A subreddit for those who take pleasure in viewing the design of money in all of its forms. Wether its historical, current, rare or fictional, r/Money_Design is the place to share it.
r/Money_Design is a place for all to discuss and share interesting images and links about the way currency from across the globe and throughout history has been designed.
So, if you've got an interesting coin collection, information about a new bank-note, or know about a historical currency, we'd love for you to share it!
The history of /r/Money_Design:
The reddit coins multireddit shows all of reddit's coin-related subreddit postings in one place. It can be easily reached via redditcoins.com
Hi, We are researchers from University of Illinois at Chicago investigating the psychology of money. What does money mean to you? Why do you want it? How are these related to your personality traits and other social beliefs. Please help us explore these research questions by participating in this interesting study. Please click or copy and paste the link into you web browser to complete the study. Thanks! (https://uic.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bJgTLvUsM2YAT5P)
There is a new contest by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party to redesign the New Taiwan Dollar banknotes with a more Taiwanese themed motifs.
The designs are in the site itself.
Currency, such a necessary tool of enjoyment to enjoy as well as circulate.
I saw this while checking out currencies on eBay, it's definitely not aesthetically pleasing but interesting none the less. It actually works as a scrip usable at LEGOLAND Florida. Link