way. (note: i'm aware that Christianity is about a relationship, not a religion. the most important thing to me is my faith, i'm just seeing which denomination(s) best suit me.

  1. i believe that the Bible and the Church both have a lot of authority, but i find myself leaning towards the Bible having slightly more. both incredibly important though.

  2. i believe that Mary birthed Jesus as a virgin, and that she was sinless. i don't, however, believe in venerating her, no do i for the saints.

  3. i believe that salvation is through grace and faith alone. i don't think that sacraments, works, etc. are necessary for salvation.

  4. i believe that sin is a spiritual sickness, and God's grace is the cure.

  5. i believe in the second coming of Christ, and that he will rule the earth for 1,000 years. i also believe that the dead will be resurrected.

these are just some base level beliefs of mine. again, i'm still a relatively new believer, so i still have a lot to learn. i'm sure my views will differ the more i learn, but for now this is where i stand. thank you for taking the time to read this, God bless.

22:04 UTC


What is the Old Testament to you, and why?

Is it just something we can learn history from? Does it have some things we need to obey and others that were just for the Israelites? Do we have to obey all of it?

16:33 UTC


Why Protestantism?

Hey guys, I have recently decided to give my life to Jesus Christ and convert to Christianity. However, idk what type of church to attend(catholic, orthodox, or protestant). I have heard arguments for all three denominations, but I’m having a hard time figuring it out. All Im really asking is, why protestantism, and which denomination of protestantism?

06:52 UTC


“We don’t worship Mary. We just venerate her.”

00:41 UTC


Help me with clarification?

I talk to the Lord through writing, asking questions, writing words of praise, etc. Just a few minutes ago I was asking God about my future and began listing options. The first option I listed is the option I want most. I began writing the second option and I heard a knock on the door to my writing/entertainment room. I currently live with my parents and based on the time I assumed it was either of my parents letting me know dinner was ready or asking a question.

No one was on the other side of the door.

Was the knock at the door to tell me to go with the second option or to stop me from writing any more options because the first is the right one?

1 Comment
23:16 UTC


How is Protestantism correct when it seems like it is counter to historical traditional church?

Protestantism in comparison with Catholicism (and even Eastern Orthodoxy). From my understanding, and I admit I could be very wrong, is that catholicism was born from the early church and that became the "standard" of Christianity. Then a few centuries later, EO began to form while catholicism was still active. So these two branches of what I will just call historical traditional faith, existed and then many years later, Martin Luther laid out his issues with the catholic church, which then started protestantism.

When comparing the doctrinal teachings of these 3 major denominations of christianity, I truly believe that Protestantism has the best stance when it comes to the gospel. But what I have a hard time understanding or dealing with is that Protestantism seems to have been cut off or did cut itself off from what was considered the standard traditional faith for so long. Catholic (and EO) churches have years upon years of history in comparison to protestant church. I know from Scripture the dangers of placing traditions of men above God's word, Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of the day for that, but what really troubles me is seeing so much nonsense and lukewarmness in majority of Protestant churches I've been to living in the states. You compare pastors in skinny jeans and just having "that look" in a church with bright lights and loud music, to Catholic and EO churches that are hundreds upon hundreds of years old that have a high value of formality and code of conduct.

I've heard it said before that Evangelical churches have over embraced and distorted the "come as you are" message to make the church so casual that I feel even as an Evangelical Protestant, it has lost much in terms of sanctity. There's so much silliness that goes on in service and sanctuaries that I know would absolutely not happen in Catholic or EO services.

So how can we confidently subscribe to Protestantism when it seems like it goes against so much of the standard traditional faith that was considered "the" faith? To me, it seems that Protestantism is a splintering off of historical traditional church despite I believe the doctrines and teaching to be correct.

03:26 UTC


Hey y’all

Good evening, I am a Greek Christian orthodox , and I would like to ask what exactly Protestants believe about the Virgin Mary?

00:36 UTC


Why do most Protestants worship on Sunday?

14:53 UTC


Bible in french

Hello guys, I don't know if this topic is related to the group, but I'm learning French and I started to search some bibles to learn, do you guys know which one is the best? Like the Esv or NKJV for English speakers

00:03 UTC


questions about the lgbtq

I'm interested in becoming protestant, I've recently found what I believe is a calling from God, but I fear that what I accept may not be accepted by God.

I am bi, and the lady I love is trans, I believe that we are not sinners by right, for it is as simple as this is how we were made. Whilst she had surgery to look like a woman, she felt like one for most of her life.

I'd like to know the protestants view on the lgbtq, transgenderism and gay marriage, although I understand that there will be a wide variety of answers it'd help me find my own answer in the mass

12:23 UTC


I truly don't understand how the Roman Catholic Church has came to the conclusion that some of their their practices are holy, opinions? explanations?

00:44 UTC



I have this problem when sometimes I am not sure of my identity. Maybe it's because I am a creative person but sometimes my mind wanders off and I feel detached from who I truly am. And it's scary because sometimes I get those clear thoughts like: I am not a Christian, I do not believe in God, even thought it is not true. And afterwards I feel guilty and feel like I need to constantly, every second of my existence mentally remind myself that I am indeed a Christian. There are other things too, where I am just not sure of what my true character is like and I just feel detached from me as a person, but the thoughts connected to my faith cause me the most guilt and uncertainty and afterwards I just can't relax because I feel like my subconscious is slipping away from God. I hope that made sense and I wonder, what should I do.

1 Comment
16:49 UTC


Lord please have mercy

This day is a reminder, that our final hope and security is not in this world (despite this being easy for me to say living in Europe, while in many parts of the world people brutally suffer like e.g. in often overlooked Sudan), but in Jesus and what out of infinite love he has done for us on the cross and what he will do, when he returns, e.g. bringing justice and saving everyone who believes in him, doing away with everything bad including death, recreation of this world and healing like "wiping away every tear".

Not least to testify about this great hope and because God has not given up on his creation, which has fallen, we are called to do good works here and now, which God has prepared for us, like loving everyone even our enemies and speaking up for and working towards truth and justice, which also includes Israels, Ukraines and Taiwans right to exist and live in peace and everyone everywhere being seen as infinitely valued and worthy of care and treated accordingly.

Edit: Regarding Christianity and politics I find e.g. helpful what Tim Keller said in his keynote address at the 2018 National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast in Westminster Hall, London: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkcouxJE6o4

11:37 UTC


Why god ordered the killing of children?

19:07 UTC


Is sex with girlfriend sin?

Is it sin?

13:08 UTC


Do you believe jesus rose from the dead based on evidence?

Do you believe that?

16:32 UTC


Christian Scholasticism and Socrates in the City

Hi All, open question on a broad topic. I am wondering where most people stand on Scholasticism and how they apply that to their faith and their mission to serving god. I watch Socrates in the City as one inlet of scholasticism from many denominations and find that a lot of what they discuss is counter culture philosophy.

1 Comment
23:42 UTC


Many blessings. 🕊️

22:20 UTC


Just wondering what denominations specifically people here are

Since Protestantism has quite a large number of denominations, I was just wondering which ones people are. For example, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Continental Reformed, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Congregationalist, Non-denominational or any others I forgot to mention

11:04 UTC



Hello,Im looking for Lutheran Protestant teachings any thing would help! Thnx

20:57 UTC


Happy Reformation Day

Happy Reformation Day to all my fellow Protestants all around the world. Let's remember and celebrate the day when it all began 507 years ago. Luther really did an amazing job. Cheers and God bless you all!

08:35 UTC


What do you think about Eucharistic Miracles?

Just what the title says.

Here is a website that has information on a lot of them if you're interested.

A lot of these have been tested by scienctists, and declared to be they're miracles. How do you think this relates to the true presence vs symbol argument?

23:23 UTC


Why should I be Protestant rather than Catholic or Orthodox?

Any arguments for Protestantism and or Sola Scriptura and or Sola Fide?

1 Comment
02:49 UTC


My Experience as a Seventh-day Adventist Missionary and Why I Left

One year ago on this day I quit my missionary position and shortly after I had my name removed from the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Today I reflect on that choice and the impact the church had on my life and the freedom that I now feel being away from an insatiable institution that never could have enough.

For ten years my wife and I began work as unpaid missionaries teaching English in Ukraine. From that point on, we took various calls in places like Nile Union Academy in Egypt and the Quinault Indian Reservation. In Queets we served for two two year terms. The second two year term was unpaid. We were given housing, however.

During my time in the SDA church, I was told to “never question, never research, never read anything that could be perceived as negative towards the prophetess known as ELLEN G WHITE.” After twenty years and after training at Adventist Frontier Missions, I started to question the things that I was learning about her and the church. When I came up with questions, I was told to be silent, keep my head down, and continue the work. My job was to reach into other Christ-following churches and bring them to the remnant church, which was said to be the Seventh-day Adventist church. The one that had the truth as proclaimed by ELLEN G WHITE.

When I looked into www.nonegw.org I was horrified and elated by what I saw. For years I used to read about how I was supposed to eat, how I was supposed to dress, compose myself, what I was supposed to watch, how I could not read fiction (because it would lead to insanity). I was not supposed to have too much sex or masturbate as if I did those things God would not hear my prayers. I was to make sure to give everything left over to the church, avoid amusement, carnivals, not play chess, not vote. My food could not be spicy, too delicious. Sensation of any type was to be avoided because if I did not avoid such things God would not hear my prayers and I would not survive the “time when Christ stops interceding for us.”

When I saw that ELLEN G WHITE could not follow her own rules, ate unclean meats, ate cheese and duck, ate oysters and herring, ate butter and eggs, wore fancy clothing, traveled first class, lived with servants, and traveled the world, I was elated because it meant that I could do those things without feeling intense guilt. When I brought these things up to the pastors and leaders of the church, including Native Ministries Director Steve Huey and Conrad Vine of Adventist Frontier Missions, they made excuses. I was told to keep believing and play the game. When that did not work I was threatened by Steve Huey and Monte Church. I was told that my views had bothered the local Forks Church, ran by Jay Coon at the time. As punishment, Jay Coon stopped paying the electric bill on the Queets SDA church (which was under his jurisdiction as pastor) and instead had us, unpaid missionaries, foot the bill. He would also no longer speak to us or answer our emails. Instead, he diverted Queets funds to pay for his Creation Park in Forks, WA. 

I finally had enough and left the work at this point. We were never worth paying or supporting in the eyes of the church. Rather, the name of the game was to make us stop asking questions. If you are a Seventh-day Adventist and start to question ELLEN G WHITE, you will be thrown out. Many people do not follow the Bible and “TEST THE PROPHETS” but instead are complacent because the SDA church says that ELLEN G WHITE is a prophet of God. No. She. Is Not.

Prophets don’t plagiarize. Prophets do not say over and over again that Jesus will come back in their lives. Prophets do not live lives that are the opposite of what they say to do on everything. Reading fiction leads to insanity (no it doesn’t), but Ellen White could have a library of such books that the rest of us were not supposed to read. Hypocrisy! 

Dear SDA church. You DEMANDED perfection from me in every aspect of life, yet you can’t even support your workers. You are one of the richest churches in the world, yet you hoard money like a dragon. Dear SDA church, you can’t stand someone questioning. You hide child and s*xual abuse. You only care about protecting the image of your institutions. You recruit people from other Christ-following churches claiming you are the remnant church. NO YOU ARE NOT. 

The Seventh-day Adventist church is a death cult. It is a racket made to get certain key figures wealth and power. It is hungry and insatiable. It never knows when to stop. There is little good, and nothing heavenly about this dark church.

Since leaving the SDA church I have been totally free to live my life as I choose. I am now far healthier, ironically, since I was breathing the miasma of ELLEN G WHITES health rules. ELLEN  G WHITE loathed entertainment and fun of any type. My child is now happier than ever. My relationship and marriage is now better than ever. Steve Huey and Monte Church of Native Ministries can not find a single person to put in that parsonage and run the Queets Church. Last I heard Adventist Frontier Missions was an internal mess! Adventism is a wreck!

Dear Seventh-day Adventist CULT, I am so happy to be free of you! Never again cult!  Never again! ONE YEAR FREE!!!!!

09:56 UTC


I’m thinking of leaving Catholicism but I don’t know if this is of God.

04:47 UTC

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