you, me, us, irl, reddit style
All posts should be u irl.
Videos must be under 1m.
No trolling or rudeness. Notably, this includes encouraging other users to commit suicide.
No revealing personal information, yours or others.
All posts must be titled "meirl", "me irl", or "me_irl". One or two Emojis between "me" and "irl" is ok
No gore.
Please link to images directly.
No posts involving the other sub, /r/Me_irl, allowed in any way.
Please read this to investigate the difference between this sub and me_irl
We will remove reposts to maximize entropy in the queue
If your post is NSFW don't forget to mark it appropriately
Contrary to popular belief, this subreddit will not upvote memes that say we will upvote anything, so please don't post them
Rule 1 is a thing and it is being enforced. Just because something is "funny" doesn't mean it belongs here
Do not ask for upvotes in your submissions or comments. Your submission/comment will be removed and you may lose your ability to participate in the subreddit
No "It is Wednesday my dudes" or similar memes. They are not you IRL
/r/ich_iel (German)
/r/ik_ihe (Dutch/Flemish)
/r/jag_ivl (Swedish)
/r/yo_elvr/ (Spanish)
/r/mina_irl (Finnish)
/r/eu_nvr (Portuguese)
/r/meirl_nsfw (18+)