Linguistics Humor: a sub for humor relating to linguistics
Welcome to /r/linguisticshumor! This is the home for jokes about linguistics, i.e., the study of human language.
Linguistics memes, funny textbook illustrations, crackpot theories, rude drawings made up of IPA symbols, and other linguological ludicrousness goes here. If you've got something that you'd like to share with the class that isn't scientifically rigorous enough for /r/linguistics, post it in this sub.
For more serious linguistics, check out /r/linguistics and /r/asklinguistics.
For humor and discussion about modern foreign languages, check out /r/languagelearning.
For examples of bad linguistics, check out /r/badlinguistics.
For linguistics shit-posting, check out /r/shittylinguistics.
For goofy linguistics thoughts, check out /r/showerlinguistics.
𒂖𒅎𒇷𒅆𒉿𒂗 /el em le si.jen/ Elle aime le chien.
𒈥𒅗𒀀𒆲𒍪𒄿𒆷𒁍𒇇𒀀𒌁𒉿𒌨 /maʁ.ka a kun.dzu.i la bu.wa.tsi.juʁ/ Marc a conduit la voiture.
𒁍𒇷𒁍𒆪𒅆𒅀𒀀𒂍𒈬𒇇𒊺𒋗𒁇 /bu.le bu ku.si.je a.bet mu.wa se su.waʁ/ Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
They definitely meant “gendered pronouns” but a lot of these cultural notes are really shady
If Yy = i graeca (> i-grec, igrek, etc), since the letter is used to represent an /i/-like sound in Greek, then Iı = u turca (> u-turc, uturk, etc), since it represents an /u/-like sound in Turkish
I spent too much time looking for an appropriate place to post this, and this is the closest relevant subreddit I could find before my head cracks open.
"Nest egg" is an utterly nonsensical phrase. It drives me nuts. The correct and less deranged expression is "egg nest," and here's why:
Nest egg implies the existence of "non-nest" eggs. Where else do eggs exist? In the fridge? In the vacuum of space? Are there "hydrothermal vent eggs"?
Nest egg ostensibly means an investment for the future. Okay. Sure. But "egg nest" makes infinitely more sense: it's a container (a nest, i.e., a real estate holding, a retirement account, pokemon cards, etc), with eggs (money, value, street cred) inside it that will hatch into a growing "thing" in the future (the return on your investment).
2.1. It's a nest for eggs. An egg nest. You care about the eggs, not the nest. Otherwise, just call it a fucking nest and be done with it. What in the name of all ovoviviparity is a "nest egg"?!?
English (aka North Sea Germanic–Old Norse–Oïl Creole) is an ongoing mistake in defiance of god that proves the hubris of man. Thank you.
Ubykh-pirahã pidgin.
When big language meets small language it's the most cursed beautiful thing to ever exist!
I like to scroll on language dictionaries, especially the proto ones. There apparently I can see vulgar and taboo words (like genitals), I just thought such words just appear in modern languages.
Si agarramos, agarramos.
I'm looking for patterns in Spanish pronunciation to practice my transcription skills. And I think I found this one: when a phrase starts with a vowel, that vowel is pronounced after a subtle glottal plosive.