
Photograph via snooOG

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I’m having a hard time putting my dog down

Hey, this is my first post so be nice pls. I’m just here to get my feelings off my chest. I got my first dog when I was 18, I had been kicked out of school and couldn’t return until I had a mental evaluation due to an attempt. He lived with me thru an abusive relationship, moving multiple times, graduating early, and so much more. He is my soul dog. I’m now 23, and he is six years old. He has a little brother who is one year old. He was diagnosed in March with carcinoma, and after seeing multiple specialists, they decided that the margins were too complicated to remove and the tumor has completely covered one eye and is now beginning to grow over the other eye. He’s been my only friend for so long, and I can’t lose him, but I understand that’s selfish. I think tomorrow I’m going to schedule his euthanasia, but just really wanted some encouragement. Everyone told me he would tell me when he was done, but he is a fighter and I don’t think he deserves to fight for me anymore. I’m so heartbroken, and I’m not prepared to be alone. But I don’t think it’s fair to wait until he is blind. He is already having a hard time getting around. Idk. This is worse than anything I’ve felt. I’ve never had to put down a pet, and it feels so wrong in a way.

1 Comment
07:06 UTC


I am allergic to cats, my husband And I adopted one but I don´t want her at all

Hello, this is my first time posting something.

I want to make this story short:

I am almost 2 years of marriage, the first one was difficult because my husband cheated (emotionally) me when we were only 3 months of marriage, I forgive him because I love him but I have to say that he done many things that hurt me and I'm trying to forgive all these things but there is much way to come (we are doing it well).

In the middle of all these drama a little female cat arrived (we don´t know how) at out closed garage. I thought that we can keep her, and there not would be problems with my allergies if I don´t touch her. But I was wrong.

After like 2 or 3 weeks after we sterilized her I regret becase this reasons:

1)I have a 11 years old dog that always was a unique pet, but she only stay with us 2 or 3 days at week.

  1. After like 1 or 2 weeks after we adopted the cat I found that my dog need heart pills and I only want to take care of my dog.

  2. My dog have skin allergies and I'm afraid if one day the cat scratched her (my dog) and get complications on her skin

  3. My hundsband didn't clean the sand box, or the sand that she leaves on the floor, he didn´t do anything to clean the cat mess (He do it recently but it took me much to make him do it)

  4. After everything he did to me, I think he doesn´t reserve to be rewarded with a cat.

After like 1 month that we adopted the cat, my husband and I had a discution and I left him for 1 month, wich month he keep the cat, but when I came back I told him that I dont want the cat because my allergies but he refuses to give her on adoption. After that I have tried to be patient because he promised to clean (he did it well)

It's been 6 months after that, but my allergy keeps continuing, and to be honest I don´t get used of the cat, and I realized that the cat reminds me that he didn´t mind my thoughts and my healt when we adopted the cat like when he didn´t care when he cheated me. And I don´t have the time to stay cleaning all the time for my allergies.

My hunsband really is chaging and we love each other, but in this months I told him like 4 times already that I'm worry about my health but it seems that he is not going to give in. I understand that he wants a cat but I want him to notice that we can´t have a cat.

I don't know what to do.

06:28 UTC


What indoor activities do you do with your dogs or what things do you do to mentally stimulate them?

It's the summer where I live and it get so hot, I'm talking 100-110 weather over here. I let my dogs out early in the morning but by 10am it' gets close to 90 and I bring them in once they eat their breakfast. I let them out no more than 5 minutes to use the potty break and so they can stretch. I play fetch with them in the house sometimes but space is limited, I feel so bad because they love being out but they have a lot of hair and got hot pretty quick. For reference they're Maltese mix and my boy dog is more of the active one while my girl dog is the true definition of a princess but does play fetch here and there.

What toys or activities do you use for your dog(s) during the summer? Best mental stimulation toys you've used for them? What creative ways do you use?

Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
05:27 UTC


My dog keeps urinating on my bed… And now my cat does too

Hi! I’m looking for advice on what to do in regards to my pets’ apparent territory battle over my bed. My cat likes to hang out in my room so I always leave the door open, but then my dog keeps coming in and peeing specifically on my bed despite her being trained and not doing this to anyone else in my family. I had to get my sheets changed almost every day this week and then babysit my room to make sure my dog stays out and my cat can go and stay as she pleases, but now it appears that my cat has begun to urinate on my bed as well despite, again, her having her own litter box that she can get to at all times. Does anyone have any advice?

05:18 UTC


8 week old kitten hasn’t pooped

me and my bf got a new kitten yesterday and she still hasn’t pooped since we saw her yesterday at the pet store. she’s eating (wet canned food for all ages) drinking water, peeing, and she’s being playful and sleeping normal. should we be worried or could she just be anxious?

05:12 UTC


Room Divider That Could Keep Cats Out?

I (17NB) share a room with my stepsister (18F). Its a pretty large room that I think used to be two rooms cause it has two closets, two skylights, two doors to the balcony, and two doors to the room itself. We currently have a little folding divider for the room, but its kind of short and it isnt long enough and its a bit broken so we need a new one.

We want a wall built and are willing to pay for it if our family lets us, but until then/if they dont we want a mew divider, preferably one that will reach from the ceiling to the floor and can keep the cats of the house on my side and not hers. she isnt a cat person but I am so thats important to her. Thoughts? is there a specific type of dividerthat might work? or something we could do to a curtain to secure it to the walls or something so the cats cant get through?

1 Comment
04:54 UTC


Outdoor Cat and I Just Got Our Own Apartment

Me and my 9-year-old cat just moved into our own apartment. When I first got him as a kitten he was always inside for the first 2 years. After that, I moved back in with my family for 6 years where he had a decent-sized yard, another outdoor/indoor kitty (who was actually able to jump the fence), and my grandma's pug, so we all let him out whenever he wanted. After that, I spent 2 years living on a quiet loop in a quiet neighborhood with 2 roommates and their 2 dogs (whom he tolerated most of the time) so I'd let him out whenever he wanted and he would roam our loop.

We've been in this apartment for almost a month and he is super salty that he's not allowed to roam anymore (per the lease, he has to be on a leash... According to the agent/rep, "Even lizards need to be on a leash...". He hates his harness but I've taken him out a few times now and he maybe goes 5ft from the door. He's got a decent amount of toys (he doesn't really play with any of them though). I work 10's 4 days a week which leaves him alone for quite some time and then when I get home I don't have much time to play with him. I feel bad and he's rather persistent. I can't get up from my seat or walk towards the door without him sprinting in that direction and screaming for me to release him. I'm in a first-floor apartment so I don't have any windows for him to look out, just a sliding glass door (if I open the blinds everyone can see my entire apartment). I'm kind of out of ideas outside of going through multiple toys till he finds one he likes. Any suggestions are appreciated. I feel like a pretty crummy cat-dad right now.

03:58 UTC


Don’t really feel like traveling anymore. I just wanna stay home with my pets

I travel a lot, particularly in the last 3 years going out of the state or out of the country every month. Usually for about 3 days to a week depending on if it’s work or personal. I rely on my family to take care of my pets and they are always so happy to take care of them when I’m gone for a little bit.

I recently took a medical leave from work so for almost three months I was home like every day all day. I got to be with my pets basically all the time for twelve straight weeks.

I’m returning to work soon and I have a week-long retreat in Ireland in July but after that, I don’t wanna plan anything. I feel like I don’t really wanna travel anymore, and just wanna stay home all day with my pets, especially after experiencing being with them uninterrupted for this long. Has anyone ever experienced or felt like this before?

03:42 UTC


Biggest Frustration As Pet Parent

I’m lost in thought and curious about the most common frustrations as a pet parent. What is yours?

03:28 UTC



I was just wondering if anyone had any good insight on good pet insurance companies? I'm stretched really thin financially but I'm terrified something may happen to my girl and would have no means to help so I want to get some insurance for her (preferably something that also offers preventative care so keeping her current on all her shots and flea meds is easier to do) I've found a couple that seem to be in my financial range but I was wanting to get some personal insights from people who have actually had pet insurance

Thank you for any help

(Also I live in middle Tennessee USA if that helps with anything)

03:24 UTC


Want to keep using Breeze system but one cat isn’t a fan

Hi everyone,

I have a cat family of 4, we used to use litter and although we had a few hiccups we had things under control (cat wise), though we couldn’t bear the smell and constant scooping. We recently made the switch to the breeze pellet system, and all but one has transitioned well, he is peeing on the rug outside the litter box.

For context, when we got him he’d pee outside the box even with litter but we only had two boxes side by side, though we added more boxes and it stopped. We also switched to the dr elsey litter attractant when we added more boxes which we think helped. When we switched to the breeze system, it started again shortly after, though he doesn’t poop outside the box, it’s only ever been pee problems even with litter. We currently have 3 boxes, one jumbo box (it’s like 3 feet long), and two standard sizes. We would like to keep using this system but we’re afraid we have to go back.

We are checking him for a UTI tomorrow, and I plan on adding another box and trying out different pellets. I’ve got a couple questions though:

Has anyone had a similar problem with the breeze system and how did you resolve it?

Is there an attractant we can use to promote usage?

Is there any kind of pellets (or other material) that are non absorbing and can be used in the system that might be softer or have a different texture? I’ve been looking at honeycare zeolite and purina enhanced scented pellets as I’ve read these are a little softer. Any luck with these or other brands?

Is there other systems available that utilize a drainage pad that can use non absorbing litter? Something just like breeze but designed to use non clumping litter?

If I could afford it, I’d invest in the self cleaning boxes but those are too expensive and problematic. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!

02:03 UTC


Best way to convince my parents to get a cat?

I just feel like a cat is what I am missing in life, and I reallly want one. But sadly my mom hates the idea of them, and will probably never say yes. Based on the facts they smell, and think I wouldn't take care of it because of my ocd(I would). I accept the fact that I might have to wait to get one,if true I solved this by recently getting a tarantula named Jodi🤪. But I really don't want to, and is there anything that worked for any of you guys? I even have a name ready Courtney, like Courtney love, imagine a white cat named Courtney love. Thanks

01:49 UTC


Dog while on vacation

My fiance and I are planning on taking a very long vacation for our honeymoon next spring. We're planning on traveling across Europe. Probably between 3 and 4 weeks. The reason we're planning on doing such a long trip is because we live in Canada and traveling to other countries is extremely expensive here. So it's more cost-effective to do a long trip. However I'm now worried, my soon to be wife brought up the fact that our dog has never been away from us that long. Will he be okay? will he forget us?

1 Comment
01:34 UTC


I love my baby kitten

I just wanna talk about my baby cat. She is a 3 month old long hair whose white with grey spots and green eyes. Her toe beans and her gums are both grey and pink and it's so cute. Shes a bit skittish but she is cuddly and playful and super talkative. I love her so much. She is my baby. I named her Calypso but she doesn't really know that cuz I mainly call her "baby" and "love" and "love bug". I cry sometimes cuz how much I love her. That's all. Have a good day

1 Comment
00:51 UTC


Lost conure

Posting on behalf of my friend, who couldn't post it herself. Please see the post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conures/comments/1dnoshr/lost_conure/

Linking it so that pictures can be available.

Please let me know if this is not allowed and I will remove it. Just hoping to reach more people in any way possible.

1 Comment
00:49 UTC


A stray cat scratch few days ago. Am i gonna get rabies?

I random stray cat scratch 6 days ago, i dont know if it was a rat or a cat but the scratch broke my skin and it bleed. is there chance of me getting rabies? Im trying to tell my parents to this check from a doctor but they said im just overeating. What should i do?

00:42 UTC


Is it time?

My 13 year old pittie has lost the use of hind legs. This has resulted in her being incontinent(pee and poop) and if im not home and she poops, she eats it. I bought her a wheelchair but she just didnt care to try no matter how much i encouraged her . She seems confused most of the time and stares. But she eats/drinks ok. I just dont know when its time to make the call. The vets did mention that she doesnt seem to be in pain its just old age getting to her but they never brought the subject of putting her to sleep either. So im just at a loss on what to do because i dont see her improving just slowly breaking down

1 Comment
00:09 UTC


My family has too many pets and I'm tired of them all

My family has 3 dogs, 4 cats, an aquatic turtle, and a leopard gecko. Of all the pets, 2 cats and one dog (1 yr old pomeranian) are mine. I also have a few inverts, but that's about it.

Now, I love animals and especially adore the family pets, but the issue is that all their responsibilities have fallen completely onto me, rather than being split between the family. Pets that were never mine to begin with, I am now expected to feed, brush, walk, play with, and clean all of them. I've also noticed that all their expenses have been falling onto me, so now I'm paying for food, vet visits, flea treatment, prescriptions, etc. At first I was just handling the cats, which was easy enough, but all the pets makes me feel like I'm going insane at times.

My current routine is roughly:
Daily: feed dogs/cats, walk senior dogs and my pomeranian separately due to their individual needs (pom is fear reactive, and senior dogs are dog aggressive), play/spend time with dogs/cats, pick up after dogs/cats 2x Weekly: feed reptiles/inverts, clean litter boxes, brush dogs/cats, training

These are all roughly the things I do regularly for all the pets, and on their own it sounds manageable, but I'm in college and have my own personal responsibilities and chores to do as well, its exhausting. I'll admit that lately I've been slacking and have been prioritizing my personal pets over the family ones. I'll skip the senior dog's walks, miss a few brushing sessions, and overall have spent less time with them. And then my family proceeds to make me feel bad for not walking or brushing them as often, when they are just as capable of doing that themselves.

I've tried asking my family for help with at least the family dogs' walks, but my dad can't walk for long periods of time, and my sister says it's too dangerous for her or that I'm just being lazy in a pretty dismissive tone. She'll then get defensive when I bring up her lack of presence in her own pet's care.

My sister is the biggest offender when it comes to dumping pet responsibilities onto me. One of the family cats stays in my sister's room regularly, so she eats and has a litterbox in there as per my sister's wishes. She, however, refuses to feed the cat or clean the litterbox because the cat doesn't belong to her, even though it was her decision to keep the cats' stuff in her room. Ever since I convinced my sister to upgrade her turtle and gecko's enclosures with my help, she's insisted they are partly my responsibility as well now.

I can't meet every pets needs regularly, and it's mentally and physically draining. They deserve the best care, and what I am trying to provide feels inadequate.

Sorry for the long post, I'm just so frustrated and needed to vent.

00:01 UTC


Crating one dog

I have two golden retrievers, about a year apart in age. The older was is well behaved when left unattended and at night but the younger one gets destructive. Would it be bad to crate the younger dog while the older one isn’t while they’re alone Ava at bed time?

22:22 UTC


Modkat dupe litter box liners

I have an XL Modkat litter box and currently can't afford the liners ($50 , for a 3 pack, vs $25 for the branded liners). I noticed some companies are making dupes for the Flip liners, But I don't see ones for the XL. I'm considering getting a second hand flip just because of the cheaper liners. Has anyone used the dupes?

21:26 UTC


My dogs aren’t under my name yet can I still take em to the vets?

Hiya I’ve rescued two dogs and they aren’t in my name yet (will be at the start of next month)my dog has been biting his paw and have caused something to happen to the point he’s not walking on it I just don’t know what to do but I plan on taking to the vets tomorrow morning but don’t know if I can

20:53 UTC


The Summer Threat: Dangers Presented to Dogs and Cats by Fleas and Insects

Hi everyone. With summer right around the corner, I thought I'd share some tips on the best ways to keep our furry friends safe from fleas, mosquitoes, and other harmful insects.

  1. Repellent Collars:
  • Description: Release insecticides or natural repellents over time.
  • Benefits: Long-lasting protection, easy to use.
  • Tip: Ensure a snug fit and replace as instructed.
  1. Topical Treatments:
  • Description: Liquid solutions applied to the skin to kill and repel pests.
  • Benefits: Fast-acting, monthly protection.
  • Tip: Follow dosage instructions and avoid bathing the pet right after application.
  1. Environmental Control:
  • Description: Clean the home and yard to reduce pest populations.
  • Benefits: Prevents reinfestation.
  • Tip: Vacuum regularly, wash pet bedding, and treat carpets and yards with pet-safe insecticides.

Find Quality Pet Products & Learn More At: ThePetsParadise.Shop

20:46 UTC


Can I do anything to keep my dog?

In 2018 my sister and I lived with my parents and we adopted a dog. My sister picked out the dog and my mom caved and they went and got her. My mom signed the adoption paperwork. Because my sister picked her out, she always claimed the dog was her dog. In 2022 I moved out of my parents house and in with a friend. I started experiencing pretty severe depression and felt very alone until my sister ended up moving in a few months later and brought the dog. With the dog the depression became much more manageable. She sleeps in my room, I feed her every morning and night and purchase the majority of her food, make sure she goes outside enough, walk her, and bathe her. My sister has bathed her once and doesn’t do any of the rest. I am also allergic to most animals but not this dog, so I have been able to develop a great attachment to her. Now my sister is saying she wants to move into an apartment with her boyfriend and take the dog with her, but i’m concerned she wouldn’t be able to care for her as I can. My dog has never lived in an apartment, has always had access to a yard and has always had many people living with her. My sister is very forgetful and for lack of a better term a bit lazy. I fear that my dog would suffer if this were to happen. What can I do to keep her?

19:59 UTC


Pet insurance

Does anyone have any significant experience and understanding of pet insurance plans. Are they worth it? How are they set up exactly and which are best?

I'm aware google exists, it's just the options are endless...different and idk what is a good deal or even necessary. I'm confused

Also wouldn't mind peoples overall opinions on whether pet insurance is even necessary. (Or when it is/why) is it just one more way Americans are being raped 4 $ bc of their love for pets? Or a genuine savings?

19:45 UTC


My dog has fear based aggression when in pain or at the vets!

Help!! We have a 4 year old pitbul/staffy dog who is the most loving animal when he is his normal happy health self! When he is injured or unwell he can become aggressive and try to bite if you try to touch him! He is aggressive at the vets from a bad experience when he was two! Any tips on how I can deal with Firstly his fear surrounding a muzzle Secondly lashing out when In pain

He is never aggressive otherwise it's always always fear based!

Thank you

19:32 UTC


My sister and mother keep telling me to shave my dog

My dog is a husky mix with lab and we live in an area where it’s hot like 100 degrees. She is shedding alot right now and my vet says it’s normal for dogs to shed 2 times a year, but my sister and mother think it’s because she’s too hot, I have asked the groomer and he said that shaving her wouldn’t be a good idea because she’s double coated and it keeps her cool. My sister says the groomer is lying and it’s okay to shave her, is she telling the truth

Ps sorry about my grammar

19:29 UTC


Leaving my cat for a 1-2 month-long "vacation", how can I help him?

For context, I (16 turning 17F) will have to go on a 1-2 month "vacation" back to my home country to visit my sick grandmother and the rest of my family tomorrow. This was not my decision but I'm attempting to convince my parents to reduce the time slightly as I will be entering my second final year of school and I desperately need time to study (in our country our final exams are based heavily on our last two years with some final exams present in that year) Due to this I'm on my way with my father to drop off my 8 month old kitten to my uncle's home and I feel so guilty having to leave him behind. I've read stories here that their cats have just completely ignored them, acted cold and basically haven't recognised them and I'm so afraid of that happening to me. He's currently meowing a lot within his carrier and I don't know how to deal with my guilt and how I can help my cat readjust after we return. If I could get input from other pet owners whom have dealt with something similar can I please hear how you've dealt with it after with your own cat? Other cat owners are definitely welcome and I'd appreciate any advice possible to help him and I after the trip.

1 Comment
19:26 UTC


Help me choose my CAT. 🐾

Hey, im 18M, gonna start my college away from my hometown, im not staying with any roommates but I need a pet for my well being.

I’m looking for a cat, who is calm and playful, friendly, independent, don’t make lot of mess with their hair fall, good immunity and ofc small and cute.

So, as a person who don’t know about cat breeds can you guys suggest me some cat breeds and some tips on how I can bond with my future cat as their beloved human.


P.S- I’ve concluded my decision guys, im going to an adoption centre and let a cat choose his/her human.

19:04 UTC


Dog ear infections

I have a 1 year old pure bred choc lab and he gets ear infections atleast once every 2 months. I’m tired of paying for yet visits any home remedy’s out there proven to work? Switched his food twice thinking that could be the problem and nothing has changed.

18:51 UTC


Does this websites products seem good to yall?

I got an ad on Facebook from them and they have some products I’m interested in like the dog bed and cat tunnel bed. Thanks :)

17:54 UTC

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