
Photograph via snooOG

r/SleeplessWatchdogs is a place for finding and reporting plagiarism and IP theft of posts from r/nosleep, r/letsnotmeet, r/shortscarystories, and the like.

SleeplessWatchdogs is a place for finding and reporting plagiarism and IP theft of posts from r/nosleep, r/letsnotmeet, r/shortscarystories, and the like.

Copyright Resource Index

Here you will find resources that will help you understand copyrights, copyright infringement, and the like. You will also find individual pages for websites where stories are frequently posted without permission that contain the sites' policies and procedures regarding copyrights.


We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about ensuring that authors are not mistreated or stolen from. We are not lawyers, and as such are unable to give legal advice regarding copyright law or contract disputes.

While we encourage users to report pages/channels that use their work without permission, we do not condone any sort of uncivil behavior directed at the offender.

Any sort of uncivil behavior from users who have had their content stolen - up to and including doxxing (sharing personal information) and harrassment - is not the intention or responsibility of the Sleepless Watchdogs.

If you are found to be participating in this sort of behavior as a result of a report on this subreddit, you will immediately be banned and anything that breaks reddit's TOS will be reported to the admins.

What Will Be Added To The Black List?

The Black List will only show narration channels/podcasts and social media/blog pages that are proven to be posting work without the original poster’s permission, without crediting the original poster, and meet specific criteria.

Contract disputes, payment issues, and selling of material on Amazon or similar can be reported on the subreddit, but these offenders will not be added to the Black List.

Submitting Reports

When should I report?

  • Your story was shared or narrated without your permission, especially if the offender refuses to resolve the situation when asked.

  • Your story was shared or narrated with your permission, but the person sharing or narrating the story refused to credit you when asked or did not credit you within 48 hours of agreeing to do so.

  • You have confirmed with at least one author that their story was shared or narrated by a page/channel without their permission.

  • You find a person, page, or channel that's presenting stories they did not write as stories they wrote (this includes stories being sold on Amazon or similar sites as books).

Before you make a report

  • Check the Black List and use the subreddit's search bar to check if your report has already been made.

  • Check the criteria for the Black List to make sure the channel/page you want to report is one we'll consider adding to the list.

  • Do not make a new post to report something that has already been addressed. Doing so will result in the post being removed.

  • If the report you intended to post has already been made on the subreddit, you are welcome to add a comment to the existing post to contribute.

How to submit a report

  • You are free to make public posts reporting unauthorized use or informing us of parties that poorly credit authors.

  • if you are concerned with remaining anonymous, please feel free to send us your report via modmail.

  • Reports can be submitted after you’ve performed your own resolution, or especially if the accused is refusing to respect your rights and the problem persists.

  • Regardless of how you submit a report, you are required to include a link to the channel/page and some sort of evidence. You shouldn't report someone unless you know for sure they are doing something wrong. Posts made without a link and/or proof will be removed.

  • Failure to provide context and/or evidence in your report or submitting a report of questionable nature will be automatically interpreted as an attempt to use us as a means of starting drama, and is subjected to the disciplinary actions regarding our NO WITCH HUNTING rules.

Once you've submitted a report

  • Please allow time for us to review your findings and, if applicable, conduct our own investigation. Be prepared for the possibility of us reaching out to you requesting clarification on certain items if the need arise.

  • Once your report has been confirmed as valid, we will reach out to you to inform and add the offender to The Black List. You are then encouraged to keep us informed and updated on future interactions, additional offenses, or account termination.

  • It is important to know that we will never reach out to the accused and advise them that you filed a report against them.

  • Our turnaround time is usually fairly quick. However, there may come times when we receive a high volume of reports. If this occurs, we will make a post announcing this and ask you to please exercise patience as we thoroughly review all reports in our queue.

  • Please refrain from sending repeated messages inquiring about status updates, this may delay the outcome of your report.

Subreddit Rules

Please refrain from making non-relevant posts.

  • All posts made to this subreddit should be to either report or address issues concerning plagiarism and related subjects.

  • Off-topic discussions may clutter the subreddit and prevent users and moderators alike from addressing reports in a timely fashion. Repeated off-topic posts will result in being banned from the subreddit.

  • This especially applies to advertising posts or posts that can be considered spam, which will be removed immediately upon discovery and the poster subjected to disciplinary action.

No doxxing or sharing of personal information.

  • This includes personal profiles, full names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.

  • The only information you should share publicly is a link to the page where the offender is stealing or improperly crediting work written by someone else.

Do not tag offenders in any post on this subreddit.

  • This may cause unnecessary arguments and uncivil behavior. Comments tagging an offender or guessing who an offender is on reddit will be removed.

Be civil.

  • While we understand that the nature of this subreddit is reporting a negative experience, you must remain civil in both posts and comments.

  • Do not call names, threaten others, mention things you would do/have done to mothers, etc.

  • Any form of hate speech will not be tolerated.

Like to share or narrate stories?

Check out our guide to asking permission to use someone's fictional story!

Check out our guide to asking permission to use someone's non-fictional story! (i.e. stories from r/letsnotmeet)

The Black List was created to make authors more comfortable with sharing their work and help them trust the community at large. Please keep that in mind before taking your reaction to being on the list public.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Black List, or would like us to review your channel/page to ensure that you're doing things right, please feel free to contact us through modmail at any time. Please do not message individual mods.

If you are on the list, or have become aware of a report filed against you, it would be in your best interest not to immediately contact us to ask to be removed (the answer is NO) or to ask for the status of an open report filed against you (this would be interpreted as an attempt to hinder our investigational efforts and may result in us promptly adding you to the list).

Contact that we deem to be inappropriate may be documented under your entry for all to see, and may result in you being banned from this subreddit.

Harassment, death threats, bribery, and even setting your fanbase upon us will result in you being banned and all details added to your entry. If your actions are determined to be against Reddit's TOS, we may report you to the admins as well.

If you want to be removed from the list, you will need to message the mods to begin a 90 day evaluation period. Please read our list of Evaluation Do's and Don'ts. Once you start the 90 day probation period, you cannot pause, restart, or completely stop it.

During this evaluation, you will need to ask permission to use any stories and properly credit the authors of said stories. We will check. If the 90 days elapse and you have not had any incidents of copyright theft, we will remove you from the list.

If you claim to have followed these instructions and we find that you have lied, or you begin sharing stories without permission again, you will be marked as a "Legacy" report, and you will be permanently listed with no chance of removal.

If you contact us to request removal from the list, please be polite and patient. Repeatedly asking for status updates while we investigate may delay the process. If you are uncivil in your request at any time, we may restart the 90 day clock or mark you as a "Legacy" report and you will remain on the list permanently.


4,224 Subscribers


Uh oh

8 year old post is being uploaded to tiktok probably without permission

17:20 UTC


How do get permission to post peoples stories?

Hi! I’m looking to start a TikTok account where I post your stories on my account and I don’t know I can get permissions! Please let me know so I could post these good stories.

Thanks! If any of you guys do allow me to post your stories please let me know😊

22:29 UTC


Augh. Another Channel Stealing stories.

Another update: Finally my story was removed. Thanks Youtube!

Update: This channel is refusing to delete the stolen work and is fighting back with Youtube saying my take down is fake. I'm going to refuse to back down. I'm sick and tired of my work getting stolen when I offer it for free for narrators to use. Only narrators. Not Text to speech channels like this one.

I'm about to leave for work. I found one of my stories stolen on this channel. It looks like the channel is a mixture of a lot of work. Some stolen content, some other stuff. Please look to see if you can find any of your stories used without permission.

The Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Horrorstoriescorner1/videos

18:59 UTC


*Sigh* Another AI channel stealing stories. Creepy Vibes

I found the story I posted on the 14th on this channel. I did not give permission and they did not ask. I put a strike on the stolen story so I hope it gets removed soon. Please look to see if you can find any of your stories. When I have time I'll try to track down writers and contact them.

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Creeepyvibes/videos

My stolen story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqK4JeLDV6k

1 Comment
18:47 UTC


Yet another AI Channel Stealing stories. Master Nightmare

Another update: The channel has gone from 80 videos to 14. Again, I am unaware of the reason. Or if they have been fully deleted or set to private. Either way, I'm glad to see so much stolen content gone. I do hope the owner of the channel goes through the proper processes going forward.

Two small updates: The number of videos have dropped from 80 to 62. I am unaware if authors have contacted the channel owner, or if they are deleting videos on their own. Also, I forgot to mention this channel is giving zero credit anywhere to the writers of each story.

Found one of my stories on this channel and already have put through a DMCA strike. There are about 80 videos on the channel, but most videos have zero views. Regardless, this is still work that has been used without permission. If we don't nip these actions early, the channel will just keep stealing.


02:20 UTC


Another one stolen

This guy has been stealing work, I’ve sent a message to the author hopefully they are aware


1 Comment
17:20 UTC


What I have to deal with as a writer

User scaryhub27 reposted my story on tiktok and passed it as their own. I commented asking them to delete it and they replied 'No bud'

Here is the link of the tiktok and the account. Please report this

11:59 UTC


Everyone please report tiktok user creepiest.reddit!

they have stolen my story and when i commented they replied with 'blah blah blah nobody cares'. please report with copyright infringement, the story is the blind one

21:54 UTC


Several tiktok accounts have posted and narrated my story without my permission

The story is 'I'm blind. I'm not sure how many steps my staircase has.'

Here are the usernames:






11:01 UTC


Mr. Grinless on YouTube is using stories without permission.

Edit: I have been in direct contact with Mr. Grinless. He has removed both of my stories from his channel. He has also agreed to remove any story from his channel for which he has not received permission. He has not yet started this process but communicated he plans to start this evening.

I will mention that Mr. Grinless does indeed have permission from some authors whose work is currently being used on the channel. He understands the process of procurement and has communicated a desire to receive proper methods of story permissions going forward.

YouTube Channel Mr. Grinless is using stories without permission. I have already filed DMCA strikes against the channel, but with 254 videos in total, I imagine he has stolen a great deal more. Please look at his channel to be sure none of your stories have been used without authorization. I will reach out to some of the authors myself, but with the amount, I won't be able to contact everyone. I've shared the link below.


19:08 UTC


Nightmare Dreams & More Stealing Stories

Hey all!

I just wanted to report this in case anyone else wants to take a look to see if there stories are there. The following channels created narrations of my own stories without permission. They have since been DMCAed with YouTube.

Some of them are small fish but might not hurt to look to see if your story is there.

Nightmare Dreams
Scary Stories from the Internet
Mr Jr Sinister

16:30 UTC


Mr. Creepy Creeps on YouTube is stealing NoSleep stories

I found a video of a story written on an alternate account posted to Mr. Creepy Creeps YouTube channel. After reaching out, they eventually put the video to private (not deleted). I recommend checking this channel for your content. They sent a single screenshot to indicate they received permission from one author, but since considering that they stole my work, they've likely done the same to many more. Their defense of "creative common" tells me they are aware of what they are doing.

Edit: I hope that anyone who has a story stolen by him sees his rude response below. That kind of insulting nature deserves a copyright strike rather than allowing him to delete your story, which he already knows is the right thing to do.


08:43 UTC


Whispers Of The Web Youtube Channel is using stories without permission.

It's a newer AI read channel. I left a few comments telling the channel owner they need permission to use the content, and each comment was deleted. I've contacted the authors, and a few have told me that the stories are in fact stolen. I'm pretty sure I've contacted all that had a story taken, but I may have missed someone. The channel keeps uploading so I'll keep checking back to contact more writers to see if they were asked permission or not.


17:57 UTC


Seeking Advice on Ethically Utilizing Reddit Content for a Creative Project

Hello Watchdogs,
I hope this finds you well. I'm currently working on a project that involves creating content for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Without delving into too much detail, the project revolves around automating the video creation process to some extent.
One of the content formats I'm considering involves using narratives or stories from Reddit. However, I am fully aware of the community's concerns and discomfort with their content being reposted on other platforms, especially without proper credit or consent.
Given this, I'm here to seek your advice and opinions:
1. Ethical Considerations: How can I use Reddit content in a way that respects the original posters and the community? Are there best practices I should follow?

2. Consent and Credit: What would be the appropriate way to seek consent from the original posters? How should I credit them in a way that honors their contribution?

3. Alternatives to Reddit Content: If using Reddit content is generally frowned upon or unethical, I'm open to exploring other avenues. Do you have suggestions for alternative content sources that align with ethical standards?

4. Community Feedback: I am also interested in your general opinions on this type of content automation and its place in the digital content landscape.

I am committed to ensuring that my project is conducted in an ethical, respectful, and community-approved manner. Your insights and suggestions will be invaluable in guiding me to make the right decisions.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to your constructive feedback and advice.

22:41 UTC


TikTok @factsfromziro is posting AI narrations without credit or permission

Their narration has gotten more than 2 million views, here.

They did not credit or otherwise link to the story. Their channel is full of similar uncredited stories that appear to be taken from reddit. Check to see if your stories have been infringed.

19:11 UTC


Reposting etiquette

Hi everyone! I recently started a TikTok (sleep.paralysis.gf) for reposting stories, sharing story submissions, and sharing my own. I want to learn about the ethics of reposting stories before I started doing so, as like I said, I'm brand new to this, and so far I've only posted a story of my very own.

I'm very glad to have found this subreddit so I can have a solid, ethical framework for dabbling in this.

From what I gather, a couple of the primary requirements are to ask for permission from authors and credit them. I'm also seeing things about royalties which I definitely want to learn about, but it isn't exactly applicable right now given the newness of the account and the slim likelihood that this project will ever progress to the point that there will be any profit.

Is there anything else that I should know?

TIA xoxo

02:48 UTC


TikTok @spooky_scares is now doing things the right way

Spooky Scares is fine now. They have wiped their channel and will only be using stories they have permission for. They have paid me for the stories they used. They were very apologetic to me and GTripp and others. Please do not report them anymore.

Thank you everyone for your help.

1 Comment
02:20 UTC


TikTok @spooky_scares stealing stories

UPDATE: Spooky Scares is fine now! They have wiped their channel and will only be using stories they have permission for. They have paid me for the stories they used. Please do not report them anymore.

This TikTok channel has stolen several of my stories without permission or payment.


I tried to contact them and they did not respond.

00:43 UTC


TikTok Page Called @mr.storyies uploaded an AI Narration of My Series without Permission or any Knowledge

Here’s the upload: TikTok

They didn’t credit me, didn’t link to my story, and removed references to it being an r/nosleep story… I’m assuming to reduce the amount of reports. They never asked permission and uploaded without my knowledge… and they didn’t even have the decency to upload my edited version that fixed things either lmao.

I also looked at their page… and it’s FILLED with uncredited Reddit stories. So if I were you, I’d report them, and you should look to see if your stories have been uploaded as well without permission

21:49 UTC


Truth World channel narrations

As someone that is gravitating in these circles im just a bit curious.

There is this channel in spanish
https://www.youtube.com/@TruthWorldEs/videos that seems to be AI narrating, no biggie i narrate some myself.

The issue is im not seeing any links or drops to either the thread or the authors which is curious to say the least and might even lead one to think that its... well, being done without permission.

For example I see stories from authors here such as:

u/BlairDaniels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqCX6JKZDik

u/DoverHawk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-ZXEnBN0lA

u/dollcollective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jju9GRXYW38

u/Silvester_Spooly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daCDRjXoG18&t=1s

Now im just wondering if yall are on board with this, if you are thats fine I might ask some of your stories in the future since they look popular, but I just think its good practice to have your names and threads linked.

Anyway yall have a good night.

20:25 UTC


Russian blogger stole the story r/nosleep

This channel stole the story "I spent 3 years in a prison school" and passed it off as his own. I'm not the author, I just saw this video. This video is in Russian


20:59 UTC


Grandpa's Horror Stories Channel Theft

A channel named Grandpa's Horror Stories on YouTube has stolen two of my stories. I am filing my own DMCA claims, but other writers may want to check and see if any of their work has been used without permission as well.


1 Comment
17:10 UTC


YouTube channel "The Horror Zone" uploaded an AI-voiced narration of my entire story without my consent nor knowledge

Their channel:


The video:


My original post:


I am curious if any of their videos are posted with consent? They have 1.5k subscribers with almost 500 videos and almost 500k views. There is no crediting on their videos as well

18:48 UTC


r/Booktopia and it's mods abusing crosspost feature to steal stories and pretend like the author has given them permission with fake comments (likely bot)

16:29 UTC


YouTube channel narrating my story without permission or credit


Hi, sorry I'm a new author so I'm unsure of what to do beyond posting here and reporting the channel. They are a newer channel and none of their videos credit the author (I recognize almost all of the titles from nosleep). My story has also been included and I was not contacted or credited.

Do I need to make a copyright claim? Do I need to make an account for my penname in order to address this without doxing myself?

06:59 UTC


YouTuber translating and narrating stories without source nor permission

I noticed that the YouTuber in question was translating the stories and then narrating them onto his channel.

Many authors don't even know it's happening, and they're likely to speak up themselves.

No sources, nothing.


08:05 UTC


Creekyhours changed my story and didn't give me credit

So I know his name has come up numerous times for using people's stories without permission, and he always apologizes and either credits them or takes it down. This time he's gone too far. He asked me permission to narrate my stories. I told him he could narrate 3, he narrated 6, then apologized and promised he'd communicate better. I suggested a few of my other stories and he said he'd take a look. When I posted about somebody stealing my story and rewriting it, a very helpful redditor shared a link to his TikTok version of my story. I messaged him on here, and he apologized and took it down, admitting he was the one who "changed the first line", and saying he wouldn't do it again. First off, he didn't change the first line, he changed the title, the story itself, and the ending. He also said he only did it to bring more attention to my work, but he didn't credit me in the video OR say anything about how this is a modified version of my story. He's quick to apologize but he doesn't actually care about stealing people's work until he gets called out for it. Asking for forgiveness instead of permission isn't ok, and he's making decent money on his TikTok but not passing the profits to anyone. Avoid, watch his channel for your work or versions of it, and don't give him permission to use your work unless you really don't care what happens to it. I've blocked him from my personal subreddit and blocked his account. I highly suggest if you're a writer you do the same.

*** Creekyhours message in part: "The post is now taken down. I am incredibly sorry, and do not intend to ostracize your hard work away from the story itself. I find that you have written some of the most compelling pieces on the subreddit, and I didn't mean for a problem to start because of this.

The reason for the adjusted first sentence is that, in some cases, I may slightly adjust or alter the hooks of stories in order to allow your stories to reach a wider audience. My only intention by changing the hook would be to give your work more exposure. "

21:00 UTC


Instagram average.reddit.user rewrote and stole my story

My story "My mom kept me safe with a code, she just used it" was not only stolen without permission, but they rewrote it to include incest and fully changed my story, the title, and obviously didn't give me credit. They have a LOT of stories up with not a single credit given. Look for your stories and report infringement.


07:05 UTC


Possible TikToker Not Asking for Permission

I’m not sure if here is the right place to post, but I noticed a TikTok creator with about 115k followers uses stories from r/TwoSentenceHorror to create content. She posts almost every day and credits the users, but some of them are “u/deleted” so it makes me think she’s not asking for permission to use the stories.

If anyone wants to check the account to make sure their story isn’t stolen, the TikTok username is @modern.mortisha

19:04 UTC


Youtuber using stories without permission

red owl - YouTube

This YouTuber has used at least one of my stories without permission or attribution. You may want to take a look to make sure they're not using yours as well.

03:22 UTC

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