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I have a Patagonia Nano Puff for warmer weather down to about 45F, a Kuhl Spyfire for down to 25F, and a Mountain Hardwear Stretchdown for below that. The Spyfire is getting worn out - broken zipper, holes, etc. So looking to replace that sort of mid cold weather slot. Any recommendations? I can't figure out if something like a Ghost Whisperer is as warm as the Spyfire or the Stretchdown so having trouble settling on an option. Budget would be up to around $300.
I got this awesome down jacket made by ems and unfortunately just the bottom pin on the jacket has broken off. It’s pretty much unusable now. Is there a way to fix it and what would be the best way?
I recently upgraded my Marmot 3in1 jacket to a KT 3in1 component. However the previous down liner jacket (Columbia) no longer zips in. Different zipper system. New liner jacket looks to be a slightly narrower zip than the old Columbia down liner jacket
The original liner jacket is quite light, hence the desire for something warmer to replace it.
Does anyone have knowledge in this area?
Marmot advised they don't have compatible zipped down jackets, but did highlight that most jackets either use YKK C or YKK VS zips. So I figure should be able to track down.
I don't have a lot of outdoor shops to visit, so reliant on ordering online. The few that I visited wouldn't fit in; North Face, Descente, Columbia, Mammut.
I have a couple tarps that u use for hammock camping. One more “diamond”shape and one square. They are a bit heavier though.
Any suggestions on a good cheaper bushcraft tarp. Also, for size, what would you recommend? I’m thinking 10x10, but can see the usefulness of even 10x12.
Thanks all!
Hate your cooler? Love you cooler? Take my Survey! Hi! I am a student in design conducting research on coolers for long backcountry trips. I would love to hear about your experience with your coolers. Feel free to give as much feedback as possible or post your thoughts in the comments!
Hey all. I just got a new Montana 760i. Looking for maps for hunting (huntview), inland fishing (bass, trout, etc from shore or kayak) and general woods exploration. Which set(s) of maps to get?
So in my growing age, I seem to have graduated from my sz Medium to now so Large, and my beloved Patagonia Powderbowl pants no longer fit.... looking for anyone who has used the Marmot Orion gear specifically, and has real world experience. Anything 3L Goretex should be very nice, but curious to see what experienced users say...
Both my pairs of Helly Hansens fell apart/soaked through from the knees down. Any recommendations for a heavy duty set of actually waterproof rain pants? Hoping for something available in Canada and not super expensive. Thanks!
Someone near me is selling a North Peak sleeping bag, rated for 15F he says.
I'm interested in a cold weather sleeping bag and looking for a dirt cheap one (I know I shouldnt slack on it but dont have the money right now).
Anyway I tried googling and searching but I cant find anything on the brand. Does anyone know if this brand is okay? Is it discontinued? Any information is helpful thank you.
Hi everyone!
I am looking to get my sister a gift of this camping mattress from Sea To Summit.
She is 160cm tall. The regular size mat length is 168cm, the large is 183cm. Weight difference is not her biggest concern (480g vs 580g), comfort is.
What do you think? Is the regular a little too close to her height? Or is the large just too big for her?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hello all,
I know nikwax has a special product for down insulation jackets. But I have already a bottle of tech wash. Does anyone know if it's ok to use that for down insulation jackets? Or will I make more damage than good?
Thank you in advance and regards
I hike year ‘round in Ohio and as I get older (now 68) my hands get cold in the winter. I’m geared for warmth down to 10 degrees except for my hands. My current gloves offer warmth down to 30 degrees. Thanks in advance for your recommendations.
I just bought an Rab Electron Pro but it doens't come with a stuff sack anymore.
Does anyone have any recommendations of a good stuff sack, that fits the Electron Pro?
I use my reading glasses when doing outdoor activities. I keep breaking chains or having the sleeve pull off the glasses stem and then break my glasses.
Rugged glass holder recommendations?
I am usually very warm and get hot and sweaty easily. I'm looking for a hooded jacket that is slightly warmer than a sweatshirt for daily use (I walk 30 mins a day).
I need some wind resistance. I'll trade lack of water resistance for more breathability.
Ideally it has arm pit vents, too.
Thank you!
Trying to build a rope swing in my backyard. I know I need polypropylene rope at least 3/4 inches or so. It needs to support 200 lbs. Found a couple of different ropes, large range in prices. Anyone know if the cheaper ones are sketchy or would I be ok buying them?
Pricier One: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Blue-Hawk-0-75-in-Twisted-Polypropylene-Rope-By-the-Foot/1000759638
Also open to other suggestions.
I live in berlin and I am planning to buy parka from mountain warehouse and found this with good price is it worth to buy it
In case of any confusion I am referring to the discontinued hardshell, not the stormshadowl or windshadow insulated jackets.
I really like mine in terms of looks, durability and weather protection, but unless its the absolute coldest of cold days I find it way too stuffy and I overheat in it almost instantly.
It's kept me dry as a bone in some heavy downpours but I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same issue in terms of breathability (I understand it's a highly debated concept) but if so, what jacket did you replace it with, if you decided to go for another option.
I've got a montane minimus and a rab cinder downpour for warmer weather, but I'm thinking about getting the OR Foray 2 for colder months, seeing as I run hotter than most.
Any other suggestions from people who are in the same boat?
I am looking at buying a new jacket. I found a great price on this model, but buying online I always have doubts about the size. I am 188cm (6.2ft) tall and weigh 88kg (194lb) with an athletic build. Are any of you familiar with this brand and can give me a suggestion? I was thinking of buying an XL...
I want a jacket which keep me warm in -20c temperature and have good price Here is the Jacket I have choosen Tell me is this a good choice
Wondering if it does..
Hi guys I Live in India and I am searching for a reliable and long term use extreme cold weather jackets for me within 15000 rupees range. I have came around decathelon and seen some positive reviews, Do you guys know any other brands or specific jackets that have good waterproofing and keeps warm in temperature like -25 c . IF YOUR SUGGESTING PRODUCTS PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THEY SHOULD BE AVAILABLE IN INDIA. THANKS