This sub is a place to vent or talk to others about how the anxiety of a partner affects you and your/their life
You may also post here as a sufferer that needs help or advice
If you have ever known or experienced any form of anxiety you will know that it doesn't just affect the person suffering but their loved ones and friends that have to watch them go through it.
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Share your methods and advice :)
We are all here on this journey just trying to make the best of things, everybody has the right to speak their mind and just let it out every once in a while, think of this sub as a space that allows you to do just that, free of judgement. This sub is also a space for the sharing of methods and ideas that have worked for you/or a friend in the past to help you calm down from a panic/anxiety attack
Me and my partner have been together for almost 6 years, and for the length of this time and just before she has been suffering with bad health anxiety, at first her doctor had her put on medication to help her and that worked for 2 and a half years, however, my partner didnt want to be on tablets for the rest of her life so she weaned herself off them. However the tablets were really helping her and letting her live her life, now that she is off them, she barely leaves the house because she is soo afraid she will have an aniety attack in public and embarrass herself, this has gradually gotten worse over the past 4 years and on top of this she was recently diagnosed with Idiopathic intracranial Hypertension(I.I.H) which gives her crippling headaches and she is now on medication for that. Coupling the anxiety with the I.I.H, and this plays on her mind constantly, so she is either lay in bed worrying about her health/suffering a headache or she is downstairs in a foul mood because she cant enjoy life like she used to, i really want to find some way to help her she has been to Cognitive behavioural therapy and to councelling but neither worked the only method that has actually worked for her was the medication, but she doesnt want to take it anymore. i just want the woman i fell in love with back. How can i help her?