This is the official Pokemon Channel Subreddit. Anything related to Pokemon Channel from the Nintendo GameCube is welcome.
This is the official Pokemon Channel Subreddit. Anything related to Pokemon Channel from the Nintendo GameCube is welcome.
Please be kind and courteous to others. Flaming, trolling, harassment, doxxing, breaches of reddiquette, etc, are unacceptable. Think about it for just a couple of seconds before you post it.
Posts should be related to Pokemon Channel in some way shape or form.
No spamming or self-promotion. You can post a small video clip if needed to show an awesome moment, cool trick, music, anime clip, or to describe the situation you're in. If it's a YouTube channel, streamer, twitch, etc. They are not allowed to be posted. If you're not sure and want to double make sure, please message the Moderators. We will be happy to verify if your post is allowed : )
Please don't post anything that is NSFW. This is a friendly community of all ages.
Please credit the original author(s) whether it's art, music, videos, etc. Provide a direct link to the content and who the original author(s) are. If you made it, no problem. If it's not credited, it's considered plagiarizing.
Please don't have a vague title with no detail. Vague titles/descriptions will be removed. Simply saying "Help" doesn't cut it. If you are asking for help, please be descriptive.
So according to the guide in using I should be able to get these from the Squirtle shop but im not getting any is it rare?
I was willing to do the jirachi hunt, but i only have the Spanish channel and a english EU version of Saphire.
Everyone can make posts now!
The Official Pokemon Channel Subreddit