Linguistics Humor: a sub for humor relating to linguistics
Welcome to /r/linguisticshumor! This is the home for jokes about linguistics, i.e., the study of human language.
Linguistics memes, funny textbook illustrations, crackpot theories, rude drawings made up of IPA symbols, and other linguological ludicrousness goes here. If you've got something that you'd like to share with the class that isn't scientifically rigorous enough for /r/linguistics, post it in this sub.
For more serious linguistics, check out /r/linguistics and /r/asklinguistics.
For humor and discussion about modern foreign languages, check out /r/languagelearning.
For examples of bad linguistics, check out /r/badlinguistics.
For linguistics shit-posting, check out /r/shittylinguistics.
For goofy linguistics thoughts, check out /r/showerlinguistics.
We have been unfairly robbed of the two best letters ever created. In their place, we use the pathetic, undifferentiated, characterless digraph th. The je ne sais quoi of Old English orthography is gone. Actually, that's a dumb statement, because je very fucking much sais quoi. Bring them back.
who wrote this 😭 🙏
I also thought every Serbo-Croatian dialect, along with Shavian and this conlang, but those would never be in a translator (Shidinn has its own)
ALL of them! At the time, I forgot Aymara was written in Latin.
Yes, this was made in the apple notes app, don’t ask
In portuguese, it's called "beijo grego"(literally greek kiss), cause the practice of kissing someone's anus originated in Greece apparently. Since then, the name is still used to this day in portuguese.
In english though, the name rimjob comes from rim + job(duh), with the word rim, according to Wiktionary, meaning:
- An edge around something, especially when circular.
- (automotive, cycling) A wheelrim.
- (journalism) A semicircular copydesk.
It probably got its name because an anus looks like a rim(more specifically a wheelrim).
e.g., Zero Suit Samus and Metal Samus are the two most badass _______ in Brawl
Ignorant Americans have found a way to offend two language communities at the same time. They borrowed Arabic
walla and French voilà with the same pronunciation. Double affront.
土 = nuna
土好ᖅ = nunatsiaq
土好ᕗᑦ = nunatsiavut
土好ᕗᒻ人ᖅ = nunatsiavummiuq
土好ᕗᒻ人ᑦ = nunatsiavummiut
土好ᕗᒻ人話ᑦ = nunatsiavummiutut
Help me settle an argument