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359,751 Subscribers


"Who set that system up?"

This is a very common statement feminists use, when the opposing party says stuff like how Men work harder, they work in more difficult jobs, they kill themselves more, etc, etc

So I wanted to ask yall what you would have to say as a comeback for "Who set that system up"

08:09 UTC


Elliot Rodger Analysis

07:53 UTC


This is one of the best videos from Aba and Preach


"It is acceptable to say anything you want in regards to a man's body." It's really sad how much people don't watch what they say. Please watch the video so that we can discuss.

07:17 UTC


Women can have porn addictions too.

That’s all. I just don’t see this getting acknowledged in the current trend on social media of blaming everything on men having porn addictions. It can also cause problems in relationships coming from women, I know from experience.

All of a sudden every single man is a demon porn addict apparently, weird how every bitter woman coincidentally came to this conclusion all at once. Remember folks, blind validation on TikTok is not the therapy you probably need! And men have valid feelings too. Defending yourself or expressing your feelings is not always “gaslighting”.

05:35 UTC


This guy was criticised for getting the meaning of toxic masculinity wrong

This is an old post but I still wanna talk about it.


I'm not a feminist and I don't believe in toxic masculinity. In fact I think that if you asked people that do believe in toxic masculinity what it is, you'll get a discription that sounds like an egotistical, sex driven bully. Which demonstrates how women see men and how they think that women are practically flawless. Because all the flaws they describe (sex-driven, not taking no for an answer, bullying people that they see as weaker) can also be exhibited by women.

Calling it toxic masculinity only alienates men and causes them to feel bad about themselves when they KNOW that women can do all the things that they call examples of toxic masculinity. And some of them even admit it! (Like one of the commenters on this post.) But they're still sticking with this phrase.

02:37 UTC


Would it still be that “women are happier single” if they didn’t get all the special treatment single women are freely given?

I’ve been hearing a lot from people recently about how women are generally happier single, while men are happier with a partner, with a variety of explanations in tow- such as the idea women are on average facing more harm in relationships than men, or that men aren’t ever putting in as much as women, or that women are worn out with men, etc etc.

And whether or not it’s true that women tend to be happier single, it seems glaringly apparent that at least a significant number of people, including many women in their 20s & 30s, at least believe it to be the truth.

However, when blaming alleged imbalances in relationships, it seems just as important to look at whether being single as a man is inherently different from being single as a woman, and if this contributes.

Traditionally, the bulk of pre-relationship investment is up to the man. He has to extend a number of things that benefit women before getting anything in return. This usually comes in the form of attention, accessibility, demonstrations, initiative,sympathy, and free stuff. Every day, these things are given away by millions of single men to single women, with no reciprocation, as doing so is a natural desire for many men, and is the standard in society, while women are taught to expect it and never give anything to men. Even women in the absolute margins can still easily find people who’ll give them special treatment.

So- what if all these one way transactions stopped? If men never asked women out, never gave them any kind of special attention more than they would a man, never let women into things for free, or bought things for them free, never coddled them, never gave away free affection, and made themselves highly inaccessible to women, to where it was incredibly hard for women to get a date or even anything sexual. To where there was never 5-10 guys waiting just a dm away or 1000 tinder matches that were always down for anything. Where they’d get rejected at clubs if they tried to hit on a guy, and if when they broke down crying everyone just looked at them in silent disgust.

I just wonder if without all these things single life would still seem “better.” If being single actually meant they would have to wait a long time and do a lot to have sex or special treatment again.

00:26 UTC


Could artificial intelligence help mens rights or not really ?

You hear about how artificial intelligence will leave a lot of people unemployed and right now the white collar jobs are on the chopping block especially the ones that women occupy. Could ai help mens rights or it won't do a dam thing? With so many women being shoved out of the work force would it actually be a negative for mens rights? What do you think?

23:34 UTC


Why feminism and the gender war are so heartbreaking

The world is so full of things to love, and to be interested in. Hummingbirds are the only animals that can fly backwards. Chimpanzees dance in front of waterfalls. In a single rock pool lives more animals and plants than you can count. Millions of years ago, there were giant birds that grew larger than a grown man. There are three rocks in Norway that were said to be trolls, turned to stone when daylight hit them. Tachyons are hypothetical particles that travel faster than light and are constantly going backwards in time. There are mushrooms that,conbined together, make up a single living thing larger than a forest. And there are countless more things out there that I can barely even imagine.

Yet when I go online, or to the library, or turn on the TV, or listen to the radio, all I see or hear is people talking about sex. Or talking about why men are to blame for all their problems. Or laughing about male suicide, while whining about pink shaving razors "oppressing women". Or mocking lonely men for being "incels", and taking immense pleasure when we say this makes us uncomfortable, and then hide behind "the wage gap", "patriarchy", "misogyny" and all manner of parroted buzzwords that don't have any meaning any more. This happens, despite the fact that it is emperically destroying women's mental health and making them all depressed.

This doesn't even make me angry any more. It doesn't make me feel suicidal any more. It doesn't make me feel outcasted, or humiliated, or cripplingly lonley any more.

It's pathetic. It's shameful. Humanity has trapped itself in an eternal psycho-sexual loop where all people talk about is their genitals. I'm digusted by men who don't stand up to this, for being so pussy whipped, cuckolded and henpecked that they lose what remains of their souls. I'm disgusted by women who dedicate their lives in order to wring as much pain out of lonely men just so they can feel SOMETHING in this society that rips the heart and soul out of everything and everyone, all to feed itself through clicks, petitions and profit from their oh-so-designer handbags and shoes. And all the fandoms and libraries and sites I used to love have been completely infected by this.

And every year, we destroy more and more of these wonderful plants and animals. We torture 100 billion animals to death. For what? To keep alive a society of spineless, soulless men who have essentially been reduced to male anglerfish, and a society of women who only exist togenerate profit for big corporations and cause as much needless pain to lonley men as they can, causing themselves endless depression in the process?

(Note: Male anglerfish, after mating, dissolve completely into the female, only existing as a pair of genitals to keep pumping while the great, fat female swims about. Needless to say, feminists love this fish.)

I'm never posting here again. I'm probably never going to post on the internet again. I always believed humanity had the ability to be so much better than this. Human society and the Internet have literally devolved into Hell, being kept alive by the 7 deadly sins, with people logging into sites for a dopamine loop just like how Sisphyus and Ixion were both kept in Hell by these loops. This is pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.

19:37 UTC


From a Outsider wanting to understand your views

I don't know if this post will get me banned here, but I still want to get some differing viewpoints.

I (24M) See many of you advocating for rights that I agree with, the right to be alone, reproductive rights for men, which includes of course in the case of proven neglect or stealthing by the woman part not being left with child support by 18 years, not being judged as a creep only for talking to women (There are woman who don't want to be approached and react badly, I know that), more amicable divorces. Not being shamed by society by wanting to not be in a relationship and such.

However, what I don't understand is that sense of nostalgia for an era that in my view would be absolute hellish, and the focus you have on women not wanting to date men.
The first point is because I see some of you wanting such a era where men had to be providers to someone other than their own, sure you could marry, but you almost had to, people outside of marriages where shamed, for women they would live with their parents for most life, for men they would be shamed in such a way that even job raises would be discouraged to them, which of course leads to other problems like deadbedrooms and dead marriages, kept only as a facade.
In my view nowadays it is leagues better, we can work not to provide which also makes us able to jump through work until we find something we truly like instead of being stuck at a dead end job for... a sense of responsibility?

The second point I also do not understand at all, why would you want to date someone who doesn't like your gender? Many people, women specifically in this case, aren't looking for a relationship, you may discuss if this is good for society at large or not, but at an individual level there is little choice, I don't think you will advocate that women should be forced to date who they don't like even if we partnered off some men and women men would end with women they don't like too.
In my view that would be like me dating some girl that wants sex all the time (I have zero libido) or vice versa, someone with high libido dating a asexual, it is like a basic incompatibility.

17:47 UTC


With terfs getting more popular, Im worried about The future of mens rights

Terfs, aka. Trans exlusionary radical feminists are getting more and more popular since the trans debate Got really heated. And Im afraid its gonna hurt mens rights a lot.

For those who dont know, terfs are actually the most misandrist feminists that exist like Julie bindel not believing men can be raped, or that men should be put into concentration camps. Or Anna Slats owner of reduux which is an anti-transwomen blog, who wanted to send men to work in mines and to die at war. If you ever see an extremely misandrist opinion. Theres a high chance the woman is a terf. In fact the only reason why terfs hate transwomen is because they consider them to be men and therefore are just bad predators in general.

And it really hurts how popular terfs get. Tradcons dont see their misandry, they view them as that good feminists, and they promote their hateful opinions about men without seeing its all about hating On men.

Due to that fact theres more and more people againt self-id laws which could make men be able to bypass discrimination based on the gender. Also now the shift on prostitution and porn Got all about hating on men watching, Using it, even on left people are anti prostitution because they saw men are using them.

I really wish people will see who terfs really are, otherwise we as men will be doomed

15:47 UTC



So i saw this podcast of actor where he mentioned that while shooting intimate or hot scenes the FEMALE producer of the film would touch dicks of male crew members to see if the scene was hot enough to cause an erection or not. The host and guest reacted so casually on this. I can't with stupidity of these people anymore.. This was literally sexual abuse.

15:29 UTC


Mother outraged, says daycare worker had inappropriate relationship with her 10-year-old son


“Had it been a situation where it had been a little girl and a grown man, they would’ve locked him up on the spot with no questions until he was proven innocent,” said Shoyelu.

15:07 UTC


New people were joining our MensRights sub at about one thousand a month...then we reached 359,000.. ...and ever since its not change by a few hundred, for MONTHS... Anyone smell a rat?!

Seems very "Interesting" that something unforseen seems to be stopping our member numbers from increasing at the rate it always had been, at a time of things like shadow bans, new tricks, and so on.

Meanwhile, more and more men are waking up to Mens Rights and supporting it-so what IS the truth behind the strange situation with our official numbers here...?

14:08 UTC


What community or legal organizations for men's victimization have you found the most constructive?

I've looked at the stickied post at the top of the subreddit and in the wiki. So far, the organizations I've checked out are focused on sexual abuse or providing conventional spaces for men to share. They're highly regulated and compel restrictions on the ways participants may interact and they don't extend much invitation for providing resources. I'm skeptical about how this produces change.

I've been searching for resources dealing with trafficking and have wanted to find a community where men can disclose uncensored info. about ways they've been victimized, free of the expectations of mainstream socioeconomic pressures. Just a pursuit of truth and reason, concerning men.

What I've found is a lot of organizations speaking toward general strictly established legal definitions of crimes with language and understanding prioritizing women or protected classes. Despite mentioning the inclusion of men, I've found little effort or neglect when attempting to interact with these organizations, and felt that they've only searched for my issues to conform to their preconceptions.

I've found organizations for women that go out of the way to talk about understanding women's interests to confront their victimizers and publish or oust their victimizers, and having information about how to do so within the law, and making the effort to explore risks.

On men's sites, I see very generic boilerplate, and hotlines numbers for confronting active crisis. No gameplan, no conversation, etc. I view this like affording a smoke spot or brick wall to shout at, away from manifesting any consequence in society, and am suspicious that these aren't basically man-in-the-middle distractions from a real organization for men's issues.

That being said, I'm newly taking this pursuit seriously. I have stories to tell and issues I'm seeking help for. I'm sure that's common, so I'm basically asking for a current survey of recommendations by the established and active community: What communities or legal advocates/organizations, focusing on men's victimization (e.g., trafficking, false accusation, workplace harassment, etc.), can you recommend from your personal experience as rising above the rest, serving a constructive purpose, offering resources, and/or actively and competently discussing experiences (besides this subreddit)?

12:10 UTC


"wE DonT neEd MEn!" It's absolutely disgusting this can be broadcast without any backlash!

13:30 UTC


Something that never made sense about Men's Rights and Marxism, The far Left, etc

It was these people who came up with the idea and tend to think men have always been privileged because they are "allowed" to work and its what all women should do because they're "oppressed" by men and society if women don't do the same.

Ironically enough it's generally Marxist Lefty thinkers (who you will often find are the biggest haters of work culture, capitalism, want less hour work weeks, of anyone there is) who came up with that idea that the people knee deep in it are the most privileged.

12:17 UTC


I don't know how to make heads or tails of this reddit post about sexual attraction

I can't link to it because of the rules here, but the title (reworded) is: "I am repulsed by guys who make sexual advances on me."

They explain (phrasing it in my own words in good faith): "both irl or online, I am disgusted by this even when it's not the stereotypically creepy guys. There is an entitlement to my body. Complaining about their inappropriate behavior labels me as being a prude. I feel disgust for attracting this sort of attention. Not every man treats me this way but this is how I feel about men in general. They don't even know me, have put no time or effort into setting up a date. They just want to use my body. I'm only attracted to emotional connection."

There was no definition of "stereotypically creepy guys" or "inappropriate behavior" in the post.

People in general can feel however they want to feel about sex, though I don't really agree with retroactive rape (this idea that I can remove consent for something that I consented to 20 years ago and now take you to court and probably ruin your life).

But this is the exact kind of discourse that makes me want to have nothing to do with women. Nobody wears a sign on their forehead that tells me who does and who doesn't feel disgust because of someone expressing physical attraction.

I didn't ask to be born this way. If anything I wished I'd been born without a sexual bone in my body, since it's evidently not only a daily problem for me but also a problem for anybody else.

Sure, not all women feel this way. Yet there are hundreds of replies from supposed women stating their agreement with the OP, and this is not in a subreddit where this would be expected.

If anything, when I get to know women I usually become less attracted to them as I realize I could've "put my dick in crazy" or they don't really share any of my worldview or interests. Obviously I feel more attraction, a deeper attraction to someone who I care about, like when our personalities click and we share some of the same life goals and such. But I can't really go a day in my life without garnering some garbage new insight into how women generally seem to think, reinforcing my attitude of wanting nothing to do with women and feeling like I'm some form of monster who needs gaslighting like "seek therapy."

06:48 UTC


Am I the only one who thinks the talk of toxic masculinity is nothing more than a shit test/manipulation test from society in order for the powers that be to keep looking for things to scrutinize in men?

Apologies in advance if the title seems a little confusing, I will go ahead and try to simplify the premise a bit more

Society is always policing men’s way of being more than women’s, and I feel like feminism, love it or hate it, fought for women to have more complete apathy of the stimuli of others around them, in other words we’ve normalized women being completely self-invested, and you know what? Fuck it, imma give credit to them, they won their battle and so now the norm has become more prevalent. Ok good for them

My question then is, why haven’t we done the same for men and preach self-acceptance to men the same way we do with women?

Basically the self perpetuating cycle of this goes like this

Society: emasculates men, infantilizes them, strips them out of their masculinity

Society: Why won’t men sacrifice and die for our society anymore like they once used to?

Men: you said masculinity was toxic and harmful, so we followed the script of your call

Society: Why are men becoming macho nuts everywhere I go? Can’t you see masculinity is a prison

Men: You just complained that men today aren’t nearly sacrificial or useful enough, so which is it?

Is almost like men having any sort of guidance in the first place is deemed as some sort of the threat to feminist establishment and so we instead resorted to creating weird high-school level hazing rituals about men’s masculinities

The whole thing reeks of a manipulation trick used to gaslight men into always questioning their dignity regardless of the status quo at any given time

05:00 UTC


Baby Reindeer

Recommended you watch baby reindeer on Netflix.

22:14 UTC


More women may be psychopaths than previously thought, says expert


something that myself, and a lot of men have been saying for a long time. obviously more research needs to be done but i see this as a massive win for men’s rights. putting a massive hole in the narrative that dark personality disorders are almost exclusively a male trait. we all know and have been saying on this sub that women are at least AS likely to have dark personality disorders. and the overall statistics and headlines support that idea. it is not NORMAL to wish to destroy a man’s life with false accusations, it is not normal to deny a good man a relationship with his children, it is not normal to use men for money, i would argue that all of these including the rise in reports of female teachers raping students are clear and obvious indicators of dark personality traits and it needs to come out more clearly to the general public and FEMINISTS need to stop sweeping it under the rug.

21:51 UTC


Should I get married abroad?

Should k get an arranged marriage abroad?

So I’m not having any luck on dating apps and they feel like a massive waste of time

I don’t socialise much but have a very good group of friends, but most of not all of the girls within that friend group are single and I’m not even sure they’re even attracted to me?

I’m basically a homebody and introvert, borderline reclusive if I had my own way

I’ve finished university and since university, I’ve just not come across as many girls in my life anymore

I had multiple opportunities to date in college but my mental health was terrible

Now I am almost in my 30s with zero to little dating prospects

This all makes me feel like I should just cut myself some slack and get married to a woman abroad from a more traditional country?


Well I guess women abroad value family and marriage more and would likely not divorce me after 7-8 years of marriage?

Getting married in the west seems like a suicide mission these days with how much divorce is happening?

I myself am not traditional but I’m not a big drinker either and I’m agnostic

Is it a reasonable plan to just get married abroad or am I having delusions?

TL/DR: I am still considering an arranged marriage abroad, but I want to give true love a chance, however dating apps are atrocious and I’m almost in my 30s

I feel like my best bet is to marry a woman from abroad who is traditional

Is this a reasonable plan?

21:48 UTC


This is why Mens Rights can't work with Feminists

15:08 UTC

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