Nip/Tuck is an American drama series created by Ryan Murphy, which aired on FX in the United States. The series focuses on McNamara/Troy, a plastic surgery practice, and follows its founders, Sean McNamara and Christian Troy. Each episode typically involves the cosmetic procedures of one or more patients, and also features the personal and professional lives of its main cast.
Website: http://www.fxnetwork.com/shows/originals/niptuck/
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361217/
The show is available to stream on Hulu in the US and on Starz Play in the UK.
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I don’t really know anything of this show but in this episode one of the surgeons sees a barista with Treacher Collins. He offers to help but at some point the guy says he doesn’t want to be a new level of ugly and leaves.
Does that guy come back? Do they ever fix his face?
I only really saw Season 4, Episode 2, because I saw a TikTok clip and hoped there would be more to it. Once Christian kicks the guy out, they reconnect and explore his sexuality, but I was trying to find anything exploring Christian's questioning his sexuality storyline and couldn't really find any conclusion. Did they just drop the Christian gay storyline?
I know it is just a show and they have every right. But you always hear about how actors embrace their onscreen family as their family in which they play. Nevermind the huge age difference, but again YUCK!!
I can't get it out of my head every time I see them.
I'm season 2 Epi 12(but don't worry about discussing spoilers as I've seen it all when it first aired. I really want to know, AM I the only one who thinks Dr. Sean is 1. A POS. 2. Such a damn hypocrite! He had an affair and snot snivelled for his wives forgiveness. Which she did give him. Then of course before they married she hooked up with Christian before Sean and Julia married but didn't find out till 17 years later that he wasn't the biological father to Matt. So instead of trying to sort it out with Julia, he treats her like trash(even though she birthed 2 kids he's raised) Then, he gives Christian a quick beating, has a threescore at a conference and they are just honky peachy fine. I can't recall if Sean improves later but, he's been a total Bimbo and he is STILL MARRIED. His scenes with Julia make me want to smack his character. Pretty bad example to show men how to treat wives vs this stupid romance crap
Anyone else love him?? He was such a fun character
Im not sure if it was the writers intention, but it’s humanly impossible not to hate Matt, so let’s exclude him from this question. Who pisses you off beyond belief?
Obviously all spoilers below, I'm a first time watcher who has just finished the final season, and what a whirlwind it has been! I think I watched it all in a span of about 3 weeks. After each episode I checked this subreddit's discussion of it and usually there weren't any comments, so I'm here now to word vomit my feelings about the show lmao. Please feel free to dump all your Nip Tuck opinions from any season rn, I have been dying to talk about this show and no one that I know has seen it.
!These final two episodes have me absolutely pissed though, specifically at Matt. I was loving the idea of actually finishing off Matt's story with him marrying a nice woman and him being sane for ONCE. Him just getting a text message and leaving his wedding with Ava had my jaw on the floor. I originally loved them bringing her back towards the end as it felt like the show was coming full circle. Then just for her to be like lol jk and also abandon the baby?? Although that was probably for the best, since the baby probably would've ended up like the other kid she adopted. I know Ramona ends up taking him back, but I have to imagine that Matt royally fucks it up with her once and for all shortly after the series ends. Probably becomes a furry murderer or something. (I WROTE THIS PART BEFORE I FINISHED THE LAST 3 MINUTES OF THE SHOW, AND SPOKE WAY TOO SOON BECAUSE MATT FUCKING GIVES JENNA TO AVA AND STILL LEAVES WITH HER???? EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK?????????????????? Absolutely disgusted.)!<
!And speaking of poor, poor Kimber! She did not deserve to go out the way that she did. Especially having the straw that broke the camel's back be that dweeb Mike. Although I hated her as a Scientologist, I think she was the character that I loved the most throughout the series. I so wish she had gotten a happy ending. I swear anytime the characters are happy, it lasts like 10 seconds maximum before it goes to hell tenfold. I wish that after Kimber got kidnapped by the Carver, they hadn't just done all of the surgeries at once to fix her, and instead Christian should have made her feel beautiful first. The "I'll make you a ten again!" line was heartbreaking. Then the entire show ending with Christian using his, "I can't drink I have to operate tomorrow" on a Kimber doppelganger. :(!<
!Obligatory mention of Matt the Mime Robber being the most out of nowhere storyline of any TV series in past, present, and future history. !<
Well gang I just finished watching this for the 2nd time now..... I forgot how bad season 6 is and really had to drag my way thru to finish it lol
I had to show my fella the wild roller coaster of a ride this show is! I'll pry wait a couple years and give it another go....... It's so camp I love it. Anyways we need another show to watch together, what are y'all watching these days? Open to suggestions :)
I am 20 minutes in an I am infruriated. I had to google who the carver is because I am too impatient but gosh Kit is incredibly annoying. I loved her so much at first but now it's just... ugh.
I hate how she keeps bringing up Christian's family and childhood and using every bit of popular miscellaneous facts about murderers to trap him. It's annoying how the whole nature vs nurture debate is brought up.
This is my first watch and I needed to let this out before the end of the episode lol. Great TV show so far.
EDIT: I felt terrible after what she said to Kimber in the police station. Kimber did not deserve that. She's just trying to create a better life for herself.
I have double checked that I’m not just being a moron and missing the episode but it seems they just move on from that? I’m rewatching, it’s been like 10 years since the last time I watched so I remember nothing by way of plot lines. They just seem to go right into the slasher a few episodes later.
Did anyone else notice this?
I caught nip/tuck on tv when i was really young, like 4 or 5, and it really left an impression on me - was it the nudity or the 2 surgeons, or the fact that it was aires after my bedtime.
So i decided to give it a watch this year and maaaan, i have watched my fair share of tv series and i can say that this one is really pulling you in fast. Another thing id like ti mention is the music - from Radiohead to classical music through some banger underground techno - such a great OST.
Do you know any other tv shows like that?
What is everyone's thoughts on Kimber and her Carver attack? I don't know about all of you, but I think it's pretty shitty that she blames Christian for the Carver attacking her. I understand she has tons of trauma from her insane attacking and what she went through but to say it's his fault is nuts.
Name a better duo
I've decided, Matt's the worst just after Ava leaves and he starts shaving his head, beats up the trans girl, restraining order on Sean etc.
Who else agrees ?
Where do you all fall on their outcome? So you think they truly got away and left a note? Or do you think they were murdered and the note was left as a cover of sorts?
I ask because I haven't seen any definitive answer and it seems to be left open to interruptation. Because Nip/Tuck steers into the negative and macabre, I like to think that the "dream sequence" we saw was actually reality.
Rewatching the show again and I felt so bad for Abby in season 3, all she wanted was to feel beautiful and Christian was such an asshole to her and the fact that he made her put a bag over head to have sex with him was so sad. I like Christian but this was a low for him.
The definition of jumping the shark is " to reach a point at which far-fetched events are included merely for the sake of novelty, indicative of a decline in quality". Nip/Tuck is well known for its shocking and implausible twists and storylines to the extent that there aren't enough available slots to list them all in a poll, but which one do you think made the show jump the shark?
The "what if/alternative life episode.... Am I just splitting hairs here but I'd of rather matt be played by someone else , as he wouldn't look like he looks if Sean and Megan was his parents lol.
Also just goes to show how Meh Julia is ,why Christian & Sean want her so much is beyond me
I see a connection between the nip tuck main characters and mick jagger and keith richards. am i crazy?
Obviously Sean, like Christian, is no angel and has a lot of problems. However, I think this might be his worst moment. When Christian comes back to office after having his Carver changes dropped, Sean is very excited to see him and it's apologetic. Not 90 seconds later when Christian reveals that he called Andrea Hall to report that he had been brought in as the possible Carver so that the real Carver would attack again, Sean gets so mad and berates him.
What an asshole. Sean admitted that he doubted Christian's innocence. We can guess that he wouldn't have helped him take a loan against the business which is basically why Christian made the call in the first place. He knew Sean didn't believe him. He had to do what was best for him. Sean as always was back on his high horse in that moment. And to believe he was guilty means to believe Christian would attack Sean and threaten to kill him. What a great friend Sean is 😆
Rewatching Nip/Tuck for the second time and I’m currently on Season 5 Episode 15 with one season to go and the amount of free surgeries they did with people asking them “to fix this because you did this to me” is baffling. It’s no wonder they had money issues throughout the show lol I also think Kimber might have had the most procedures done!
I don't know about everyone else but I absolutely love Alec Baldwin's portrayal of Barret Moore. He is a character I'd like to have seen more of throughout the show. He was a very charming and intriguing character.
I must say that it's truly great writing when Quentin is introduced. It's something you wouldn't catch on first view and maybe not even second, but when he and Christian are cleaning up before Sean's surgery the dialog he says is genius. He mentions working in Africa helping people there and Christian mentions how similar to Sean he is. Quentin gives him a small look before pivoting and bringing up an expensive wine/champagne/liquor he bought when he got back to the States to celebrate. Then also mentions a club and tells Christian they should go to it and how they would do well with the ladies together.
The man is perfectly manipulative in this scene and it's truly great to watch. That writing was genius and a fun thing to pick up on during a rewatch. Idk about any of you but now when the Carver speaks to Sean in his bathroom I can clearly hear that it's Quentin.
What's everyone's opinion on Liz ?? Sometimes I think she's great, then other times she's not lol.
I love her improved “if 2 dozen gummy bears got caught in a fire, so you think they would still make a sound?” “I’m so sorry…” so off the wall but amazing
OMG what a collosal bitch! The woman was delusional and then as we find out she didn't do ANY of the post surgery things Sean told her to do. She couldn't handle being 55 with no purpose so she decides to slander Troy/McNamara (🤣) and then eventually apologized but there is no repercussions for her. Ugh she is terrible.
...is stuck in my head and I've been singing the chorus for the last 10 mins. This sub is the only place where anyone would appreciate it.