We are growing relentlessly, carrying out deforestation and eradication of other species, exhausting fish stocks, using up our resources to the limit and competing over what remains. Instead of converting a diversified biomass into more and more humans who will intensify the process, let's aim for a lower, stable, more mature population. We have the means, we need the will.
Planetary impact ≈ Consumption × Population
The growth of our human population will eventually end somehow, whether we want it or not. But how will it happen? We can stop growing deliberately, of our own accord. Or we can let circumstances beyond our control stop us under conditions much more distasteful than anything we could decide on our own. Overpopulation concerns are about the welfare of humanity and the health of the planet, our only support system.
The only sustainable population is one where the birth rate is a close match for the death rate where humanity's combined impact on the planet can be supported by the planet's biosphere and ecology, a situation that must be stable and balanced. Clearly this is not what we have now. For the sake of ourselves and our planet, recognition of the overpopulation problem, and identifying the best solutions to it, should be one of humanity's top priorities.
No racism. This isn't your personal platform to espouse racist views—either directly or tacitly—via overpopulation. This actually hurts the goal of encouraging planetary sustainability—all of humanity is accountable.
Encouraging murder, eugenics, or forced sterilisation is banned. The solutions to overpopulation involve ways to decrease birth rates and encourage behavioural changes and awareness of our impact on the planet—in a way that is compatible with a free and democratic society. Concepts like mass-murder, eugenics, or sterilisation do not accomplish these goals, and only result in the proprogation of extremist ideologies.
Be excellent to each other. No personal attacks, harassment, or vitriolic commentary. Presenting a kind, rational approach to the problem of overpopulation makes it likelier to convince others of the problem that is human overpopulation.
Don't be stupid. Most conspiracy-related material is not on-topic for a discussion around overpopulation.
We need to create a class difference between those who have children and those who don't.
Childless: commoners
1 child: nobles
2 children: high nobles
3 children: royalty
I think this is how it should be treated
Fuck youth policy, get rid of everything
We should focus on welfare for those with children
And let's achieve birth-led growth
If you translate it, it's like that. Isn't that a really scary thought?
But a significant number of South Koreans agree with that idea.
Futurists or people who believe in technological singularity often make such claims. They put forth the following logic.
The logic that if we move the human mind into a virtual space through mind uploading, the acceptable population will increase dramatically.
Or, we can make them live only as mental bodies without large bodies, thereby reducing the amount of energy consumed, and thus rapidly increasing the acceptable population.
and They use various other logics, but are they believable?
People on other subs like to doom-and-gloom (economically speaking) about China's birth rates, and even speculate that as a country, it is "over-representing" the size of its population because there are supposed incentives on the local level to do so. However, when looking at food imports, it's clear that the number keeps going up, year after year. The infant formula market is expected to increase, not decrease. Most people already formula-feed their babies for the most part in China. The market is probably as saturated as can be expected. Why does the number of infant formula sales keep going up unless the number of infants born is increasing -- or at least not decreasing, as the data purports to claim?
i think it's far more likely that China is under-representing its population and birth rate on the world stage, acting like it's decreasing in population and is demographically "headed off a cliff" (as the propaganda loves to say, and the gullible love to repeat, ad nauseum), while the human population actually keeps steadily rising. This is so that China won't be looked upon as irresponsibly taking "more than their share" of the world's resources. They can point to their birth rate and populations charts and say, "but we're decreasing in population," and then people will say, "oh, okay, at least we don't have to worry about them taking more resources in the future, since they've got it under control unlike other countries that are still increasing their populations".
It's a pretty clever marketing trick, and it seem to be working. Takes the heat off China and puts it onto India. Now they look like the most irresponsible country instead, because their population is still growing super-rapidly (and it's about the same amount as China's).
That was in the state-of-the-state address this week.
Why is it that no one ever suggests lowering demand?
For reference, South Korea's average population density is more than eight times the world average and more than 14 times that of the United States.
In particular, 76.9% responded that it was very serious.
For reference, Busan's population is 3.3 million, or 5 million in the metropolitan area.
There’s already not enough water for the amount of people and as extreme weather intensifies, this problem will only get worse. All these ppl who moved to the deserts of Arizona and other drought likely areas are getting hit hard. It’s not only in less developed countries (many of which have huge populations) where there’s drought. The US is gong to start to feel this more and more. The more the pop grows and the more ppl we let in, the worse it will be for everyone. We need desalinization and depopulating but the scope of what we need means that relief isn’t coming in a big way.
How do I suggest my brilliant idea to legislators?
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