Gun-ownership through a pro-gun liberal / leftist lens.
Mission Statement:
Gun ownership through a pro-gun liberal lens.
This is a place for liberal gun-owners who want to discuss gun ownership absent the "noise" of most right-leaning pro-gun forums.
"Liberal" here is "left-of-center", in US political terms. Liberal/Leftist/Progressive. Those who would identify as Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, &c. This does not mean "classical liberal" or right-leaning libertarians.
Sub Rules:
See here.
- r/blackgunowners
- r/gundeals
- r/guns
- r/InStockAmmo
- r/LatinoRA
- r/leftistveterans
- r/pinkpistols
- r/SocialistRA
Related Websites/Blogs:
- Black Gun Owners Association
- Huey P. Newton Gun Club
- Liberal Gun Club
- National African-American Gun Association
- Open Source Defense
- Operation Blazing Sword
- Pink Pistols
- Red Neck Revolt
We are not affiliated with liberalgunowners.org
Interesting Reading:
- The Rifle on the Wall: A Left Argument for Gun Rights
- 538 on Americans misunderstanding gun violence and policy solutions
- The New York Times: The Assault Weapons Myth
- NY Magazine: There Is No ‘Epidemic of Mass School Shootings’
- Salon: Gun control’s racist reality: The liberal argument against giving police more power
Sourced from this community thread
Hi y’all, long time viewer first time poster.
So I’ve been trying to learn more about field medicine and I got recommended the Deployed Medicine by a national guard member with EMT experience. I know it’s not exactly gun related but I figured learned out to treat firearm related wounds is just as important as learned how to use firearms.
I haven’t dived into it fully but here’s what I know:
Has a lot of info on how to treat combat related wounds and even shows demonstrations on the real thing.
Can be used offline so helpful when you need it in a hurry.
It’s on all mobile platforms.
Only downside is you do need an account but hey it’s free at least.
I sound like I’m advertising here but I wanted to give a heads up in case anyone is interested. Also equally important is I strongly recommend getting first aid training if you haven’t already! The Red Cross offers all in one classes that let you do first aid, cpr, and aed and it’s only like 2 hours.
App is called Deployed Medicine
Stay safe and I hope we don’t need to use this info!
My interest in firearms has generally been minimal, but I was raised in Ohio so not completely unfamiliar with them. With everything happening right now I feel like some responsible training could be a cathartic exercise but I'm not sure how to get started.
Hello everyone. I would not normally find myself here under most circumstances and have never owned a firearm before, but for obvious reasons I have received my FOID card and am shopping around. Laws are kinda strict where I am at so I am limited to types. I was looking into sidearms and shotguns, found that I may like either the Walther PDP or Springfield Echelon for my pistol. If anyone has other recommendations or any cons for these that may cause some concern, let me know! I am not too familiar with shotguns, so I am looking for recommendations there to start researching for someone new.
Side note: I do have military training, but it has been almost 15 years since then and 7 years since I fired a weapon. I am already looking at my local ranges for classes and practice.
I need some recommendations on a website or a store that isn't MAGA crazy. I'm in Ohio and my favorite store to shop for all of my guns and ammo is now having a "MAGA Sale" and I want no part of that shit.
Before I get started, I think it should be known that I own several AR’s and several pistols and I have always believed that it should be my right to bear arms. As well as everybody else is right. However, I do personally believe that this right comes with significant responsibilities and that it should have restrictions. Like it’s easier to get a gun than a car. Because this is the liberal gun owners sub, I am hoping to find a more nuanced perspective, than a strict absolutist interpretation of the second amendment. So I have a few questions.
Do we, r/liberalgunowners Tend to be second amendment absolutist or is there a fair amount of wiggle room in this forum for differences of interpretation? As you can probably guess I would probably tend more towards reasonable restrictions. Just wondering what the vibe is in here. I sincerely hope that it is a rainbow of opinions.
Most of the people that I know are liberal and fairly anti-gun. On the rare occasion that the subject comes up, I will often tell them that I don’t think gun ownership is inherently bad and that I believe in common sense gun control. When I say gun control, I mean, reasonable measures that do not infringe upon my law abiding citizen rights, but that create an environment where guns are not in the hands of the wrong people. For example, domestic abusers. I am curious where you all draw the line? For example I don’t believe your average. Joe Schmoe should be able to walk into a gun store and purchase a fully automatic weapon.
If you’ve made it this far and we are generally on the same page, I am wondering what specific measures would be widely popular amongst the general liberal population with regard to gun control that would also not violate your sense of what the second amendment protects. For example, I think that straw purchasers should be held accountable for breaking the law. As it is, there is not too much enforcement of that offense. A downstream effects of this are quantifiable and well documented.
Thanks in advance for everybody’s replies.
TL:DR You're gonna get burned at some point. Don't ND rounds into bystanders.
This video is a few years old that came up on my feed after I dealt with a similar experience.
I have almost a decade of shooting experience now and I was at my local indoor range just going to practice. I've dealt with brass catching on my collar and burning my neck, it hurt but no biggie.
I have a .22lr conversion for my rifle and it will spit those casings out and bounce off the divider exactly how it happened in this video. I was wearing a hoodie that day like the guy in the video and that hooded area just funneled a .22lr casing right down the back of my shirt. I had an undershirt tucked in as well. The casing was then pressed into the top of my back due to me moving around trying to get it out meanwhile my rifle is still loaded but pointed down range. Now let me tell you it hurt like hell because I was essentially being branded but I've shot enough and had enough wherewithal to keep the rifle down range, take finger off the trigger, and put it back on safe and set it on the table. It's easier said than done. I'm glad I did it safely but it took some mental fortitude just to fight through a "small" inconvenience to want to remedy the situation but at the same time tell myself to put the rifle down. Each movement caused the casing to push into my skin more and slide down to my waist line. It left about a quarter sized 2nd degree burn on my back where it was initially stuck and once I set my rifle down and it made it's way down to my waist I was able to pinch it and untuck my shirt for it to fall out.
I am not making this post to scare anyone, more so to inform newer/inexperienced shooters that burns or other hiccups are going to happen at some point and the 2 most important things you can do is keep your barrel pointed down range and always have your finger off the trigger unless you are on target ready to shoot.
These are the only rifle cartridges for deer I'm allowed to use. Which round would you chose and why?
I'd like the something that's readily available and doesn't cost $2/round
Wouldn't we all....
I'm not familiar with any of these rounds other than 9mm, which I've only used for a pistol. Maybe I should just get a PCC in 9mm.
The website shows them on sale for $700, was wondering if they are any good.
What would you all recommend for a suppressor ready semiautomatic rifle + dot optic combo?
I’ve been wanting one for years, but my wife was solidly against having one in the house. We always make decisions as a partnership. She’s had an about face on her opinion and is now fully supportive.
For context:
I’m not a new gun owner. I have a carry license and own handguns, shotguns, and bolt action rifles. But everything I have is primarily for hunting. I have very limited knowledge of what a solid choice would be for a SA rifle for home defense.
Noobie to all of this. I'm in CT with some pretty restrictive laws, and was considering the Ruger Mini14 as a starter rifle. We're limited to to 10 round mags and there are a slew of regulations for owning something like an AR where you can't have a detachable mag if you have a threaded barrel, etc. Was eyeing the Ruger for being able to have the detachable magazine.
I don't want a pistol for my first purchase, even though that's likely easier for training and ammo is cheaper etc. I have a lot of questions that are dumb that weren't really covered in the NRA Basic Pistol course we have to take to apply for and get issued our permit in CT.
I've also been thinking about a PCC eventually, but really was looking for feedback on the Mini14 if any of you had experience with it, or other suggestions that may be more newb friendly for trying a higher caliber round like 5.56. I do have a muzzleloader (.50 CVA in-line) but modern stuff I am not familiar with.
Edit: Thank you all for the great feedback. Definitely will be doing some more homework on some of the alternatives, and glad to know the newer minis aren't prone to the inaccuracy issues. Also changed my goof on .556 to 5.56
PSA PX9, R9 can.
I'm doing my residency at a hospital and was wondering if anyone knew what the gun concealed and carry requirements are for Canadians?
For reference, l'm a women and most times I'm working late hours in the hospital, where I have to walk to my car at 3/4am, and I also live alone. So l'd like to have something either in my car and at home to feel a little safer with how scary things are right now
And this isn't even the last of it
Anyone here from Spokane? I'm new to this, and would love to join a group. Much love. Apologies if this is ATR.
1: Radian raptor - radian raptor LT 2: green tip .556 - regular Fmj 556 3: surefire warden direct thread - 2 piece warden 4: Romeo5 - Mbus 3 - both
I'm looking for a trigger lock that can work with my Glock 34 Gen 5 with a rail mount light with buttons just past the trigger guard. Anything like that available? Prefer biometric vs combination ideally.
excited for my first gun! so I decided I needed to arm myself since i’m moving to a semi-dangerous area (because rent is cheaper) and that I needed to get a piece and start training and working on my aim. Picked up this nice Canik TP9 SA MOD. 2 and WOW this thing shoots like a fucking DREAM! the trigger is smooth like butter, 9mm is cheap, and it only ran me $300 in all!
stay frosty and stay armed friends.
M&P carry comp full size. Bodyguard 2.0
This thing is so small and thin, pictures don’t do it justice. Just got some training rounds and gonna go test some defensive rounds apparently this doesn’t like underwood xtreme defenders the only really good 380 defensive ammo so I’m gonna test that tomorrow.
Smith & Wesson MP12. Kicks like a mule but it’s been a fun pick up. I’m a sucker for M&P stuff.
My new years resolution was to start stocking up on ammo instead of more guns. How's everyone's ammo stash doing?
Well I have had a CCW permit for years but never felt things were bad enough to consider it…. But things change.
So I got a smaller gun (M&P 1.0) and have been checking it out and getting comfortable with my first striker fired handgun (my other is a 1911). And I am just having a hard time with the idea of carrying it around with a round chambered. The 1.0 does not have an external safety and if there is a round in the chamber it’s ready to go… in essence I feel like my 1911 is safer because you would have to accidentally cock it and press the hand guard and pull the trigger in order to accidentally discharge it. This gun you would just have to pull the trigger.
I get you should not ever touch the trigger before being ready to fire but seems to me it’s harder to make 3 mistakes than one.
Is the M&P just not the gun for the job? Am I missing something?
I'm looking to drop 600-700 on a sig or cz hammer fired full sized or compact 9mm, likely gently used. Maybe a usp tactical in .45 if it shows up at a used gun counter while I happen to be flush. Anyone else have plans?