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    League of legends service down?

    I can’t connect and there’s no service status information. Anyone else having this issue? I get sent into the loading screen and then a white box that asks me to retry or cancel. After pressing retry nothing happens. When I hit cancel, it sends me back to main menu to reconnect.

    03:03 UTC


    Smolder feels extremely weak

    I decided to try out Smolder because I feel like his playstyle is fun and the concept of the champ feels really interesting to me but he just feels absurdly weak atm. Does anyone else feel the same? Even when I get fed I find I never do any damage until I get to those 225 stacks. Even if I get out of laning phase with 4 or 5 kills, my Qs just aren't much of a threat. I feel like, at all times I'm absurdly squishy and vulnerable. If any champ ever closes on me, I'm dead instantly and then even when I position well in a team fight my DPS is pitiful until I get to 225. Even when I hit 225 it doesn't feel like I "turn on" like Kayle and take over the game. It just feels like I'm finally a threat but if a single spell hits me ever, I still just die and landing Qs is so risky as it puts me in dash range of whoever I'm hitting.

    Super early game I feel like I'm able to poke effectively with the W, but then that falls off hard and I go into like this phase from like 7min to 25min where I'm the weakest champ on the map, even if I am ahead in kills and farm.

    On top of that, even when I'm on track to hit 225 around 23-25min, most of the time the game is pretty much over by then. My estimate is the majority of matches the game ends are like 22min just as I hit about 215 stacks so I rarely feel like my output turns on.

    Tanky champs feel just invincible. I was in a match today, I was ahead and had 4 kills. A 0/3 Garen who was going full DPS gear just ran at me and My Qs were hardly even moving his health bar. I might as well have been irrelevant. He could completely ignore me as I was zero threat to him. He just 100 to 0ed me under turret while I desperately tried to kite him, I hit him with 3 or 4 Qs, my W, my E, and my Ult, and I don't think I even did as much damage as one turret shot.

    My feeling with the champ after farming to level 5 with him is that unless I'm wildly skill-gapping the enemy team, I'm much weaker than any other ADC.

    How have other people found him recently? I know he was nerfed after launch, was it too much of a nerf?

    The build path I've been doing is dring -> essence reaver -> cdr boots -> quickblades -> rapid-fire cannon -> spear

    I don't know. Thoughts? Suggestions? Or is Smolder just epic bad at the moment? I main Kog when I ADC, and I feel like once I get an item or two, even if I'm behind, I can start doing spicy damage, and if I get ahead, I'm bringing hell to the enemy team immediately. But with Smolder, I seem to never really do much damage until I'm 5 items and 300 stacks, and even then, I'm not hyper-carrying.

    I'm no expert player by a long shot, high gold on my best day, but regardless, I've never felt so weak on a champ before. Esp in games where I feel like I'm playing really well and managed to be well ahead.

    02:48 UTC


    Can someone tell me if Cash Back is on the full purchase or combined cost?

    If it’s the full cost then a 3000 gold item will return 180 gold. If it is the combine cost then a 300 gold combine cost is 18 gold. Kinda important.

    02:26 UTC


    Who are the best scaling midlaners if they can farm

    Who are the best lategame midlaners when they are allowed to scale? For example against a Malz where they can farm for free

    02:24 UTC


    Adding a way to Space glide without Lethal Tempo.

    Currently on PBE, Lethal Tempo has been completely removed from the game. There is nothing wrong with the removal of Lethal Tempo but it has the unintended side effect of killing space gliding (very high attack speed kiting).

    It would be cool if Riot introduces a way to keep it in the game without keeping lethal tempo. Either the attack speed cap could be increased to 5 or certain abilities like Twitch R, Ashe Q, Master Yi R and Kindred Q should allow you to exceed the attack speed cap.

    Space gliding is one the most fun and coolest thing in the game and it would be incredibly sad to see it disappear.

    02:14 UTC


    World Runes (Precision, Domination, Sorcery, Resolve, Inspiration)

    What does the five runes of league of legends mean in real life? I'm have difficulty in understanding those runes. Can someone enlighten me.

    02:12 UTC


    Test my app for counter picking based on team comps

    There are a lot of websites that provide global winrates and lane matchup winrates, but I wanted an app that considers all of the champions in the game, so I built one: https://champchooser.streamlit.app/

    I'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback on it!

    In case anyone is curious about how it works, I have a crawler that is always scraping the latest games and tracking the LP of players. I periodically use that data to train a pretty simple neural network that takes the following as input:

    1. The champions are chosen for each role
    2. What is the average rank of the players in the game
    3. The patch the game was played on
    4. The region where the game was played

    With all 10 champions, the accuracy is about 56%. Each unknown champion lowers the accuracy by about 0.5%.

    I'm currently serving the predictions from a tiny digital ocean droplet, and I'm using streamlit's free tier for the frontend, so be warned that it may fall over.

    02:11 UTC


    Chinese restaurant chef threatens to poison T1 players.

    After T1 ate at a restaurant in Chengdu their bill was leaked. Chinese netizens found that the restaurant charged T1 more than it usually is.

    The chef of that restaurant posted on their own social media account that if he wants to he can poison T1 players and destroy them. A Taiwanese fan informed T1 about the situation. T1 has notified the staff in Chengdu about the situation.

    Twiter source link

    02:07 UTC


    So why exactly was Crit so forced on Smolder if Navori and ER were going to get changed anyway?

    For those unaware, PBE is changed Navori and ER. Essence Reaver is no longer a sheen item, Navori's AD got replaced for Attack Speed and the dmg amp passive has been deleted.

    These two items are pretty much the most important items for AD Smolder. Navori will arguably be useless on him and ER will be weaker due to the removal of the sheen effect. There were already a very limited amount of crit items that actually function well on Smolder to begin with.

    So if this the direction you plan to go... why force the crit ratio(s) onto Smolder in the first place? To begin with, it never made sense to do so in the first place. Smolder isn't a Marksmen, hes an AD caster who relies on spamming abilities. Forcing him into build crit is fucking bizarre because crit items generally don't give Ability Haste and being an AD Caster, auto attacks are less important for Smolder.

    Like, what truly is the plan around Smolder? Did the development team behind him change halfway into his creation or something? Bro is a mage with Physical Damage and Crit ratios stapled onto him.

    02:02 UTC


    Riot is giving haste to both sunfire items, but what about heartsteel?

    In patch 14.10, Riot is adding Ability Haste to the two Sunfire options. With Sunfire already being the default purchase for many tanks, and now with Heartsteel being one of the only rush items remaining without haste, this makes it even less competitive of a purchase.

    I propose Heartsteel should also be given 15 Ability Haste, perhaps -100 HP to compensate, or perhaps it loses its base health regen in exchange.

    1 Comment
    01:49 UTC


    Best thing about arena is that it is a good and quick warm up before going to ranked

    My reaction time, mechanical skills and attention span are never at optimal level on my first game of the day, and even at worse level whenever i haven't played for few days, so often i have to play game on my smurf for warmup before going to ranked on my main.

    This hasn't been as effective as arena thought, because there are a lot of moments on summoners rift where you just stand still and do nothing, and having to pay attention to ganks and map state doesn't really allow you to go hard on dodging and hitting abilities, while on arena you do this all the time.

    It might seem questionable whether arena is a good warmup, because it doesn't require any map awareness or thinking, and dynamic of fighting in summoner's rift 5 vs 5, while keeping up with gold and having to keep watch on state of map such as vision and where you can fight is completely different than fighting 2 vs 2 in arena.

    It does help waking up your senses such as optimal reaction time, attention span, helping you remember how your characters micro works and your competitive spirit of wanting to win thought, which are the most important things honestly. All the things i mentioned not being part of arena above are not even relevant when thinking about the best and most optimal way to warmup yourself.

    01:40 UTC


    Past season ranked boarder

    I've seen all the past seasons rank boarders except for emerald while in loading screen so far.
    Has the sprite just never been added for loading screen?
    Because I'm able to select it in the boarders tab before you queue for a game..

    01:09 UTC


    Gangplank Unplayable in 14.10?

    Already being in an abysmal state the past few patches and getting run down by pretty much any top laner, the upcoming changes to Essence Reaver, Navori, LDR and runes seem to have sunk my good old pirate down with his ship. Will GP be unplayable next patch?

    View Poll

    01:31 UTC


    If You're Going To Lie About Your Rank, Do It Correctly

    Emerald is full of "smurfs". I am one of them. My peak is Emerald 2, that's my limit. But some of these other guys on their alts, when they have their ego tested, they claim to be a "Masters Smurf". And each and every time, they link one of their other random Emerald accounts and say "Uh, here, this was Masters but decayed down".

    Guys, we can track your LP progress over the course of the season. If you're going to lie about being Masters, then just grab a random Master's account and claim it is your own. No one is going to demand evidence or ask that you log in because even if you are logging in to a Masters account, we're still going to think you're sitting on your friend's account.

    Lose the ego. You aren't good and if you are, your behavior makes you unattractive so whatever superiority you felt from lying about a rank in a video game, it's pretty nonexistent.

    01:22 UTC


    What is your favorite SFX from the game?

    For me it definitely is the sound when you destroy a turret plate, or whenever you claim an objective bounty

    01:14 UTC


    Same Game, Different World, And.. [About T1A Ep.3]

    1 Comment
    01:02 UTC


    An astonishing patch with rune deletions and remakes!

    00:50 UTC


    I don't know what to do to climb

    I'm Iron 4 0 lp and i just don't know what to do anymore. I play Kass and can beat my laner most of the time but then I can't ever get to the spikes because my team nevers lets me get any resources or waves are constantly shoved in, so i've had games where ive been 2-3 levels down when my team is behind even though I beat my laner. What can I do to improve my farm in the mid to late game so I can keep up. I usually try to avoid going really deep into the enemy base because I don't wanna get grouped on but the waves are never being shoved to our base, only to the river.

    00:35 UTC


    Is the new chat system all white colors?

    I just updated my client to version 14.9.580 and suddenly the chats are all colored in white, is this a bug or a new feature? The font is also a bit bolder than before.

    00:24 UTC


    Closest base race I've ever experienced

    00:12 UTC


    Why is Anathema's Chains being removed?

    Sure, this item is situtional, but so are items such as QSS and all Grievous Wounds items and Riot isn't removing them.

    Anathema'a Chains is great in case one enemy is fed and is the only thing on the way of your victory. It also gives insurance against enemies with % health damage (physical or magic, not true damage) because if they have penetration then it is hard to deal with them, as damage reduction then becomes the only way to significantly reduce their damage.

    Unlike old FoN or Adaptive Helm, this item only works against one enemy, so there is no such thing as shutting down an entire team with this item.

    So I ask again, why is Riot removing this item?

    00:06 UTC


    absorb life + fleet/second wind

    the new Split 2 Gameplay Preview teased the "Absorb Life" rune option that will replace overheal. Doesn't this exacerbate the lane sustain option? I feel like we already have so many complaints about dorans shield + second wind, and as much as the preview mentioned this is skewed towards lategame, the preview said it "will still be meaningful in lane". It's just another thing to stack onto fleet/dorans/second wind.

    Just curious what everyone's thoughts on this are.

    00:05 UTC


    Made a Poppy drawing inspired by that one derpy cat picture.

    Inspired by my friend. Made a Poppy drawing using the coughing derpy looking cat as a reference for my painting! Enjoy :)


    1 Comment
    00:01 UTC


    I am done with boosters...

    I have played about 60 games in 4 days. I play with two friends flex queue. We are E2, E2, D2. In almost every game we have a boosted players or even worse (couple goals). Let's focus on the second one. Girl (main supp) and boy (mostly adc) decide to swap their roles because ,,this is so cute". So rest of us is stuck with them for goddamn 30 minutes and the whole games concludes in will we carry or we won't. I am really freakin exhausted with this state of game. I am fed up with all people who purchase/get carried to their ranks to feel better. Why are u doing this to us? Normal players who try to enjoy game. I feel like 60% of total play count is based of peaople who are blinded by memories or cant play anyother game because they cant. Ngl i am furious.
    Happy day to u if u are reading this!
    Sanity deprived,
    Lol player

    23:51 UTC


    NFL teams as champs

    I was thinking about football and wondering what teams have the playstyle or personality of a champ. I was thinking the Titans would be a tanky bruiser like maybe Sion. Chiefs maybe Katarina, no matter what happens you can't count her out from winning at the end. Cowboys definitely Draven so full of themselves. What some that you guys think?

    23:47 UTC


    Abusing Remake Should be punishable.

    Ppl invading getting kills and the other team one disconnects so the match can be avoided because they played bad should be punishable.

    The system was done in case someone doesn't connect to the match or is afk, not to allow a get out jail free card.

    23:45 UTC


    Very nice Baron leash for Skarner

    23:35 UTC


    Is Masters Good?

    Recently I have reached Masters in soloq. It took me a week to get from emerald 4 into masters. It was the first time I ever got there consistently without getting banned. Nobody seems to be impressed by my accomplishment, and masters is being treated like it is something extremely easy. Can someone tell me if my achievement is actually worthwhile, or I am just boasting over nothing?

    23:31 UTC


    Patch 14.9 Bug Megathread

    Greetings Summoners!


    With every new patch Riot introduces to balance out champions and items there are some unforeseen issues that creep up and cause disruption during gameplay. We have noticed that these issues which eventually get fixed clutter up the subreddit immediately following the patch.

    We want to avoid this by having a single Megathread which will be posted after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

    Note only bugs caused by the 14.9 Patch should be reported below.

    Prerequisites to be noted before reporting a bug

    1. A bug will ideally be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.
    2. Steps to recreate the bugs should be submitted if possible. This helps Rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.
    3. The bug must have been caused by the latest patch.

    Format when reporting a bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

    Server: The server you encountered the bug (NA, EUW, EUNE, TR, RU, BR, LAS, LAN etc)

    Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug etc

    Description: Describe what was the bug that occurred.

    Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occurring.

    Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

    Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

    Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above?

    Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10: Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10: Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10: Happens every single time)

    System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

    Example Bug:

    • Server: EUW

    • Type of Bug: In-Game Bug etc

    • Description: Zed's R (Death Mark) does not apply secondary damage

    • Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

    • Reproduction rate: 2/10 (happened 2 out of 10 times)

    • Steps to reproduce:

    Launch a game after selecting Zed as your champion. Attempt to use Death Mark. Observe the result.

    • Expected result: The damage should apply after a short delay, amplified by damage dealt during the effect.

    • Observed result: The damage will not apply properly.

    • System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

    If you don't know how to format comments on Reddit click here

    - **Server:**   
    - **Type of Bug:**   
    - **Description:**   
    - **Video / Screenshot:**   
    - **Steps to reproduce:**   
    - **Expected result:**   
    - **Observed result:**   
    - **Reproduction rate:**   
    - **System specs:**  

    Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

    From this Megathread the list of bugs will not be summarized and put up in the main body of the thread, however, note that many Rioters are going through every single comment so don't worry if you post the 1500th or 3000th comment, every reply will be read over the next few days.

    23:13 UTC

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