
Photograph via //r/drugtesthelp

The subreddit where you can get help for drug tests.

Rules (link)

  1. Be Nice! - Remember the Human

  2. No sourcing of any kind allowed

  3. Add all relevant data to your post

If you notice sourcing, unpleasantness or anything else out of place, please use the report button under the offending post.

In your post you should include this information:

  1. When was the last time you smoked/had drugs?

  2. How often did you smoke before that?

  3. How long till your test ?

Drug Detection Times

For questions about drugs checking (substance analysis), check out /r/ReagentTesting

/r/Drugs is for all other drug questions


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Anxious and need answers

I use 10 mg edibles like once a month. I have a drug test tomorrow and haven’t smoked at for like 22 days, will I pass a test? I passed a home test but I’m up for a new job

1 Comment
08:36 UTC


Worried about cutoff window for drug test (cocaethyline)

I just recently had a drug test last Thursday. The previous Sunday night at approximately midnight (Saturday into Sunday), I did a line and a bump of coke. And had like three white claws. I thought the drug test was going to be urine so I worked out 3 times during the week drank a ton of water and drank a “detox” smoothie and two detox drinks, one about three hours before my test. Turns out the test is saliva. I’m still freaking out wondering if I’ll be good or not. I haven’t done coke for 5 years and I rarely drink and have a pretty good metabolism. Looking for reassurance lol.

08:25 UTC


What's the difference in? DHS40001-Urine: 4 Panel (XM) (7825) and (Urine Collection - 6795 - 6795 - 9DSP/OPA/BRB200/6AM/PHN)

What's the difference in? DHS40001-Urine: 4 Panel (XM) (7825) and (Urine Collection - 6795 - 6795 - 9DSP/OPA/BRB200/6AM/PHN) Why did the upass fail for that paticular test? Will it pass for this one

06:03 UTC


hair follicle test ketamine

so I have a hair test this Friday. I’m not a frequent user, I probably did it once or twice a month max for special occasions, but around June-August I completely stopped for other reasons. Now in the past 90 days, I did it 3 times. 1) September 6, went out to a festival and did a good amount 2) Oct 4, it was at a friends bday and I went in the khole for the first time and this is what’s worrying me the most 3) Oct 15, did maybe 1-3 small key bumps and that’s it.

Now it’ll be approx 45ish days since the last time, and the hair test that I’m taking will not be testing for ketamine, but PCP is included. I’ve heard of ketamine potentially causing false negatives for PCP and that’s why I’m freaking out. Does anyone have any experience or know if it’ll show up in my case? Am I fucked or am I over reacting? Thank you!

1 Comment
05:37 UTC


LSD and/or Psilocybin Mushrooms in a typical 26 drug Urinalysis panel?

Hi all, Hope this is at least a semi appropriate forum for me to ask on, but I'm curious how likely it is that either acid or shrooms would be in a 26-drug panel urinalysis drug screen test.. This is a court mandated test in NV, for some context. I am probably not going to risk it, but I am still curious. Thanks in advance to any responses.

04:37 UTC


Lab test upcoming meth not home test

I had a previous post regarding this subject, but I last used on Tuesday around 1 AM. I had been using for about a week before that time sometime this week probably Tuesday or Wednesday. I’m gonna have to test but this is a lab test and I believe they’re different than a regular just pee in a cup store-bought test like they’re gonna test for metabolites everything because I previously failed one of these tests after being clean for eight days, but it was heavy use I can’t fail this one or my careers over. Yes I’m in recovery. Yes, I’ve tried everything. I’ve been at this for five years now probably over 98% of the time, but does anyone know what the difference between a lab test is how long the meth can stay in your urine for and if there’s anything that can get it out quicker if they’re testing for metabolites. Last time I didn’t flush and I passed two home tests with a faint line but still failed.

1 Comment
03:31 UTC


THC test after two weeks

Alright, I’ve never posted on here before but here’s the deal. I stopped smoking 13 days ago after hitting the pen daily for two months. I’m not here for advice rather for people who are in a similar situation. I have taken multiple at home THC tests and I have faint lines on every test (ie: testing negative for THC)-EXCEPT-for my first pee of the day. I haven’t a pre-employment screening tomorrow… I have been pounding water and Powerade since I found out about the test. Here’s my plan for Test Day

6:30–8:00 AM: Drink 32 oz of water 8:00–12:00 PM: Drink another 32 oz of water 12:00–1:15 PM: Drink the 28 oz Powerade 1:15–2:00 PM: Sip water lightly if needed

I have posted my previous at home tests in the comments and I will update once I know the results….

Please keep me in your prayers😂

02:17 UTC


Any reputable Detox?

I am against using synthetic urine

1 - I have used SubSolution twice in my past and passed one test (2019) and failed the second test (in 2022)

[both at LabCorp however two diff locations because the first location closed down]

2 - the volume of synthetic urine supplied is below the volume required to collect.

Now ive been clean for a month and decided to test myself today and I failed. I weigh 180, very active, and I religiously drink a gallon of water every day.

I have a little over two weeks before my next test and I’m going to start drinking cranberry juice daily; however, my question is will I benefit from drinking Certo three times a week to detox or will that just keep it in my system longer? Are there any detox that I can use effectively? In these next couple weeks, I will be testing myself at home before I take the test.

1 Comment
02:09 UTC


UA lab test. Please help

Last weekend on Sunday (11/17/24) I did 1-3 bars of Xanax(I don’t remember the exact amount but i know it was no less then one and no more then 3)with the Xanax use I’m not a occasional user. More or less this was a one time thing. the days prior I drank quite a bit of alcohol. This week on either Wednesday(11/27/24) or Friday(11/29/24) I have a lab screen. The cut off for benzos is 200ng/ml. Any ideas on if I’ll pass?

01:36 UTC


non-dot pre-employment test

Fiance got hired at the Walmart DC and his drug screening is tomorrow. Don’t have much info other than it’s a non-for pre employment test. Someone who works at the distribution center said just get the gotcha belt and that it works fine but we’re unsure. He hasn’t smoked in a few months but he took a Percocet every day this week so there’s no way he’d pass on his own. He really needs this job and we don’t know anyone with clean pee. Is the gotcha belt worth it? Does anyone else know if it actually works? Test is being done at a local clinic

22:42 UTC


UA testing

Took at home drug tests without certo, all were hard positives. Took only 1 packet of certo and got negative results. Now only have to do one more time tomorrow for probation test to see if it truly works

22:40 UTC


Using a 4-5hr old sample

Using a buddies clean sample, I’ll be getting it 4-5 hours before the test. Would it be best to keep it warm until the test or to fridge it?

Any help appreciated!

22:19 UTC


Urinalysis is NOT the same as drug screening

Guys…there is a massive confusion wave over these two terms. Do NOT use synthetic urine for a physical UA screening…a UA checks for proteins, ketones, glucose, pH, specific gravity, and bacteria to check for your kidney function. A drug screening…checks specifically for drugs. Do not use fake urine for a KIDNEY FUNCTION TEST! You will FAIL! Use your own drug-saturated urine for a kidney function test.

21:52 UTC


Thc faint line

I havent smoked in 70 days, my at home tests have had faint lines show negative since I started taking them, and have gotten a little bit darker.

I have to take a drug test at concentra urgent care for CDL school. I’ve heard their cut off level is 50ng.

Do you guys think I’ll pass?

21:45 UTC


Drug test

If someone has done coke like not alot but say a few lines throughout a month on weekends... if they have a drug test in 12 days will they pass a urine test?

20:03 UTC


Drug test surprise

Hi everyone! I’m in a bit of a bind right now. My program announced a drug test to be don’t in less than a month and I’ve stopped smoking now for a week. I’ve boughten test strips from Amazon that all have came out negative so I deceived to buy a Walgreens test cup for THC only and the it came out positive. I’ve used these test strips from Amazon before so I now they work but now I’m kinda freaking out. I’ve been drinking apple cider vinegar with mother and I’ve finished a whole bottle already. Any other tips that I can use? I’m 5’3 165!

1 Comment
19:37 UTC



My test is on the 18th so if I drink this now will Herbal Clean QCarbo same day detox be helpful then? Obviously I'm not going to smoke.

1 Comment
19:00 UTC


Test pass help

I have to pass a 10 panel + crt drug test at labcorp for a program. i haven’t smoked for almost 30 days now. im still getting VERY faint negatives on at home tests. is there anything else i can do to make it get out faster? i’ve been drinking a ton of water, like at least 2 64oz cups full a day. im 5’7 150 lbs for reference.

18:24 UTC


Faint negative line means what?

Long story short I think my drink was spiked Thurs night, just took a test this AM and got a very faint positive for Buprenorphine. Does that mean it was in my system but not enough now to constitute a positive?

16:52 UTC


From what I can tell, Testclear is almost a full proof way of passing a urine drug screen??

Looked into testclear powdered urine in this subreddit and noticed there was an overwhelming amount of people who say they passed (like 99%) and the one person who failed just fucked up and let the temp get too hot. Has ANYONE failed with testclear? Otherwise, why aren’t more people talking about it instead of quick fix which is getting flagged more and more? I think I’m going to use testclear and buy the heat hot kit to be basically 100% safe in passing any urine drug test. The only issue would be if I was directly observed but I’m not in the military or police. If I’m not mistaken, Testclear is seemingly a full proof way of passing a urine drug screening and I implore anyone here to say otherwise. I have noticed that one dude who goes around shitting on testclear and looked into his account and saw he’s likely the owner of the Urinator and is currently suing Testclear (probably out of jealousy). I just ignore his spam comments because he’s clearly a shill for his own product. Dude always links that BBB site showing reviews of likely fake accounts. But outside of him, his fake Reddit accounts, and one legit person who failed due to high temp, I have yet to see people say they fail using TestClear.

13:03 UTC


THC Mouthswab

So I have a mandatory random mouthswab tomorrow (Monday), and I literally just smoked. Chances I pass? Chances I fail? How to increase my chances of passing? If I fail I’m getting locked up again.

12:56 UTC


MDNow Clinic

You guessed it.. I have a drug test coming up and Im shitting bricks lmfao. I have to take my test at the MDNow clinic and I was wondering if anyone has taken their test with them before? If so how was it?? Im gonna have to use someone elses pee so im praying they dont watch me.

12:47 UTC


Any knowledge about this test(Urine Collection - 6795 - 6795 - 9DSP/OPA/BRB200/6AM/PHN)

What's the difference in? DHS40001-Urine: 4 Panel (XM) (7825) and (Urine Collection - 6795 - 6795 - 9DSP/OPA/BRB200/6AM/PHN) Why did the upass fail for that paticular test? Will it pass for this one

1 Comment
11:21 UTC


Hitting friends nicotine vape after he smoked

I have a huge drug test coming up in a week and im freaking myself out about hitting my friends nicotine vape after he smoked weed. I have no idea how any of this works cause i never been a smoker but I need to pass this drug test. If anyone got any info on this cause I dont know if that would cause me to fail or not because when i was hitting it i could taste weed on the mouth piece

07:50 UTC


Can I keep urine warm

If I get clean urine and put it in a 5 hour energy bottle and immediately put it right up next to my balls then go to the drug test 8 minutes away will it still be warm.

06:24 UTC


Need yall Help took the Hair Test

Was a everyday user for a year. Been clean for the past month

Used Zydot Shampoo 2 times & the day of the test

Y’all think ima pass?


06:10 UTC


help pls

I was with my friends and one of his friends passed his Nicotine Vape and i hit it for about 2 seconds and immediately realized it was a Cart i didnt take a deep inhale but enough to feel sleepy and a little hungry not fully faded, it was one of those battery's disguised as Nic vape. Ive been clean for 3 months till that point and i had a drug tests 11 days after that happened. Would i have been clean by that day or not just need to know i will find out on Dec 4th with my PO but im stressing about it becasue im going to end up in deep shi.

05:22 UTC


Need help with THC testing!

I’ve been COMPLETELY clean from THC (mostly cartridges) for 27 days. I was a heavy smoker, talking 5 blinkers throughout the day at the moment I quit. Tonight I found the tiniest bit of weed in my carpet, like I’m talking millimetres length buds. I smoked it (for some reason), but I forgot that my dad is taking me to a doctors office soon, he is booking the appointment monday. Will THC show up positive in my bloodstream, even if it was such a small amount? If so, is there any way to flush it out?

05:11 UTC


synthetic urine help/advice

what synthetic urine will pass lab tests as well

04:17 UTC


Advice needed

I'm going the service an I think about how I can never do drugs again an it's insane cause I love to smoke. Anyways I have a military test (pee test) an failed my first test so I have to retake it an my game plan has been just drinking water 6 800mL bottles everyday is my goal. I'm a 25 year old female that has 24.8 body fat and weigh 140 pounds. I was thinking doing the nician thing or going to a gym an sitting in a steam room for futher help. Any advice would do.

03:48 UTC

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