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/r/SampleSize - a community dedicated to scientific, fun, and creative surveys produced for and by redditors.
/r/DataIsBeautiful - a place for visual representations of data: graphs, charts, maps, etc.
/r/DecideThisForMe - a community where you can let people decide things about your day.
/r/SurveyResearch - a community where you can get help with surveys.
/r/pollgames - For poll-related fun and games.
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A judge make a deal with you. You will not go to jail if you work for free at your job for the next two months. No quitting or changing jobs in the meantime. After that you will make money again.
I’m not referring to situations where you mutually make advances on each other (e.g. online dating when you match), but they initiate the advances (e.g. approaching you at an event). If your answer is “yes” then please note where you find these men who make advances
With the exception of cases where the mother’s health is at risk, no EU state permits late-term abortions. In contrast, many U.S. states where abortion is legal do not have a defined upper time limit for the procedure. Examples include MD, MT, AK, CO, MN, NJ, NM, OR, PR, VT, DC. Do you think decisions regarding abortion should always remain solely between the mother and her doctor, or is there a role for society to intervene in late-term cases?
Note: Even under Roe v. Wade, restrictions were allowed after 24 weeks.
EDIT: In case it wasn't clear, we are NOT considering circumstances when the woman’s life or health is at serious risk, or the fetus is severely malformed. About 1% of all abortions are late-term, and, according to Guttmacher Institute, "most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment" (source).
For all populations/demographics