
Photograph via snooOG

/r/MemeEconomy is a place where individuals can buy, sell, share, make, and invest in memes freely. You'll also get updates on the meme market, and be able to collaborate with other fellow meme traders analysing the new memes on the block.

This sub is not only for templates. It is for memes in general, themed in an economic perspective. Though, this is not a dumping ground for your low effort memes, please refrain from posting them here.

Send us your suggestions here!

Join the new Discord here!

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Rule Description
1. Appraisal Requests If a post wishes to request investors' opinion of an old template, it must EXPLICITLY state in the title that it is an appraisal request, and flair it as so. Failure to do will be seen as an attempt to post regular memes, and will be immediately removed.
2. Create Original and Quality Content MemeEconomy is a subreddit focused on brainstorming/discovering new formats that: * Are versatile * Have some level of quality * Have originality.But posts that do not belong here are those that are:* Spam * Memes that have little to no use * Old, done-to-death memes * Low effort content (e.g. unoriginal templates).Moderators are able to remove low-effort memes subject to their discretion, including overdone formats, which have been oversaturated and their market value is next to nothing.
3. No Blatant, Direct Reposts Reposting in the sense that you take a post from another meme subreddit, copy and paste the image to this subreddit and call it a day is not allowed.However, if a new template got popular somewhere else on Reddit, and you were to only take the template and transform it in a good way, that would be fine, but make sure you give credit to the user who first made the template. Posting old MemeEconomy posts is also not allowed.
4. No Advertising Instant and possibly permanent bans will be dished out for making a post, or a comment out of the blue which its’ only purpose is to promote some form of product, service or person.We're not Google Ads.
5. No Market Manipulation / Alt Accounts Please respect the economy. Sharing economic exploits, false market information & anything that gives an unfair advantage over others, including using alternate accounts to artificially inflate the share price, are crimes that are subject to having your account suspended or in some instances, certain posts will be suspended from trading.This is heavily frowned on by the entire community as well as the moderators.
6. Must Include Template/Example If you posted a template:You are required to share a link to an example meme.If you posted a meme:You are required to share a link to the template.Reply to the bot's sticky comment with, for example, !template https://imgur.com/, to post your template/example. If you fail to share the relevant link in the next hour, your post may be manually removed!
7. Reputable Investors Only This is a forum for reputable investors. Your account must be older than 7 days and have at least 50 comment karma to post. If your account does not meet these conditions, AutoModerator will automatically remove your post.
8. Be Civil and Respectful TToxic behavior towards others is not allowed and will be met with a ban. This behavior includes (but is not limited to) trolling, harassing, bullying, taunting, brigading, threatening, hating, antagonizing, and bothering other users.This doesn't mean that you should report everyone who has a different opinion to you, and being "ironic" doesn't give you the right to say anything.
9. No Doxxing/Personal Information Many Redditors prefer to keep their identity hidden and out of public view. You should always ask for consent, and should not publically leak their information on the subreddit. Posts that defame people with private lives may be subject to removal depending on how severe the mods see it.
10. Keep NSFW/Offensive Posts To A Minimum NSFW material or edgy material that is excessively graphic, offensive, or that causes widespread division & controversy is subject to removal. Memes that try to faciliate Nazi/alt-right views will be removed (e.g. StoneToss comics).Examples of NSFW posts are memes that may or may not depict sex or nudity excessively, or those that have excessive violence or gore. Examples of edgy memes are those that glorify hate such as KKK or Nazi memes, and any other bigotry.
11.Think, Talk & Post Economically We'd ideally like you to post original content and keep the title economics-related. This is a subreddit for discussing the meme economy, after all. You should also give your thoughts on how certain memes will perform and how much potential they have in the comments, and you should think, live and breathe like a true meme investor. We won’t ban you for thinking the wrong way, but we encourage you to feel in the groove.

Failure to comply with any of the rules in place may result in post/comment removal or an account ban. All title-related infractions will result in a 3 day ban for the first offense, subsequent offenses will have progressively longer bans. If you need to speak with the moderators directly, please don't be afraid to message us.

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Please don't send modmail asking how to buy memes. We have plenty of great users willing to help you in that regard. Go to /r/MemeInvestor_bot for questions instead


1,882,855 Subscribers


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 15, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 14, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 13, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 12, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

1 Comment
17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 11, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 10, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 09, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 08, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 07, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 06, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 05, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

1 Comment
17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 04, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 03, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 02, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - July 01, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - June 30, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


Invest in Art of Pokemon, enough investors will surely send this BABY TO THE MOON!

05:15 UTC


Solid new meme investment

17:44 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - June 28, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


The most promising template to come out of this debate, buy now!

16:47 UTC


New template just dropped! BUY BUY BUY

02:39 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - June 27, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Thumbs up to invest.

00:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - June 26, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

1 Comment
17:00 UTC


Taylor Swift Economics

15:13 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - June 25, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:00 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - June 24, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC


Daily Educational Thread on Economics, Finance, and Memes. Ask your questions here! - June 23, 2024

When we started /r/MemeEconomy our mission statement was to create a forum that educated young people on economics through the relatable medium of memes. Now we are taking a step further towards that goal. We are introducing a new daily discussion thread to /r/MemeEconomy for users to ask questions about economics, finance, and internet culture. There will be no other changes to the subreddit, only the addition of this thread. Feel free to ask your questions here!

Please also send us any feedback you might have, we are hoping to continue adding more educational opportunities and platforms onto the subreddit in the coming weeks. Thanks!

17:01 UTC

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