Humorous NSFW content
Welcome to r/NSFWFunny. A place where Porn and comedy meet, make sweet love, and then never call each other again.
——————— Rules: ———————
1. Posts must be relevant to the sub. (This means posts must be NSFW and Funny. Posts comprising primarily of general porn will be removed. This includes porn with the joke in the title, Text Posts, and Porn Screencaps with Meme Captions) There are subs for that content listed below
2. No Memes, Shitposts, or Rule 34. This also means low quality and low effort. (unless on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday). Any other day they will be removed and the poster will receive a 5 day ban. This content can be posted on our sister sub, r/NSFWShitposts
3. Post reposted within 2 months of the most recent “original post” will be removed. And reposter will be given a 5 day ban.
4. No Blatant Self Promotion. (Posts with obvious advertising for OP will be removed. Social media links will be removed. And accounts dedicated to promoting a user/users for means of profit will be banned.)
Cross-posting is accepted as long as it is relevant to this sub.
Please report any post breaking these rules so that the moderators can review them. ———
Those who continue to break the rules will be banned based on the offense. This mean it could be a day, a week, or even permanently.
The Moderators of r/NSFWFunny reserve the right to make any exceptions to any or all rules listed above. They also reserve the right to distinguish the quality of any and all posts.
As a way to avoid bias and also to reduce clutter of the sub; Posts that do not break the rules will be allowed a 24 hour grace period. If within that 24 hour the post receives a certain amount of upvotes it will remain. If it does not meet this quota it will be removed.
If your post follows all our rules and it doesn’t appear in ‘New’ then message the mods. It may have gotten caught in the spam filter.
**If you can't see any posts on the Subreddit go to this link: https://www.reddit.com/prefs/ where you can check your preferences. You need to select the "☑ I am over eighteen years old and willing to view adult content" and "☑ include not safe for work (NSFW) search results in searches" checkbox. Uncheck "☐ Hide images for NSFW/18+ content".
Other Subreddits -/r/NSFWShitposts
If you're willing to return the favor, message the moderators with your subreddit's name and I'll consider adding you to the list.
After designing, 3d printing and painting Nya is finally exactly how I want her to be
And yes her nipples work as studs